Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 4054: Spirit grass in the auction

  Chapter 4054 Spirit Grass in the Auction

  There was an uproar in the entire hall, and everyone remained silent.

  Most of the treasures sold in the Chamber of Commerce this time are spirit grasses, and there is a small part of medicinal pills. At this time, Chen Xuan is also looking for what spirit grass can help his cultivation.

  Everyone was talking quietly.

  Chen Xuan quietly looked at the middle of the sales counter.

   "I don't know if there is any precious spiritual grass..." Chen Xuan said softly.

  Since Zhang Jiuming came in, Chen Xuan’s purpose was not just to buy spirit grass.

  According to the information he received, Zhang Jiuming had also participated in the battle against Jianyuezong before, and this person had a very strong cultivation base. If he wanted to defeat Zhang Jiuming, Chen Xuan's current strength might not be able to do it.

  "You must find the spirit grass to be happy..." Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

  At this moment, the person in charge of the Chamber of Commerce suddenly pulled out a spiritual grass exuding a light red smell.

   Chen Xuan looked at the spirit grass closely, his heart was full of excitement.

   "Very good, this spirit grass can just improve my cultivation..."

  As soon as the voice fell, the old man took a fairy grass in his hand and said slowly and confidently.

"Everyone, I'm afraid you have all seen it. I am holding a fairy grass. The name of this fairy grass is called Fire Dragon Grass. It can not only consolidate the foundation, but also has a great impact on the warriors who cultivate the aura of the fire attribute. The promotion effect." After finishing speaking, his eyes stayed on everyone for a moment.

  All the warriors in the hall got up and sat up, their faces filled with excitement.

  It is true. Fire dragon grass is a very rare kind of spirit grass. Chen Xuan can also use fire dragon grass to refine the elixir. This kind of spirit grass is indeed very precious.

In Yunxiao Mansion, it is difficult to encounter this kind of spirit grass. Even a master with a strong cultivation base, as long as he cultivates the fire attribute spirit, after swallowing this fairy grass, the cultivation base can get more or less. Promote.

  As for Zhang Jiuming, he also cultivated the fire aura, so when he saw the fairy grass on the sales table, his eyes opened slightly.

  It’s just that, for a strong man of Zhang Jiuming’s level, Fire Dragon Grass still can’t get into his eyes.

  There are many warriors who come here to worship Zhang Jiuming as their teacher, and they will take various treasures and give them to Zhang Jiuming.

   Therefore, Zhang Jiuming just felt curious, so he did not auction it.

   "Everyone, don't let this opportunity pass, I am afraid you know how precious the fire dragon grass is!" The old man said loudly after seeing the silence of the scene.

  After hearing this sentence, many warriors couldn't bear the excitement in their hearts. They started to bid, and their prices were very expensive at the beginning. Obviously, they wanted to get this fairy grass very much.

   "Everyone, our sect really wants this fire dragon grass, I hope you can give me a face!" Suddenly a warrior in a black long coat stood up from a chair and said.

  After hearing what he said, the warriors of other sects refused to give face and immediately began to refute.

   "What are you talking about, can it be said that only you want to get this dragon fruit, we don't want to get it!"

   "That's right, I think I should pack my things, get out of here, we don't welcome you here!"

  As soon as he said this, the disciple in a white robe, his face suddenly darkened.

  He is a member of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect, and his cultivation has reached a very strong state.

  According to Chen Xuan's perception, the strength of this white-robed disciple may have entered the Divine Soul realm and reached the second level of Consummation. Obviously, he is definitely an inner disciple in the Mu Sage Sect.

  Since the incident in the Lost Secret Realm came out, the status of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect has plummeted, and many sects have tried their best to reject the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect.

  Although Lin Shixian is a disciple of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect, his strength is not weak, and he also wants to revitalize the Sect.

The collusion between the Wood Sacred Sword Sect and the Blood Demon Sect is something that the noble sects of Yunxiao Mansion cannot accept in their hearts.

   "You people of the Wood Sacred Sword School, you still want to get this fire dragon grass, what you think is so simple!"

   "Haha, Lin Shixian, if I hadn't given you a face, I would have killed you when you just came in!"

  "This fire dragon grass is ours!"

   "I bid two hundred thousand!"

   "I'm out of three hundred and eighty thousand!"

   "I warn you, if you dare to compete with us for this fire dragon grass, don't blame me, you're welcome!"

  A few warriors began to argue loudly, and Chen Xuan quietly watched by the side.

  About two quarters later, they have set the price at around 500,000 yuan.

The price of   Fire Dragon Grass is not worth that expensive at all. The warriors of these sects obviously just want to deal with Lin Shixian.

