Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 958: Pill Alchemy

  Chapter 958 Shot Alchemy

   "We don't seem to be able to kill you even without a match."

The elder of the ancient medicine sect headed by    calmly looked at Zhou Tuqi's tiger eyes as the killings surged, and he could see that he was about to take action to crush it.

   "Hehe playing domineering?" Zhou Tu seemed to smile, although he is now under the siege and his identity and status are very sensitive, but there is no fear or fear at all.

  There is always a touch of mystery on her face. People can't see what he really is and what his plan is.

   "How about we just do this?"

  Several powerful martial arts figures are as powerful as martial arts mountains! After all, the five-year battle was a martial arts battle that shocked the region while both sides were still at their peak!

   But this incident now seems to have been reduced to a historical existence after all. At that time, it was because the power of both parties was roughly balanced, and they couldn't use martial arts to kill them suddenly.

  After the victory of the game, the morale of the ancient medicine zong rose greatly. The Evil Pill Sect, who was enveloped in the emotion of defeat, naturally couldn't resist, and when they were completely defeated, their ability and confidence dropped by 90% in that era.

  Even if their abilities are so powerful, in just five years, they have accumulated that for nearly two to three hundred years to achieve a scale. No matter how you look at it, it seems a bit fanciful to recover.

  Now this week, Tu is so arrogant and domineering the many elders of the ancient medicine sect, naturally, he will not have the slightest tolerance for him.

  In the battlefield in front of you, you can clearly see it, a strong and powerful eruption. Zhou Tuqi will be thoroughly controlled and submerged.

   Zhou Tu is not afraid, but still maintains a strong posture. It is a bit scary to laugh but not to laugh. It is also when the atmosphere on the scene is cold and tense, or even a little cruel, to the limit, you can see it in the hall in front of you.

  Chen Xuan walked slowly out of the many disciples of the ancient medicine sect. There was an indifferent attitude on his face, and there was no mood swing due to the arrival of the big figures in the famous legend that took place in the battle five years ago.

  On the contrary, his indifferent emotion was quite indifferent and a little bit Gujing Wubo, as if this was not a young man in front of him, but a veteran who had considerable experience in martial arts.


  Chen Xuan's behavior attracted everyone's attention! ...

  Chen Xuan stepped to the very center of the hall and stopped. It can be seen that it is so cool at the moment!

  Looking at the most talented alchemist among the young generations in the ancient medicine sect, even if the many elders who were present in the ancient medicine sect with more powerful medicine refining confidence, they had to say that their mouths showed admiration and expressions.

  After all, this kid in front of him has been fully affirmed and valued by his abilities and skills in countless previous competitions for pill medicine. Several elders looked at Chen Xuan at this time with their eyes admiring.

   "Hehe I ignored this kid! I just heard that this kid went out on an adventure, and I don't know when he will come back?"

   "If you know he is in the Ancient Medicine Sect, why worry about these guys being arrogant."

"Chen Fan, you will show your medicine refining level. Let them see who is the real medicine genius of the ancient medicine sect, and let them know how despicable the so-called side sects were before the real medicine. Unbearable!"

  Several elders of the ancient medicine sect with a faint smile. They looked at the young pharmacist in front of them, and smiled with appreciation.

Chen Xuan looked very polite. He looked at Zhou Tu's eyes with a touch of provocation and arrogance.

Zhou Tu squinted his eyes and said in surprise: "When faced with such a huge difference in martial arts strength, this little ant is not afraid at all! And in today's situation, the ancient medicine sect is almost certainly defeated, he can still perform. How plain and plain, as usual, it seems as if there is no major event at all! This person's heart and courage are rare in the world! This person must not stay!"

  I became extremely vigilant in my heart. Zhou Tu looked at Chen Xuan, and the depths of his eyes were full of icy murderous auras.

   "The Qi Condensing Pill in this district is nothing great. Let me make the pill."

   Chen Xuan said lightly.

  A word suddenly ignited the atmosphere. Countless people focused their gazes on him, but at this time Chen Xuanke did not show any nervousness or state. On the contrary, what he showed when facing so many people was a deep excitement and desire to express.

  He moved his muscles and bones, but he waved a set of medicine refining equipment and fell down. Boom... a layer of dust and sand emerged from the earth swaying slightly.

  Chen Xuan looked at the many old men behind him. "Seniors, although I can participate in the refining competition, the materials I want are very precious and rare. Where can I have such financial resources? So please help!"

   "This kid is good at calculating."

   "Hehe! Well, as long as you kid can save the situation, you will promise you everything you want!"

  Chen Xuan quickly wrote a pill. Then a bullet burst into those elders. The elders simply looked at it and didn't hesitate. Several people started to piece it together. It took a very small amount of time to piece together a reserve of hundreds of medicinal materials.

"Little guy, this is something we brought together. There are a lot of medicinal materials, but most of them are very few, and even only one kind. If you can’t guarantee the success of refining medicine at one time, hehe, we will be unable to get the materials failure."

  An old man who seemed to have a gentle attitude brought me the medicine with a smile.

   "Don't worry, this will not happen."......

  The refining of medicine has begun.

  Many people are watching Chen Xuan who is busy, and they can see that they really expect it. However, several members of the Evil Pill Sect were full of mockery at this time.

   "The little beast who didn't know where it came from, dare to arrogantly seek death here."

  Manhao glanced at the Chen Xuan who was busy refining the elixir, and the cold slaying appeared, and he rubbed his thick fists. At this time, he seemed to have to use force at any time to forcibly tear Chen Fan away.

  The other two people seem to have a relatively mild and stable attitude, without the slightest mood swings, but occasionally glance at the busy Chen Xuan's eyes, with vigilance and vigilance.

  After half an hour.

  The extremely busy Chen Xuan suddenly stopped his skillful movements. You could clearly see that Chen Xuan pursed his mouth and smiled.

   Accompanied by the abrupt cessation of his last action, almost everyone now focused on his body. At this time, countless people are breathing tightly, wondering if Chen Xuan can turn the tide?

  (End of this chapter)

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