Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 836: signal

  Chapter 836 Signal

  Because Chen Xuan almost killed the senior brother Sun Taishan, so the ancestor of the Qingyang Sect also issued an order to kill Chen Xuan, letting Chen Xuan run away without knowing what was wrong.

  But this Qingyang ancestor also concluded that Chen Xuan was nearby, and it was impossible for anyone to disappear out of thin air, unless Chen Xuan had something like Immortal Palace Cave Mansion in his hands, but was this possible? It was impossible.

  Therefore, the ancestor Qingyang was also persistently sending people to monitor the corpse of Zi Qiong, just waiting for Chen Xuan to personally send it to the door, but he did not expect that Chen Xuan would come.

  And still so blatant.

  "Quick...notify quickly, notify ancestors quickly, quickly!"

  One of the disciples immediately took out his signal flare, rubbed it in this hand for a long time, and never released the flare. Obviously, there was some nervousness in this heart, which caused the hand to tremble badly.

  After several consecutive attempts, the signal was finally released.


  However, this light didn't go far for a long time, it was directly swallowed by the black mist brought by Chen Xuan, and there was no movement at all.

  This wasn't even Chen Xuan's initiative, but the black mist was radiating out here on his own initiative. It was simply amazing. This guy still had a sense of autonomy.

   However, this is the ultimate truth, and the flare failed to be released.

  At this moment, the four of them were so frightened that they were about to collapse. They sat all on the ground, no matter how they were.

   "Senior brothers, don’t panic, we will definitely be able to break through this barrier when we join forces!"

One of them suddenly yelled, and even slapped his face twice, as if he wanted to drive away the fear. Hearing the roar of the senior, everyone around him suddenly woke up, yes, The other party hadn't made any move yet, so he thought directly that he was going to be killed.

  How does this work? Well, it must be a good fight, where are the things that the master usually teaches.

   Therefore, each of them also sacrificed their own flying swords.

  Swish swish swish!

  These flying swords gather in front of this body.

   "I am waiting for the righteous sect, how can I be deterred by this kind of evil demon's foreign way, and kill me!"

   An order seemed to have awakened these four people, so all of them were excited, all of them condensed aura, and at this moment, He Jian Jue suddenly ran and stabs towards Chen Xuan.

  However, Chen Xuan had never done anything. He just stood in place, and the black mist behind him was already roaring out, swallowing all the power in front of him in an instant.

  These four flying swords were submerged in the black mist of Chen Xuan, and they were directly solved easily.

  Chen Xuan felt the power of the dark sky. This was what Chen Xuan had learned when he refined the dark source pearl of the dark sky demon, which was similar to the skills of the dark clan.

   So now Chen Xuan is also able to use this dark sky in the same way.

   And this power is quite powerful. Of course, this is only facing these monks who only have the Nascent Soul Stage. Even if Chen Xuan does not use this trick, it will have the same effect. It is easy to kill these people.

   "Since you like to hang yourself, then all hang on to this tree!"

Chen Xuan stretched out his hand, and suddenly the black mist in his hand turned into a black rope, swimming continuously, like a small snake, and instantly rushed in front of these people, directly The four disciples of the Qingyang Sect were **** and hung directly on the tree, still hanging upside down.

  After hanging the person with you, Chen Xuan also found a flare in the arms of one of them.

   "This is your flare."

  After finishing speaking, Chen Xuan also gently turned the signal flare in his hand, and immediately released a signal.

A formation is carved in this small bamboo tube. The energy light released by this is clearly audible within a hundred miles, and it can find this direction very accurately. As the signal bomb, it is also no problem. Good things.

   "You... let us down quickly, we have nothing to do with this matter, this is all ordered by the ancestors, it is none of our business..."

Then one of them yelled, as if he wanted to ask Chen Xuan to let him down, and Chen Xuan directly fisted him out, knocking out all the teeth of this person’s mouth, blood mixed with saliva and flowing out, it looked like Quite disgusting.

  The meaning of Chen Xuan's punch was already very obvious, and the people next to him were scared to speak.

   "This kid is here too?"

  Chen Xuan put down the Tan Qing, and still had some impression of this Tan Qing, after all, he also appeared with Zi Qiong at that time.

  It's just that Tan Qing had received whipping and torture from these people before, and now he was in a coma, and Chen Xuan also put down the purple corpse.

   Although it was not what Chen Xuan wanted, Zi Qiong did die because of Chen Xuan, so Chen Xuan naturally owed Zi Qiong.

   "Don't worry, I will let all the people of Qingyang Sect be buried for you."

  Chen Xuan looked at the corpse of Zi Qiong and took out his seventh-rank Wenyu bed, letting Zi Qiong lie on it, and ensured that the corpse would not be damaged.

   Although it is said that Chen Xuan is known as the Immortal Pill Venerable, it was also in this other world, such as the Wind and Cloud Continent, that he could have the ability to save the dead, but it is no longer possible.

  Not to mention that Zi Qiong has been dead for nearly seven days.

Furthermore, this Violet was wiped out by the ancestor Qingyang with the power of the Dao of Heaven, so this Violet can be said to be annihilated. In such a situation, even Chen Xuan can do nothing about it. This divine soul has been destroyed. What's more to say, even this underworld can't find the existence of this Violet, just like this, disappeared directly into this world.

  So death is not the most terrible, and the final death is that the soul is destroyed.

  When you have nothing but this one, that’s the real despair.

  So Chen Xuan has no way to save people, but he can avenge her.

  Since it’s revenge, of course, we have to take it slowly and torture these people slowly.

  When the flare rushed into the sky, the people of the Qingyang Sect who were hundreds of miles away also saw the flare.

  So one by one, they all scrambled to report to the elders.

  At this time when it is still undecided, it would be too sloppy to inform this ancestor directly.

  So the elder must come to make sure.

  Now a group of elders led their disciples and rushed out.

  This is the enemy who hurt the son of the ancestor!

  If this can be caught, then the ancestor will not reward you well. This is a considerable reward. If this happens, there is no way to make you refuse.

  So these people also rushed out frantically, scrambling to get ahead.

  The struggle and comparison between many elders is also very fierce.



  Dozens of figures broke through the air, and when they saw that there was a heavy black fog below, these elders only hesitated for a moment.

   Wealth and wealth are in danger, not to mention that I am in the realm of this distraction period. With the addition of a group of disciples in this period of awakening, is it possible that HIA can not even break this small black mist formation.

   "Pretend to be a god, and see how this seat breaks your barrier!"

  (End of this chapter)

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