Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 852: none of your business

   Chapter 852

  What kind of big tiger can stop the door of this Wuling pharmacy, that has to be how big it is.

   After hearing this, Chen Xuan also knew that it must be the five-clawed golden tiger in the way, and this guy knew the trouble.

   "My, sorry."

Chen Xuan walked away from the crowd, and finally moved the five-clawed gold-patterned tiger aside, and found that there were already many people watching the five-clawed gold-patterned tiger, and many others were also pointing at it. Pointing, even some people took out this shadow stone to record this moment.

   Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan was helpless. After all, this five-clawed gold-patterned tiger looked very brave. Even if it was incapable, just lying there, I believe there will be countless little fans rushing up.

   "Wow, what a handsome tiger, I really want to hug his master!"

   "It's so cool, this aura, let alone a spirit beast of the Yuan Ying stage."

   "If you can ride on the back of such a spirit beast, then it will be worth all your life."

  Chen Xuan took the five-clawed golden tiger aside.

   "I'm shopping, you can rest a bit here."

  After speaking, Chen Xuan also lost a chicken leg again. Although the chicken leg is small, but the five-clawed golden tiger bite it down, you can enjoy it for a long time in this mouth.

  When Chen Xuan came back again, the 10,000 top-grade spirit stones were also placed in the same place, and no one dared to move.

  Of course it’s not that I don’t want to move.

  There are so many high-grade spirit stones, even if you take one casually, it is enough to go out for half a lifetime. One high-grade spirit stone is equivalent to a hundred middle-grade spirit stones.

  The inner disciple of the Wulingzong, the monthly training quota is only ten middle-grade spirit stones.

  If you change to this ordinary sect, then this middle-grade spirit stone will be even more precious.

  But no one dared to steal, dare to hit this pile of spirit stones.

First of all, the spirit stone that was taken out was placed in the Wuling pharmacy. This Wuling pharmacy is the site of the Wulingzong. If anyone dares to mess around here and offends the Wulingzong, then basically you don’t need it. Mixed up.

Secondly, although Chen Xuan said that he looked like a monk who had just come into contact with this cultivation world, he was unsuspecting about everything around him, but the more such a person, the more terrifying. The other party seemed unsuspecting, but in reality On, it has already locked you down, if you dare to mess around, you will be wiped out in minutes.

  The methods of these powerful men have always been mysterious and unpredictable, so they cannot be offended easily.

   "All the spirit stones are here. I'll give you three hours to get the pill."

   Chen Xuan said.

The female disciple saw Chen Xuan turn around and walked to the next table, asked for a pot of tea and drank it there. The female disciple's heart was already extremely surprised, but she also reacted very quickly, and let her tidy up. A high-grade spirit stone, tidyed up his clothes, made a pot of Wannianling tea, and walked towards Chen Xuan.

   "I don't know how to call your friend? I am the inner disciple of the Wulin Sect, a leader."

   "Chen Xuan."

This leader has a sweet smile on his face. If Chen Xuan really came to buy these pill, then it means that Chen Xuan is also very likely to be able to refine this distraction stage pill, which is a powerful alchemy. division!

It is necessary to know that the alchemists who can refine this distraction phase pill, even in their Wulingzong, there are only a few people. This Chen Xuan is in front of him with lavish hands and mysterious origins, and a faint revealing one is revealed. The powerful temperament is also an extremely sought-after object for these young girls in the cultivation world, especially those who have never gone down the mountain like a leader.

  Seeing that Chen Xuan was waiting here, of course he wanted to come forward and have a conversation.

   "It turned out to be Chen Xuan. I don't know who Chen Xuan is?"

  Generally speaking, when you introduce yourself, you will bring the sect with you, unless it is a very low-key martial art.

   But looking at Chen Xuan's generous shots, it doesn't seem like a low-key martial art at all.

   "No school, no school."

  Chen Xuan replied, already feeling a little impatient with the woman in front of her in her heart. After all, my prescription, who is going to come over to chat with you.

When Chen Xuan said that he has no school or school, the leader's eyes couldn't help flashing disappointment, but he soon calmed down. Although he said he has no school or school, he can get so many high-grade spirits. Shi, there must be a strong master.

