Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 904: Supreme Elder

   Chapter 904

  Chen Xuan is here to kill! ?

That guy is too arrogant. For so long, their Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion has existed for such a long time, and they have never seen such an arrogant person before, and they have directly killed this gate, even though the Patriarch Aoyue Jiangshan It has been hung up, but in this Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion, there are still some masters who can come and clean up Chen Xuan's at any time.

   "What are you panicking? I'm going to have a look. This is called Chen Xuan, how much he is capable of!"

  An old man opened his eyes.

  When these elders were in the meeting, they almost didn't say a word. They all wanted to take a look at the old man's face. If the old man made any movements, he would find out in an instant.

  This person is no one else, it is the generation of the Aoyue family's grand elder!

  The position of the Supreme Elder, and the words that are said are even more useful than what the Patriarch said, but the elder is an elder after all, and the position of the Supreme Elder is a spare job.

At any time, you can’t arbitrarily interfere with the affairs of this family, unless there are special circumstances, it seems that the owner of the family is dead now, but this too high elder did not intervene in it. This is the rule. If these If the elder fights because of the choice of the Patriarch, then the Supreme Elder has the right to speak.

  Clean up all these people, and that’s not a problem.

Fortunately, Chen Xuan came early. The current foreign enemy’s internal strife will be slightly weakened. Even if you want to fight for power, you need to eliminate the foreign enemy before you sit down and fight slowly. I fight.

  This Taishang elder has cultivated to this level, and is already the strength of the later stage of the Tribulation.

  I don’t care about this worldly right a long time ago

If it weren't for this duty, he, the Supreme Elder, would have been wandering around and looking for ways long ago. Those individuals have disappeared, and they are at ease, leaving him here alone to guard the family. , It's not interesting enough.

Staying in such a place, there will be any breakthroughs, and even one's own realm will not have time to improve, and will always be stuck in this realm, but it is impossible to understand this kind of thing. Maybe it suddenly got an epiphany, then this situation is not so simple.

  It is estimated that in an instant, you will be able to enter the Dao, approaching the peak of this tribulation period, and become immortal!

   Immediately this Taishang elder stepped out, and his figure disappeared in front of his eyes instantly.


  The figure in this hall gradually disappeared, and then I saw the sky above the sky, suddenly dark clouds closed.

Chen Xuan just killed a few disciples of the Aoyue family who rushed up, and he felt a force coming from a distance. When this force was released, Chen Xuan felt that a thunderous thunder was brewing. .

   "Is Chen Xuan the one coming?"

  An old voice sounded, and Chen Xuan was surprised that someone could even know him.

   However, this Aoyue family should have leaked all their own information. Only in this way will these people know that they are coming.

   "What a strong breath, it is several times stronger than that of Aoyue Jiangshan!"

   Chen Xuan's heart was shocked by this momentum.

  The real person Tianya beside him could only look up and stare.

  "It is the Supreme Elder of the Aoyue Family, Aoyue Star!"

  Aoyue star?

  What kind of ghost name is this? Is it so casual for your parents to give you a name? This is simply too much. Chen Xuan is simply powerless to speak up about this name.

  But then I saw a magnificent person appear in front of him.

  Although it is just standing there, it has a kind of heavenly power.

   Chen Xuan stared, the threat released from the opponent's body was very weak, but very clear.

   "I am Chen Xuan!"

   "Hehe, hand over the mountain and sea map of my Aoyue family, I can save your life."

  (End of this chapter)

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