Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 420: Incarnate Xiaocheng

  Chapter 420 Incarnation Xiaocheng

  In the Chen Family Mansion, Chen Xuan continued the practice of his external incarnation.

According to the record on the Mitian Divine Art, the stronger the power of the external incarnation, the higher the difficulty of refining, and even the chance of failure in it. If one fails, then oneself will also be seriously injured. Up.

Chen Xuan also knows this very well, but if he can be refined into his own incarnation, Chen Xuan does not need to inject his mental power into this wilderness giant's body, but can directly control the wilderness giant. Yu has an extra combat power.

  Added the existence of the star-catcher beast.

  Chen Xuan is already able to threaten this god-level powerhouse to a large extent.

   However, Chen Xuan's refining seems to have encountered a bottleneck.

  At this time, Chen Xuan had already appeared in the North Sea Temple. In this North Sea Temple, Chen Xuan could perform this refining very well.

   "This thing is really difficult."

  This feeling was like asking Chen Xuan to hollow out a large mountain with a small spoon. This kind of powerlessness also made Chen Xuan quite uncomfortable.

   "Continue to practice this palm print!"

  Chen Xuan secretly said in his heart, and then the movements in his hand kept flying around, and began to hollow out the wild giant mountain little by little.


  The body of the wilderness giant blended into Chen Xuan's palm print.

  One hundred and eight sets of handprints, Chen Xuan must be able to display all of them in a consistent manner.

  When Chen Xuan finished this reincarnation, he found that the wilderness giant's body seemed to have shrunk in a circle. After seeing hope, Chen Xuan's eyes also brightened.

   "There is a play!"

  Chen Xuan continued to make handprints again.

   Tirelessly, the light continued to merge into the giant's body, and the giant's body was shrinking a little at this moment.

  Chen Xuan didn’t know how long time had passed. He only knew that the giant in front of him had shrunk and was as big as himself.

   "I have played at least a thousand times!"

   "As I said in the Mitian Divine Art, those who can basically hold on to the five hundred handprints are high-end products. Then I should be pretty awesome for thousands of times."

   Chen Xuan secretly said in his heart.

  My own refining mudra is already quite familiar to refining this giant's body.

  At this time, only the first drop of blood is needed, and then the next run-in period.

  After all, once this body becomes an external avatar, it takes time to control it if you want to control it to exert a powerful combat power.

  Chen Xuan squeezed a drop of blood from his body, and landed on the giant's body. The wilderness giant's body seemed to exude an anger.

  The next moment, I saw the wilderness giant actually opened his eyes.

   "Oh, my god, it's really useful!"

Chen Xuan had never practiced this kind of thing in his previous life, because Chen Xuan did not need this external incarnation, so he did not study it. In this life, he can refine this thing, one is because of curiosity, and the other is because of Refined from it, it can form a powerful combat force and bring deterrence to the enemy.

   tried to control the giant clone with his own mind, and began to perform some simple actions, but after only two steps, Chen Xuan felt a sense of exhaustion.

  "It's only the first stage now. You need to drip a drop of blood every day and slowly accumulate it before you can wave it like an arm!"

  Chen Xuan recalled the introduction in his Mitian Divine Art, and he was a little hasty.

  But soon Chen Xuan also discovered some benefits. When establishing contact with the giant's body, Chen Xuan found that his mental power seemed to have improved, and he was sitting on the ground directly and began to cultivate his mental power.


  The mental power is released a little bit.

  Chen Xuan's mental power condensed, and the aura spread out, forming a transparent wave all over his body.

  Chen Xuan's practice continued until early morning, when he opened his eyes.

   Slightly sensed his mental power after the breakthrough, and he unexpectedly reached the realm of the second rank.

   "Emperor Rank Second Grade, this progress is pretty good."

Even Chen Xuan in his previous life has never cultivated this spiritual power to such a level. Now that he has broken through to the second-rank emperor level, the most intuitive thing is to look at some things, such as some cultivation methods, that can be achieved. You can see the essence of it at a glance, so Chen Xuan was able to remember so many gestures in one night, and at the same time displayed them without any difference.

  And it has reached thousands of times.

  "Today should be the first day that the competition officially started. Go and have a look."

