Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 939: Wang Ziqing

   Chapter 939 Wang Ziqing

  The Immortal Ding comes with heavy pressure like a mountain. It was suppressed fiercely, and the space was torn apart, layers of gas exploded, but at this time Chen Yifan didn't mean to catch it with his hands.

   His fists fought back fiercely, but his counterattack was declared a failure in the blink of an eye. The extremely heavy rolling waves made his arms flexed violently at this moment, and it was almost only a blink of an eye.

  The skin of his arms seemed to be shattered. It was really scary to see the intensity.

  The ground is broken under both feet! Chen Yifan's legs trembled violently. At this moment, his face became extremely pale, and the bloodshot and terrifying substance in his eyes quickly filled the entire eyeball.

  Its eyeballs inevitably exploded abruptly at this time. I have to say that if the external pressure is stronger, it will probably burst.

  Chen Yifan vomited blood, his face twisted. The body was blown upside down like a kite with a broken line in embarrassment!

  This astonishing intensity can be described as extremely embarrassing. In the battlefield in front of you, you can clearly see that the young strong man in front of you slammed into the stone wall.

  咚... the whole hall was shaken. Chen Yifan's body fell severely to the ground, cracking the ground also.

  A lot of fine powder, surging up from the gap. I have to say that such astonishing injuries are terrifying to a certain extent.

  In the battlefield in front of you, you can see that Chen Yifan's body is weak to the limit.

   "Cough cough..." Chen Yifan vomited blood! His eyes were dim and dull, he coughed violently and his body swayed. He turned around and saw that he seemed to want to escape in no time!

  The expression of weakness and panic was all over Chen Yifan's face, which made him look cramped and weak.

  Chen Xuan saw all this clearly. He pursed his mouth and sneered, why should he leave since he is here? !

   A mocking expression emerged, a cruel and dangerous arc was outlined at the corner of his mouth. With a flick of the powerful Immortal Cauldron, it turned quickly, and the whirring metal light surged in the space like an icebreaker, turning the surrounding environment to a bit of burst.

  The amazing Immortal Ding shuttled forward swiftly and violently. Huhuhu...The powerful Baoding with a penetrating light, surging with the wave of destruction and swiftly reaching his eyes.

  It can be seen that in the state of such an astonishing blow in front of you, it is not difficult to imagine that such a killing will destroy people.

   "Little beast, dare you!"

  The old and heroic voice shook like a thunderous space. The earth is shaking so badly! Although it was just a roar, the ears of many people present were buzzing. Under the influence of this powerful martial arts, their hearts throbbed, and even their faces became sickly flushed...

  Such an astonishing degree of martial arts damage can inevitably make people feel terrified and scared!

  But it was also the moment when the amazing Dading exploded before his eyes. He could clearly see the extremely low-key old man in the crowd, but he roared with a dull sound like thunder.

  The amazing roar shook in this space, and many people's faces were pale.

   was originally a strong and fast-moving Baoding. At this time, it was trembling slightly due to the influence. The Baoding, which was originally relatively calm, was trembling slightly at this time.

  At this time, I can clearly see that in this space in front of me, the incomparable martial arts killing and cutting light is surging with shocking waves and colors.

  As long as it breaks out, it can hurt people, but it needs motivation. As long as it breaks out, you can move forward.

Chen Xuan pursed his mouth. He ignored the threat from the top-notch old man from afar. He still waved a faint aura wave with his big hand, and drove along the invisible martial art machine with a cold and cruel surging, almost just a moment before his eyes. Come.

   The extremely cold wave of killing and cutting was sent into the black treasure cauldron in front of you. Na Baoding brightened swiftly and violently. Such an incomparable intensity can be described as terrifying to the extreme degree and point.

  Chen Xuan is bound to kill!

  The old figure fell from the sky, suppressing it with a swipe of light with a big hand.

  The light of the aura is surging with raging intensity, and it can be seen that the aura of a saint fluctuates with a powerful light and deterrent.

  These auras immediately hit the Immortal Cauldron, even if the Immortal Cauldron’s ability is really strong. It is a pity that under the threat of such martial arts, it is still overwhelmed. In a flash, it is smashed and shocked, and it becomes extremely weak.

  The thick and black Immortal Cauldron, after turning weakly for a few laps, it returned with an extremely weak glow, and then burst back quickly.

  Chen Xuan took it. After being knocked back three steps, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

  Look at the old man on the opposite side.

  I really didn’t expect it to be the fifth stage of Qi refining!

  The strength of martial arts in the refining stage of martial arts is rising, and it is usually reasonably divided into nine levels. At this stage, the physique of human martial artists has undergone earth-shaking changes.

   makes human beings who are very weak have ample opportunities and possibilities for growth. And its combat power is a hundred times stronger than that of the foundation-building realm.

  In general, there is no possibility of confrontation between the two sides. Obviously, just when the Immortal Cauldron was smashed, along with those invisible martial arts miracles, not weak martial arts injuries, swiftly impacted Chen Xuan's body.

  This caused his body to suffer more serious blows and injuries. Now Chen Xuan felt the pain his whole body was torn apart, and the intensity was terrifying.

   "Little beast, why are you so hot!"

  Roar, send it out!

  Someone around recognized the identity of the old man, and someone said, “Isn’t this the Guo family’s worship of Wang Ziqing? I heard that he has entered the realm of the fifth layer of condensing energy. It’s incredible that he actually made a move today.”

Many people were surprised, but they didn’t mean to make a move. After all, this Wang Ziqing is not easy to provoke, and is very vengeful. If anyone offends it even after ten years, he will find a way to destroy it. Fortunately, it can only end if the family is destroyed.

  Because many people, even if they keep forbearing, they will not choose to take action and compete with this old man.

   Chen Xuan felt his head dizzy. He looked at the old man who had taken severe measures against him at this time, although no one had stopped him.

  But he didn't have the slightest fear and squinted his eyes. Boss Tu, who was gradually getting colder, had more confidence in Chen Xuan.

"I said earlier that it's just a sword dance! But this guy surging with killer moves everywhere, I have endured it all. Later, I hurt me with base-building firecrackers. Can't you say that this is just a coincidence and an accident? Now speak for him? You want to. Clearly hurt me?"

  Chen Xuan looked at the old man in front of him and roared loudly!

  (End of this chapter)

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