Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 923: A bunch of blind men

   Chapter 923 A Group of Blind Men

   "Hold on, why do you say that I am out?" Chen Xuan calmly took a few steps forward, not afraid of Zheng Wenshan's might.

  "Want to mess around?" Zheng Wenshan's expression became more and more gloomy.

   "I think you are the only one who messes around."

  Ignoring Zheng Wenshan's expression, Chen Xuan walked to the cracked alchemy furnace on his own, touched it lightly, and broke the ground.

  Afterwards, Chen Xuan felt like picking up **** and fumbled inside. Finally, with joy, he touched a round object.

  "This is my entry, take it up and give it to Elder Sun of Yun Yizong for a taste."

  Throwing it casually, Chen Xuan threw the pill into the wooden chrysanthemum where another person was holding the pill.

   "Asshole, what are you doing!" Li Chun was angry, and Chen Xuan actually threw the garbage into his pill filled pot.

  Chen Xuan glanced at him faintly, and said, "What garbage pill, I put it in it to give you face, you know?"

   "Whose immortality **** are you talking about!" Li Chun rolled his sleeves and wanted to find Chen Xuan's theory.

   Unfortunately, Chen Xuan didn't even give him a face. Li Chun didn't dare to be as presumptuous as Pang Mo on the stage, so he had to give up.

"Ha ha."

  Zheng Wenshan sneered, and did not take out Chen Xuan's pill, so he carried it on a plate, and walked in front of Yun Yizong’s Sun Zhihao and others.

  "Elder Sun, please taste."

  Zheng Wenshan's respectful way.


  Sun Zhihao didn’t bother to look at it, so he didn’t even give him these pills for nothing.

   "Just let my apprentice judge."

  Guo Yifan and others could not shirk like Sun Zhihao, they had to look at them one by one with disgust.

   "The drug evaporates unevenly, and even fails to lock the power of the drug in the pill. If you can't get the first product, you will be out."

   "Cutting too much, resulting in imbalance of the medicinal properties, if ordinary people take it, I am afraid they will be burned into idiots, and they will be out of the game."

   "The pill has no shape, and the medicine has no power. This strange shape is here to make fun? Out of the game."

  Pharmaceuticals were all under the comments of Guo Yifan and others, and they were all worthless. Even if the participating alchemist was dissatisfied, they had to lower their heads in shame.

  The pill furnace that is not easy to handle is not a medicinal material that you are familiar with. It is already good to be refined, so what else to choose?

   Seeing the last one to be commented on, it was Chen Xuan's.

  These people can't help but raise their heads. They want to see how an inferior alchemist who uses wood fire to make alchemy will be degraded.

  However, Guo Yifan and several people, no matter how they look at them or smell them, they can’t tell why.

   "It's weird, this pill is obviously burned like this, why doesn't it have any stale flavor?"

   "I can't even penetrate the true energy, is it the drug lock, or is it just a small solid ball?"

  "Could it be necessary, try it?"

  A few people fought a cold war.

   "If you want to taste it, I won't eat it if I die!" Cai Ningmeng evaded like a snake and worm, leaning to the side.

  Guo Yifan smiled awkwardly, and said to Zheng Wenshan: "Elder Zheng, you take it back, no need to comment."

  Zheng Wenshan nodded and walked away.

   "All members are out, and proceed to the next round of competition." Zheng Wenshan announced coldly.

  The crowd booed.

  Under the stage, Pang Mo, who had already cleaned up roughly, changed his clothes and waited for Chen Xuan to step down.

Unexpectedly, when everyone else went down, Chen Xuan was still on the stage, even turned around and stood, looking at the people on the stage disdainfully: "I thought there were a few people with vision, but I didn’t expect it to be a group of people. Blind, maybe I really shouldn't be here."

  As soon as these words came out, the scene fell silent.

  This Chen Xuan, is he not fast enough to die?

   However, a person with Zheng Wenshan's status would be angry because of this stiff-mouthed boy, and just treat it as the last struggle of a drowning person.

   "Go down." Zheng Wenshan said calmly.

   "Insult my master and want to step down safely? Elder Zheng, forgive me for being presumptuous, I will take care of this person myself." Guo Yifan stood up and said to Zheng Wenshan with extraordinary bearing, making everyone admire him for his sonorous tone.

   "I shouldn't let the distinguished guest do it, but, let's take it as my apologize to this accident." Zheng Wenshan nodded.

  When the two discussed, they completely regarded Chen Xuan as a commodity for anyone to handle.

  Even though Pang Mo in the audience was a little uneasy, he was happy to see Chen Xuan being dealt with by others.

  Cai Ningmeng also came interested, and followed Guo Yifan step by step, showing her enviable appearance.

   "It's ridiculous, holding my pill as a strange thing, but I don't know myself." Chen Xuan shook his head and smiled, not wanting to say anything, and walked slowly down the stage.

  A few people immediately stopped in front of Chen Xuan.

  Under the gaze of everyone, Chen Xuan only walked in a leisurely pace, easily passing by a few people.

  The so-called piercing needles, but so.

   "Boy, you are finally willing to come down!"

  Pang Mo looked at Chen Xuan grimly, his fists creaked.

  "The waste of seven layers of Qi training." Chen Xuan's footsteps did not stop, even suddenly speeding up without warning.

Before Pang Mo could react, Chen Xuan pointed him on his chest.

  The pure and pure Qi that has been dormant for a long time, like a maniac, rushed into Pang Mo's body.

  Pang Mo's hideous face stagnated at the previous moment, and crashed to the ground.

  Second kill!

  And Chen Xuan, still wandering in the leisurely courtyard!

  "Have I hallucinated..."

   "Maybe I too..."

  On stage.

  Cai Ningmeng was taken aback by Chen Xuan’s words, thinking, I didn’t touch the black pill.

  Guo Yifan frowned deeply. He found that he couldn't see through Chen Xuan's footwork.

  Footwork that has never been seen before, clearly simple to the extreme.

  Under subconscious imitation, Guo Yifan almost tripped on the spot.

How is this going!

   "The evil barrier, look for death!"

   Seeing that his apprentice was beaten, Zheng Wenshan finally lost his temper, and jumped off the stage furiously. He has endured Chen Xuan for a long time.

   "Hold on!"

  Sun Zhihao suddenly violent, and the latter rushed in front of Zheng Wenshan, stopped behind Chen Xuan, and blocked Zheng Wenshan for it.

   "Elder Sun, what do you want to do!" Zheng Wenshan is not angry, what does Sun Zhihao mean.

   "I ask one thing." Sun Zhihao took a deep breath before turning around.

   But found that Chen Xuan had already turned around, standing in front of him and looking at him with a smile.

  The question in his heart was even more unbearable. Sun Zhihao took out the porcelain bottle and said, "What kind of medicine is this."

  Chen Xuan uttered a few words lightly: "Qiqi Dan."

  People around are confused. What kind of medicine is this?

  Sure enough!

  Sun Zhihao's breathing immediately rose, he hurried back to the stage, and took over the black pill that Chen Xuan had just refined.

   "What is this again?" Sun Zhihao asked eagerly.

  Chen Xuan mysteriously did not answer, and made a gesture of please eat.

  Sun Zhihao gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and actually swallowed it under everyone's astonished eyes.

  (End of this chapter)

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