Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 834: Star World

  Chapter 834 Star World

  On the Heavenly Dragon Holy Island.

  With the energy gem being taken away by Chen Xuan's incarnation.

  This Heavenly Dragon Saint Island was also crashing, falling from the sky.

After the fall, it almost set off a huge wave of hundreds of meters. Fortunately, the experts on the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Island responded in time and accumulated this power in an instant to drag the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Island. If it falls, the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Island will sink.

   "Stick to me, what's the situation, why did Dragon Island fall off?"

   Mingtian also cursed, this suddenly fell from the sky, it was almost frightening, it was originally very forcefully suspended in the air, but now it fell directly, which also caught these people a little unprepared.

  After several masters of the Nascent Soul Stage arranged a formation continuously, they finally stabilized the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Island temporarily.

   and also quickly notified this Mingtian.

   "The patriarch, it seems that the power of the gem mountain has been wiped out. Now that the dragon island has lost its pillars, it has fallen from the sky."

Hearing the words of the elders below, Mingtian also looked in the direction of the gem mountain. In this direction, it was the place where Chen Xuan practiced. The Tianlong Sacred Island can now be recovered because of the fact that Chen Xuan is here. .

  If not, where is Mingtian on this Tianlongsheng Island?

  "If you fall, you will fall. The energy on this gem mountain has not been used by my lamp for tens of thousands of years. Now I finally found someone to subdue this power. It is a happy thing to do."

  This Mingtian said.

   "If the word goes on, all the elders of the Nascent Soul Stage will go to strengthen this formation, don't let this and Tianlong Holy Island sink."

   "Yes, the patriarch!"

  At this time, it has been nearly five days since Chen Xuan arrived here and killed these people.

  In five days, this Tianlongsheng Island seems to have restored its order.

  Some threatening black dragons have been killed.

And some of the black dragons who were willing to surrender were also subdued at this time. Of course, these black dragons are also weaker and less threatening. Through this method, the black dragons can continue here. It multiplied, but it was always under the control of this white dragon clan.

Because of the black dragon clan’s rebellion, the white dragon clan suffered heavy losses. Now how can Mingtian say to let you go like this? that’s impossible, so the black dragon clan’s men and horses are also ruthlessly cleaned up. After a while, now the Black Dragon Clan can be regarded as a vassal clan of the White Dragon Clan.

And within the scope of the gem mountain, it is now listed as a forbidden place by this Mingtian, and Chen Xuan is still practicing in it. If anything happens, isn't it sorry for this Chen Xuan, and this Heavenly Dragon Holy Island comes from Chen Xuan, If you offend this Chen Xuan, you can imagine the fate.

  The same disaster, but it’s a different person.

   Therefore, even if the Dragon Island fell to such a big event, he never went to alarm this car to warm up, as long as Chen Xuan was having fun, Ming Tian didn't care about the rest.

When Chen Xuan's spirit returned to his body, he opened his eyes. First of all, he didn't know that the Dragon Island had already fallen to the sea. After all, he didn't feel anything before, but he waited until Chen Xuan's realm. When this distraction is reached.

   also became extremely keen on capturing the surroundings.

   "Why did this Dragon Island reach the surface of the sea? How could this gem mountain be destroyed like this? It's really embarrassing!"

   "Too violent."

  Chen Xuan glanced at the tragic situation on the gem mountain, and knew the terrible power of this power in his heart.

   Then it can be regarded as knowing that the style of the wilderness giant is almost the same as that of Chen Xuan.

  In five days, Chen Xuan also experienced some transformation.

The strength of the divine mind made Chen Xuan's vision clearer, and he was slightly surprised by the power of this divine mind. This not only made things clear, but also a way to show things more thoroughly. Up.

  This change occurred, and Chen Xuan was also quite clear in his heart.

   "My power of divine consciousness... has been enhanced! At this level, it should be around... the early stage of the integration period?"

  Chen Xuan was surprised in secret.

   "The power of the dark soul is so strong, it directly brought me to the initial stage of the integration period, which is really terrifying."

  If the power of the dark soul hadn't been refined and swallowed by Chen Xuan, it would not be such an easy task for Chen Xuan to raise his divine mind to the realm of this conjugation stage.

Moreover, the power in this body was also under that refining, as the power of the Immortal Cauldron was continuously poured into the body, it also made Chen Xuan reach the limit of this distraction stage, and only need to break through this last level. Limit, through the power of this thunder tribulation, you can exactly step into the realm of this distraction period.

  So if you want to enter the realm of this distraction stage, it only takes one day to be enough.

   "Step into this distraction stage..."

A gleam of light flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes.

   Feel the changes in the body.

   "But I heard that the thunder robbery in the cultivation world seems to be more ferocious."

Chen Xuan took out the jade pendant of the Star God. At this moment, there was no energy on the jade pendant of the Star God, so Chen Xuan could not be summoned, but now Chen Xuan is trying to use his divine mind. , To send this power out, and use one's own spirit to directly search for the location of the realm of comprehension.

  "Search me!"

Chen Xuan immediately poured his spiritual thoughts into it. When Chen Xuan's spiritual power poured into this star **** jade pendant, he felt a vast power, which was a feeling I had never felt before. In the past, Chen Xuan's investigation of this star **** jade pendant was only a jade pendant, without any change.

  But now Chen Xuan's divine will enters this star **** jade pendant.

   Immediately led Chen Xuan and began to search frantically.

  In this vast starry sky, Chen Xuan is also looking for these powerful existences, looking for the stars, where exactly the realm of cultivation exists.

  The search for the first time didn't last long, and Chen Xuan's spiritual power was quickly suppressed and returned.

  Because the energy consumption is very large, Chen Xuan is also a little overwhelmed.

  After searching for two or three stars, this divine mind couldn't help but retreat.

  When Chen Xuan withdrew his mind.

When    opened his eyes again, the changes before and after made Chen Xuan quite sigh, after all, his previous strength had not reached the original level.

  Walking back and forth between the stars.

   really made Chen Xuan quite amazed, which is indeed surprising and shocking.

  I have never seen such a vast world before. Now that this door has been opened again, the influence of Chen Xuan can be said to be quite long.

  Chen Xuan still didn't know what exactly existed in this star **** jade pendant, but Chen Xuan knew, and now the realm of cultivation can be found from it.

   "Keep looking!"

  The realm of comprehension.

  With the defeat of the White Bone Sect, nearly seven days have passed.

  And under this mountain of bones.

  The ziqiong that was suspended was not let down either.

  The ancestor of the Qingyang Sect determined that the thief would definitely come back, and even directly sent two disciples to guard here.

  To prevent Zi Qiong's body from being rescued, or being taken away by some spirit beasts.

In the distance, Tan Qing couldn't bear it anymore. There was nothing wrong with this senior sister, she was hung like this, and even the corpse could not be put into the soil for safety. It is said that if the corpse cannot be put into the soil for safety, then Can't be reincarnated and reborn.

  Tan Qing couldn’t wait any longer, he had to bury the senior sister’s body.

  But now there are two seniors, both of whom are monks in the middle of the Nascent Soul stage, guarding here. It is not a simple thing to get close, let alone rescue people directly from the hands of these two seniors.

   "Tan Qing, what are you hiding here!"

  (End of this chapter)

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