Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 801: Day candle

   Chapter 801 Sky Candle

Everyone in the city heard the roar of Mingtian.

  In fact, before they approached, they already felt it, after all, some masters were here.

  "The Patriarch of the Bailong Clan?"

  Chen Xuan frowned. The matter here hasn't been resolved yet, and there is another problem of unknown circumstances. Isn't it here to add trouble to him?

  But Chen Xuan saw that Mingtian was also polite, and he shook his figure and swept forward.

  No matter what, take a look first.

   "It's father!"

Huai and Huaiyuan looked at each other, and then followed directly behind Chen Xuan and rushed towards the front.



   "Go, go and see."

Chen Xuan actually left directly. This is obviously because he didn't pay attention to them, or Chen Xuan was deliberately shifting the target. He shook his body and left here, chasing forward, the Peacock clan. Hundreds of masters also naturally plundered the wall of Beishui City. ,

  They did not damage the North Water City without receiving the order of the Virgin of the Peacock, but when some masters landed, their feet did not really fall on the ground, and their bodies were suspended in mid-air.

The Peacocks themselves are such a noble race, and being able to appear here on their own is already giving this Beishui city a lot of face. If they are asked to care about these ordinary people, or even to humiliate them deliberately, they will feel surrendered. Identity.

  Will you surrender yourself to humiliate an ant?

   Obviously will not do this.

  Mingtian did not directly break into this city.

  If Chen Xuan was not here, then he would not be able to bring this disaster into this North Water City.

  Otherwise, these people will not give up. This is their Tianlong Sacred Island business, and there is no need to be here, so these ordinary people will be harmed.

Dozens of black figures swept from the sky, and fell outside the city wall with a few bangs, surrounding Mingtian, like a cat and mouse game, here for the white dragon clan The patriarchs can all have a state of play, which is simply a refreshing thing for the people of the Black Dragon tribe.

  What an honor this is.

   Step on this self-proclaimed noble Bailong tribe.

  However, the new patriarch of the Black Dragon clan headed by him is named Tianzhu.

  Before this, it was also among the elders who had a very tough role. Now that he can appear here, it is obviously something that has been experienced.

This time, Tianzhu led more than ten masters of the Nascent Soul Stage to chase down the patriarch of the Bailong clan. Now an incredible change has taken place on the Tianlongsheng Island. The ancestor of the Bailong clan has mysteriously disappeared, and the Bailong clan has suffered a catastrophe. Even the patriarch has already fled out, it can be seen.

  This end is really too miserable.

   And this Tianzhu brought people, preparing to capture the Mingtian patriarch back.

   has been chased for thousands of miles, and now he has finally been forced to stop in this northern water city. It is ridiculous that this guy still wants to rescue the human being before, the person named Chen Xuan.

   is really ridiculous.

  Even if Chen Xuan dared to step out, he would definitely be beheaded by the people on Longsheng Island that day.

  There is no doubt about this.

  This Chen Xuan had better not come out, otherwise, if it is involved, it will be destroyed sooner or later.

  Wait, Chen Xuan, didn't those adults come to find Chen Xuan?

An inspiration flashed in Tianzhu’s mind, and finally I remembered why I heard that name so familiar before, this is Chen Xuan, this Chen Xuan in Beishui City, there is no need to catch all Chen Xuan in this world. It is enough to capture Chen Xuan from Beishui City directly, it is definitely this guy.

  Can’t run away!

  Mingtian was seriously injured. He had already rushed to this North Water City at this time, but he was not sure whether Chen Xuan would come to rescue him.

  If he doesn’t make a move, then Mingtian must also tell Huairou and the two of them that they must never return to Tianlong Sacred Island, find a place to hide, and must hide in a very concealed manner.

   "Brothers, take down this North Water City, whoever will become the elder!"

   Tianzhu suddenly roared.

   And just as the voice of the candle fell on this day, I saw a figure appearing next to that Mingtian, it was Chen Xuan.

  When he saw Chen Xuan, Tianzhu’s eyes also flashed a light, finally this guy came out, since he is here, then there is no need to go, just take him down!

  However, this command just came to the lips. Before I could say it, I saw dozens of light groups appearing on the wall.

  Every breath is also very obvious, bursting out quickly.

  Natural infant period!

  Natural infant period!

  The cultivation bases of these people were not disguised in the slightest, and they were all released very directly.

  At first there were only a dozen figures, but then gradually became dozens, even hundreds.

This lineup, even in Tianzhu’s heart, could not help but be shocked. What was shocked was that he took a small step back and saw so many masters appear. What kind of wolf nest is this Beishui City? There are so many places. The appearance of the masters turned out to be more than the masters of their Heavenly Dragon Saint Island.

   When, this super-god-level powerhouse is so rampant.

The   God level is equivalent to the Golden Core Stage, and this Nascent Soul Stage realm master is equivalent to the Super God Stage realm.

It’s only fifty or sixty people who can reach this Nascent Stage and the super-ageing realm on the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Island. If it is the sum of the masters of the White Dragon and Black Dragon tribes on this Heavenly Dragon Sacred Island, That might be comparable to this peacock mystery, and even slightly stronger.

  And if such a big problem does not appear in the interior of Longsheng Island today, and each other is facing each other, it makes this power drop rapidly, and finally becomes what it is now, which is embarrassing.

  "The Patriarch of the Bailong Clan?" Chen Xuan glanced at Mingtian beside him.

Ming Tian did not expect that Chen Xuan would appear so quickly, and it seemed that Beishui City had guests coming. So many people were here, but Ming Tian was a little surprised. After all, this person's strength was quite good. It's so strong, together, it's enough to destroy these people in front of you.

  If people like Tianzhu walk into this North Water City, they may not be able to go out.

   "True Chen Xuan!"

  Mingtian said quickly, and at this moment, the two of Huairuen Huaiyuan also fell down.


   "Patriarch, what happened!"

   "This black dragon clan, is it possible to rebel and fail."

   Huaiyuan said, glaring at the Tianzhu and others in front of them. The black energy of these people was lingering, and it seemed that there was some power entangled in them, which gave them such a power bonus, so they became so strong.

   "Chen Xuan..."

  Mingtian originally wanted to say something, but it was blocked by Chen Xuan's raising his hand. At this time, Chen Xuan already knew what had happened.

  The bodies of these people opposite are entwined with a force of darkness.

   The emergence of this dark power helped them break through their own shackles.

   Today's strength has greatly increased.

  The power that helped them was the power of darkness that Chen Xuan had come into contact with before, and even hated it most.

  Even the black dragon clan was attacked by the power of darkness, and even in the current state, it should be controlled. With such a tragic end, Chen Xuan frowned.

   "Give you a chance to tell who is behind, and I will let you die happy."

  Chen Xuan walked toward the front with the sword sword in hand.

   "My Mother, what should we do now in this situation?"

  The elder on the city wall saw this scene and couldn't help but ask.

  Will now take this opportunity to kill Chen Xuan?

   "Look at this Chen Xuan's strength."

  The Virgin of Peacock was not in a hurry, and at the same time, she brought Na An'er with her, and investigated the situation carefully. At the same time, she also asked about the previous treatment. She was very curious about how Chen Xuan did it.

  (End of this chapter)

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