Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 946: Defeat Wang Zixing

   Chapter 946 Defeating Wang Zixing

Wang Zixing carried the snow-white sword, and the sword body under the sun fluctuated with quite dazzling light, and the terrifying aura radiated from his body, making the space of tens of meters to be suppressed by his martial arts. Shrouded.

  Many plants were torn apart during this intimidation. The rocks and soil crumbled into countless small cracks, and the entire battlefield environment was extremely severe.

  Chen Xuan looked at him and nodded and said: "Go back and tell Master Li, saying that I am used to Xianyunyehe and I am afraid that I can't agree to his request."

   "Boy, do you know what you are talking about?"

  The prince squinted his eyes, his lips squirmed and made a low voice like a ghost, and he was a little dissatisfied at this time.

   "I think I have made it clear."

   "Huh, presumptuous!"

   There was a cruel and fierce killing light suddenly surging out from the depths of his eyes. Like two sharp daggers with incomparable sharpness, this thing whizzed and shot towards Chen Xuan burst, almost instantly, its combat power reached its peak and limit.

  Two wisps of pure aura chain light tore the air apart. Layers of gas bursts surging horizontally and horizontally. However, at this time, the two dagger-like terrible blows, and the moment that Chen Xuan was violently stabbing him in front of his eyes disappeared.

Ok? !

  Looking at the two chains with quite pure aura fluctuations, they fell into the void and broke the air without harming Chen Xuan, but Wang Zixing was stunned!

   "Not good! Phantom!"

  The prince was frightened and hurriedly shook the incomparable big sword in his hand. Unfortunately, although his movements were very agile and swift, it was a pity that he was slow!

Ha ha. Chen Xuan sneered!

  The palms surging with amazing strength and spiritual energy turned into a radiant shape like a big sun. Smashed down in an instant, Boom! All of a sudden, it fell on Wang Zixing's back!

The astonishing palm of his hand made Wang Zixing’s back cruelly torn apart, and the whirring aura fluctuated like countless sharp knives, which was irresistibly sent into his body. He had a great advantage, and the arrogant Wang Zixing. His eyes dimmed and he vomited blood.

   Shattering... countless knives-like pieces of spiritual energy, mixed with blood and minced meat, shot out from Wang Zixing's mouth!

  Wang Zixing was smashed hundreds of meters away and fell to the ground. The earth was smashed out of an astonishing pit, and Wang Zixing crawled out of the dust in the middle of the dust, and he vomited out the minced meat in his mouth. Once again, he looked at the depths of Chen Xuan's extremely sharp eyes, full of irritation and killing intent.

   "It turns out that you have already accumulated strength during the previous dialogue, and you are indeed a sinister and cunning little beast!" Wang Zixing accused in an annoyed manner!

   Obviously relying on his ability and ability to prevent Chen Xuan’s blow is easy, but if he wants to prepare in advance to compress the aura fluctuations, and then suddenly burst out, even if Wang Zixing wants to defend it, it will be a little difficult!

   "Are you stupid and still resent me?" Chen Xuan sneered.

   "Looking for death!"

  The prince was extremely annoyed, and the depths of his eyes were covered with scarlet blood at this time. With his fists clenched tightly, the incomparable spiritual energy fluctuations gathered in his body, and Wang Zixing stepped forward and his whole body quickly brightened.

  The dazzling light makes people feel like they can’t open their eyes. The dense white light became stronger and stronger, and the dense condensate fluctuations were contained in it.

   "What a powerful Qi Condensing Bai Lingguang!" Chen Xuan looked for a very surprised way at this time.

  The quality of aura in the martial arts system is very important. A strong aura quality can bring a huge increase to the martial artist. Even if the martial arts level is more powerful, the martial arts will usually win the final victory.

Simply put, each different martial arts level has different requirements for aura quality, and there will be many differences in the ways and methods of upgrading, but no matter how big the difference between them is, the quality is always divided into Bai Ling, There are three kinds of Jinhuang and Ziji.

  They represent different qualities. In the martial arts battle, according to the color and intensity of the light that bursts out of the opponent, it can be basically judged whether he is big enough or not big enough in the quality of aura.

  It’s just that these substances are usually manifested after the foundation is built! Similar to this, in the condensing realm, Bai Lingguang can be condensed. I have to say that the ability and level of Wang Zixing in front of him is really quite not weak!

  "Could it be that this old guy was a master of the foundation-building realm before. He fell down because of a special reason?!" Chen Xuan was really curious...


  The prince roared with joy! It can be seen that his eyes are like knives at this time, and the big sword in his hand is now filled with white spiritual light. The originally white and terrifying color at this time seems to increase the degree of horror and confidence.

  咻! The great sword was transformed into a series of afterimages, so that you could clearly feel the astonishing killing intent contained in this great sword at this time, how powerful and terrifying it should be.

  The Immortal Cauldron burst out without a trace, and immediately touched the big sword in front of him. Click! The big sword was suddenly broken to pieces. Countless metal fragments radiated out in the air, many parts even directly touched Wang Zixing's body.

   Wang Zixing's face was extremely pale. He was attacked by the sword moves he exploded, and the fragments of the sword after the explosion were horribly invaded. Now his whole body was cracked apart, countless metal fragments slammed into his body, and his blood was surging with an astonishing **** aura, knowing that he could not resist and turned and left.

   "Can you still go?"

   taunting Chen Xuan stepped forward to reach his eyes. The astonishing light of the chain gathered in the palm of Chen Xuan's hand and burst into a crackling explosion. Nine terrifying chains were ejected in succession. Among them, the light of eight relatively powerful chains was successfully avoided by this Prince Xing.

  Although if there is still a strip, pierce his arm. The dry arm fell down! Wang Zixing's eyes were full of sadness and bloodshot eyes at this time. He vomited blood and did not dare to turn his head to pick up his arm. He immediately stepped forward and jumped into the continuous trampling space in the void. A step of hundreds of meters, the distance of seven or eight steps has disappeared in the space in front of you!

boom! Chen Xuan smashed his arm. The huge shaking force made one of the bracelets in the minced meat rise. Qu Zhi grabbed this thing in his hand and looked at its incomparably warm state, Chen Xuan pursed his lips and smiled: "Reserve treasures? Haha, this person is not weak and can only build a foundation to break out. The Bai Lingguang that came out was used, and there should be some reserves. This time I really made a profit, let's see what he has confidence in."

  (End of this chapter)

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