  Although Chen Xuan would be happy to see these sects target the Wood Sacred Sword Sect, this has affected his purchase of dragon fruit.

  "I’m paying five hundred and twenty thousand, everyone, I hope you can give me a face, and don’t make the price too high!"

   "Yes, the price of this fire dragon grass is not worth 500,000 yuan at all. If you continue to increase the price, there is no need at all!"

  Amidst these warriors’ comments, Chen Xuan slowly used his consciousness to penetrate his spatial ring, and then he found that he still had tens of millions of middle-grade spirit stones.

  Chen Xuan nodded silently, and now he still has enough spirit stones to buy, so he just got up and said, "I bid 600,000!"

   "Who are you?" Before he could finish, Lin Shixian stood up and said.

  For Lin Shixian, the people who scolded him just now were all disciples of various sects, but he found that Chen Xuan's face was very strange, and he did not resemble those of the sect.

  He felt that Chen Xuan might just be a casual cultivator, or a disciple of a small sect, and he would not receive his attention at all.

  Chen Xuan looked at Lin Shixian thoughtfully, he curled his mouth and smiled: "What's wrong? I want to buy this fire dragon grass, but I need to report to you?"

   "Boy, I warn you, although our Wood Sacred Sword Sect is greatly injured now, you can't be so arrogant!" Lin Shixian said loudly.

   Several disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect stood up immediately. They looked at Chen Xuan sullenly, their faces full of murderous aura.

Chen Xuan calmly said: "If you want to do something to me, you can just do it directly. Don't talk nonsense here. I think the Chamber of Commerce should respect fair competition. I can give out 600,000 yuan. If you can't get it. Get out of here and get out, don’t waste our time here!"

Originally, Lin Shixian wanted to try his luck and see if he could buy the precious spirit grass. He finally encountered a fire dragon grass. He originally wanted to use this fire dragon grass to make his cultivation breakthrough to the realm of spirits. Invincible, as a result, a Chen Xuan suddenly appeared halfway through.

  It wasn't because Chen Xuan deliberately couldn't get along with him, but because Chen Xuan really needed Fire Dragon Grass to improve his strength.

  The fire dragon grass is not a particularly precious thing, but the fire dragon **** pill refined from the fire dragon grass can increase the power of Chen Xuan's Suzaku fire.

  Some time ago, the power of the Vermillion Bird's Fire in Chen Xuan's body had been improved to a certain extent, which also greatly increased the power of his swordsmanship.

  He knew that as long as the power of Suzaku's Fire broke through, his cultivation level would definitely be improved a lot.

  Chen Xuan will naturally not let go of his opportunity.

  But Lin Shixian didn't think so. He felt that Chen Xuan was just getting into trouble.

  So many sects are targeting the Wood Sacred Sword Sect, maybe Chen Xuan is just a disciple of a small sect, and wants to take this opportunity to show his prestige in front of him.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan looked at these disciples of the Wooden Sage Sword Sect unremittingly, his face was full of mockery.

  "You tribesmen of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect, the previous collusion with the Blood Demon Sect has been made known to everyone, do you still want to **** things from me?" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

  A few disciples of the sect stood behind Chen Xuan's, and they were obviously not ready to help the people of the Mu Sage Sword Sect.

   "That's right, you actually contacted the people of the Blood Demon Sect, ha ha, no one can help you this time!"

   "I also think this little brother is right!"

  "It’s said, little brother, you don’t need to be afraid. If their Wood Sacred Sword Sect people dare to trouble you, you can directly report my name!" Several warriors are already eager to try.

  They were waiting for a shot, but suddenly saw Lin Shixian sitting down suddenly.

At this moment, Lin Shixian pulled the disciples beside him, and whispered to them: "This kid is dead. After the halftime of this auction, let's find a time to kill it. He wants to get it. Fire Dragon Grass, isn't it!"

   "Hehehe, I want to see what this kid can do with fire dragon grass, even if he buys fire dragon grass, I am afraid it will be no good to endure..."

  Lin Shixian’s voice was very cold, he was ready to kill Chen Xuan.

  Even if there are disciples from other schools who want to help Chen Xuan, Lin Shixian thinks that as long as he kills Chen Xuan unconsciously, others will definitely not find out.

  Time is fast, the first auction has ended, and the next one will be one day later.

  The auction will certainly not only last for one day, but for several days, so Chen Xuan temporarily rented an inn here.

  After getting the fire dragon grass, Chen Xuan couldn't wait to return to the inn where he lived. Then he immediately pulled out the alchemist, and bursts of fire scented out immediately.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan closed his eyes and rested.

  After about half an hour passed, he held a pill that gathered fire in his hand, and finally Chen Xuan swallowed the pill directly.

  (End of this chapter)

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