Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3973: Li Xuanbing

  Chapter 3973 Li Xuanbing

  At the beginning, Li Xuanbing and Li Guangbo didn't think Chen Xuan's cultivation was so strong, but when they saw the Liaoyuan sword in Chen Xuan's hand, they showed a surprised expression.

what is this?

  They didn’t take a closer look at first, thinking they were ordinary weapons.

  But at this moment, they looked at the long sword in Chen Xuan's hand, and their hearts became even more shocked.

   "Even Lu Wen'an is not my opponent, you still want to **** me, it's ridiculous!" Chen Xuan laughed loudly.

  "Did you kill Lu Wen'an?" Li Guangbo asked suspiciously.

   "He wanted to trouble me too, but unfortunately, his cultivation base was too weak, so I started to kill him." Chen Xuan smiled.

   "I don't believe Lu Wen'an can be killed by you!" Li Xuanbing sneered.

  He didn't think Chen Xuan's cultivation level seemed to be very strong, he was just deliberately scaring them.

   But even so, when they looked at the Liaoyuan sword in Chen Xuan's hand, they still felt a little flustered.

  Is it really Chen Xuan?

  He only met Chen Xuan, and he was not particularly familiar with Chen Xuan's looks.

  Damn it! We are disciples of the Li family anyway, how could we be afraid of an ordinary Wood Sacred Sword Sect warrior.

   "Li Guangbo, let's go together, we must kill him today."

  Li Xuanbing burst out all over his body in an instant, and directly attacked Chen Xuan.

   "Since you want to find death, don't blame me."

   Chen Xuan felt the killing intent on Li Xuanbing's body, and when he saw Li Xuanbing attacking, he shot out with a sword.


  Li Xuanbing's body flew out directly.

  The terrifying breath was released directly, suppressing him to the ground.

   Seeing the other party fall on the ground, Chen Xuan walked over gently and said: "It's really funny, I thought your cultivation is very strong, it's just rubbish!"

  Hearing this, the two Li family martial artists were afraid to speak.

  They have been seriously injured, and they know that Chen Xuan's cultivation level is more than simple.

  Li Xuanbing’s face was full of fear.

   "Damn it, is this kid really Chen Xuan?" Li Xuanbing cursed loudly, thinking that he was unlucky this time.

   Originally thought that this person was somewhat similar to Chen Xuanchang's, but the other party's cultivation base was not weak.

  He knew that he had kicked the iron this time.

  After seeing Li Guangbo, he whispered to Chen Xuan: "This brother, we are disciples of the Li family. We are from Yunxiao City. I think you should know what this means, right?"

  Chen Xuan had already heard it out, and the two of them wanted to use the Li family to suppress him.

   "So, what do you mean?" Chen Xuan said lightly.

   "Please look at the face of the Li family, let us off once, we didn't mean it."

  "The Li Family? Haha, you didn't seem to put me in your eyes at all just now." Chen Xuanchi laughed and said, "I am Chen Yungui of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect. Do you think I will be afraid of the Li Family?"

   "Chen could it be possible, it's not like it..."

   "Brother Chen, if you kill us, the Li family will not let you go from the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect." Li Guangbo lowered his voice and said.

"Stop talking nonsense, our Wooden Sacred Sword Sect is not easy to provoke, and our Sword Sect elders have already said that when the secret realm is closed this time, the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect will launch an attack on your Li family, haha, You Li Family Sect for so many years, there must be many good treasures." Chen Xuan said softly.

  After hearing this, Li Guangbo and Li Xuanbing's expressions were immediately green, and the two of them said in a low voice: "Brother Chen, we really don't know that you are Chen Yungui. I'm really sorry, how can you let us go?"

  "Leave you?" A turbulent aura erupted around Chen Xuan's body.

  The bodies of Li Guangbo and Li Xuanbing were immediately repelled by two steps.

  The faces of the two of them were green, and they began to think in their hearts, why did Chen Yungui cultivate here?

  Are Chen Xuan and Chen Yungui cousins, otherwise why do they look so similar...

  At this moment, the two of them are also deeply regretful, why bother to provoke Chen Xuan.

  "What to do..." Li Xuanbing didn't know what to do.

  Li Guangbo heard the words and gently grasped the sound transmission jade pendant in the space ring.

  He spread the news that he was in danger to all the disciples of the Li family.

"You are Chen Yungui, right? Although I know that you are the chief disciple of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect, our Li family is not easy to provoke and want to kill me? I have already passed the news to all the disciples of the Li family, if you Dare to kill the two of us, all the disciples of our Li family will not let you go." Li Guangbo said.

   "Hehe, it's really the funniest joke I've heard. It seems that you two are threatening me?"

  Chen Xuan’s pupils were full of killing intent.

  Suddenly a flame was released from his hand, and Chen Xuan strode over.

   Immediately after taking out the Liaoyuan sword, he walked towards Li Guangbo and Li Xuanbing step by step.

   Seeing the breath released from Chen Xuan's body, Li Guangbo trembled and said, "Don't! Don't kill me, are you Chen Xuan? I know Li Qiuyu..."

   Originally, Chen Xuan wanted to kill Li Guangbo and Li Xuanbing, but when he heard the other party recognize his identity.

  He has already sentenced the two to death.

  But the name Li Qiuyu surprised Chen Xuan's face.

