Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3980: Dragon Power

  Chapter 3980 Dragon Power

  At this critical moment, Chen Xuan's body took two steps back, and then he continued to talk with Long Tianpo in his mind.

   "Senior, although this guy's strength is not particularly strong, but he has displayed this technique, which really poses a threat to me." Chen Xuan said.

"This exercise is nothing in my eyes. It's just a **** exercise. Anyway, you spent so long without killing him. It's really shameful, it's really lost. my face……"

  Chen Xuan thought, no one knew that your Dragon Heaven was broken in the Liaoyuan Sword, so why did you lose his face?

  But Chen Xuan only dared to think about it in his heart. After all, Long Tianpo's cultivation base is indeed very strong. Since the other party has already spoken, it means that he must be given some help.

   "Senior Long Tianpo, I want to solve him, and it will take some time. Would you like to give me a tip?" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

"Let me show you a way? How can I help you solve it for so long? The person who helped you solve the blood demon sect before has consumed a lot of my essence. This kid is not worth worrying about. Your current strength can handle it!" Long Tianpo said angrily.

  Chen Xuan laughed, but he didn't take it to heart.

  However, Song Wenzhen saw Chen Xuan’s smile just now. He felt that Chen Xuan was deliberately mocking himself.

   "Chen Xuan, what are you laughing at? Believe it or not..." Song Wen was really angry.

   Chen Xuan replied: "What's wrong? Can't I even laugh today?"

   "You obviously didn't see me in your eyes, I must kill you today!" Song Wenzhen yelled and rushed towards Chen Xuan quickly.

  At this time, Chen Xuan heard the voice of Long Tianpo in his mind again.

   "Boy, quickly solve it for me. Don't waste so much time with him. You hit it and you hit it. In the end, you still have to use the Liaoyuan sword. I keep hearing crackling sounds. How do you let me rest?"

   Chen Xuan thought, Long Tianpo stayed in the Liaoyuan Sword, and he could still hear the sound of him fighting Song Wenzhen.

  "I'm really sorry..." Chen Xuan was also helpless.

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, Long Tianpo said impatiently: "Ah, kid, don't talk so much nonsense, quickly get him out of it, if you are wasting time, I will be rude to you!"

  Chen Xuan also knew in his heart that the reason Long Tianpo said this was probably because he was a bit bored in the Liaoyuan Sword, so he wanted to stimulate him.

  Long Tianpo knew that Chen Xuan's strength had improved a lot, and after reaching the second stage of the Divine Soul Realm, few people were his opponents.

  In this entire missing Secret Realm, it is enough to crush any opponent.

  Even if the top chief disciples of the three major sects gathered together, Chen Xuan could slip away in front of them without suffering any injury.

  In the face of Song Wen's crazy attack, Chen Xuan always seemed comfortable, but he also knew that he could not continue to delay, otherwise it was likely to attract the chief disciples of other sects.

  When Chen Xuan wants to kill Song Wenzhen, it will be difficult for him to climb into the sky.

   "Chen Xuan, after I kill you, your sword will belong to me!"

  He knew that the blade in Chen Xuan's hand was very rare. If he could get the Liaoyuan Sword, he would surely be able to sell a lot of spirit stones.

After Chen Xuan heard this, his pupils were full of murderous intent.

  When the killing interest emerged, the next moment, the Liaoyuan sword in Chen Xuan's hand swung out in an instant.


  Suzaku Swordsmanship is on display for the fourth time.

  The majestic sword light suddenly emerged, and a horrible aura directly shocked the world.

  All the disciples showed surprised expressions.

   "Oh my god, this power is really too strong. What realm has this Chen Xuan's cultivation reached? I am afraid that our senior is really not his opponent."

   "The sword energy that Chen Xuan showed just now, you must have reached the peak of the second level of the Shenluo realm. When this sword light bombards the heavenly soul palm, I am afraid that our seniors will be in danger."

Several disciples began to talk in a low voice. From their contempt for Chen Xuan at the beginning, to the powerful strength that Chen Xuan has exploded, they can infer from their hearts that if Song Wenzhen did not defeat Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan would definitely treat him. He was killed.

   "I hope our brother will kill Chen Xuan as soon as possible, otherwise, we will all be in danger."

  While they were talking, Chen Xuan broke the Heavenly Soul Palm in an instant.

  The palms of wind that had been gaining momentum in the air were turned into a mass of ashes in an instant, but now Chen Xuan has not exerted his full power.

  Chen Xuan's face always had a plain expression, he just looked at Song Wenzhen with a faint smile, but his pupils were full of mockery.

   "Song Wenzhen, it seems that your strength is not very good, you can't even hold up this trick of mine, I thought you could play a few more rounds with me, huh..."

  Song Wenzhen couldn't hear it, Chen Xuan was ridiculing him.

