Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 930: Beauty

   Chapter 930

  The Immortal Ding is currently in a damaged state, and even a small Golden Core Stage can even be shaken. If you encounter a master who knows the Immortal Ding, Chen Xuan can't protect himself at all.

  I had to find a way to repair the Immortal Tripod while restoring his strength.

  After reaching a gentleman agreement with Chen Xuan, Cai Ningmeng, who returned to the room where Sun Zhihao was located, peeped at Guo Yifan with thief eyes from time to time.

  Guo Yifan was so light and fluttering that Cai Ningmeng saw him. Did the Xindao Junior Sister finally appreciate her demeanor?

  "When will your father come back from hunting in the past?"

  An hour has passed since he came here, and Sun Zhihao opened his eyes and asked Wang Xiaoyou who was taking care of the housework on the side.

   Xiaoyou wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, and replied: "I should be back soon."

  The hour is approaching noon, and the smoke has risen in the distant villages, and lunch is being started.

  Sun Zhihao closed his eyes again and waited patiently.

  His apprentices are already very impatient. It's not worth wasting so much time for an ordinary person.

   "Master, I'll go out and go around." Guo Yifan asked Sun Zhihao for instructions.

  Sun Zhihao closed his eyes and nodded.

  Getting the answer, Guo Yifan said to Cai Ningmeng again: "Junior sister, let's go out and get some breath."

  If it were in the past, Cai Ningmeng would definitely not agree.

   "Okay, but I want to be quiet and not too many people go." Cai Ningmeng said crisply.

   actually agreed? Feeling the unexpected joy, Guo Yifan quickly warned the other juniors and siblings not to follow, and walked ahead.

   "Then let me accompany you alone."

   Cai Ningmeng calmly followed Guo Yifan, and followed Guo Yifan step by step.

  Until he walked near a stream, Cai Ningmeng ran over with joy.

  "The water here is so cool, so comfortable!"

  White hands stirred in the stream, Cai Ningmeng showed a clean and innocent smile.

  Then sitting by the stream, under Guo Yifan's hot eyes, he slowly took off his shoes and socks, revealing his jade feet like white jade, and stretched into the stream to soak.

  Under the sunshine, Cai Ningmeng is like a fairy playing in the water, unfolding a beautiful picture in front of Guo Yifan.

   "It's so beautiful..." Guo Yifan looked at Cai Ningmeng blankly, his mouth slightly opened, and said sincerely.

   "Hehe, big brother, you too!" Cai Ningmeng smiled and waved at Guo Yifan.

  The latter immediately walked over, and sat down rigidly beside Cai Ningmeng.

  A trace of sly flashed through Cai Ningmeng’s eyes, and he kicked a little water on Guo Yifan with his cute feet.

  "Sorry, big brother, I accidentally splashed on you, do you think my feet are dirty?" Cai Ningmeng said in a low voice with his big watery eyes open.


  Guo Yifan subconsciously looked at Cai Ningmeng’s feet curled up next to him. They are small and well-proportioned, round and moderately fat and thin. They are beautiful and natural. He can’t wait to put them in his hands and play with them. Where are they dirty?

   "It's okay, how can the brother dislike the sister..." Before Guo Yifan had said anything, he saw Cai Ningmeng approaching him, only a punch from him, to wipe the water stains on himself.

  The charming fragrance and beautiful face, like a hammer, struck Guo Yifan's heart, throbbing and throbbing.

   Breathing became hurried in an instant, Guo Yifan couldn't help asking in his heart, is it possible that Junior Sister is also interesting to herself?

   wanted to reach out to hold Cai Ningmeng in his arms, but was interrupted by Cai Ningmeng's voice.

  "Brother, this jade pendant is so beautiful!"

  Cai Ningmeng held up the jade pendant around Guo Yifan's waist with his slender and white hands, sighing with emotion.

   Raising her pure eyes like a baby, Cai Ningmeng stared at Guo Yifan timidly and asked, “Where did you buy this jade pendant? People also want to buy such a beautiful one.”

  Where can Guo Yifan bear the look of Cai Ningmeng, his saliva is almost swallowed, and he blurted out: "This is a gift from the elders of the family. There is nowhere to buy it."

   "Okay." Cai Ningmeng let go of Guo Yifan's jade pendant, and said regretfully. He lowered his head and stretched out his feet to slap the water in the stream.

  How can a beauty be disappointed?

  Guo Yifan felt a great sense of guilt in his heart, bit his lower lip, and finally tied the rope around his waist and took off the jade pendant.

Putting the jade petite by Cai Ningmeng's side, Guo Yifan said sincerely: "This jade pendant can calm the mind and calm the mind, and has the effect of cooling the mind. It is a treasure personally handed over to me by the elders of the family when I am an adult. It is of great significance to me. "

  Cai Ningmeng embarrassedly stuck out his tongue, and said, "It turns out it's so important. I'm sorry big brother, I shouldn't ask."

Guo Yifan looked straight at Cai Ningmeng, shook his head, and said, "I won't do this to anyone else, but you are the only junior, even if you want the stars in the sky, I will take them off for you. Are you willing? Accept it?"

  Cai Ningmeng covered her small mouth with her hand in surprise, looked at Guo Yifan in disbelief, and said, "Is it really possible."

   nodded, Guo Yifan moved his lower body, almost sticking to Cai Ningmeng’s side, and tied the jade pendant to Cai Ningmeng’s waist.

   Greedy took another breath of the fragrance from Cai Ningmeng's body, and Guo Yifan sat back to his previous position.

   "The world only knows the beauty of jade and stone, but it is nowhere near as good as the Yiren's double eyebrow."

  Guo Yifan looked at Cai Ningmeng's smile and shyness, and he wished to embrace him immediately.

   "Big brother's literary talent is really good." Cai Ningmeng pursed her lips and looked at the brook. The slight face only made people think she was shy.

  How can Guo Yifan know that this is her proud color in achieving her goal.

   "Hybrid, you are dead! Want to run?"

  Suddenly heard a loud shout, which instantly broke Guo Yifan's excitement.

  Looking for reputation coldly.

  Several figures, quickly chasing the brawny man running in front of him, swearing viciously while running.

   And after seeing the two Guo Yifan sitting by the stream, the strong man also ran over here.

  "My son, help!"

  The strong man was Wang Yingjie, holding a small beast waiting to be fed in his arms, and eagerly shouted to Guo Yifan.

  In front of Cai Ningmeng, Guo Yifan is naturally indifferent.

   "Stop it all."

  Guo Yifan stood up coolly and stood in front of the strong man.

   Cai Ningmeng also turned his head curiously.

Several figures behind   , after seeing the extraordinary temperament of Guo Yifan, they also stopped only a few steps away from Guo Yifan.

   "Hand over things and spare you not to die."

  The first young man stared at Wang Yingjie ferociously.

  Wang Yingjie cautiously hugged the little beast in his arms, without any intention to hand it over.

  "What's in your arms, take it out and let me see." Following Wang Yingjie's movements, Guo Yifan locked his eyes in his arms.

  Wang Yingjie looked awkward, but had to reveal the body of the little beast.

  (End of this chapter)

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