Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 910: Dark Demon

   Chapter 910 Dark Demon

  In the altar of this place, there are dozens of masters of this cultivation world sitting cross-legged.

  Anyone coming out alone is enough to make this world of comprehension upside down.

  It is already an extremely unusual thing for these big guys to get together.

  This dark demon has always been the existence of the Righteous Alliance, which has attached great importance to it.

  Each dark demon is equivalent to a Mahayana monk.

  Above the tribulation period is the Mahayana realm.

  The appearance of a dark demon is enough to make this dark demon race, Wutianmen form a strong emotion.

   will even form an organized and directional offensive method,

  If it were the reunified Wutianmen, it would be very terrifying.

  The current Wutianmen is suppressed by this righteous alliance.

   is divided into several factions, constantly weakening them.

  After all, this is the home ground of the cultivation world. As long as it continues to drag on, it may only take those thousand years. The birth of a talent in the cultivation world is enough to reverse the situation in the cultivation world. They are waiting for this time.

   Now this dark demon has appeared again.

  One was destroyed last time, but it appeared again this time.

   "Now the general trend of Wutianmen is gone, but if this dark demon appears, the power it carries is enough to gather the power of Wutianmen, and it will definitely be detrimental to me at that time!"

   "Go, before Wutian Gate arrives, put out this dark demon first."

   "This magic way has just been born, and the strength has not been restored. It is when I am waiting for the pursuit!"

  "Go! I'll wait for the strength to tear up the space!"

  There is no heavenly gate.

  The seven chiefs are all gathered together, and these seven people are all at the level of demon.

  The birth of the Dark Demon is too difficult, but each one is born, it will become an extremely powerful combat force.

  The seven chiefs are among each other, as the demon, above all the dark things.

   Now there is another dark demon's breath, which is also exciting in people's hearts.

   "Isn't this the breath of a demon sacrifice? Is it resurrected?"

  Devil Sacrifice is also the name of this dark demon.

   "If the demon sacrifice is resurrected, those in the Righteous Alliance will definitely not let him go!"

   Immediately these seven dark demons were also excited.

   "Bring the demon sacrificial back, we gathered the strength of eight people, enough to bring this and the right way alliance, trample underfoot!"

  "Go! Look at my Tianluo boundless. Open!"

  One of the dark demon screamed angrily as he displayed his talent skills, which was somewhat similar to the ability Dark Tianluo obtained by Chen Xuan.

   But in fact, if Chen Xuan's dark heavenly power is more powerful than this heavenly Luo Wujie.

  It's just that the current Chen Xuan's strength is too weak to be displayed.


  A vortex appeared in front of him.

   The seven dark demons also directly got in. From this whirlpool, they can directly penetrate the enchantment set by the Righteous Path Alliance, but this is also very easy to attract the attention of the Righteous Path Alliance.

  But now they are no longer afraid.

  At this moment, the most important thing is to save the dark demon back. Only in this way, they will have the ability to win this battle without a heavenly door. This is a huge turning point, and it must be done.

  The surrounding areas of the Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion were also flooded with that huge dark demon energy at this moment.

  The ancestor of the white robe Aoyue stared at the terrifying phenomenon below with wide eyes.

  The surface of this thousand-mile radius is already in a state of fragmentation and explosion. A huge body has come up from under the ground. At this moment, he is also clutching his head, seeming to look at the surroundings somewhat blankly.

   Chen Xuan raised his head in the dust, and lifted up a huge boulder on his body.

   gazed at a dark demon in front of him.

  This kind of appearance is already the darkest demon like this person Chen Xuan has seen for so long.

Of course, the dark saints and others in the Fengyun Continent all relied on their own illusionary changes, but the existence of this one in front of them is really real, with nose and eyes, and it looks like this one. The same as people.

   "Such a big dark demon."

  Chen Xuan made a comparison, and was surprised to find that this dark demon seemed to be not as big as the dark demon he found on Jishan that day.

   Could it be that the dark demon that was refined by himself was even stronger?


  This dark demon was holding his head, and at the moment he didn't know what was yelling at. After all, he had just resurrected, and now he was waving his hand to attack. The primitive power in his body was urging the dark demon to attack.

   "Mountain and sea map!"

The ancestor Aoyue also slapped the mountain and sea map in his hand. He must first suppress the dark demon. Otherwise, once the dark demon falls into this violent state, then no one can live today, let alone the Aoyue family. What people do to this dark demon.

   is also something that this dark demon can deeply feel, and once it reacts, it will definitely be with their Aoyue family, endlessly.

   And his Aoyue family, where there is no reason to die, it must be dead at this moment.


  The Dark Demon stretched out his hand and slapped it to shred the mountain and sea map of the proud ancestor.

  This kind of magic weapon, which is the best in the world, is so easy to be torn apart.

   is really scary.


   When this ancestor Aoyue was shocked, he slapped it again, and blasted the ancestor Aoyue out.


   Aoyue ancestor fell heavily on the ground.

   Although it is said that he is at the peak of this tribulation period.

   But even this dark demon could not stop it.

  Chen Xuan flew up, and soon the dark demon was also attracted by Chen Xuan's attention, and immediately chased and killed Chen Xuan.

   "Star God Jade Pen!"

  The star **** jade pendant in Chen Xuan's hand suddenly flew out. It turned out that the energy was exhausted and Chen Xuan was about to be sent back.

  But this star **** jade pendant flew out too late.

  The dark demon suddenly caught Chen Xuan's star **** jade pendant.

   "I's jade pendant!"

   Chen Xuan was shocked, and slashed out with Taixu Sword Art.

  But it didn't stir up this dark demon.

  The dark demon threw the star **** jade pendant into his mouth, and instantly chewed it to pieces!

   Click, click!

"you wanna die!"

  Chen Xuan was taken aback, and then furious. The Star God jade pendant could take Chen Xuan back to Fengyun Continent. Now that the jade pendant is broken, how can he go back?

  He Chen Xuan will be completely trapped in this realm of cultivation.

  Under the anger of Chen Xuan, the power of darkness in his body seemed to have fallen into a state of extreme boiling, and he swallowed Chen Xuan's body in an instant.

  Binoculars became pitch black as ink, and the dark breath was released, which immediately attracted everyone's attention!

  (End of this chapter)

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