Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 864: Dare to chase

  Chapter 864 Dare to chase

  The five-clawed gold-patterned tiger carried the terrifying storm and rushed out from that distance.


  The strong vibration struck, which also made the people below feel a strong air current.

  Even these elder guardians are looking up one by one.

  After all, the five-clawed golden tiger is a legend in this cultivation world.

Among the demon cultivators, it is very difficult for these spirit beasts to cultivate to the realm of the Tribulation Period, and once they have cultivated to the realm of the Tribulation Period, the descendants will also have this transition. The bloodline of the catastrophe period directly becomes a kind of spirit beast with the potential to pass the catastrophe period.

  In the future, the family will prosper and the race will prosper!

   Among the five-clawed gold-patterned tigers, there was also an extremely powerful tiger sage that year.

  This tiger sage, as the strongest in the line of the five-clawed gold-patterned tiger, is not an exaggeration to say that it is a breakthrough.

  Because this power is really terrible.

Even the Sect Master of the eight major sects back then was afraid of this tiger sage three points. Even now, UI said that there are not many five-clawed golden tiger races, but every one of them appears to be quite equal. Strong presence.

  And the arrogant bloodline in this bone also made them understand that what is dignity, no one can regain this five-clawed golden tiger, no matter how strong it is, it is difficult to do more.

  This class of spirit beasts is no longer something ordinary people can conquer.

Of course, this is the normal situation. If it is abnormal, then it is not necessarily. For example, Chen Xuan, in such a situation, when the five-clawed gold-patterned tiger died, he regained it. Such things, it is estimated that even if they are said, then people like them will not have the slightest belief, and they will think that Chen Xuan is bragging.

  "It turned out to be a five-clawed gold-patterned tiger. This tiger already has four-clawed gold patterns. It is in the state of integration. Could it be said that it is this five-clawed gold-patterned tiger that is going to attack our Wulingzong!?"

When    saw the appearance of the five-clawed gold-patterned tiger, the hundreds of elders on the peak of the sword test also looked up.

   But soon, the sharp-eyed people also discovered the five-clawed gold-patterned tiger's back, there are two figures.

Two people?

  These two figures, can it be said that these two are really human beings.

  This five-clawed golden tiger is not so arrogant, how could anyone step on his back.

  "This person can subdue this five-clawed golden tiger! The background is definitely not simple!"

   "It's terrible. How could there be such a character? It is actually too terrible to subdue this five-clawed golden tiger."

   "It's impossible...The Tiger Sage is not dead yet. If you subdue this five-clawed golden tiger, wouldn't it be halved by the Tiger Sage's medicine?"

  Chen Xuan glanced at the bottom, and couldn't help but startled, my god, there are so many masters in the fit period here.

When he saw this scene, Chen Xuan also made a decisive decision, and patted the five-clawed gold-patterned tiger sitting down. After the five-clawed gold-patterned tiger got to know it, his wings fluttered in the air, and he was actually wiping the sword. Feng directly swept towards the distance.

  Boom! ! !

   Chen Xuan's figure disappeared into the sky instantly.

  The elder above the sword-testing peak was still immersed in the shock of the appearance of the five-clawed gold-patterned tiger. Why did Chen Xuan disappear in the blink of an eye? This guy ran too fast.

When    saw this scene, his eyes were almost widened.

   Regardless of the fact that now the Great Elder Wuquan has not yet appeared.

They don’t know whether the person in front of them is the enemy or not. If they say that this person accidentally killed the wrong person, the end will be quite tragic, so these people also watched Chen Xuan draw on the sky. A huge arc, fleeing in the opposite direction. ,

   "What are you doing, how did you go..."

Peak Master Wuyunfeng also raised his eyebrows. Just now, he was also thinking, if he becomes the owner of this five-clawed gold-patterned tiger, then he will ride this five-clawed gold-patterned tiger and fly everywhere. A matter of face.

  But before he had time to fight, he had already seen the five-clawed golden tiger escape.

Although the five-clawed gold-patterned tiger clan is powerful in combat, the realm of the difference lies here. The 5-clawed gold-patterned tiger may not be their opponent. There are hundreds of masters in the fit period here, and you can take out a dozen of them. Take this Chen Xuan down.

  At this moment, in the direction of the main peak, Wuquan stepped on the sea of ​​clouds and rushed over.


   "What about people!"

   Wuquan suddenly gave a low voice. He felt a strong fluctuation just now, but before he had time to observe the other person, the person had disappeared. When he rushed over, the person had disappeared.

   So he questioned it on the spot.

  Wuquan is the great elder after all, and in this sect, the status is second only to the sect master. Now this roar is also shocking these people, and the majesty accumulated over the years is still there.

   "Qing Qing! You say it!"

Gan Qingzheng thought, so many people should have nothing to do with me. After all, there are so many masters on the scene. Just when he couldn't ask himself what he thought about, he heard the great elder shouting to himself. The name was directly scared and Qianqing walked out quickly.

   "Back...Elder Hui, the enemy hasn't been discovered yet, but there seemed to be a person riding a five-clawed golden tiger, trying to enter the sect, but was scared away."

   Gan Qing said quickly.

  "Riding a five-clawed golden tiger!? Are you sure there is only one person?"

   Wuquan said in a deep voice, five-clawed golden tiger?