  Since Lanshan had already opened an invitation, Chen Xuan could not fail to show his face.

   And I heard that Ye Huan and Ye Rou are also in the ranks of this competition. To have such an honor, Chen Xuan is also interested in their achievements, so come to have a look.

  The two corpses at the door were still disposed of.

   And Chen Xuan almost forgot about this, did he kill two people with his hand last night? Why don't I remember.

  Pharmaceutical Square.

  Today's medicine refining square has become a veritable place of medicine refining.

  This time came from all the 72 cities of the empire, and each city had two winners.

  This is a very good and fair opportunity.

  As long as you can pass this preliminary assessment, and then participate in the competition, you can come here.

  There were nearly two hundred young alchemists in the audience.

  Of these, the most eye-catching ones are naturally Ye Huan and Ye Rou.

   At a young age, the two of them have already become Grade 4 alchemists.

  This realm is simply a genius.

  After I inquired, I realized that these two people turned out to be from the Ye Family in Beishui City.

Where is this Beishui City? That is the place where Master Chen Xuan is. This is the achievement of these two people today. I believe they have a great relationship with Master Chen Xuan. The two did not deny it. This alchemy burst out.

  It is amazing, is this the strength of Master Chen Xuan?

  Anyone can become an alchemy genius as long as they are trained under the hands of Master Chen Xuan.

  But because of the alchemy frenzy this time.

   These four-rank alchemists are not only Ye Huan and Ye Rou. There are also some incognito alchemists who asked their disciples to come and try.

  Therefore, there are nearly ten Alchemists of the Fourth Stage!

  These ten people have all received key attention.

  In the medicine refining square, more than two hundred black medicines stand on the table.

  There is no stove, only one's own profound strength can be used to refine the pill. Three identical medicinal materials are placed on this table.

  Today's game is quite difficult, it is a protracted battle.

  All contestants need to refine the best quality pill in the shortest time, and there are still three.

   is a third-level pill, plus two fourth-level pill.

   Under such a strong pressure, all the young people's faces are also hung with a dignified color.

  At this time, the game has not yet started, but everyone is already in place.

  Arashiyama and others are also sitting on the high platform, waiting for the time to come.

   "Hey, sorry, I'm late, let me in."

  Chen Xuan was at a doorway in that corner and wanted to enter, but found that he did not have an invitation letter.

   "You have to buy a ticket if you want to go in!"

   "Buy tickets!?"

  Chen Xuan was also taken aback when he heard the words, but seeing that the guard looked righteous and would not let you in without buying a ticket, Chen Xuan had to go and buy a ticket obediently.

  Although Chen Xuan appeared to be quite violent when killing people, in fact Chen Xuan loved peace even more and could not do it without doing it.

  Buying a ticket is what it should be, why do you want to do it?

  Spent a few gold coins, Chen Xuan bought a ticket.

   came to the guard again, and the guard checked.

  "Your ticket has no place, you can only stand in the corridor."

  The guard said selflessly, Chen Xuan didn't care, he just went in and took a look. It was the same everywhere. With Chen Xuan's cultivation base, he could clearly see the game situation here even if he was ten miles away.

   "Master Chen Xuan, why are you here!"

   Just when Chen Xuan was about to go in, an exclamation came.

  As soon as Chen Xuan turned around, he saw a fiery red figure approaching him, looking at Chen Xuan in surprise.

   "Hey, it's you."

  Chen Xuan glanced at Huo Liu's plump figure and then took it back. This little lady is still so energetic.

   "Are you not long eyes? You don't even know Master Chen Xuan. You won't use it tomorrow after you get the box lunch!"

  Huoliu glared at the guard in front of him, and the guard was also aggrieved.

   "Hey, little things, they did a good job, they should buy tickets."

  Chen Xuan stopped Huo Liu.

   "Master Chen Xuan is magnanimous this time, and the next time his eyes are brighter!"

Huo Liu said angrily.

   "It's... Elder Huo Liu!"

  The guard's heart was like a galloping horse, and he couldn't imagine that the thin young man in front of him was Master Chen Xuan.

  However, there are rumors that Master Chen Xuan's mood is uncertain, and he will violently kill people at any time, but today, it is very gentle, and he does not have the image of a devil in the legend.

  (End of this chapter)

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