Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 919: I don't know gold and jade

   Chapter 919

   Liang Yuan was stunned, opened it and smelled it, it turned out to be bitter.

   "Impossible, the master said that this is a second-grade pill!" Liang Yuan still didn't believe it.

  Liang Maode shook his head and said: "The technique of pill medicine is profound and profound. Don't go too far. You actually believe the words of these countrymen."

   "Without a long heritage, it is as difficult to become an alchemist."

   sighed, and wanted to teach Liang Yuan a few words, the servant ran up and said to Liang Maode: "The shopkeeper, Dr. Li is here!"

  With a smile on his face, Liang Maode said with joy: "You guys are waiting here, I personally go and invite!"

After a while, Liang Yuan saw his father welcome Li Hongyang in respectfully.

   Seeing Liang Yuan, Li Hongyang turned his head and snorted disdainfully.

  "The master calms down the anger, the master calms down, and the dog is still young and ignorant. I hope that the master will let the dog return to the teacher regardless of the predecessor." Liang Maode instructed the servant to pour the tea, and continued to laugh.

  Li Hongyang swaggered to sit in the position before Liang Maode, with his legs folded and said: "Return to the teacher's door? Is my decision changed when I want to change it?"

  "This..." Liang Maode didn't expect Li Hongyang to refuse so decisively, so he asked: "I don't know what the master would like to order in person in the humble house."

  The so-called not hitting smiley people with one's hand, even if Li Hongyang is very angry with Liang Yuan, his face is slightly relieved when he sees Liang Yuan's enthusiasm.

"Hehe, it's not because of your good son. Isn't he running errands with the master pill master? It just so happens that my teacher is coming here to hold a pill alchemy conference recently. I specially invited him to participate, and I asked your precious son to help. I'm making an invitation." Li Hongyang sneered again and again.

  Hold an alchemy meeting here?

  Liang Maode was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately surprised: “Does the master’s teacher fall here? Liang must do his best to entertain, and will never neglect!”

"No need! Send the invitation to it." Li Hongyang drank the hot tea that had just been poured on the table, threw down an invitation, and was about to walk out, but Yu Guang caught a glimpse of Liang Yuan's hand. The porcelain bottle, the pace is slow.

   Seeing Li Hongyang’s gaze, Liang Maode diligently snatched the porcelain vase from Liang Yuan and handed it to Li Hongyang.

   "Master, please see, this is the pill that the countryman sent me, and what kind of second-grade pill is said to be, it's simply not popular!"

  Second product pill? Li Hongyang smiled, even he couldn't refine it, could it be a second-grade pill?

  Open the bottle cap, the bitterness comes out as promised.

He gave a sneer, Li Hongyang threw the porcelain bottle on the ground without saying a word, and said as he walked: "This is the master, the five-body cast that you can admire."

  Looking at the back of Li Hongyang walking out, Liang Maode sighed deeply, knowing that the matter could never be undone.

  I was extremely disappointed with Liang Yuan, and Liang Maode also walked out without saying a word.

  Liang Yuan silently picked up the porcelain bottle cautiously, wondering if he was really deceived?

  The facts were in front of him, Liang Yuan had to waver, even if Chen Xuan's aura was strong that day, it really had nothing to do with alchemy.

  Finally, entrusted by Wang Yingjie's orders, Liang Yuan had to put the Qi Devouring Pill for sale in his own store, hoping to be taken advantage of.

The   Alchemy Conference will be held five days later.

  After five days passed, a young and beautiful girl walked into Liangji Pharmacy that day.

   "What the **** is this place, there are only a few small shops, where the alchemy meeting is held? The ancient medicine sect is afraid that he has taken the wrong medicine."

  The beautiful girl muttered in her mouth, picking and choosing in the pharmacy, and she was extremely dissatisfied and asked: "Is there no longer Ganoderma lucidum and salvia?"

The guy beside    wanted to come forward to answer, but was scolded by the girl: "Let the shopkeeper come out!"

  Man had to go to the back room and ask Liang Maode out.

  Liang Maode first saw a girl, and knew that this girl was extraordinary, and the clothes on her body were not made of materials that ordinary people can afford.

  "This girl, I wonder if you have any dissatisfaction?" Liang Maode smiled kindly.

   "What's the matter with you, this girl has chosen so many stores, is there no one that has been taking medicine for more than ten years?" The girl frowned.

"Girls, please don’t get angry. There are some, but you don’t know the truth. We have always been protected by the ancient medicinal sect in the town of Burning Fire. The best medicinal materials are sold to them in advance, and ordinary cultivators don’t need these, so There are only some medicinal herbs that are usually used for healing."

  Liang Maode patiently explained, and then said: "If the girl has any pill needs, Liang Ji can go to the ancient medicine master to sell it on her behalf, and then hand it over to the girl. What do you think?"

   "Will this girl go to such a poor place to buy pills? It's really unlucky, the uncle shouldn't agree to the ancient medicine sect's invitation to come here, it's really annoying!" The girl turned her head angrily and left.

  Liang Maode smiled helplessly. It seemed that this girl was also a sect disciple, and he couldn't afford it.

  I thought that the girl would not look back, but did not expect that Qiong's nose shrugged as the girl walked around, as if she had smelled something, and probed into a corner.

In the corner of   , there is a porcelain bottle with an uncapped bottle cap.

   "This smell is a bit weird, as if I have smelled it somewhere." The girl said to herself and picked up the porcelain bottle.

  "Girl, this is a defective product, not for sale." Liang Maode hurried over to stop the girl's movements.

  If it’s okay to buy an ordinary wealthy family, it’s okay to take it as a substandard pill, but if he deceives the practitioner, he can’t afford the consequences.

   "This girl wants to see, can you stop it?" The girl retracted her hands in dissatisfaction, avoiding Liang Maode's hands.

  Liang Maode helplessly apologized: "Liang just wanted to explain, so as not to misunderstand the girl. If the girl wants to see it, please read it."

   "It's almost the same." The girl snorted and poured out a Qi Devouring Pill from the porcelain bottle, pinched it with her white jade fingers, placed it on the tip of her nose, smelled it, and even ate it into her mouth.

  Liang Maode saw this big mouth and exclaimed: "Girl, what are you doing! Don't swallow it!"

  The girl didn't dislike the bitterness at all, she swallowed the Qi Qi Dan in her abdomen, closed her eyes and slowly aftertaste, she ignored Liang Maode at all.

  The tingling sensation, from a little bit, to a wisps of swelling in the girl's body, and as the tingling sensation increases, the true energy in the body is gradually being swallowed.

  The girl smiled coldly, running the exercises, and resisting this swallowing force.

  With the operation of the girl, the devouring power is outnumbered, and is gradually consumed.

  As the true energy contends with the power of swallowing, the consumed true energy recovers at a faster speed.

  At the end, the girl was surprised to find that the total amount of zhenqi in her body had increased a lot, reaching the point of at least one-tenth.

   "Sure enough, this is the long-lost Qi Devouring Pill mentioned by Master!"

  The girl has piercing eyes and turned to look at Liang Maode.

  (End of this chapter)

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