   Could it be that this is the majestic tiger reported by the people below?

At that time, Wuquan couldn't stand it when he heard this kind of information introduction. Did these disciples all cultivate on white rice? He couldn't even recognize what this spirit beast looked like, but he thought about the cultivation world. There are too many mutant monsters and spirit beasts, and it would be forgiven for a strange species to appear.

   "It looks like... two people."

   "Two? The other one, does it look like my sect disciple!"

   Wuquan said after hearing it.

  A disciple of my sect.

Thinking of this, all the elders at the moment have also carefully recalled. Although the focus has always been on the man, after all, the man's aura looks stronger, but if you say this, it seems that I remembered that the service worn by the person next to him was the service of the people of their sect!

   "No, I remember, that is not my disciple, leader, this person has kidnapped my disciple!"

  A white-bearded monk suddenly roared.

This is okay. My disciples were kidnapped, and they took a walk in front of them. This is almost a show off, which is really unbearable. It is necessary to catch this person. Just work.

   "Damn, that person is Chen Xuan!"

  Wuquan stomped.

It is difficult for these people in Chengdu to become fools in their cultivation. This enemy has already been killed to the door, and even let the family run away. Why did they run? It is not because they saw so many masters in the sect that they fled in the wind. !

  I couldn't respond to each one.

   "What, he is Chen Xuan!?"

   "He killed the Qingyang Sect?"

   "It doesn't matter if the Qingyang Sect is destroyed, it's just that this person killed the needless elder before, but he was a fierce bandit."

  Elder Wuquan saw that all of these people were talking here, and each of them seemed to be reminiscing about the previous events, which immediately made Wuquan and Wuquan angry.

   "You people, please chase me!"

  "Chen Xuan is the enemy of my Wulingzong. No matter how much it costs, he must be brought back to me!"

   "If you don't follow, kill it on the spot!"

   Great Elder Wuquan roared.

  Until this moment, everyone was shocked. They finally understood why the great elder called them. It turned out that Wie raised our power.



  "Tianbao Gourd!"

   "Seven Stars Chasing Moon Sword!"


   Suddenly, gathered on this Jianfeng Peak, nearly a hundred masters of the fit period have sacrificed their magic weapons, soaring into the sky, and chasing them in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  Although the specific realm levels are not uniform, there are so many masters, that is also shocking.

  These nearly a hundred masters of the Conjugation Stage were dispatched at the same time, and this momentum was already mighty. With so much aura rising into the sky, the sky above the entire Wulingzong became unpredictable in an instant.



  The bright light burst out in an instant, and this kind of aura spread out, also showing an extremely terrifying aura.

"a bunch of idiots!"

   Wuquan saw these people finally take action, and couldn't help but cursed. He let the enemy slip a circle in front of his eyes and then fled. Who else can do such a stupid thing.

  At this time, Chen Xuan also sighed incomparably. He didn't expect that there were so many masters in the Wulingzong. This time it was really big.

  I never imagined that under such circumstances, it would definitely be eaten by these monks in the conjoined stage.

  "Fortunately, I run fast."

  Chen Xuan was also relieved.

  Although Chen Xuan was said to be fearless, anyone who stood in front of him would be eliminated by various means, but Chen Xuan's cultivation level is here, and in this cultivation world, it is not a top-level existence.

  So now Chen Xuan also knows how to do what he can.

   is just a few medicinal plants, what can be solved with money, why should it be so violent.

  So Chen Xuan simply left before talking, to find out if there is any other way.

  "Didn’t you say that you are going to my Wulingzong, why are you scared?"

  The leader beside him sneered.

  The speed at which Chen Xuan turned around and left was also really fast. He didn't even react, and he had already left the sky above Wulingzong and Wulingzong.

   really surprised this leader.

   "It's not afraid, I don't want to kill too many people, you are still young and don't understand."

   Chen Xuan said lightly.

   "The Wulingzong will not let you go. They will soon catch up. You have nowhere to run."

  The leader said coldly.

   Chen Xuan even sneered when he heard the leader's words.

  Who is Chen Xuan, the dignified Immortal Dan Zun, would you still be afraid of this small sect?

   "Little girl, I tell you, if they dare to catch up, I will let them die in this mountain range!"

  Chen Xuan stretched out his hand and pointed at the dangerous mountain range ahead.

  This is a primitive mountain range. In the realm of comprehension, there are such barren mountains and ridges. I don’t know how many, all of them are good places to kill people and make more money.

  As soon as Chen Xuan finished speaking, he heard the sky behind him, and suddenly there were dozens of rays of light rising into the sky.

  Boom! boom! boom!

  A variety of magic weapons, many masters are constantly infiltrating their own breath, constantly spreading out, and this momentum is also rolling in in an instant.

   "They are here."

  The leader sneered, and then looked at Chen Xuan. This time, it depends on how you solve it.

   Chen Xuan's expression also stiffened on his face suddenly.

  However, the five-clawed golden tiger sitting down seemed to understand what Chen Xuan had said before.

   After feeling the intention of these people behind him to chase and kill, he immediately descended towards the mountain range that Chen Xuan pointed to earlier.


  The five-clawed gold-patterned tiger landed immediately, and the strength of the landing was already blowing the big trees around this circle directly.

   "Fuck, why are you so witty!"

  (End of this chapter)

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