   "The Master Chen Xuan must be a very powerful monk."

"none of your business?"

  Chen Xuan raised his head and glanced at the leader in front of him.

  Does this guy really don’t know what impatience is? Chen Xuan has tried his best to be polite, but this woman is really annoying.

   "Huh? What..."

  The leader was smiling, but listening to Chen Xuan's words also felt a little weird.

  This, even if it’s a bad temper,

   will not speak like that.

  And still in front of a beautiful woman!

  Although it is said that the leader is not a first-class beauty, but in this temperament, if it is in the Wulingzong, it can be said that there are countless suitors.

  It is exactly this situation.

  So when I heard Chen Xuan's words, I was stunned. What was wrong with this guy, but the leader was dumbfounded by Chen Xuan's words, and he got up in embarrassment subconsciously and left here.

  Looking at the leader who left, Chen Xuan couldn't help but shook his head, this man.

   is trouble, in fact, this actually only requires you to use it proficiently, it's about your ass, and it's about me.

   can save a lot of time.

  You give others too much face, maybe they will push their noses, and whatever happens, it’s better not to make peace with them.

   A word directly cursed away the leader.

  Chen Xuan took out a booklet from the shelf next to him and was watching.

  Most of the things written in this booklet are about the history of the development of the Ulling School. In addition, the last page of this book is also marked with a map.

  "Baicao World...It turns out that this area is divided by the Tianshan Mountains. This is called Baicao World, which is actually only the edge of this and cultivation world."

   Chen Xuan was also extremely surprised.

  Because this map shows that the central boundary of the realm of cultivation is Tianshan, which divides this cultivation continent into two, the north and the south.

  The Baicao Realm where Chen Xuan is now is only a small area of ​​the Northern Comprehension Realm. Above the Baicao Realm, there is even a Seven-Star Region.

  In the seven-star region alone, there are dozens of large and small territories similar to the Baicao Realm.

  There are four domains in the Northern Comprehension Realm.

  The other places are only slightly marked.

  However, Chen Xuan noticed that there was a black line on the map.

   directly straddles the Tianshan Mountains. Although the area enclosed by the black line is not too large, it also directly crosses nearly ten regions from the north-south realm of cultivation.

   "The range marked by this black line is called the Dark Comprehension Realm!"

   has a line of small print below.

  After Chen Xuan read it, he also knew something about this dark world of cultivation.

This is indeed the Dark Clan. It is actually able to open such a big mouth in this cultivation world. It directly covers this area and has eaten so much territory. I want to come to this cultivation world. In a state of dire straits, it's just that the Baicao world is really too small.

   can't take care of it at all!

  "The realm of cultivation is really big. I guess the scope of the three empires of Fengyun Continent is at most the size of a seven-star region here."

   Chen Xuan thought in his heart.

   Then I changed a booklet, and this booklet is even more boring. There are still many portraits painted on it.

  The notes below also explain what identities these people are.

  All are the high-level members of this Wulingzong, and there are life deeds below, and some contributions they have made.

  At this moment, behind Nawuling Pharmacy.

After the leader was scolded by Chen Xuan, he felt wronged in his heart. In retrospect, it was already too late. At the moment, I can only hide my face and cry in this backyard. After all, she is just a little girl who has never experienced this sinister rivers and lakes. After realizing that I was suffering, I can only use this cry to relieve my inner pressure.

  "Leading sister, what happened, what happened to you!"

   "Who is bullying you! Brother Ma Wei helped you cut him!"

   Ma Wei with a majestic face also rushed in quickly.

  This outstanding junior is someone he has been thinking about for a long time. How can he let go of such a good opportunity now!

  "Brother...I, I'm fine, why are you here?"

  The leader wiped his tears, and quickly stood up. This looks like a pitiful little junior girl. There are still people who have the heart to deal with it. After all, it was done with a beast.

   "I received an instruction from the sect to mobilize resources. It just so happened that your store needs the pill of transforming the gods and returning to the original pill. I will not bring it by the way."

  (End of this chapter)

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