Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 933: Get off the horse

   Chapter 933

  Yizong Yun is regarded as a sect closer to the ancient medicine sect, but it is enough for ordinary people to walk for ten and a half months.

  With the feet of Wang's father and daughter, it is natural that they can't keep up with Sun Zhihao and others.

   So, under the care of Sun Zhihao, he bought a carriage specially and followed a few people.

  The person who drives the car is Chen Xuan.

  Xiaoyou sat beside Chen Xuan excitedly, clutching the hair that was blown away by the wind, and asked loudly, "Brother Xuan, how can you make them run so fast!"

  Because he was afraid that Chen Xuan could not hear clearly, Xiaoyou leaned in Chen Xuan's ear and said loudly on purpose.

  What is it that Chen Xuan’s hearing is far better than that of a cultivator of the same level under the blessing of divine consciousness, and he was shocked to cover his ears.

  Xiaoyou blinked awkwardly.

  In front of the carriage, Sun Zhihao led a group of apprentices, galloping all the way.

  The carriage hung steadily behind them, even if it had been running for several hours, the two black-maned horses were not exhausted at all.

   "Your brother Xuan is a very powerful alchemist. Not only can he refine it for humans, but it is also not a problem to give it to beasts."

  Chen Xuan answered Xiaoyou’s question and swung his horse whip more vigorously, causing the carriage to gradually catch up with the people in front and walk shoulder to shoulder with him.

  Cai Ningmeng caught a glimpse of this scene, and couldn't help but deeply admire Chen Xuan's status as an alchemist. If she had the talent of an alchemist, she would have suffered so much, and she was called to drink by the master.

   "Master Chen, we are temporarily resting in Pan'an City ahead, and we will arrive at the Zongmen within three days."

  Sun Zhihao rushed to the carriage in a stride. He did not show his old attitude because of his slightly pale white hair. His movements were clean and vigorous.

  Chen Xuan nodded indifferently, he was not in a hurry anyway.

  Not long after, a primitive city wall appeared in front of them, with officers and soldiers patrolling on the wall, and caravans and pedestrians at the gate, which looked extremely lively.

  Xiaoyou leaned forward curiously, fearing that she would fall from the carriage, Chen Xuan deliberately slipped her collar with his hand.

  When entering the city gate, Sun Zhihao took out a token from his body, and after a glance at the gate guard, walked in in the respectful eyes of the gate guard, without having to pay the city fee like others.

  Sun Zhihao introduced to Chen Xuan who was driving: “Pan’an City belongs to one of the strongholds of our sect. The properties of the sect will be arranged under the names of the elders, while the properties of Pan’an City are divided under my name.”

  Chen Xuan nodded, and followed Sun Zhihao to the center of the city. The road was spacious and there was no problem with several carriages in the same row.

   Before reaching the place, several people greeted him from the other side of the street.

   "Meet Elder Sun!"

  Sun Zhihao nodded, and was about to introduce Chen Xuan. One of them eagerly walked to Sun Zhihao and said something in his ear.

  Sun Zhihao's face changed, and he said angrily: "I have my own arrangements for doing things, regardless of what Zhou Ya'an does!"

  The man was startled by Sun Zhihao's sudden anger, bowed his head and stood aside without speaking.

  "Yifan, you take Master Chen to the inn, I will deal with something, and I must treat Master Chen well." After Sun Zhihao gave Guo Yifan's instructions, he hurried away with the group of people.

   "Yes." Guo Yifan replied respectfully, but a smirk flashed under his eyes.

  After Sun Zhihao left, Guo Yifan seemed to be a different person. He arrogantly led the way in front of him, looked back at the carriage from time to time, and sneered.

  A few people finally stopped at the entrance of a large five-story luxurious restaurant.

  "Junior sister, you can go with the juniors to order a table of food in the private room. Master Chen is here for the first time, and I will show them the way."

  Guo Yifan spoke to a few people in an unquestionable tone, spreading them away.

  Chen Xuan glanced at Guo Yifan, but said nothing.

  Wang Yingjie and Wang Xiaoyou cautiously led the carriage, followed behind them, looking around at the surrounding environment, they were scared to move by the luxurious scale of the restaurant.

  Even the place where the carriage is placed, there are several people waiting specially, feeding high-quality grain.

   "Master Chen, I will take you to another place to have a meal. I guarantee that you have never seen it before and are absolutely satisfied."

  After setting up the carriage, Guo Yifan took the bewildered Wang Yingjie to another place.

   Seeing his father took him away, Xiaoyou followed him, wondering if it wasn’t in the restaurant?

   Seeing Chen Xuan quietly following, Guo Yifan in front of him smiled triumphantly, measuring how talented you are for alchemy, and you are not obediently at my mercy.

  The direction several people walked was contrary to the restaurant, passing through several long and narrow alleys before Guo Yifan stopped.

   rang a bell hanging on the wall, the secret door made exactly the same as the stone wall, and it was immediately opened.

  Wang Xiaoyou was so surprised that he had a small mouth, but he didn't expect that there would be a gate here.

   "It turned out to be Guo Shaoxia. It's been a long time since I saw you. Come in!"

  Opening the door, the young man saw that the person was Guo Yifan, and enthusiastically invited him in.

   "Who are these?"

  Guo Yifan threw a gold coin, which made Xiao Si Le smile.

   "Since I am Guo Shaoxia's friend, there is no problem. The Hundred People Banquet is about to begin!"

  Xiao Si was in the dark aisle, leading the way for a few people.

  Only at the corner, there will be a few bright candlesticks hanging on the wall to illuminate.

   "Even my master doesn't know this good place. You are a blessing." Guo Yifan smiled to several people, seemingly kind.

  Walking through a winding path, a few people entered a bright hall.

  There were a lot of people in the hall, sitting around and talking together. The smells were so complicated and extremely pungent that even Chen Xuan frowned slightly.

   "It's fine to get used to it a little bit, you guys sit around first, I'll go and explain to the shopkeeper, and I'll be back soon."

  Guo Yifan threw Chen Xuan aside and walked away by himself.

   "Xiao Chen, does this Guo Yifan have any opinion on us?" Wang Yingjie, who has always been careless, could see that Guo Yifan had no good intentions, and asked with some worry with his baggage.

  Chen Xuan smiled and shook his head, and said, “It’s okay. Since Elder Sun has made arrangements, he will not do anything to us. At most, he wants to give us a little bit of prestige.”

  "Why do you want to dismount us?" Wang Xiaoyou pouted unhappily. She didn't like the gloomy atmosphere here.

"As a senior disciple of Elder Sun, I naturally don't want to see someone who I don't know take away his position, just like a puppy and kitten like to pee-urine to guard their territory. He thinks our position threatens him." Chen Xuan explained vividly.

  Being amused by Chen Xuan’s metaphor, Wang Xiaoyou no longer felt terrible here, and relaxed a lot.

   "It turns out that, as outsiders, we really made Elder Sun Guoqian." Wang Yingjie nodded.

  A few people are very strange to this place, they don't know what to do at all, except for Chen Xuan, Wang Yingjie and Wang Xiaoyou are all sitting and waiting.

  (End of this chapter)

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