Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 4006: A ruin

  Chapter 4006 A Ruin

  There was no movement in the lake, but Chen Xuan felt a bad breath.

"Let’s go around, but I don’t know what's in it." Chen Xuangang wanted to go around, and saw the bottom of the lake continue to roll. The originally calm lake was like hot water boiling. In general, hot bubbles began to emerge one after another.

  This ruin is under the ground, and as a result, there is actually a small lake here.

  Chen Xuan can guess that even if he doesn’t use his brain to think, this must be the territory of a monster.

  In other words, this must be the place where the strong blood demon sect lives.

  In line with the principle that more is worse than less, Chen Xuan still wants to leave here, but he is startled.

   Suddenly, a shocking force swept away from the bottom of the lake, and this breath immediately surrounded Chen Xuan's body.

Chen Xuan’s face was full of surprise. He didn’t expect the power of this breath to be so terrifying. If it weren’t because he displayed the power of the dragon pattern as resistance, I’m afraid the ripples raised by this power would directly knock him away Get out.

  What a strong power, he must be the elder of a Blood Demon Sect...

  Chen Xuan immediately took out the long sword, and then stared at the lake coldly. At this moment, an old man in a red robe suddenly appeared, his face was full of a hideous smile.

   "Good boy, you have the guts to find this place, do you know where it is?" the elder of the Blood Demon Sect said loudly.

  Chen Xuan sneered: "I care where you are. Since I met you, I will kill you directly today."

   "What a big tone, do you know who I am?" The elder of the Blood Demon Sect was very arrogant, his eyes always emitting a red light.

  Chen Xuan felt like he was locked by a poisonous snake.

  "I care who you are. Since I met you today, don't want to leave here."

"Hahaha, kid, you are really arrogant, do you really think I can't kill you?" The elder of the Blood Demon Sect laughed wildly, and then a wave of terror gathered on his body. The breath, this power instantly suppressed Chen Xuan.

   After feeling the opponent's attack, Chen Xuan's body immediately retreated a few steps toward the back, and then waved a sword aura, which directly blocked the opponent's attack.

  In this round, Chen Xuan did not have the upper hand, but the elder of the Blood Demon Sect, but he did not benefit from Chen Xuan.

   He stared at Chen Xuan with a cold gaze, and then pressed his throat and said, “What is your origin? I didn’t expect you to catch my blow. It seems that your strength is not as weak as I thought.

  Chen Xuan said with a smile: "There are so many things you can't think of, let me die!"

In the next second, Chen Xuan directly displayed the power of thousands of swordsmanship. A burst of red sword light surrounded his body, floating fast, and a fierce energy instantly hit the blood demon elder. Body.


  The body of the elder of the Blood Demon Sect took two steps directly back, with a puzzled expression on his face, as if he was also thinking about what kind of disciple Chen Xuan was.

  No matter what, he felt the very essence of the power of the soul from Chen Xuan. If he could absorb Chen Xuan's cultivation base, his strength would definitely be improved.

"Very well, the power of this kid is very pure. I have to find a way to absorb all of his cultivation base. Hey, hey, my cultivation will be restored by then, as long as my strength can break through. , The Sect Master can be resurrected as soon as possible!"

  Only saw blood red light wafting from the blood demon elder's body, and then this breath rushed towards Chen Xuan's direction frantically.

  Chen Xuan roared, he immediately swung his long sword, creating a blade hurricane.


   Sword Qi directly hit the body of the elder of the Blood Demon Sect, and directly squeezed his body out.

  Two fierce sword auras in a row instantly blocked the movements of the blood demon elder, causing a shocked expression on his face.

   "What a terrible power, what kind of swordsmanship does this kid display? Why I have never seen it before..."

Although the Blood Demon Sect was very rampant in Yunxiao Mansion at the beginning, they had never been in contact with Wanjian Villa. Naturally, they didn't know that Chen Xuan was showing the swordsmanship of Wanjian Villa.

  After seeing the Thousand Thousand Sword Art, his face clearly showed a shocked expression.

  Sword aura began to continuously wash away the last gust of wind in the sky. Even though the blood demon elder had a strong cultivation base, there were still several more wounds on his body.

  The continuous sword light confuses the eyes of the blood demon elder. Just when he thought Chen Xuan had disappeared, a fierce sword aura cut directly towards his body.


The elder of the Blood Demon Sect was full of horror, because the sword aura that Chen Xuan exploded was too powerful.

   "What kind of disciple is this kid? Why can he perform such an evil technique..."

In this short instant, Chen Xuan’s sword aura had left several scars on the blood demon elder. Even though he thought he was very strong, when facing Chen Xuan’s attack, He still felt stretched.

