Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 4016: Blood Demon Sect and Wooden Sacred Sword Sect

  Chapter 4016 Blood Demon Sect and Wood Sacred Sword Sect

  Chen Xuan displayed the power of the dragon pattern, and he began to listen carefully to the dialogue between the two warriors.

   "We haven't done anything yet, the people of this Blood Demon Sect killed all the disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect."

  "Aren't the people of the Wood Sacred Sword suitable for the Blood Demon Sect to collude? Why do they fight each other?"

   "I don't know this anymore, so now people from all major sects are discussing this matter."

   "It's really evil. Since this Chen Xuan became famous in the Lost Secret Realm, almost everyone has been discussing him. I heard that several masters have been killed by him."

   "Wow, what is the origin of this kid?"

"I'm not so sure either."

   "You should tell me what happened at that time..."

   "After the blood demon sect people killed the disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword faction, they set off directly in other directions, and then I don't know where they went."

   "Ah... that's the case. Fortunately, you haven't been discovered, otherwise you will all be killed by these blood demon sect warriors."

   "No, they are indeed very strong, even Senior Brother Lu is not their opponent."

   "Hahaha, let's hurry up and find the demon blood ruins. Brother Lu said that the demon blood ruins are nearby. If we can find the demon blood ruins, we will definitely get a lot of good things."

  Chen Xuan began to secretly consider whether he should hide first, after all, the person looking for him was the blood demon Lin Yunqiong of the blood demon sect.

   Just when he was stunned, the two martial artists began to discuss again.

   "I heard that the person looking for Chen Xuan was a top powerhouse of the Blood Demon Sect. You didn't see it at the time. As soon as he shot, the sky was covered with red clouds, and all of them were foggy in a radius of three hundred miles..."

   "Really? If his strength is really that strong, how could you escape then..."

  "This can only be regarded as our luck. Brother Lu has a hidden pill on his body. At that time, he scattered these pill to us. After we took the pill, we were not found..."

   "And I think the purpose of that strong man is not to kill us. He seems to be looking for Chen Xuan, and doesn't seem to pay attention to other things..."

   "It turns out that this is the case. What realm has this strong person's cultivation level reached?"

   "I don't know exactly what realm he entered. Anyway, his strength must be very strong. It is conservatively estimated that he has reached the triple perfection of the spirit realm..."

  As soon as these words came out, Chen Xuan suddenly fell into silence.

  Aside from Lin Yunqiong, there are no other top powerhouses who can reach the triple level of Divine Soul Realm.

   "Could it be that Lin Yunqiong has already started searching for me, it seems that I must find a way to deal with him, otherwise, when he finds me, he will definitely be in disaster, and it will be difficult to fly..."

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan was not ready to stay, he began to rush towards the independent space where the blood demon sect master fell.

  If you can kill Lin Yunqiong with the power of the blood demon sect master, it will only be good for Chen Xuan.

   "Zhang Jianyun, you should have heard what they said just now?" Chen Xuan narrowed his eyes and said to Zhang Jianyun beside him.

  Zhang Jianyun replied in a daunting manner: "What can I do if I hear it, but Lin Yunqiong is searching for you this time. Do you really think that your strength can deal with him?"

   "Didn't you say that Lin Yunqiong could be killed with the help of the fall of the blood demon sect master?"

   "I did say so, but it is also risky. If Lin Yunqiong can't be killed, I don't want to be with you!" Zhang Jianyun said very realistically.

  Chen Xuan resisted the thought of teaching him a meal, gritted his teeth and said: "It's OK, let alone so many insignificant things, besides me, I am afraid that it is difficult for you to leave many unsuccessful secrets, right?"

   "And there are still many people searching for you outside, I think you don't want to be killed by someone?"

"You have to know that you are a monster clan warrior. The disciples of these sects in the Lost Secret Realm are very resistant to the monster clan. I am afraid that they will not agree to take you out with you." Chen Xuan said word by word. .

  Zhang Jianyun fell into silence immediately. He knew that Chen Xuan was right. As a member of the monster race, it was basically impossible for these disciples to take him out.

  The monster race and the human race itself are opposites, and Zhang Jianyun's real body is still a nine-legged golden worm.

  If they can get the inner alchemy of the nine-legged golden worm, it will definitely increase their cultivation level several times.

   "So now you have no other way besides helping me. You should think about it yourself!" Chen Xuan said with a cold face.

  Zhang Jianyun looked at Chen Xuan very helplessly, and finally he said loudly: "You kid is really too much. Okay, I will help you this time."

  "Very good, but I have something to tell you before. If you dare to escape, don’t blame me for being rude to you."

   Zhang Jianyun immediately replied: "You kid really despise me. Zhang Jianyun, who was also a very famous monk, was also a very famous monk. Besides, I am sure I can kill Lin Yunqiong."

