Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 961: Great Wilderness Pursuit

   Chapter 961

The powerful palm of the Supreme Elder Zi Peng caused Zhou Tu to vomit blood. It not only completely destroyed his attack power, but also made his martial arts confidence drop a lot. At this time, I can clearly see that Zhou Tu's face is extremely pale. Weak and turned around and left.

   Relying on Zhou Tu's ability and ability, even if he was severely injured at this time, but his ability is still not weak, it is not a problem to want to escape. In addition, in the previous struggle, the 18 top elders of the Ancient Medicine Sect were bombarded and flew upside down continuously. Their skills and abilities were also weak to a certain extent.

  At this time, no one has the means and qualifications to stop Zhou Tu. But it was also at this time that the extremely heavy and indestructible tripod was in the midst of rapid rotation, swiftly and violently crushed down like a mountain.

  The amazing martial arts strike with indescribable horror and strength, almost only in a flash, it came to the eyes.

  The jet-black cauldron, which was turning at high speed, was surging with a deadly killing. Zhou Tu was caught off guard and was bombarded.

  咚, the terrifying and heavy martial arts strike force almost instantly exploded the skin of the old figure in front of him. Zhou Tu snorted and vomited blood. His body fell like a hard rock.

  The space has been brutally torn apart and it can be seen clearly at this time. Zhou Tu smashed the earth out of the huge deep pit without looking at him, and the astonishing smell of earth surging quickly and violently scattered around the deep pit.

  The earthy smell of the earth presents a kind of turbulence to block the audiovisual and exploration. However, at this time, a smile appeared on Chen Xuan's face.

   "Although Zhou Tu has been solved, the little apprentices have slipped away. These guys will inevitably confide in the news, but they can't let it go."

He ridiculed his lips, the light of the spiritual energy under his feet surged incomparably, and it could be seen that these substances quickly became stronger, bang, a layer of strong explosive light surged under his feet His speed reached its extreme almost only momentarily.

  Since you came to the Ancient Medicine Sect to find trouble, do you want to leave easily?

  The wasteland.

  In this ancient battlefield full of dense atmosphere. The two silhouettes shuttled fast and saw that they looked in a hurry, really cramped and embarrassed, and there was an incomparably weak light surging through them, and they were really nervous to death when they saw it.

  But at this moment, there was a young figure behind them who was not anxious and faintly chasing after them. Even if the two warriors in front of them, they have tried their best to pursue them, but this has no meaning or effect. Even if they dodge with all their strength, they still can't get rid of the chasing figure behind them.

   Chen Xuan pursued this ancient battlefield in front of him for a while. At this time, his feet were violently hitting the ground, and the thick and powerful aura waves shattered like lightning, and his fast speed sequel was incomparably smashed in front of him,...

   "Want to go?!"

   An extremely cold ridicule came from Chen Xuan's mouth. At this moment, you can see the lightning-like glow exploding in front of your eyes quickly.

  The horrible wave of light in his hands, like a star, surging with cold light swiftly. When he got it, Chen Xuan pierced his fist fiercely, and the space was brutally torn away almost instantly.

  Waiting got the moment in front of him, he swept out the wave force like a crushing punch, so that the surrounding air was bursting with layers of Qi. I have to say that this amazing intensity is terrifying.


  A heavy impact surged from the core of the battlefield in front of you. The arms of Liu Hunian and Marriott, who had been quite strong, were bent apart. His face twisted and he vomited blood.

  Flew hundreds of meters away before smashing a large piece of plant and then falling to the ground. Don't even think that they are the powerhouses of the sixth layer of Qi Condensation... but they are not at the same level as Chen Xuan.

  咻! Chen Xuan fell from the sky! The heavy martial arts body fell like a mountain. He kicked Marriott out and howled the frail Liu Hunian.

  Liu Hunian's feet were off the ground, and his face was extremely pale and cramped. It can be seen that there is also a deep panic and guilty conscience in his eyes at this time.

   Chen Xuan's face suddenly appeared a touch of sorrow. After that, he smashed the Liu Hunian in his hand fiercely, turning an arc in the air, and falling fiercely to the ground actually cracked the earth abruptly.

  咚, the dull and incapable impact caused the ground in front of him to suddenly burst. In the dense dust flying, this person immediately lost the ability to resist and fight.

  The song refers to a grasp.

  Surging and stable storage treasures are here. At this moment, I can clearly see that a faint smile appeared on Chen Xuan's face: "The ability of these two people is not weak, and their reserves should be very good, ha ha."

Ok? Chen Xuan suddenly discovered that Liu Hunian seemed to be hiding something. "Death!" An icy taunting voice came from Chen Xuan's mouth. He stepped forward like a mountain of martial arts with terrifying power, and swiftly exploded in front of him and stamped his chest on his chest.

  咚...The light of faint blood rushed from within his body. A section of the root of the tree surging with the black air current hidden in his hand was forced to fall down and his fingers grabbed the mysterious root of the tree before his eyes.


  Liu Hunian was extremely surprised at this time, a deep guilty conscience and horror surged deep in his eyes, and his bloodshot eyes made him look a little bit hideous.

  "What is this?" Chen Xuan turned the root of the tree in his hand playfully. In his opinion, although this thing is strange but very common, a simple search with aura did not find any special benefits in it.

  However, after careful feeling, it is not difficult to find that the interior is empty as if there are huge spatial fluctuations. It's just that it's so mysterious that it can't be effectively detected what it is.

  Liu Hunian pouted his lips and said nothing. Chen Xuan squinted at him. He sneered and sneered. No one could resist what I wanted.

The incomparably cold slaying surged from Chen Xuan's body, as if countless knives were so sharply pierced into this person's body, making Liu Hunian's face pale, and his expression began to look a little distorted. .

   "Huh, deceive people too much!"

But it was also when Chen Xuan was about to crush it with powerful means, and a voice of dissatisfaction came from behind him. Chen Xuan was taken aback and thought that the voice was extremely powerful and vigorous, and it should be the Qi Qi seventh. The strength of the eighth realm.

   immediately turned around and became vigilant.

  (End of this chapter)

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