Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 921: unfair treatment

  Chapter 921 Unfair Treatment

   "Today, my ancient medicine sect has a lot of friends from all over the world. I believe that many people don't know the internal reasons and why it is called the alchemy conference." Zheng Wenshan laughed. `

  There was a lot of discussion in the audience, and they were full of curiosity. Isn't the alchemy conference not alchemy?

   "Haha, I won't sell it anymore, now I will officially introduce it!"

  Zheng Wenshan moved to the rear. Behind the high platform, there was still a row of people with extraordinary exhaust.

   "This, is today's distinguished guest, Elder Sun from Yun Yizong!"

  Yizong Yun!

  The stage was shocked. This is another sect that is not weaker than the ancient medicine sect, and even stronger. It is rumored that it has always been in good relationship with the ancient medicine sect. Today, it is not groundless.

  Elder Sun nodded slightly, and sat calmly on the spot.

   "These are the senior disciples of Elder Sun, and they are all geniuses of cultivation, which embarrassed the younger generation of my ancient medicine sect."

  Men, men and women, there is a girl who buys pill at Liang Ji Pharmacy.

  The girl sat in the position of Elder Sun closest to her, raising her swan-like white and delicate neck, dismissing the warm gaze below.

   "Elder Sun has brought us an incomplete third-grade pill. Today, the virtuous will live here! The alchemy conference officially begins!" Zheng Wenshan waved his hand.

   There was thunderous applause from the stage, and countless maids carrying fruit plate drinks walked into the field and placed them on the table banquet.

   "I was willing to show the Sanpin Pill to the public, and the Ancient Medicine Sect was really big!"

  "Does the result still need to be said? It must have been taken by the ancient medicine sect, but it is just a process."

   "If you want to take it away, go up and try it? Is it the alchemist you?"

  "It is a supreme blessing for us to be able to see Master Alchemy Master's alchemy style, so what is so sour."

  Everyone talked in low voices.

  Chen Xuan didn't care about it at all, and still focused on the fruits and melons with Xiaoyou, feasting on them.

  How can Chen Xuan pay attention to these children's trick-like trials.

  But since he is here, naturally some people don't want to see him leisurely.

  "Now the list of the first round of alchemists is announced. Li Chun, He Wuhan, Hua Shu, Cao Mingrui...Chen Xuan and others are on stage!"

  When Liang Yuan found Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan's name had already been announced.

   Liang Yuan's expression changed, and he walked quickly to Chen Xuan and said, "Master, before they know that you are Chen Xuan, hurry up!"

   "Why are you leaving?" Chen Xuan wiped his mouth, smiled and stood up.

   "Li Hongyang is a member of the Ancient Medicine Sect, he will harm you!" Liang Yuan is anxious, and Chen Xuan has now been proven to be a genuine second-tier alchemist. If he is hated by the Ancient Medicine Sect, the consequences would be disastrous!

   "Want to go! Is this the place where you can come and leave? Chen Xuan is right, it's time for you to come on stage."

  Pang Mo's figure did not know when, a few people appeared behind them, and they looked at Chen Xuan with contempt.

  Liang Yuan didn’t know Pang Mo at all, and when he saw that he could accurately say Chen Xuan’s name, he suddenly felt like he was Li Hongyang’s helper.

  But he didn’t know Pang Mo, but there were people around him.

   "It turned out to be Elder Zheng's disciple, first toast a cup!"

  After someone recognized Pang Mo, he immediately walked over, toasted Pang Mo, and kept flattering.

   When I heard that it was Zheng Wenshan’s apprentice, the people nearby immediately surrounded the place, boasting and flattering.

  Pang Mo proudly raised the corners of his mouth and nodded faintly. In his capacity, even if he was looking for trouble, he would be too exaggerating Chen Xuan.

Sure enough, Pang Mo saw that in this situation, Chen Xuan stood up honestly and walked towards the stage.

   "Remember, never mess with people you shouldn't mess with."

  Pang Mo followed Chen Xuan and said lightly.

  Chen Xuan glanced back, his eyes were a little surprised, are people so confident nowadays?

  If his divine consciousness is not wrong, this so-called elder Zheng Gao disciple is nothing more than nine levels of Qi training.

   shook his head helplessly, and Chen Xuan walked slowly onto the stage.

  Walking up to the stage, a few other people waited here early.

  Zheng Wenshan saw Chen Xuan's brow furrowed, and Pang Mo immediately leaned forward and whispered a few words in his ear.

  With a knowing expression, Zheng Wenshan nodded and said to the audience: "The first round of competition, start!"

  "Examination questions, first-class pill, medicinal properties, restore energy and spirit."

  Chen Xuan and others stood behind a large cauldron, waiting for the ancient medicine sect to release medicinal materials.

   Soon, someone was around everyone, putting a pile of medicinal materials.

  These medicinal materials are strange and strange, and each one is different. It is not difficult to refine a pill that can restore energy and spirit.

  The difficulty lies in testing the alchemy master’s reserves of alchemy. If there is no pill that matches these medicinal materials, it will be unlucky and lose directly in the first step.

  As for this, Zheng Wenshan also introduced it to the audience so that everyone would not be confused.

  However, when Chen Xuan saw his pile of medicinal materials, he smiled coldly.

  Sure enough, these people did not have any good intentions. In their own pile of medicinal materials, there is no choice of blindly matching herbal medicines, and even all of them are toxic!

  When everyone else had already started picking up medicinal materials, only Chen Xuan was still standing there, motionless.

   "What's the matter with this person?"

   "Is it intentional to let other people?"

   "The people of the Ancient Medicine Sect have written the wrong list, right?"

   Liang Yuan frowned when he saw here, he slightly guessed Chen Xuan's current situation.

   "Why isn't Brother Xuan moving?" Xiaoyou asked timidly.

   Liang Yuan smiled bitterly and shook his head, knowing that he shouldn’t have sent the invitation, even if he offended Li Hongyang, he could at least stand on Chen Xuan’s side.

  Now if Chen Xuan was harmed by them, he would have lost both ends.

  Although several others who participated in the competition at the same time were ridiculous about Chen Xuan's indifference, they did not dare to relax, after all, they still had to compete with each other.

  Choose the medicinal materials, then open the big cauldron in front of you, input the true energy into it, and drive the formation inside.

  The outer wall of the big cauldron lit up, and the temperature inside the cauldron gradually increased.

  Several people have invested in medicinal materials according to their own choices.

   Chen Xuan saw this, and also opened the pill furnace in front of him, stretched out his hand and touched it, as he expected.

  Not only did they not give him the relative medicinal materials, but they also temporarily banned the ignition pattern in the pill furnace.

This restriction under    must have the strength during the foundation period to break it.

   "Why, are you ready to give up?" Pang Mo sneered from the side.

  Chen Xuan glanced at him lightly and said, "Can I give up."

  Pang Mo said, "What do you think?"

  Zheng Wenshan said solemnly from the side: "If you deceive the ancient medicine zong alchemy master, then abolish the whole body cultivation base and drive out of the town of flames."

  Chen Xuan naturally wouldn't abstain, just teasing the two of them.

  (End of this chapter)

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