  Suddenly Chen Xuan saw the space ring flashing red, and the little firebird appeared instantly.

  With the thunder, the little flamingo appeared directly in front of a poisonous snake, then opened its paws, and instantly caught the poisonous snake into the air.

   "It seems that this poisonous snake is your demon pet, but unfortunately you didn't expect that I also have a demon pet, and I just restrained you!" Chen Xuan laughed coldly.

  At the beginning, he hadn't reacted yet. The poisonous snake had always been hidden in the dark and wanted to sneak attack on Chen Xuan. Fortunately, the little Firebird had reacted in time and killed the poisonous snake directly.

  With the assistance of the little Firebird in the air, and the continuous waving of the long sword in Chen Xuan's hand, one after another blocked the blood demon elder's pace. Finally, after three rounds, Chen Xuan had the upper hand.


  A fierce sword aura directly killed the elder of the Blood Demon Sect, and the blood immediately dripped to the ground.

After killing the elder of the Blood Demon Sect, Chen Xuan immediately fled towards the distance.

  He knew that there must be a lot of blood demon sect warriors here. If all these people gathered, it would definitely pose a lot of threats to Chen Xuan.

  Fortunately, Chen Xuan ran fast. Not long after he left, several blood demon sect warriors wearing ochre red robes immediately appeared nearby. After observing here for a period of time, they immediately came to a conclusion.

   "Unexpectedly, a disciple of the Sword Moon Sect appeared."

   "How do you know that he is from the Sword Moon Sect?"

   "I have been in contact with him before. This kid can display a very strange flame. You must be cautious. He is very strong."

  "Do you know his name?"

   "I don't know what his name is, but I only know that his strength is terrible..."

  Chen Xuan didn't know that his identity had been exposed, but because even if these Blood Demon Sect people recognized him, it would not help.

  After all, the Blood Demon Sect has no connection with the various martial sects.

  Even if they told the disciples of these sects of Chen Xuan's identity, I am afraid that these disciples would not believe it.

All the sects of the entire Yunxiao Mansion already knew what happened to Jianyue Sect. This incident was reported to a great extent. Although not many people still know about it, the news that Jianyue Sect was eliminated, The warriors of the various sects are already clear.

  They would definitely not believe that Chen Xuan could survive.

   After all, Chen Xuan was just an unknown little disciple in Jianyuezong, which was fundamentally different from Wang Qiangyun.

  Wang Qiangyun was the chief disciple of Jianyuezong anyway. He rushed to the Demon Wind Empire with a few disciples of Jianyuezong. It was because of him that the other Jianyuezong disciples were not killed.

  At this time, Chen Xuan began to search for the inheritance magic weapon in the ruins.

  Since the ruins have been found, there is not much time to find the inheritance.

  And now the Secret Realm has been opened, it didn't take long.

  The opening time of the Lost Secret Realm is very long, and it has only been three months.

   Chen Xuan inferred in his heart that this unsuccessful secret realm might continue to open for several months.

   "I must look inside. If I can find a treasure, my cultivation level can be raised to the next level." Chen Xuan couldn't wait to walk forward.

  Suddenly his steps stopped, because Chen Xuan saw the wall in front of him, and suddenly a light red light burst out.

  The light suddenly dissipated, and then rushed into the air.

  In a curious mood, Chen Xuan immediately followed the red light and chased it towards the sky.

  At this moment, an extremely terrifying force directly suppressed his body, making Chen Xuan unable to move.

  Chen Xuan immediately took out the Liaoyuan sword, and then quietly looked at the red light in the sky.

   "I'm afraid this is the inheritance..." He could feel a shocking energy in this red light.

  The red light did not fall on his palm like Chen Xuan imagined, but climbed towards the top of a ladder at a fast speed.

  Chen Xuan hurriedly followed, but at this time he also heard the comments from several men behind him.

   "It seems that the disciples of these sects have also found here." Chen Xuan said softly.

  Sure enough, after a few disciples of sects appeared here, they immediately saw the red light in the sky. They also wanted to get the magic weapon for inheritance, so they hurriedly followed.

  They don’t care if Chen Xuan first discovered it.

  In fact, as long as the magic weapon can be obtained, it is normal even if it is snatched from the opponent's hand.

  The warriors of these sects talk to each other, and they all seem to be of the same sect.

  Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan did not dare to stay, he was worried that the treasure would be robbed by these people and it would be troublesome.

  So Chen Xuan displayed the power of the dragon pattern, his speed increased several times, and then quickly followed the red light.

  (End of this chapter)

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