Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 952: caveat

   Chapter 952 Warning

Chen Xuan curiously looked at the two young people in front of him. This one was living alone outside with a sword in his hand, creating a powerful sword repair with prestige and fame, and the other was among the emperor’s academies. The woman in the name of genius appeared in front of these two legendary top figures at this time, which inevitably made Chen Xuan feel a little dazed.

  Gu Yunyan said coldly: "What do you mean, why do you mention your ancient medicine sect? Have you already joined the ancient medicine sect?"

  This thing is really a bit secretive.

  The young man in black robe Zheng Junjian turned the Tiejian in his hand and said faintly: "I was originally a disciple of the Ancient Medicine Sect, how can I join in? It's just that this matter is mostly unknown to outsiders. It is normal for you to be ignorant and ignorant."

   "Who do you think is ignorant?" Gu Yunyan clenched her fists and became a little dissatisfied. In the past, Tai's barrier was broken by this person with a sword, but the current confrontation is still suppressed.

  Gu Yunyan could clearly feel the powerful suppressing power coming from the body of the sword in front of her. Her genius and arrogance were shattered, because at this time she was really annoyed.

  Only at this time she saw that Zheng Junjian didn't seem to care about her at all, and gritted her teeth in hatred and sneered: "Today's hatred will inevitably come to you and wait for another day!"

  She turned around and left!


  The amazing light of sword aura shot out from Zheng Junjian's hand. The astonishing martial arts piercing fluctuations came quickly, and the sword energy fell within Gu Yunyan's body and tore her skin.

  The crimson blood exploded and turned into blood mist and remained in the air. However, Gu Yunyan's ability is really not weak, even if her body was severely injured by the violent stabbing, she still abruptly contended it and slipped away in embarrassment...

   "Junior Brother Chen Xuan, haha, he has long admired his name." Zheng Junjian took the iron sword in his hand, and with a faint smile, he arched his hands towards Chen Xuan who was a little surprised and smiled.

  Chen Xuan was indeed surprised. He blinked his eyes and returned to normal from the state of thinking. He looked at the young man who had previously created martial arts miracles in front of him and asked curiously: "How do you know me?"

   "No one in Ancient Medicine Sect doesn't know you." Zheng Junjian smiled faintly, and he could see that the powerful pressure and crushing aura that had exploded during the battle before now disappeared.

  The expression in his eyes all means peace. It didn't seem to mean to bring Chen Xuan the slightest pressure.

   "I really thank Senior Brother Zheng just now." Chen Xuan arched his hands. He looked at it with a smile and was very kind. After all, the young man in front of him was a real genius, but he didn't have any jealousy.

And it can be seen that deep down in his heart, what he has for Chen Xuan is not pity, nor protection of the weak, but a kind of respect and recognition for him from the bottom of his heart, this attitude and taste of equal treatment and respect. It made Chen Xuan feel very useful and comfortable.

  The impression of this swordsman in his heart could not help but improve a lot, because his attitude when speaking was also a lot better.

"Don’t be grateful for helping each other in the same sect. It’s normal. We shouldn’t stay here for a long time. Let’s review the sect and then say... Hehe, it seems that I have to solve some problems first. Junior Brother Chen Xuan will wait for a moment when I go. ."

  Zheng Junjian slanted his eyes and looked towards the depths of the great wilderness behind him. At this time, he saw the dusty battlefield. More than a dozen vigorous and powerful figures are exploding rapidly.

  The indescribable crushing force made the entire battlefield into a slaughter, such an astonishing scene inevitably makes people feel terrifying and scary.

  Chen Xuan was stunned at first, but then he pursed his mouth and showed a sneer. Nodded, thinking about the powerful sword repairer in front of him. Even Gu Yunyan of the Ten Thousand Emperors Academy was not his opponent. Under the powerful kendo blow, everyone who could only pay heavy losses patted their buttocks and left.

  Though these so-called powerhouses in front of them are somewhat capable, they are almost like ants when compared with Zheng Junjian. Chen Xuan joked and ridiculed his arms around his arms. It seemed that these guys would have to pay some price.

  Chen Xuan saw that on the relatively remote battlefield, Chen Yifan stepped forward and the eyes of the tiger were surging with astonishing killing. After carefully inspecting the surrounding environment, he immediately pointed out in astonishment: "Look...little beast!"

  Chen Zhenjiang nodded. The terrifying light of the aura spread out. His body exploded swiftly, and when he got near Chen Xuan, his hands suddenly separated. The big hand that looked like a pu fan contained powerful material fluctuations like mountains and rivers.

   whizzed towards Chen Xuan in front of him. But it was also at this time that the incomparable sword energy just stood up from the ground, and the bleeding light of the sword light appeared.

  Chen Zhenjiang's arms were cut to the ground. The blood and money were exploded, Chen Zhenjiang snorted and flew out!

Zheng Junjian was holding an iron sword with a faintly killing aura, and he walked out from the corner and looked at the pursuers indifferently and mercilessly. He sneered at this moment: "How can I make a second near the ancient medicine sect. Take advantage of me now Get out of me before getting angry."

   "Swordsmanship with a sword and arms broken is really terrifying...Could it be that he is the Great Desolate Sword Master?! Zheng Junjian?!"

   "It should be right to see this powerful kendo, we, it is really unlucky for us to meet this guy!"

  Several elders' faces were frozen at this time, watching the swordsman holding the big sword stiff, and even now there is no courage to escape. Chen Xuan looked at these old men in astonishment, but at this time he could only shake his head helplessly.

  The shadow of the famous tree of man. Zheng Junjian's sword just cut down not only Chen Zhenjiang's arm, but also the courage of the old men in front of him! Today's World War I, the hearts of these guys are covered in dust. It is estimated that in the next few years, they will need to win countless battles to wash it out. And if it cannot be washed clean, I believe that the future of martial arts will end.

   is really ironic!

   "It looks like a bit of a misunderstanding today, haha ​​let's go." Wu Hao of Hao Yunzong's eyes were cloudy and uncertain. But at this time he was still clearly aware of the seriousness of the situation in front of him.

  Without a trace, he converged his gaze back from the towering mountain in the distance. He arched his hand and left immediately.

  The top warriors all quickly disappeared. Many people in front of them naturally did not dare to stay. But at this time Chen Xuan looked at the people on the opposite side, but his eyes fell on Chen Yifan and Xu Xiong.

   Chen Xuan said faintly: "Warning you boring guys, the fight with me should end here. This time you are lucky and didn't die. Next time, you won’t be able to do it yourself."

  (End of this chapter)

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