Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 4041: Blood Constant Old Man

   Chapter 4041 Bloody Elder

   Chen Yungui felt very shocked, and then directly said: "So you are the elder Xueheng."

  Elder Xueheng is in the Blood Demon Sect, and can be regarded as the pinnacle powerhouse.

  During the peak period of the Blood Demon Sect, every elder was a powerhouse at the double peak of the Divine Soul Realm.

  But after the battle that year, the warriors of the Blood Demon Sect were basically seriously injured.

  After so many years, the warriors of the Blood Demon Sect hidden in the unexplored secret realm have all begun to resurrect, and Elder Xueheng is one of them.

   "Elder Xueheng, why are you here?" Chen Yungui asked.

   "Don't worry about so much, I can't leave here now. Although all these years have passed, my injury has almost recovered, but I am absolutely impossible to leave here." Elder Xue Heng said.

   "Elder Xueheng, what can I help you now?" Chen Yungui asked.

Elder Xue Heng said: "I want the body of a martial artist to escape, but in this Heavenly Cloud Hall, my cultivation is suppressed in the second stage of the Divine Soul Realm, and my peak cultivation has entered the third stage of the Divine Soul Realm. , If this hall exists, I am afraid I can’t seize the souls of those warriors.”

  Hearing what Elder Xueheng said, Chen Yungui said: "Elder Xueheng, don’t know what you can do?"

  After hearing this, Elder Xue Heng slowly laughed.

  Time passed bit by bit, and a week passed in a blink of an eye. This week, Chen Xuan and the others had nothing to gain.

  And Chen Yungui is also waiting for the best opportunity.

  Just a week later, Chen Xuan unexpectedly met Li Wentian in the fantasy world.

  When he saw Chen Xuan, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

  "Why are you here?" Li Wentian asked directly.

   "I'm looking for heritage treasures." Chen Xuan said.

  Li Wentian said softly: "This is an illusion. If we want to pass, it is impossible with our strength."

  Even in the fantasy world, Chen Xuan also believes that there must be defects.

   "Let's search together?" Li Wentian asked.

  Chen Xuan did not refuse either. He met Li Tianwen by accident. This person was also an outstanding disciple in Li's family. In addition to being more delicate, his cultivation level was also very strong.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan looked at Li Tianwen, smiled and said, "Of course."

After   , Chen Xuan and Li Wentian searched for heritage treasures. At this time, the surface of the little Firebird's body had a red light.

  Chen Xuan is not worried about the safety of Little Firebird.

  At this time, in a certain illusion.

  Volley School Song Ziru was walking cautiously. Suddenly, he noticed a figure appeared in the direction in front of him.

   "This is terrible, it's Chen Yungui."

  When he saw Chen Yungui clearly, he was ready to escape from here in an instant, but he clearly saw Chen Yungui easily kill Sun Tianzhou.

  Chen Yungui's strength is several times stronger than him.

   "Want to escape?"

  Having finally waited for a week, waiting for Song Ziru of the Volley School to come, how could Chen Yungui let Song Ziru escape easily.


  In the Tianyun Hall, Chen Yungui did not dare to reveal his identity.

Seeing that Song Ziru of the Volley School wanted to escape, Chen Yungui directly pursued him. Just when Song Ziru was about to disappear in front of his eyes, suddenly, under the ground, a red breath came out and directly penetrated into Song Ziru’s. Inside the body.

  Song Ziru suddenly felt a pain in his body, and just a moment later, Chen Yungui caught up with him.

   "Chen Yungui, what do you want to do?" Song Ziru himself knew that he could not escape, so he looked at Chen Yungui and asked with a cold face.

   "Hehe, asking so much is not good for you, wait a minute, you will know."

  While speaking, Chen Yungui displayed his mighty power and wanted to catch Song Ziru alive, but how could he be able to catch him with nothing.

"damn it."

  Song Ziru roared in anger, and the next moment a fierce atmosphere appeared around him.

  But just when he was about to use aura, suddenly, he felt very painful in his body.

"what happened?"

  Song Ziru said in surprise, whenever he urged his spiritual energy to fight back, his body would be very painful. If he could not use his spiritual energy, he would eventually die in the hands of Chen Yungui.

   "Hehe, don't waste precious time."

  Chen Yungui's voice just fell, and then a sword bombarded Song Ziru's body.


  If Song Zi is not an opponent, and he was sealed by the opponent's sword qi, he suddenly passed out in a coma.

   Then Chen Yungui's body was directly submerged in a black spiritual energy.

  At this time, at the highest point of the Tianyun Hall, a layer of appalling red aura permeated. Within the pale red aura, the guardian stood motionless.

   "It's really like this. After so many years, I have always felt a breath of Blood Demon Sect hidden in the hall, but I couldn't find it before. It turned out to be here."

  Everything that Chen Yungui did just now, the guardian has seen all, but the guardian can only trap the blood demon sect warriors, there is no way to stop them.

   "You must find a way, otherwise the ruins will be dangerous." The guardian whispered.

  When Song Ziru woke up, he found that there were two **** figures in front of him.

  Song Ziru recognized Chen Yungui, but Song Ziru didn’t recognize a figure next to him.

