Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 841: Hammer

   Chapter 841

Above the sky, the ancestor Qingyang and others had already arrived here. When they saw the situation below, they were slightly surprised, but at this time, Chen Xuan deliberately showed the terrible situation of the law enforcement elder. That is to deliberately anger these people.

   is also on this, and carry out this kind of targeting, thinking that he will win.

   "What a courage, but this black mist does not know what power it is, it seems that it can swallow the divine mind of my wait?"

  The ancestor Qingyang glanced at the real spirit medicine beside him.

  And the real spirit medicine seems to have picked it up casually, it was a bit of black fog that was picked up from below, and the black fog was placed in front of his eyes, and after careful observation, the black fog was broken down.

  After the decomposition, the corner of the mouth of the real spirit medicine evoked a sneer of disdain.

   "It's just a mere poisonous pangs. Watching me drip this sober liquid, it can prevent this black mist from attacking!"

   Now also took out a small bottle from this Qiankun bag, dripped two drops on his body, and then handed the potion to the other two people.

This ancestor of Qingyang, and the master of Qingyang, both of them have learned to drop two drops on this body. With their own strength and the assistance of this thing, they can clearly feel the gap in this. , I can already clearly feel that I can already act in the black mist.

  At the moment, these two people are also in the lower body shape.

  The old man of the elixir followed behind.

  For things here, of course, the ancestor Qingyang must take the lead. If the ancestors of Qingyang also need them to come, wouldn't it be possible for this guest to take the risk.


   Immediately saw the three figures falling in front of the law enforcement elder. Seeing the tragic situation of the law enforcement elder, everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

  Unexpectedly, Chen Xuan's attack was so vicious.

   "Come out, I have already appeared, why do you continue to pretend to be a ghost, don't you want revenge."

   Qingyang Old Ancestor said slowly.

When the voice of the ancestor Qingyang fell, I saw a figure appeared in front of him, and the black mist around it gradually dissipated back. It seemed that they were controlled by someone, and they wanted to disperse them. It just spread out.

Seeing the appearance of this person, the ancestor Qingyang was determined in his heart. It was indeed this kid who let Chen Xuan escape that day. Now it is absolutely impossible for Chen Xuan to escape directly like this. It must be someone Just catch it.

   Then tidy up!

   At least throw it into the cauldron of Lihuo, refining and incinerate it properly, and burn it into a pile of ashes before it can calm the hatred in the heart.

  It is estimated that there is no way to recover from Sun Taishan's injuries. It is not a pity that Chen Xuan died even 10,000 times.

   Just when the ancestor Qingyang was about to do it, the black mist behind Chen Xuan also gradually dissipated.

The scene of    also appeared a little bit.

  The Qingyang ancestor also saw Zi Qiong lying on the bed of the seventh-grade Wenyu, and then saw a scene of extreme horror.

  I saw one body after another hanging on the big tree behind Chen Xuan.

  From the elder to the disciple, but all the people of the Qingyang Sect, who came here before, were all caught here, and then hung on this branch.

And most of the people's mouths are also full of blood, they look extremely embarrassed, and they are treated like this, which is also extremely shocking from the eyes of the Qingyang ancestors and others, because these are also theirs. The people of Yangzong are almost equivalent to the power of this sect, and they are directly suspended here, and people can't believe it when they look at it!

   "Tan Qing!"

  After this, there is still a figure that can move at will, which is the same Tan Qing that I saw before.

When he saw the appearance of Tan Qing's figure here, the ancestor of the Qingyang Sect also flashed a cold light. A disciple in this district even dared to rebel against the sect. This is because his ancestor Qingyang is an enemy. If Yang Zong couldn't solve even such a person, then there was no need to continue to mess around.

  What kind of sect is still open, just close it cleanly.

  I saw that Tan Qing walked up to these elders with a cold face, holding this hammer in his hand.

  Finally, Chen Xuan spoke. When he saw these people coming, he raised his hand and released the black fog again. At the very least, he could guarantee that these people could no longer leave Chen Xuan's sight.

   "Since it's here, let's kneel down."

   Chen Xuan said lightly.

