Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 950: Seize the treasure

  Chapter 950 Treasure Hunting

On the battlefield filled with aura, Chen Xuanming squinted at the environment in front of him. At this moment, his heart could not help but be a little ups and downs. There are so many strong men here and their abilities seem to be no weaker than Condensing the eighth or nineth floor, isn't this a joke, right? !

   squinted his eyes for a while, it seemed that he had to stabilize the situation first and then gradually figure out a way to solve the matter. Chen Xuan noticed that among these people in front of him, several familiar figures appeared.

Ok? Chen Xuan was surprised to find that among the martial artists in front of him, there were top masters from the Hao Yunzong and the Chen family, as well as some strong men from the sects of the rivers and lakes. The number was more than a dozen, but Chen Xuan could know Chen Yifan. Two people with Xu Xiong.

Next to Chen Yifan, there is an old and tall figure surging with astonishing martial arts killings, and Sisi's aura fluctuates like a blade-like horror. These powerful auras radiate in the air, shaped like a knife to the surrounding air. They are all broken up by cutting.

  Obviously this person is Guo Zhenjiang, the deputy head of the Chen family! And beside him, there was an old figure that looked like Xianfengdao's bones in a snow-white robe, not to mention that this person was extremely old and even felt like a dead end.

   But there is a very bright aura in his eyes, and his eyes are as majestic and hot as the sun and the moon, making people feel the violent and terrifying power.

  There is no doubt that this top old figure is naturally the core elder Wu Tao of Hao Yunzong! Chen Xuan noticed that in addition to these two big boss-level figures, there was also a burly old man who was like a mountain. The strong and strong physical fluctuations made people feel the taste of tearing.

  He and Xu Xiong are standing together, there must be something to do with this young man. Almost all the powerhouses present are similar to martial arts monuments. Want to compete with them? Just think about it!

  Chen Xuan squinted!

  This matter is troublesome!

  But it was also at this time that you could clearly see that in the void in front of you, the light cluster that was originally slowly radiating mysterious spiritual light suddenly swelled and burst into pieces!

  A powerful and dazzling spiritual light gleamed in the space. After it disappeared, it had fallen into Chen Xuan's hands. Chen Xuan was stunned and didn't know what was going on! But at this time, he could clearly see the scarlet-colored beads undulating in his hand.

The incomparably powerful spiritual energy fluctuating matter showed dazzling brilliance, and the astonishing golden light was even more dazzling. Chen Xuan almost immediately reacted to the magical scene in front of him... It turns out that the red beads are. The container of the ancient medicine spirit!

  Heh, this is really surprising.

  Chen Xuan noticed that the top big guys on the opposite side looked over at this moment in a daze. When they saw Chen Xuan and the pearl bursting with powerful light in his hand, their expressions immediately went from rigid to exploding!


   "Looking for something to die!"

More than a dozen top big bosses burned with anger, and even their faces looked a bit hideous and distorted under this terrifying anger. Among them, Chen Yifan said angrily: "Uncle, Master! It is this little beast who bullied me. If it weren’t for his previous martial arts adventure, I believe I’ve already broken through the martial arts level and I blame this little beast for making trouble!”

Xu Xiong squinted his eyes and said: "Master, this kid is indeed very annoying. At the banquet in Pan'an City that day, I also suffered a big loss and lost face. Even your old man's face was lost. It's really hateful! "

   "Destroy him!"


  Chen Xuan looked at the many powerful men in front of him who gradually transformed from dumbfounded into emotional shock, and finally broke out with a terrifying and killing atmosphere. He has no time to hate!

  Turn around and leave! Under his feet, the brilliance of lightning swiftly exploded towards the distance. At this time, you can see that Chen Xuan's speed has increased to the limit... 咻! A few flashes at a distance of several hundred meters disappeared into the sight of these people.

  Chen Xuan realized how strong the danger was after coming to him. Because at this time, he didn't mean to delay in the slightest step forward to use all his abilities, and at this time he rushed towards the ancient medicine sect quickly and incomparably.

Although the many warriors behind    said that they were able to endure everything and were not weak, they were obviously far worse than the strength of the ancient medicine sect.

  If they dare to do anything within the sphere of influence of the ancient medicine sect, they believe they will suffer quite cruel martial arts attacks and revenge.

  Near Ancient Medicine Sect. In Chen Xuan's figure quickly emerged.

  He looked a little bit hurriedly looking at the majestic mountain in the distance, the whole body of snow-white color fluctuating with a strong smell of medicine, and a smile emerged from his mouth.

   "Finally here." Chen Xuan said with some emotion. Looking back at the many warriors who had been thrown away, Chen Xuan just sneered. From the perspective of martial arts battles, he was indeed not the opponent of the many warriors present.

   But if it's in terms of speed, many of them can't match him at all. After wiping the sweat off his forehead, Chen Xuan immediately stepped forward without neglecting, moving towards the majestic mountain like the wind. He believed that as long as he got there, he would get absolute safety.

  咻! A burst of light shot Chen Xuan suddenly, which made his body retreat in embarrassment at the moment. When he reached a distance of tens of meters away, his arm suddenly pierced into the earth, chuckle...a hundred-meter-long gully was dragged out abruptly.

   Slowly raised his head, Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with a strong killing intent. "The strong in the early days of foundation building." Chen Xuan couldn't help but tremble at the corner of his mouth.

  Other than that. The guy who appeared in front of him, who had previously turned into a chain of rays and burst into light, turned out to be a young girl who was nothing more than twenty years old. The girl has a perfect figure and fair skin and her black hair hangs down naturally.

  The natural and incomparable beauty of his face, Chen Xuan couldn't help being a little surprised, and said in his heart: "It's really a fairy."

  The girl's eyes showed a sense of contempt. She didn't seem to even mean to talk to Chen Xuan, her slender and white thighs slowly walked towards Chen Xuan and when he could see him, five fingers suddenly pierced out.

  Dense and not weak spiritual energy fluctuations hovered at her fingertips. The strong and thick feeling is very dazzling, and with the violent piercing of the girl's fingers, you can clearly feel that the space is bursting with layers of air.

The deafening sound makes the eardrum feel like it is about to explode. Chen Xuan was stunned and his eyes were congested, and he quickly retreated a few steps to avoid the edge of his martial arts!

  (End of this chapter)

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