Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3984: The danger of Black Cloud Gate

  Chapter 3984 The danger of the Black Cloud Gate

  No wonder the Blood Demon Sect has been hiding in the dark all these years, unless it is under certain circumstances that the strong of the Blood Demon Sect will come forward.

  After more than one hundred years, the warriors of the Blood Demon Sect seemed to have disappeared, and only Chen Xuan could discover the remnants of the Blood Demon Sect in some accidental place.

  They would never show up in front of the world blatantly.

  At the moment, the plan of these blood demon sect warriors is definitely not that simple.

  He guessed that the overlord of the Blood Demon Sect is likely to hide in the unsuccessful realm.

  The independent space that Chen Xuan entered at the beginning must have been left by the Blood Demon Sect Master.

"If what I think is true, it means that the Blood Demon Sect must have left a lot of guards in this unexplored secret realm. If what I think is wrong, let him continue wrong..." Chen Xuan's There was a cold sweat on his head.

  If there are really many remnants of the Blood Demon Sect here, Chen Xuan's strength alone would definitely not be their opponent.

  Even in the face of Song Wenzhen, Chen Xuan must be cautious, because the strength of the chief disciple of these two-star sects is indeed not weak.

  If they were united together, Chen Xuan would have no chance of winning at all.

  All of a sudden, several disciples of sects suddenly started talking, and they also felt the changes in Song Wenzhen's body, and this power was still increasing.

   "No, what is the origin of Song Wenzhen? Why did he practice the blood demon sect?"

   "Impossible, the breath of the Blood Demon Sect has appeared. There will be no people from the Blood Demon Sect nearby, right?"

  These disciples suddenly panicked.

  If there are real blood demon sect warriors appearing in the unexplored realm, they are likely to be assassinated.

  A disciple suddenly took out a jade pendant, he wanted to send the news to the chief disciple of his sect as soon as possible.

   But the next moment, Song Wenzhen looked at him savagely, showing a cruel smile.

   "Boy, you still want to send the message, do you think you still have a chance?"

  Since the matter is over, Song Wenzhen will never keep it anymore. He must kill all the people who are secret to him to ensure that the news will not spread.

  At the beginning, he thought that he could easily kill Chen Xuan even if he didn't use the techniques of the Bleeding Demon Sect, but he was forced to a desperate situation by Chen Xuan.

  If he doesn't use this technique, he will definitely be killed by Chen Xuan.

  Instead of letting himself be killed, Song Wenzhen might as well expose the secret.

  He believed that after he performed the bleeding demon sect's exercises, whether it was Chen Xuan or the disciples of other sects, he would definitely be killed by him.

  At this moment, after feeling the breath emanating from the opponent's body, Chen Xuan didn't dare to neglect anymore. He knew that the blood demon technique displayed by the opponent was extremely powerful, and if he was not careful, he might kill him.

   "What? I didn't expect Song Wenzhen to be related to the Blood Demon Sect. What happened, we are decent people!"

"There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. It must be the breath of the Blood Demon Sect. The pressure of this breath is really too strong. Could it be that the Black Cloud Sect has colluded with the Blood Demon Sect? This is simply impossible. They are somehow famous. Decent, why did you collude with the people of the magic door?"

   "No wonder his skill suddenly increased. It turned out to be in collusion with the people of the Blood Demon Sect. Could it be that his cultivation was so strong before because of the assistance of the people of the Blood Demon Sect?"

   "Damn Black Cloud Gate, they are so hateful, I absolutely can't let him go today!" And many other disciples began to yell, their eyes fell on Song Wenzhen.

   "You’re right, Song Wenzhen actually colluded with the Blood Demon Sect. Did he forget that happened 100 years ago?"

  A hundred years ago, the people of the Blood Demon Sect attacked the entire Yunxiao Mansion, large and small sects.

  None of the sects escaped the murder of the Blood Demon Sect. Although the Sword Moon Sect suffered the most damage, many elders among the other sects were also killed.

  The appearance of the Blood Demon Sect is very short-lived, they have only been rampant for hundreds of years, just like a flash in the pan.

   However, the battle triggered by the Blood Demon Sect kept the entire Yunxiao Mansion unforgettable. Not only did the families of many people shattered, but also the overall strength of the entire Yunxiao Mansion’s martial arts was greatly reduced.

  Whether it is Yunxiao Mansion or the Kamikaze Empire, they are all threatened by the rise of the Blood Demon Sect.

  Now, Palace Master Yunxiao Mansion will never allow the Blood Demon Sect to flourish again, including several three-star sects of Yunxiao Mansion.

  If the Blood Demon Sect rises again, Yunxiao Mansion will definitely fall into a **** storm.

  The disciples of these sects don't want to let their lives fall in the hands of the blood demon sect warriors.

