Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 977: Defense under heavy pressure

  Chapter 977 Defense Under Heavy Pressure

  The amazing martial arts killing makes people look very cold and sharp. At this time, Chen Xuan's body stabbed like a big sword was extremely cold.

"Little beast, do you dare to deal with me?" Wu Renjie was so surprised that there was a vast murderous intent surging in the depths of his eyes, and the light of blood flowed rapidly in it, as if it could form a substance like a river of blood as long as it burst out. exist.

  The powerful martial arts pressure of the foundation-building realm, swift and violent surging impact, I have to say that such astonishing martial arts killings, it feels terrifying to a certain degree.

   Amazing and incomparable killing power, surging with shocking waves.

  When he got it, he first mobilized a thick and incomparable spiritual energy wave, turned it into a heavy material force like a mountain, and then slammed down and fell away, almost only instantaneously bringing a crush on Chen Xuan.

  After completing this step, Wu Renjie showed a grinning smile. He nodded in satisfaction, first nailed it to death, and then used powerful means to destroy it.

  Hehe, I want to see what else this kid has to resist.

Stepping forward with satisfaction The light of the aura among the five cold fingers turned, and the icy and strong killing force surged swiftly, waiting to be a kind of horror that could tear the space apart. Killing intensity.

   swiftly slammed in front of his eyes.

  Five fingers falling!

   "Fuck me."

  The clenched fists were clenched, and the light of aura burst out from Chen Xuan's hands. Then he blasted away fiercely and unfeelingly with powerful means.

  The shocking wave of killing and felling broke out in an instant. Boom... the dull martial arts touch, and the abrupt eruption of this astonishing killing aura, caused the surrounding environment to suffer quite cruel martial arts destruction.

  The shocking and cutting edge wave force suddenly broke countless plants, even the rocks showed cracks and fragments.

  咚. Chen Xuan's body was smashed into embarrassment and withdrew. As his feet plunged into the ground, he burst out behind him, and the soil under his feet was dragged abruptly to reveal two traces of ravines.

  After getting a hundred meters away, Chen Xuan stabilised for a while.

  "Warrior in the early days of foundation building."


  Chen Xuan jumped out of the earth pit. The surging earth smell fluctuated all over his body, gradually rising and intensifying. It can be seen that the internal density is not weak.

  "Now is the time to make you pay."...



  Chen Xuan exploded and shot away, and the amazing light of the earth rose rapidly and engulfed his body. I have to say that this astonishing intensity is terrifying.

  The thick and powerful dusty breath in the hands was suppressed by the swift surging.

  At that moment, Wu Renjie suddenly increased his speed. Boom, Wu Renjie's eyes suddenly counterattacked and the astonishing dirt and dust aura exploded away, as thick and heavy ripples as a river rushed away.

  Wu Renjie's feet suddenly shattered, and the five-meter big pit burst into bursts of earthy smell in the air. Wu Renjie coughed, his eyes looked a little sad, and his body was extremely stiff at this time and even began to tremble.

  Powerful material fluctuations gathered in both feet. Wu Renjie's strong and domineering counterattack, finally relying on his own strength and ability to counterattack Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan looked at the young man who had fallen into the pit. At this moment, he pursed his mouth and wiped the blood off his lips. Feeling the agitated matter and air currents, he squinted his eyes and said: "The power of the foundation-building realm is too thick and powerful, even if I use such powerful martial arts as Earth Soul Jue to burst out, it is just It seems that the lack of martial arts level will seriously affect the exertion of confidence and trouble."

  Now his whole body's aura fluctuations are showing incomparable disorder and weakness. It can be seen that it doesn't take much time, and Chen Xuan's ability will be exhausted, even if he still has some relatively weak means and confidence, I am afraid that there is nothing he can do.

   Clenched his fists and felt the swift and violent pressure from around him. At this time, he was really shocked!

   "Little beast really expected you to have such a powerful martial skill."

   Wu Renjie burst out of the pit more than five meters deep. Slowly walking out of the depths of his eyes filled with blood fluctuations from the dust, at this time, indescribable and exhaustive martial arts were surging, and such tearing martial arts killings could not be easily resisted and endured.

  I have to say that such astonishing fluctuations in killing and felling feel terrifying, and cannot be easily resisted and contended in this battlefield in front of him.

Wu Renjie's lifeless state, Chen Xuan stared at him, clenched his fists and pursed his mouth, and said faintly: "Hehe little beast, even if you have more confidence and means, you are just giving away treasure boy. Today-if you don't show these things, I might I will not use the real means yet, but at this time, obviously I have to take you seriously."

   A grinning grin suddenly appeared. He stepped forward with the extremely cold killing aura and wave power, and he was so fast that he had to say that these terrifying martial arts killing fluctuations were of a terrifying degree and level.

  The powerful martial arts on this battlefield in front of them killed them all, and enveloped them swiftly and violently. The astonishing force of martial arts killing makes people feel very terrifying and amazing.


   grinned coldly and ruthlessly. Wu Renjie stepped forward with a fierce and strong force of killing waves, swiftly and violently turned into a lightning-like substance and slammed out.

   So that the big gun in his hand buzzed and dazzled. The **** and vicious breath surging out from the inside of the big gun. These astonishing substances are very obscure and cold.

After being attacked by these strange and incomparable substances, countless plants around them were corroded almost instantaneously. They convolved one after another to see that these incomparably powerful substances were weak to a certain extent .


  The space burst to your eyes!

   Chen Xuan's face was a little pale and weak at this time. In the midst of such an astonishing martial arts impact, with his current confidence, even if he used powerful explosive methods, he was hit hard.

   Simply put most of the power back inward, and try to make one's own defensive skills as strong as possible, so as to contend with such powerful and incomparable means in front of you!

  Fists clenched tightly, and thick aura fluctuations surged in his hands and body. It could be seen that this amazing aura was defensive and made Chen Xuan tall.

  (End of this chapter)

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