   "Even if you were willing to regret it, I would torture you to death, but now as long as the three of you bang your heads for ninety-nine times, then I won't embarrass you. You can choose to give you a happy one, or hang yourself to death."

   Chen Xuan said.

  This is already the biggest concession given by Chen Xuan.

  Of course, this killing is simple, but what Chen Xuan needs is for Zi Qiong's body to be respected, and to get the apology he deserves. Anyway, this person must also die.

   Hearing that he wanted to apologize to this dead person, and that he killed the person himself, this also made the Qingyang ancestor snorted coldly.

  "Want me to apologize, haha, the person who can make my ancestors apologize has not yet been born, young man, although I don’t know how you escaped, but I guess you have to escape again today!"

  The Qingyang ancestor is not talking nonsense with Chen Xuan anymore.

   "Tianyuan Promise, the power of the Great Dao, the Qingyang Sword Art, the Ziyang Sword Qi!"

This ancestor Qingyang instantly condensed a majestic sword aura in his hands. The momentum released by the ancestor himself was like a huge giant, leaping up into the sky and stepping on the sky, seemingly casual. Being able to pierce this day, he pierced directly towards Chen Xuan with a sword.


   Qingyang Patriarch's sword might be terrifying.

The black mist around    was too late to stop it, it was split into two, and it was continuously blown out.

  Seeing the appearance of this scene, everyone around was really amazed.

  And a ray of light flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes.

  The monks in the middle of the fit period have a different level of cultivation!

  This shot almost broke his own dark sky. Of course, if this dark sky is a little more vigilant, it can still play a role.

  Faced with the attack of this sword, Chen Xuan did not hesitate at all.


  Chen Xuan shot out with a sword, condensing with his own spiritual power.

   "Tai Xu Jian Jue!"

   Now that Chen Xuan's sword is condensed, it also allows the surrounding spiritual power to avoid it. With a terrifying aura, the sword is to smash the sword aura of the Qingyang ancestor.

At the beginning, the ancestor Qingyang’s random move was able to strike out the armor of the day war **** on Chen Xuan’s body. Otherwise, Chen Xuan would be penetrated by that power, but now the ancestor Qingyang treats Chen Xuan. Xuan's this must kill a sword.

   was actually easily resisted by Chen Xuan.

Feeling the strong momentum of Chen Xuan, the ancestor Qingyang was also taken aback. It seemed that in these short few days, the changes in Chen Xuan were already quite big, which was unexpected. Chen Xuan actually had such a breakthrough, which is indeed unbelievable for ordinary people.

Even if you are a genius in the realm of cultivation, it is impossible to make such a big breakthrough in such a short time. Unless there is some adventure, it is no wonder that you dare to come over and challenge their Qingyang Sect, even if you get the adventure, then This Qingyang Sect is definitely not something you can resist!

The ancestor Qingyang had this confidence, but when the ancestor Qingyang was about to continue his shot, he saw that Tan Qing picked up the hammer and slammed it down on an elder. The elder seemed to be inhaling. There was too much black mist, and now he was in a coma and unconscious state.


   Tan Qing's hammer fell, directly cutting off the elder's body.

   Suddenly the blood and internal organs also fell from the broken body.

  This scene seems to have a pleasant feeling.

  It hurts very much when I look at it.

   "What, I dared to kill the elder. Tan Qing, my ancestor officially expelled you from the sect, and issued a wanted order to chase you down in the Tan family for thousands of years, endlessly!"

  The ancestor Qingyang also yelled when he saw this, and he wanted to catch this Tan Qing and tortured to death.

  Watching an elder die in front of him, and adding this spirit medicine to the real person is also beside him, making the Qingyang ancestor's heart extremely uneasy.

  Not only this Tan Qing, but also Chen Xuan, will also be tortured together.

   "If you still refuse to kneel down, then I will continue."

  Chen Xuan beckoned.

  As for Tan Qing, he is not afraid of the threat of the ancestor Qingyang. This is already a risk. Since you are going to target me, then I will fight with you to the end.

  Not to mention, the operation of smashing people in half with this hammer feels pretty cool!

  (End of this chapter)

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