  As the chief disciple of a sect, he actually lost to an unknown little man, which made Song Wenzhen unbearable.

   "Chen Xuan, you don't talk coldly here, I was just testing you just now, if you really fight, how could you be my opponent!"

  In spite of this, Song Wenzhen really panicked in his heart. He vaguely felt that Chen Xuan's strength had not fully exploded, otherwise his chances of winning were indeed very slim.

   "Damn Chen Xuan, I will never let you succeed!"


  A blue light burst out of Song Wenzhen’s pupils again, and a fierce aura was suddenly released, but just as he was about to launch an attack, a sword aura exuding flames violently killed his body.

  Song Wenzhen was forced to retreat.

   "How is this possible?" His pupils were filled with shock.

  "Is this kid's cultivation really that strong already?"

  Song Wen really thought that his cultivation level could completely crush Chen Xuan, and his power to display the Heavenly Soul Palm was already very powerful, but there was no way to suppress Chen Xuan.

  What he thought at first was that after only exhibiting this palm technique, even if there is no way to kill Chen Xuan, it can still cause Chen Xuan to be seriously injured.

  But now, it seems that Chen Xuan is not only uninjured, and the attack launched has become more fierce, Song Wen really missed himself. The idea is too naive.

   "I don't believe, why is this Chen Xuan's cultivation level so strong? Where did he come from..."

After seeing Chen Xuan's swordsmanship, Song Wenzhen psychologically inferred that Chen Xuan was probably a disciple of Jianyuezong, but now, Chen Xuan has not displayed the swordsmanship of Jianyuezong, which makes him a little puzzled. Up.

  As a disciple of the Sword Moon Sect, why are all the exercises of other sects on display?

  "This kid should not be a disciple of Jianyuezong, no, no matter what kind of person he is, I will definitely not be defeated today. As long as I display the Heavenly Soul Control, I can definitely kill this kid."

  Song Wenzhen roared, and there was a burst of horror in front of him. At this time, he madly urged the surrounding heaven and earth aura.

  A puff of aura kept gathering in his body, and now Song Wenzhen must display his unique skills.

  If he didn't use this trick, he might really be killed by Chen Xuan, but now it's a matter of life and death, he doesn't dare to have any reservations anymore.

  The ultimate move of the Heavenly Soul's palm technique is extremely terrifying, and this kind of palm technique itself is very staunch.

  I only saw a raging wind in the sky continuously gathering.

Song Wenzhen’s pupils were full of killing intent. He stared at Chen Xuan coldly and said, “Chen Xuan, what I am showing is the last move of this palm technique. Can't stop it."

   "If you can't stop it, you are going to die here today. Don't blame me for not reminding you!"

  In the next instant, Song Wenzhen carried a fierce air current in his hands, and bursts of overwhelming aura continued to surround him.

   Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan lowered his eyes because he did feel the danger.

"What a strong breath, the power of this palm technique, I have already heard about it, I didn't expect to see it today..." As soon as Chen Xuan's voice fell, he saw the breath gathering in the sky, madly moving towards him. The body was compressed.

  The speed of this breath was very fast, and Chen Xuan could only resist desperately.

  Song Wenzhen yelled, the light in the air squeezed towards Chen Xuan.

   "Hahahaha, you still want to run, you can't run away today, because I will definitely kill you!"

  As Song Wen’s true voice just fell, Chen Xuan was no longer prepared to have any reservations.

  He knew that Song Wenzhen was the chief disciple of a sect after all, and his cultivation had reached the second level of the Divine Soul Realm. The opponent's desperate fight would most likely cause Chen Xuan to be seriously injured.

  The power of dragon...

  Chen Xuan murmured, and then his body was filled with a layer of light red light patterns, these patterns greatly increased Chen Xuan's defense.

  A disciple saw the changes in Chen Xuan's body, and they exclaimed again.

   "Chen Xuan actually cultivated the power of dragon patterns?"

  "He won't be a member of the Dragon Blood Empire, right? Why can he master the power of dragon marks?"

  Chen Xuan did not use the fourth stage of the Suzaku Sword Technique, but instead used the power of the dragon pattern.

  The power of the dragon pattern can increase Chen Xuan's defense power by more than two times, and the dragon pattern stone stele that Chen Xuan found before has increased Chen Qu's strength by five times.

   Now Chen Xuan's physical strength has already reached the peak of this state.

  And also realized the spirit of God.

  No matter what kind of attack Song Wenzhen launches against Chen Xuan, he can guarantee that he will not suffer any injuries.

"Song Wenzhen, I really thought that with this palm technique, I could be killed. You can only say that what you think is too simple. Today I will let you know what is true strength." Chen Xuan laughed Said.


  A fierce breath radiated from Chen Xuan's body again.

  Only saw Chen Xuan's body in front, a trembling soul breath, constantly surrounding him.

  (End of this chapter)

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