  Chen Xuan nodded in satisfaction: "You can tell me carefully what is the method, how certain is it that you can kill Lin Yunqiong?"

   "There is a very hidden place in that independent space, but it is still a bit dangerous there. If you can go in, you may find a blood demon spirit crystal inside." Zhang Jianyun said.

  "What is the blood demon spirit crystal?" Chen Xuan heard this word for the first time.

   "The Blood Demon Spirit Crystal is a magic weapon left by the Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect. This magic weapon is not only used to deal with ordinary people like you, but also specifically used to deal with the Martial Artist of the Blood Demon Sect."

   "At the beginning, he used the blood demon spirit crystal to control the entire blood demon sect."

  After hearing his words, Chen Xuan asked very suspiciously: "Speaking of which, how did you know, and how do you know where the blood demon spirit crystal is?"

   "Where did your kid come from so many questions? I lived there for hundreds of years. Do you know that the Blood Demon Spirit Crystal surprised you?" Zhang Jianyun said impatiently.

  Chen Xuan said with a loud voice, “So, since you know the place, it’s easy to handle. Let’s pack things quickly and set off for an independent space.”

   "If Lin Yunqiong finds out, the two of us will definitely be killed by him..."

  In a short period of half a day, Chen Xuan arrived at the fall of the blood demon sect master.

   Around this independent space, he can feel a fierce breath emanating.

  The independent space itself is a part of the unexplored realm.

  Besides, Chen Xuan was able to set off in the direction of independent space before, so he just returned here in half a day.

   "By the way, didn't you say that Lei Pojun would come out from here? Why didn't I see him?"

  "The place where he came out is different from ours. You don't need to worry so much. Although the inheritance he got is also dangerous, I think he can definitely resolve the crisis with his strength." Zhang Jianyun replied.

  Chen Xuan did not continue to press the question, Zhang Jianyun did tell him the location of a treasure of inheritance at the beginning, and did not lie to him.

  If Zhang Jianyun wanted to lie to Chen Xuan, he could lie to him long ago, there is no need to wait until now.

   "Should we enter the independent space now, or wait a while before entering?" Zhang Jianyun said.

  Chen Xuan looked at the huge independent space in front of him. Although he had come out of the independent space before, when he stood on the edge, he still felt waves of terrifying murderous aura coming from it.

  This murderous aura made Chen Xuan feel palpitation so much that he couldn't help but slow down his breathing.

   "Let's go in later, do you know where that place is?" Chen Xuan said curiously.

"Of course I know where, wait a minute..." Zhang Jianyun suddenly closed his mouth, his pupils gleamed with golden light, and then said to Chen Xuan: "I seem to feel that there are a few warriors from the Blood Demon Sect. We are approaching, and a person has a very strong breath."

   Chen Xuan said: "You are right. There is indeed a strong person. If you guessed correctly, he should be Lin Yunqiong. I didn't expect him to come here so soon."

  Chen Xuan originally thought it would be a few days before Lin Yunqiong would find his whereabouts, but only three days later, Lin Yunqiong had already discovered his trace.

   "As expected to be the top powerhouse in the Divine Soul Realm, his strength is indeed very repercussive. If his cultivation is restored to a state of complete victory, this is a super power in the Divine Soul Realm 5th level. Think about it and feel terrible..."

   While talking about Chen Xuan, he pulled Zhang Jianyun and walked into the independent space.

  A rush of murderous aura suddenly swept away.

After seeing these skeletons on the ground, Chen Xuan did not feel surprised. He and Zhang Jianyun immediately rushed to the place where the blood demon spirit crystal was.

After walking for about two hours, Chen Xuan suddenly stopped.

   "Wait a minute, there are two monsters here. I will kill these two giant leopards with cloud blood first."

  After his voice fell, the roar of monsters came from the distant space.

  Chen Xuan did not guess wrong, there are really two giant leopards with cloud and blood in this independent space.

When Chen Xuan did not go out of the independent space, the entire space was completely enclosed, but when he opened a space tunnel from the space to the Failed Secret Realm, he completely connected this space to the Failed Secret Realm, so There will be a giant leopard with cloud and blood coming in.

  Two cloud-blood giant leopards uttered a roar at Chen Xuan, and finally rushed towards him like a gallop.


  The long sword in Chen Xuan's hand fell directly on the forehead of this cloud-blood giant leopard, instantly beheading a cloud-blood giant leopard.

  The only cloud-blood giant leopard still wanted to come and attack Chen Xuan, but Zhang Jianyun's palm directly squeezed his dantian.

  All this just happened in a flash, and Chen Xuan also naturally took away the cloud blood giant leopard's inner alchemy as soon as possible, and then the two of them quickly rushed towards the blood demon spirit crystal.

  (End of this chapter)

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