   "Ah... this Song Wenzhen, I even wanted you to win at the beginning, I should be pressing on Chen Xuan!"

  These warriors changed their faces after seeing Song Wenzhen displaying the blood demon sect technique.

   "Why did you say that Chen Xuan wanted to kill Song Wenzhen? Does he already know that the other party has practiced the blood demon sect's exercises, is this killing harm for the people?"

   "Maybe this is true. We have always blamed Chen Xuan before. Chen Xuan, you must kill this mess, and don't let him walk out of the unsuccessful realm alive!"

   "Song Wenzhen, you really embarrassed our school!"

   "That's right, you really lose the face of our Yunxiao Mansion warrior."

  At this moment, several disciples who belonged to the same sect as Song Wenzhen, immediately separated from him.

  They really didn’t know that Song Wenzhen had cultivated the blood demon sect, nor did they know the collusion between his sect and the blood demon sect.

But when they saw Song Wenzhen displayed this technique, no matter how stupid these disciples were, they could figure it out. If they don’t get rid of Song Wenzhen as soon as possible, then they will definitely be killed by Chen Xuan. .

   "Now you are pretending to be innocent. Didn't you still support Song Wenzhen before? I think you must be in contact with Song Wenzhen!"

  "You are right, wow, you people are really mean, you have practiced the blood demon sect's techniques, Brother Chen Xuan, you must kill them all, cut the grass and roots!"

   "Yes, yes..."

  As soon as these words came out, several warriors suddenly showed a panic expression, and they immediately knelt on the ground.

   "You are wrong to blame us, we have nothing to do with Song Wenzhen, because he has cultivated the blood demon sect, are you going to kill me?"

  Chen Xuan glanced at them coldly. He knew that these people must have participated in the war against Jianyuezong, so he would definitely not give up these people.

   "Don't say so much, after I kill Song Wenzhen, you all can't run away!"

  For a while, the disciples of other sects were all supporting Chen Xuan, and at the same time they were also on the same front as Chen Xuan.

  Because they knew that if Chen Xuan didn't help them kill Song Wenzhen, no one could stop the opponent.

  Song Wenzhen’s cultivation level has reached the second level of Divine Soul, and he has also practiced the blood demon sect. He has further breakthroughs in his cultivation, and even reached the peak of the second level of the Shenluo realm.

  On this mountain range, no one can stop Song Wenzhen.

  If there are exceptions, it is Chen Xuan.

   "Chen Xuan, don't waste time with him anymore, you will kill Song Wenzhen soon, this guy actually took refuge in the Blood Demon Sect, we must kill him..."

   "You are right, Yunxiao Mansion will also kill him for our sake. I definitely can't let this kind of people continue to be rampant."

  Chen Xuan wanted to laugh very much in his heart. These people just encouraged him to kill Song Wenzhen, but they were indifferent.

  At this moment, a red blood mist suddenly appeared in one of Song Wenzhen's arms, and this breath gathered around his broken arm.

  It didn't take long for his broken arm to grow out immediately, and blood was dripping from above, and blood was constantly bleeding.

   "It's terrible, he can grow his broken arm out of thin air. This is the power of the blood demon sect..."

   "Although the magic method of the magic door is very powerful, but it is always in danger when practicing. If he fails to control this power, I suspect that Song Wenzhen will definitely go crazy and die..."

  "Don't worry about so much, Chen Xuan, you should kill him as soon as possible. We have to discuss, what should we do next!" A warrior said.

  Chen Xuan directly ignored them, but these disciples were still discussing.

  Chen Xuan looked at them very disdainfully.

   "Are you ordering me?"

   "Hey, Brother Chen Xuan, how dare we order you..." the disciple said in a panic.

"Brother Chen Xuan, you also know that the people of the Blood Demon Sect appeared in this unexplored secret realm, which means that many people in their sect have practiced the blood demon sect. Can you tolerate him?" The disciple stared at Chen Xuan and said.

  Chen Xuan said, "Even if you don't tell me, I will kill him."

   "Long live Chen Xuan!"

  "Fortunately, there is him, although I don’t know what kind of disciple he is, but if he wasn’t there today, we must have been killed by Song Wenzhen..."

   "This Song Wen really pretends to be quite alike. He is simply the scum of our Yunxiao Mansion. If he is not killed, he will definitely absorb all our efforts in the end..."

  These disciples began to recall that if it weren't for Chen Xuan's probing of Song Wenzhen's true face, they would definitely be killed by Song Wenzhen.

  I have to say that Chen Xuan can be said to be unintentional.

  At first, he just wanted to come here to avenge Jianyuezong, but he didn't expect Song Wenzhen to practice the blood demon sect.

  This is a godsend.

  Chen Xuan will not let go of the opportunity to kill Song Wenzhen...

  (End of this chapter)

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