Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 843: There is another trick

   Chapter 843 Another trick

  Now there are only Qingyang Sect Master and the Qingyang ancestor, and Chen Xuan stands opposite these people.

  Indestructible Cauldron slowly hovered in front of her.

After the refining gourd was decomposed in this and the immortal cauldron, now this immortal cauldron seems to have a constant sense of cohesion. It seems that it has absorbed the power in the refining gourd, making its own The momentum became stronger.

  Chen Xuan’s divine mind is also running the Taoist Sutra, gradually grasping the power of this immortal tripod.

  In this way, to enhance the control of the power of the Immortal Cauldron.

  And the ancestor of Qingyang is also the primordial soul of the real person who is constantly refining this spirit medicine.

  The breath of the Qingyang ancestor is also constantly breaking through.

  In the blink of an eye, the aura was already approaching the realm of the later stage of the integration, but it has stayed in the realm of the latter stage of the integration, and has not been able to make any further progress.

   "It's almost."

After absorbing it, the ancestor Qingyang also felt that his spirits and spirits were very refreshing, but he was unable to break through this state for a long time, which also made the ancestor Qingyang feel very uncomfortable, and he could not wait to directly break his limit. Drop.

But the ancestor of Qingyang also knew that if you want to break through the late stage of this integration period and reach this peak state, it is impossible for many monks to take a step forward and become the state of this catastrophe period. .

  That is quite far away.

  To achieve this state, it also takes a lot of opportunities.

Sect Master Qingyang stood aside and didn't speak. He was here to protect this ancestor before. This old ancestor Qingyang was his master before, and now that he has become like this, Sect Master Qingyang also knows in his heart. .

  These years of cultivation have made one's own cultivation level have not yet broken through. This is a very tormenting thing, and even over time, it will develop a kind of mental illness in it, then this is a very painful thing.

   "What? Can't break through?"

   Chen Xuan looked at the ancestor Qingyang in front of him and said lightly.

  At this time, the ancestor Qingyang also noticed that Chen Xuan seemed to have no fear, but he dared to stand here, waiting for him to complete such a breakthrough.

  Why is this Chen Xuan? It is estimated that it will not be long before he will be directly killed by his Qingyang ancestor.

  When the time comes, let you see what is truly terrible.

  At that time, your face will not continue to be so confident.

   "It's okay, if you want to die so, then I can only serve you generously."

The ancestor Qingyang motioned to the Qingyang Sect Master to retreat, and the Qingyang Sect Master happily retreated directly. If he faced such a terrifying person, he would suffer some attacks and severe injuries, so I should hide behind temporarily. To be better, let's see how the people here fight.

   "Hehe, if there are not enough Yuan Ying, there will be a lot of Yuan Ying behind, um, it seems that the killing is almost finished."

Chen Xuan glanced behind him. Tan Qing was already able to treat murder as a normal thing. This breakthrough of Tan Qing was also very big. It was obvious that he could make such a big breakthrough in such a short period of time. Tan Qing is also a manufacturable.

There are often too many craftable materials in this cultivation world, but it is because of mutual corruption among these people, or even blinding their eyes for some benefits, that some geniuses with terrifying talents are also directly lost. This end is very tragic.

  This is also a very bad custom in the cultivation world, but there is no way, the right is in their hands.

   "Hehe, want to use Yuan Ying to poison me? After killing you, those Yuan Ying will naturally belong to me!"

   Qingyang ancestor said with a cold voice.

  In the hands of Tan Qing, there is also a magic weapon specially used to collect Yuan Ying, so after these people die, these Yuan Ying powers are directly collected.

  Chen Xuan has been cultivating for so long, he naturally knows the power of these Nascent Infants, even if it is not directly used to refine the cultivation base, the materials used for the alchemy itself can obviously be felt fast and convenient.

   itself is a kind of elixir, the higher the cultivation base is, the higher the strength of the Nascent Soul, the better the effect will be.

Obviously at the beginning, the ancestor Qingyang was not prepared to save these people, but instead included the power of these people's primordial infants as his own. Sect Master Qingyang saw this. My heart couldn't help but sink. This old ancestor's heart is really cruel. After so many years of cultivation, I have never seen any scene of life and death.

   But she was still shocked by this old ancestor's state of mind.

  To know the horror of these people, it simply gave him a great shock.

  If you want to become this king, I believe that only with such a cruel heart can you have the opportunity to break through the realm of this tribulation period, which is amazing.

   "Now that you are ready, let's start!"

  Chen Xuan was not talking nonsense anymore, and when he reached out and tossed the Immortal Sword Sword, he drew an arc in the air and slew towards the ancestor Qingyang.

  And when the ancestor Qingyang saw Chen Xuan's careless move, he screamed in his heart, and then suddenly a golden wheel rushed out of the palm of his palm, and the golden wheel whizzed past.


  The power of the golden wheel flew towards the sword of sword.


  When the two were about to collide, suddenly this ancestor gave a low voice, and at the same time, a knot print was made in his hand.

In the next moment, this power was immediately released from the golden wheel, and it seemed to be transformed into an octopus-like multi-handed tentacles. With a swish, it directly trapped the Immortal Slashing Sword, but it did not stop it. The movement of this sword sword seems to be to use this method of softly overcoming the strength to make the sword sword stop.

  But after being trapped, Zhan Xianjian never stayed, and continued to kill the Qingyang ancestor.

   "The universe is in your sleeve!"

   Qingyang ancestor's sleeve robe flicked, and the sleeve robe in his hand seemed to spread out thousands of miles away, instantly sucking in the sword of Chen Xuan's sword.

   He disappeared with a swish, this was entering the universe of Qingyang ancestor's sleeve.

  In this world, this sword of sword will not find any enemies, and it will gradually become lost.


   "Mountain Splitting!"

  Chen Xuan did not know when an additional axe appeared in his hand, and he suddenly rushed to the front of the ancestor Qingyang. The axe in his hand also suddenly fell downward.


When this axe fell, there was almost a sense of groundbreaking. Even the ancestor Qingyang himself was a cultivation base of the later stage of the integration, but under the power of this axe, there was an instant split in half. The same feeling and illusion.

  The axe energy that erupted from Chen Xuan's hand landed in the air.

   almost at this moment swept in front of the Qingyang ancestor.

  Boom! !

  A violent explosion occurred.

A crack appeared on the ground and stretched out. It was close to the realm of tens of thousands of miles, and it made the scalp numb when I looked at it. Such a scene, such a terrifying destructive power, were all performed by Chen Xuan's trick .

   Qingyang ancestor's own Zhen Qi defense resisted in the front.

  But at this moment, he was also blown away nearly hundreds of miles away. Smashed to the ground fiercely.

   "Puff! How is it possible!"

The ancestor Qingyang's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that Chen Xuan actually performed such a terrifying trick, and the power of this trick was enough to aspire to the pinnacle in the realm of this integration period.

   "This won't work anymore? There is another trick, sea-breaking style!"

  (End of this chapter)

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