   "Elder Xueheng, I have captured this kid. Although his cultivation level is not strong, he can definitely play a role. By the way, can we start now?" Chen Yungui said with a smile.

Elder Xueheng nodded, and then he said, "Of course."

  As soon as Elder Xueheng's voice fell, he was suspended in the sky in an instant.

   Feeling this powerful spirit, Song Ziru was panicked.

  Under Song Ziru's gaze, this red breath was approaching in his direction, and his face changed.

  Song Ziru’s resistance was directly resolved by Elder Xueheng.

   "I advise you, don't resist, otherwise, I will drink your blood later." Elder Xue Heng said coldly.

  At the moment when Elder Xueheng’s spirit entered Song Ziru’s mind, Song Ziru felt a surging breath of the Blood Demon Sect, and his face was shocked and said: "You guys, are you the martial artist of the Blood Demon Sect?"

  "Chen Yungui chuckled, and said coldly: "What about it, don't you just react to it now?" late! "

  After all, Song Ziru could not resist Elder Xueheng. Not long after, Song Ziru’s spirit was completely swallowed by Elder Xueheng, and then the spirit of Elder Xueheng also completely robbed Song Ziru’s body.

  The constant aging of blood made red auras, and then it penetrated into Song Ziru's body.

   "Congratulations to Elder Xueheng." Chen Yungui's face was full of smiles.

  Elder Xueheng smiled slowly and said: "Very good, this body is not bad, although it is not particularly strong, but it can also let me find a way to kill that kid Chen Xuan..."

   "Elder Xueheng, your body's cultivation has a spiritual realm?" Chen Yungui asked.

  Elder Xueheng’s cultivation base during his peak period was actually the triple level of Divine Soul Realm.

  Although his strength is very strong, and looking at the entire Yunxiao Mansion, I am afraid that few people are his opponents.

   But he has just seized the body now after all, and I am afraid that his cultivation is not as strong as before.

  Although he is now resurrected by taking away the soul.

  Song Ziru’s original cultivation level is not strong, only the realm of Divine Soul, if Elder Xueheng wants to improve his cultivation, he can easily condense the Divine Soul.

  "Leave the Tianyun Hall and talk about it." Elder Xue Heng took Chen Yungui and appeared directly in the illusion.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan and Li Wentian were walking. Suddenly, Li Wentian's figure paused.

   "The direction ahead is not right." Li Wentian said softly.

  Chen Xuan was a little surprised, he immediately looked at Li Wentian.

  Even Chen Xuan couldn’t figure out what the specific identity of Li Wentian was.

  After spending a few days with him, Chen Xuan also discovered that the other party's exercises were actually quite different from the Li family disciples he had met before.

  Thinking in his heart, Chen Xuan then moved his gaze over, and he suddenly discovered that there was an area emitting red light in the direction ahead.

   "Go, let's go over and take a look." Chen Xuan whispered.

  It didn't take long for Chen Xuan and Li Wentian to appear in this red radiant area.

  On the ground, there is a black boulder, and on this black boulder, there is a white light.

   "Wow, will this be the treasure of the Tianyun Hall?" Li Wentian asked.

  Chen Xuan just wanted to speak, and suddenly Long Tianpo said directly: “How could this be a heritage treasure, kid, don’t touch this luminous boulder.”

  If it weren't for Long Tianpo, Chen Xuan might have regarded this luminous black boulder as the inheritance of the Tianyun Hall.

   Just as Chen Xuan was thinking secretly in his heart, Li Wentian directly explored the black boulder.

  At this time, Chen Xuan immediately said: "This black boulder is not a heritage treasure, it may be very dangerous."

After hearing this, Li Wentian asked curiously: "Chen Xuan, how did you know?"

  Chen Xuan smiled faintly and said, "For all that, you should listen to me carefully."

  After speaking, Chen Xuan continued walking with Li Wentian.

   "Long Tianpo, do you know where the inheritance is?" Chen Xuan asked in a low voice.

   "Of course I don't know." Long Tianpo said angrily.

  Chen Xuan squinted his eyes, and then he smiled and said, "How do I feel that you have concealed it from me?"

   "Say what?"

   "Senior Dragon..."

   "Hehe! Your kid now knows what respect is, but since you asked me, I will..." Long Tianpo looked like he wanted to say nothing.

   "Senior Long Tianpo, you, this time, but let me search for a week." Chen Xuan felt very helpless.

  "Let your kid call me by my first name." Long Tianpo said.

After   , Chen Xuan quickly set out to the front according to what Long Tianpo said.

  Although this is an illusion, it is nothing to Long Tianpo.

  After walking in the illusion for more than half an hour, Chen Xuan finally stopped.

   Seeing Chen Xuan stop, Li Wentian asked: "What's the matter, have you found the inheritance?"

   "Inheritance...should be nearby, I don't know where the specific location is." Chen Xuan whispered, and he frowned suddenly.

   "Senior Long Tianpo, where is the inheritance?" Chen Xuan asked secretly.

   Immediately afterwards, Long Tianpo's voice resounded in Chen Xuan's mind.

  According to what Long Tianpo said, he walked slowly in the direction ahead.

  (End of this chapter)

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