Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 814: Not done yet

   Chapter 814

When I saw Chen Xuan’s sword of Slashing Immortals, I even left all the dangers behind. In terms of life and death, these cultivators have already seen very plain things. For these cultivators. For the writer, the most important thing is the opportunity.

  If there is an opportunity, this can be soaring.

  If there is no chance, you may only be able to struggle in this realm of comprehension, and eventually you will be eliminated helplessly.

   "Chi, chi!"

   seems to have seen Chen Xuan's arrival, just to save this Qin Tian.

  The two men also made up their minds immediately, using Qin Tian's life to coerce this person, so they pulled their bone bayonet out of Qin Tian's body.

  Qin Tian also fell helplessly to the ground.

  These righteous cultivators often have such a situation, indecisive, and very fond of being dragged down by their companions. This seems to be an eternal setting.

   Therefore, as long as the life of Qin Tian is in his hands, he can make Chen Xuan throw the mouse and not dare to mess around.

   "Boy, hand over your sword and automatically unbind it, otherwise, I will kill him."

   These two people sneered, waiting for Chen Xuan to surrender. However, Chen Xuan glanced at these two guys, he was sick, and I don't know you.

   "Who, you, come over to me!"

  Chen Xuan pointed to Ziqiong.

  This Zi Qiong saw Chen Xuan show great power, and his heart was very excited. This senior finally made a move, and immediately killed two of the four major disciples of the White Bone Sect.

  Even if the other two rushed up now, that would be a simple matter.

  However, this Chen Xuan did not continue to shoot.

   but called Zi Qiong over.

   Although she didn't know what to do, Zi Qiong also came to Chen Xuan's body immediately.


   "Show me your stone."

  Chen Xuan spread his hands.

   Zi Qiong was taken aback for a moment, and the enemy was right in front of her. What's so good about this stone, and there is nothing unusual about this stone of summoning. Why did Senior care so much?

   However, Zi Qiong still passed the summoning stone to Chen Xuan.

   "Where did you come from this stone?"

Chen Xuan saw that the summoning stone was the previous one. He didn't know what method to use to supplement the energy. It turned out to be able to attract each other with his star **** jade pendant, so he summoned Chen Xuan directly. .

  "It was issued by the Righteous Alliance...:"

   "The Righteous Alliance? What is that?"

  Chen Xuan frowned.

   Just when Chen Xuan was about to discuss the stone problem with Zi Qiong, he heard an impatient voice behind him.

   "Boy, if you don't take the initiative to hand over things, then I will kill this person directly."

   "Hurry up, we really have to do it!"

Originally, Chen Xuan didn’t have much patience, but he had to run into these two people who were squeaking and crooked here. Chen Xuan also simply stuck Zhan Xianjian directly on the ground with a sound, and then hurryed towards the two of them. Where do you go step by step.

   "What a special death!"

   Seeing that Chen Xuan lost his sword, and then he walked towards them, the two also looked at each other, this guy seemed to be irritated.

  How can I be irritated, and why does this happen.

  The two of them didn't know Chen Xuan's psychological state, but now they saw Chen Xuan actually giving up the Sword Immortal Sword and walking towards them.

   also realized that the opportunity was coming.

   "Flying Bone Blade!"

   "Bone spear battle!"

Seeing that the two men could not wait to release a move, the terrifying power immediately gathered, and bones burst out from beneath the ground. All these bones were turned into bone soldiers, forming a long spear. Chen Xuan was forced to come quickly.

  In addition, this flying bone blade was also thrown out of that hand.



  Flying Bone Blade appeared, directly cutting through the space, and slashing towards Chen Xuan's head with a terrifying force.

  The main function of this flying bone blade is not to kill, but to block.

From the flying bone blade, a force was released, cutting off the connection between Chen Xuan and the sword of Slashing Immortals. In this way, this Chen Xuan could not summon the sword of Slashing Immortals back to his side. This was the price of pretending to be forced. .

  Since you want to pretend, let you be completely planted here.


  The terrifying power came towards Chen Xuanyong in an instant.

  A dense array of bone spears in front of him almost enveloped Chen Xuan in all directions, as if he had no choice but to be pierced to death.

  In addition, there is also a whirling bone knife on the side that is constantly whistling, waiting for an opportunity to act. Once Chen Xuan has any flaws, then this bone knife will use a kind of thunderous force to directly smash Chen Xuan to death.

Obviously, these two people also had lessons from the past, and did not fight close to Chen Xuan. Generally, the sword repairs that master this sword, the offensive power and the ability to fight in close combat are very terrifying, so they can not get close. Then try not to get close.

   "Indestructible Tripod!"

   Chen Xuan also summoned this immortal tripod in the face of this trick.

With a loud clang, the Immortal Tripod fell on the ground.

  At the same time, he saw the terrifying bone spurs coming from the front, but under the defense of the Immortal Cauldron, there was no waves.

  Boom, boom!

  These bone spurs slammed into the Immortal Cauldron, and they broke directly at the sound, as if they were hitting a rock with a pebbles.

  As for the other bone knife that hovered constantly, Chen Xuan also picked up the clang of the immortal cauldron, and directly smashed the bone knife to pieces.


  Bone knife turned into smash.

   "Go to me!"

   Then Chen Xuan turned around in place, and threw the Immortal Cauldron in his hand, as if throwing a stone, the Immortal Cauldron whistling in the air.

   carrying the power of breaking the air, rushed towards the two of them.

   "Is there any such trick?"

  Rao is that these two people are disciples of the Demon Sect, but they have never seen it before. Someone throws out their weapons as an offensive method.

  This is nothing like flying swords, and why it can be like this is simply shocking.

  In the eyes of these two people, the things thrown out should have little power.

  Running its own true essence, the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Stage is released.

  The two raised their hands at the same time to block the Immortal Cauldron, but when the Immortal Cauldron started, the two of them suddenly became complex, and it was too late to regret it at this moment.


  The bodies of these two people were directly crushed by the power of the Immortal Cauldron.

  The Nascent Soul didn't have time to escape, and was crushed by the Immortal Cauldron, and fell heavily on the ground.

  So far.

  The four major disciples of the White Bone Sect had already been killed by Chen Xuan.

   Lying on the ground, Qin Tian, ​​who finally recovered from his injury, also opened his eyes wide. He couldn't believe that this happened.

  Chen Xuan just threw a tripod out in this way, and crushed the two directly. It was like throwing a 10,000-ton boulder to smash two eggs. It was as simple as that.

  There is no reason at all!

   "It's done, now you tell me, how do you use this thing?"

  Chen Xuan took the Summoning Stone in his hand, looked at Zi Qiong in front of him and asked.

   Zi Qiong was also startled.

   pursed his mouth, but did not speak.

   instead pointed to Chen Xuan's rear.

   "It seems that it hasn't been done yet..."

  Behind, the White Bone Sect Sect Master, the elder deacons of the Sect, and many disciples directly surrounded Chen Xuan.

  (End of this chapter)

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