Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 875: I was hit by the sword

  Chapter 875 I am hit by the sword

  This seemingly ordinary sword.

   But in the eyes of everyone, it contains infinite power.

  Even when they saw this sword, everyone was shocked.

  Because of the sword that Chen Xuan displayed.

   contains extremely terrifying power in it.


After Chen Xuan's ordinary sword collided with the ultimate power of these four mountain kings, it was immediately released by a surging force.


  It was like lifting the tens of millions of tons of seawater to the sky, and then suddenly poured it down.

  It's a splash, extremely violent.

  Such a violent movement, both of them were shocked.

  It's just that Chen Xuan's feet didn't move at all, and the wave that was blowing on his body was just like a light snowflake wave, which was crushed by Chen Xuan before it took shape.

  But those four mountain kings.

   But under this impact, his figure flew out directly.





  One of them fell to the ground, but in the next second he saw a long sword stuck in his stomach!

   "I... I was hit by the sword."

  This feeling of being pierced by a sharp sword also shocked this person.

  Who would be stabbed by such a sharp sword.

  Being stabbed so fiercely, it is simply killing him.


  It’s just that the shouting has not lasted for long, and I have already seen the body dry out quickly.

  Even the Nascent Soul in that body could not escape.

   can only watch his body, slowly turning into nothingness.

   is gone!


  The fifth person who died this time was the fifth.

  The other three people were also clutching their chests. Even though they had all their strengths and fought countless battles, when they met Chen Xuan, they had no other way. They were directly put by Chen Xuan.

  The strength of Chen Xuan is too terrifying.

  Even a person like Chen Xuan could not survive in this world at all.

  While watching the old fifth's body disappear, the aura on his body was also swallowed clean by this sword of sword.

  The eyes of the other three people were filled with great grief and anger.

At this moment, everyone is thinking about beheading Chen Xuan, but now they have damaged two people on their own side, yet they have not seen any harm to Chen Xuan, and there is nothing even on this fur. movement.

   is enough to see how terrifying Chen Xuan is.

  The two sides are in this one, they are not at the same level at all.

   "Brothers, withdraw!"

  The boss immediately drew a spell from his arms.

  As soon as the charm was thrown on the ground with a snap, the charm immediately wrapped all three of them inside.

  However, when Chen Xuan saw these people offering a spell, he also stretched out his hand, and a black mist suddenly enveloped the three people and the light of the spell.


  "Kill me!"

  Chen Xuan directly cast the dark sky, swallowing all the light of this spell.

  This kind of strength was displayed, but everyone was surprised.

  The spell that was cast just now was a sky-piercing charm.

   can come and go freely within a certain range. Of course, this is in the absence of any formation power interference. Now Chen Xuan shot, but directly broke the spells of these people.

   "The three of you, all enter the tripod!"

   Chen Xuan let out a cold snort, and the Immortal Cauldron in his hand also rushed forward with a whistling sound.

The moment   The Immortal Cauldron appeared, it immediately shocked the three of them, but under this shock, they also displayed their own means of self-protection and stayed directly in the Immortal Cauldron.

   Even if you want to escape at this time, it is absolutely impossible.

   "What kind of power is this!"

  The three of them were all shocked.

Because the strength that this immortal cauldron bears is really terrifying. This immortal cauldron can easily refine even the dark demon that crosses the catastrophe period, so these people in the late stage of the integration period can deal with it. It is also extremely convenient.

  "This tripod! This tripod, I have made it round!"

  See the immortal tripod made by Chen Xuan.

  The peak master of the Yaofeng immediately salivated, and the light that erupted in his eyes, he could not wait to put this immortal tripod directly into his pocket. This was indeed too shocking and too delightful.

  If you can get this immortal cauldron, then your own cultivation will become stronger.

   And in this medicine, the success rate will also be higher.

  Even, it’s not impossible to refine the legendary Pill of Crossing Tribulation by yourself.

Thinking of the disciples of those big sects, if there is a need, they are not always equipped with some Tribulation Pills when crossing the Tribulation. Every time this Tribulation Pill is taken, it can weaken one point of the Tribulation Pill. Among the cultivators, crossing the catastrophe Danna is definitely a legend in the legend.

   is definitely a hot thing.

  If anyone succeeds in refining this Pill of Crossing Tribulation, they will become a guest of all major sects!

  Every powerful alchemist.

  The only dream in his heart is to refine this tribulation pill.

   And this old man is already extremely proficient in the refining of pharmacology.

  But now there is no way.

  Because this hardware level is not enough, this medicine cauldron and flame cannot be upgraded.

  If you want to refine the Pill of Crossing Tribulation, you need at least these three flavors of real fire.

  In addition, this powerful medicine pot is needed.

  However, his Yaofeng Peak Master didn’t have any of these things. At this age, if he went to practice the Shamisen True Fire Jue, it was really possible to burn himself to death.

  It is possible in any situation.

  Now the medicine cauldron in Chen Xuan's hands must have a considerable increase in the increase in the refining of medicine. ,

  If you can get it, you can refine the Pill of Crossing Tribulation by yourself, then you will have some certainty.

   "His sword belongs to me, and I will help you get this medicine pot."

  At this moment, the peak master of Yaofeng suddenly heard someone transmitting to him, and it was the peak master of Wuyun Peak.

   Seeing the gaze delivered by Wuyunfeng Peak Master, Yaofeng Peak Master’s heart sank. This skill is not as good as Wuyunfeng Peak Master, and immediately nodded towards Wuyunfeng Peak Master.

  There is no problem in this respect.

  This sword, although it seems to be an extremely powerful magic weapon.

But in the eyes of the peak master of Yaofeng, this is the immortal cauldron that is really valuable. As long as he can refine the Jiedu Jiedan, no one cares about these things. If you want to get these things, it is not easy to get. .

  Even the monk during the Tribulation Period, he will come to cheat him at that time.

   "What are you waiting for, quickly kill this one!"

   Cuiyunfeng Peak Master gave a low voice.

  In front of him, Chen Xuan had already refined the three great mountain kings abruptly.

The end of   , in the eyes of ordinary people, is indeed very tragic.

  And Chen Xuan this kid’s method seems to be some evil, so Chen Xuan killed these people and can directly refine their power and become his own power. This is clearly the trick of the magic way.

  So this Cuiyunfeng peak master has an emerald green crutch in his hand.

   Suddenly the figure rushed out with a thud.

   Towards this Chen Xuan was the first to kill.


  The peak master of Wuyun Peak gave a low cry. The next moment, this figure also swept out suddenly. Hearing the words of the peak master of Wuyun Peak, the peak master of Yaofeng also cast a set of spells.

  With a flick of his fingers, two rays of light penetrated into the bodies of these two people.



  (End of this chapter)

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