Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 912: Endless Murder

   Chapter 912 Endless Murder

  This ant is extremely weak at the moment, even standing on the ground makes people think that he will be blown by a strong wind.

  The human body has the power of darkness not weaker than the dark demon itself!

  This situation has not only made Wutianmen covet, but also made everyone in the Righteous Alliance very jealous.

  "This boy is cruel and has many methods. I am afraid that it has been eroded by the darkness. Therefore, during the fit period, I can burst out with power that I don't even have the power to fight back."

  Aoyue Shanhe stared at Chen Xuan fiercely, the hatred in his eyes was so deep that he could not wait to strip Chen Xuan skin and bones, and bite it into his stomach.

   "If the human power can combine with the power of the dark demon to give out more powerful power and make people crazy, the harm of this child is no weaker than any dark demon present! It will even be more terrifying in time!"

  Liebone's eyes are slightly narrowed, and endless murderous intent has been revealed from the gap in his eyes.

Everyone in the Righteous Alliance nodded and said yes.

  The seven leaders of Wutianmen looked at Chen Xuan, just like the previous demonic sacrifice, as if looking at the most nourishing tonic in the world.

   "Go! Don't let those humans take the lead!"

  Almost at the same time, the seven leaders reached a consensus through their eyes, and the speed of their shots made them invisible to the naked eye.

   "Oh, they want to cover up, stop them!"

How could the real person Liegu and others let Wutianmen take the lead, leaving dozens of afterimages on the spot, and they went to intercept them together.

  Chen Xuan ignored any of them, sat calmly on the spot, and adjusted his breath through the elixir.

   "Think of me as a lamb who can't fight back?"

  Chen Xuan sneered in his heart, but did not rush to shoot or run away.

  These people are already the strongest group of people in the Baicao realm. Where can he go when he runs?

  The only thing he didn't expect was that among those cultivators, there was an old ancestor of Aoyue ancestor. If not, he could sneak away by fishing in troubled waters.

   "If you obstruct me twice, you will die!"

  Chen Xuan and Ao Yue Shanhe looked at each other from a distance, and their eyes showed endless murderous intent.

  What happened next made Chen Xuan embarrassed and angry.

  The cultivators who are also humans frequently used killer moves against him. Whenever Chen Xuan wanted to protect himself, the dark demon tried every means to help Chen Xuan stop the attack, even using his body to block it himself.

  Chen Xuan himself, who was the focus of the battle, did not suffer any harm, not even a bit of interference.

  But do these dark demons really want to protect Chen Xuan?

  Chen Xuan certainly knew the answer. The reason why these dark demons did not kill Chen Xuan was because their purpose was more cruel than killing him directly.

   "Fight, just do it, this time, either I will fall here, or I and you will never die!"

   Chen Xuan secretly said in his heart.

   "Indestructible tripod, come out!"

  Chen Xuan stepped on fiercely and flew high in the sky.

  "Hundred Days War God armor, cross-dress!"

   "Cut the fairy sword, come out!"

  The powerful aura instantly agitated the audience.

  The dark demon and the cultivator who are fighting below are all taken aback, what is he doing? Is this the power that can be exerted during the fit period?

   "Huh, I'm still struggling senselessly when I die."

A touch of pride flashed in the eyes of the real person    Liegu. When would you wait if you don’t take action at this time? A law decision in his hand has already been printed out.

   "Sky Rolling Waves!"

  The quiet sky was violent instantaneously, and countless white clouds surged wildly, turning into violent waves and attacking Chen Xuan.

  The force is so fierce that everyone's complexion changed drastically.

   "What level of practice is this!? This aura is too terrifying, and the sound alone is enough to make the cultivators in the early stage of the Tribulation retreat!"

   "Sure enough, it's the Mahayana period! If you don't make a move, it's all about it. One move is a lore!"

  The seven chiefs of Wutianmen changed their previous look, looked at the real person Liegu with dread, and winked at each other. This person is definitely their confidant.

  "The ancestors have cultivated like this, heaven and earth can be destroyed!" Aoyue Shanhe was very excited.

  Even Chen Xuan's complexion changed and his thoughts were not good. This person's strength is definitely the strongest person he has encountered in the Baicao Realm.

  Are you going to use that hole card?

   Chen Xuan's eyes were fierce, and he decided immediately, not waiting for when.

  Even if this hole card is used, he will be overwhelmed.

   But compared to being slaughtered, this is nothing!

  He Chen Xuan, never showed weakness to others, never before, and never will be!

  In the eyes of other people, Chen Xuan only saw what Chen Xuan took out of the spatial ring and swallowed his stomach.

   was then submerged by the violent waves falling from the sky and disappeared.


   Tianshui fell to the ground, and a violent sound erupted.

  This sound, compared to the flow of water, makes people feel more like a pile of extremely heavy meteorites falling to the ground.

  The wide range of smoke and dust set off, a full range of hundreds of miles.

   At the center of the smash, there was a huge bottomless hole. Even if I looked down, my heart was chilling.

  The cultivators of the Righteous Path Alliance swallowed their saliva and looked at the real person Lie Bone with awe again. Is this his true strength? It's terrifying.

  The Righteous Righteous Alliance thought he was dead, but unexpectedly there was movement in Wutianmen.

  The shock that caused the seven leaders to point fingers, among them, spread madly.

   "What kind of breath is this..."

   "What a pure dark power..."

  "Not only pure, but also cohesive, like an impenetrable prison!"

   "Not good! We are all trapped!"

  The conversation of the seven chiefs made the practitioners unpredictable. Are they crazy? What nonsense?

  If the Dark Demon is different from them, they understand.

   But then, even Liegu’s old friend Aoyue Shanhe, his face changed wildly.

   "He's not dead! Now all around us is his dark atmosphere! All of them!"

Real Man Liegu glanced at Aoyue Shanhe dissatisfiedly, don't you believe his strength? He's just a boy in the fit period, can he still survive this trick?

  "Don’t believe me, don’t believe me, look at those dark demons, they are going crazy!"

  Aoyue Mountain and He couldn't tell, so she had to point the target to the dark demon, let them act physically, and give the most direct explanation.

  The cultivators have turned their attention to the seven leaders of Wutianmen.

  I saw them as if they had been caught in an evil spirit, running around, even the badly wounded dark demon they had just saved.

  A very bad feeling arises from the bottom of everyone's hearts.

  Could it be...

  Is he really not dead?

  "How about the Righteous Alliance, what about the Wutianmen..."

  A calm word appeared in everyone's ears.

  Everyone raised their heads and looked around, but Chen Xuan could not be found.

  (End of this chapter)

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