  As he calculated in his heart, the red breath of the long sword in his hand stopped for an instant, and then, Chen Xuan’s pupils were full of heat and excitement.

  He looked at Li Guangbo calmly from a distance.

   "Li Qiuyu?"

  "Are you really Chen Xuan? Impossible, he can't have such a strong strength." Li Guangbo was originally an emergency student and called out Chen Xuan's name.

   But now seeing the other party's reaction, he decided that this person must be Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan suddenly said, "You said, where is Li Qiuyu?"

   "Chen Xuan, is it really him?"

   Even Li Xuanbing, who was watching, felt shocked in his heart.

  The shock Chen Xuan brought to them back then...

  "Tell me, where is Li Qiuyu?" Chen Xuan said coldly.

   "Chen Xuan, you are definitely Chen Xuan. Only you would care about that girl so much." Li Guangbo suddenly laughed when he saw Chen Xuan's anxious expression.

  At this moment, Li Guangbo even forgot that Chen Xuan could kill him at any time.

   Chen Xuan was very upset when the other party suddenly laughed.

  He didn’t even realize that he was still in danger.

  The Liaoyuan sword in Chen Xuan's hand instantly swung out a sword aura.

With a swish, Li Xuanbing died instantly.

  "Tell me, where is Li Qiuyu?" Chen Xuan roared angrily.

  At this moment, Li Guangbo looked at Chen Xuan, his body trembling constantly.

  He finally got a little scared.

  This is no wonder, after all, the breath that Chen Xuan exudes is really terrifying.

  Li Guangbo trembled all over, he could only say: "Chen Xuan, if I say, can you spare my life?"

   "Don't give up your face." Chen Xuan shouted again.

   "Li Qiuyu, I belong to the Li family...I think you should know it too." Li Guangbo's body began to tremble constantly.

   But at this moment, there was a fierce roar in the distance.

   "Chen Xuan, you are looking for death."

  This roar made Chen Xuan look into the distance with some surprise, and on the distant mountains, Mo Yuntian, the chief disciple of the Tianyun Sect, appeared.

   Suddenly, Li Guangbo thought about the law, and then his figure flashed, and he hurried directly under the mountain.

   "Mo Yuntian, save me." Li Guangbo roared loudly.

   Seeing Li Guangbo escape, Chen Xuan held the Liaoyuan sword in his hand and pursued Li Guangbo.

  If Li Guangbo was rescued by Mo Yuntian, he would definitely tell him his identity. At that time, Chen Xuan would definitely be in danger.

  Once the opponent leaves the unsuccessful secret realm, endless crises await him.

  So Chen Xuan definitely can't let him go.

  The power of the dragon pattern was instantly displayed, which increased Chen Xuan's speed several times.

   Then a flaming Suzaku fire went directly into Li Guangbo’s head.


  The flames began to burn Li Guangbo quickly.

   Seeing Chen Xuan attack Li Guangbo, Mo Yuntian hurried over.

  When he rushed over, he suddenly shouted angrily: "Boy, stop me now!"

  Li Guangbo wanted to tell Mo Yuntian of Chen Xuan’s identity. If Chen Xuan’s identity was revealed, even if he was killed, he would be able to smile at Jiuquan.

  But before he could finish his words, the power of Suzaku's fire suddenly broke out.

  At this time, his arms were swallowed by flames.

  Li Guangbo felt the pain in his heart. He originally wanted to resist, but he was pierced by Chen Xuan's sword in the next second, and instantly lost his breath of life.

  At the moment when Chen Xuan killed Li Guangbo, his body turned into a black light and fled towards the distance.

  Damn it!

  Mo Yuntian was extremely angry, he roared, and then the long sword in his hand burst out with a fierce light, and moved in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  A fierce sword aura swallowed directly where Chen Xuan's body stood.


  Chen Xuan raised his sword and began to resist.

  With his body as the center of gravity, a big hole appeared.

   "Are you Chen Xuan? Dare to kill my Tianyun Sect disciple, I must kill you today." Mo Yuntian roared angrily.

  "Very good! If I guess right, you are Mo Yuntian, right?"

  Chen Xuan looked at Mo Yuntian and said in a cold voice.

  With Chen Xuan's current strength, he would not be afraid of Mo Yuntian, and Chen Xuan had been waiting for Mo Yuntian's arrival.

   "Hehe, great, I really want to know how you deal with me." Mo Yuntian said coldly.


  Mo Yuntian's voice fell, and in an instant, from the center of his body, weird red lights wafted out.

  Chen Xuan could see that he exploded with an extremely powerful aura.

  A warrior at the second peak of the Divine Soul Realm, this is the first time Chen Xuan has played against such a strong master.

  Even though Mo Yuntian's cultivation is very strong, Chen Xuan is not afraid at all.

  After all, he now has the inheritance of Long Tianpo.

After seeing Mo Yuntian's fierce attack, Chen Xuan grasped the Liaoyuan Sword in his hand, and there was a hot breath in his body, which was the power of the Vermillion Bird.

The fourth stage of   Suzaku swordsmanship was directly urged to the extreme by Chen Xuan.

  Liaoyuan sword suddenly shot a fierce red sword light.


   Sword Qi tore through the air, and instantly killed Mo Yuntian.

  (End of this chapter)

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