Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 884: Doppelganger Anti-Thunder Tribulation

   Chapter 884

  It's not that the Thunder God ring has reached saturation and cannot continue to absorb the power of thunder.

  But at this time, the Thunder God ring could not be activated, and even had a state of being forcibly suppressed by this power.

  All the power is concentrated in it, it is difficult to burst out.

  Of course, this situation is also formed by the surrounding environment.

   Here, Chen Xuan is too late to study it carefully.

  The Wuquan elder clearly wanted Chen Xuan to die with him.

  Chen Xuan is only in the early stage of the distraction stage, and being able to fight against a bunch of masters at the peak of the fit stage is already quite remarkable.

  It’s just that the thunder tribulation of this tribulation period is really not as powerful as usual.

  The power of thunder floating above the sky does not seem to be very strong, but it seems a little weak.

  However, the power of these lightning powers is also condensed under the state of tens of times the calculation, and the power contained in them is more than ten times that of the Destroying Thunder of the same level.

  Just such a destructive thunder fell, it was enough to chop Chen Xuan into countless coke-like scum.

  "Fortunately, I have a meat shield!"

Chen Xuan thought in his heart, and then he made a move to summon a figure. When this figure appeared, he looked up directly at the sky. The only thing that could threaten him was also right. It's the tumbling thunder above the sky.

  This figure is the giant clone that Chen Xuan has been putting in this Thunder God ring to temper his flesh.

  Now is also a good opportunity for this giant clone to perform.

   "This is a very good opportunity for you, go ahead."

   Chen Xuan said, and this giant clone naturally obeyed Chen Xuan's words, and there was no way to defy Chen Xuan's instructions.

   "There are even clones, but under my God of Tribulation Thunder, you all have to die here!"

  Wuquan gave a cold snort.

  In this matter, this Wuquan also used its own golden beads to protect itself, and the power above the golden beads diffused out and spread around here.

  Gradually, the breath of this black spring was gradually hidden under the defense of this golden bead!

  Chen Xuan's eyes widened too.

Although the eyes can see the existence of this Wuquan, when Divine Sense swept over, he had never noticed this Wuquan's figure. After Chen Xuan saw Wuquan’s tricky smile, the corners of his mouth were immediately raised. A slight arc.

  An extremely sinister smile emerged.

  Sure enough, the next moment, there was a loud bang, and then I saw a thunder light descending from the sky like a swift, slashing directly towards Chen Xuan.


  Chen Xuan stood there and never moved, but it was the giant clone. At this moment, the whole body was surrounded by golden light, and Pangu opened the sky to revolve.

  The long axe of his own guard slashed directly above the sky.


The great axe of this incarnation collided fiercely with the **** of destruction thunder that fell from the sky, and the fluctuations formed in an instant immediately spread to the range of hundreds of miles. This strong movement will bring hundreds of miles around here. Inside, as long as the peaks that exceed two hundred meters, the parts that exceed them are all shattered!

  Countless broken stones fell on this ground. These annihilated stones looked so fragile. Such a scene was not even enough to describe the power of this shock wave.

   Chen Xuan also saw the dazzling light from this dazzling light, and saw the full body of light, the giant clone transformed into a giant axe. At this time, it turned out to be safe and sound. He was also surprised in his heart. Unexpectedly, this giant clone would have two lives.

  It's just that with the appearance of the shock just now, it is enough to see the power and terrifying level of this powerhouse during the Tribulation Period.

  Below this level, it also surprised Chen Xuan's heart.

   "It seems that before this triumph is completed, people must be buried."

   Chen Xuan's gaze turned to the Wuquan deep under the golden pearl.

  This thunder tribulation came because of this black spring, and the more the number of people, the more powerful the thunder tribulation.

  This Wuquan wanted to let himself help him resist the power in front of him.

  Wait until I can almost resist this thunder tribulation, it is also able to increase the chance of the opponent's thunder tribulation. This kid is full of thoughts, and it is quite thoughtful.

  I want to use myself!

   "Slash the fairy sword!"

  Chen Xuan directly sacrificed the Immortal Slashing Sword. In the next moment, Chen Xuan's figure swept towards the Wuquan ahead.

  This Wuquan was still surprised at the power of that clone at this time. He didn't expect the strength of this clone to be so powerful.

  It is already very good to be able to do this.

"It was blocked for a while, but during this Tribulation Period, there are nine levels of Destruction Realm Thunder. It was only the first level, and there are eight more. If you can block the eight paths, then I would like to thank you. !"

  If Chen Xuan really resisted these nine destructive thunder tribulations.

  Na Wuquan almost worshipped Chen Xuan, I must thank Chen Xuan very much, after all, Chen Xuan did a great deed for him.

  Of course, this is almost impossible, so Wuquan itself is at this level, and it is difficult for Wuquan to survive this thunder tribulation.

   And Chen Xuan was also included, just for a gamble.

However, Chen Xuan took the initiative to kill this Wuquan. Just as Wuquan was immersed in this shock, he suddenly felt a sudden shock above the golden pearl, and this surging power instantly Diffuse out.

   directly beat this Wuquan to wake up.


  Wuquan saw a crack in his golden bead defense.

Under such circumstances, even dared to make a move. At this time, it was too late to protect himself. Chen Xuan actually dared to make a move here. Within the scope of this thunder, once you make a move and leak your breath, it will Will be locked by this thunder robbery.

  The moment Chen Xuan made his move, the power of the robbery instantly locked Chen Xuan on.


  A crimson **** of destruction thunder descended from the sky, directly towards Chen Xuan.

  But Chen Xuan never cared, just used the sword in this hand to continue to chop downward!

   "Break it for me!"

   Accompanied by Chen Xuan's anger, the next second, the golden pearl mask in front of him was directly shattered. ,

"not good!"

   Wu Quan himself did not expect that Chen Xuan could break through the defenses so fast. In addition, Wu Quan himself was cautious and did not dare to fight back. At this moment, there was no way.


  Chen Xuan's sword fell down.

  There was also a flash of thunder behind him, followed by a violent shaking, as if the world was about to be torn apart.

  At this moment, the light on that day has almost spread thousands of miles away. Even people tens of thousands of miles away can clearly see the emergence of this light.

   One can imagine how terrifying the famous energy is.

  The half of the giant's clone was directly under the thunder and was blown to pieces.

  However, at this time, the giant avatar was breathing gently. During the breathing, the power of the regeneration stone was gradually mobilized.


  In between a breath, the broken body, unexpectedly, gradually recovered at this moment.

  This kind of recovery speed is simply outrageous, but Wuquan does not have the energy to observe the giant's clone at this time. At this time, he is also unable to protect himself.

  Chen Xuan's sword smashed down, almost inevitable.

  Wuquan ran the True Essence, raised his hand to resist, and an arm guard appeared on this arm.

  However, the power of this armguard is not the opponent of Sword Sword at all.


  The arm was cut off and blood splashed.

  (End of this chapter)

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