Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 983: Fire Soul Devouring Pill

  Chapter 983 Fire Soul Devouring Pill

The   Evil Holy Cracking Spirit Clock surging out of jet black color, the dull air flow turned into gravity like mountains and rivers, and the swift surging violently slammed it down and caused astonishing damage to Li Zhan in an instant.


  Li Zhan will fly the knife in his hand. Suddenly formed a strong counterattack, but at this moment he did not expect that the terrorist power in the early days of his foundation was already as fragile as tofu in Chen Xuan's eyes.

  The old black clock suddenly smashed the knife. The remaining wave of horror was astonishing, and Li Zhan's vomiting blood suddenly flew out.

  His spirit became a little sluggish, and he showed a trance posture in this short period of time. When he returned to normal, his body was as hot as being cut by a knife.

  Li Zhan suddenly realized that his arm was cut off and he didn't know when, he turned pale and roared.

  In the distance, Chen Xuan held an arm in his hand and looked dripping blood. Obviously, this thing was forcibly ripped off from his body when the Evil Holy Spirit Cracking Bell gave him a moment of terrifying damage, while Li Zhan was a little confused.

  Looking at the ring on the finger, Chen Xuan licked his mouth and took it off. Blew the arm off with one kick.

  The sturdy arm turned into a residue in this space, and suddenly surging forward slowly. It is **** to be able to see the extremely powerful and incomparable murderous fluctuations of martial arts.

  Li Zhan roared and snarled at Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan sneered and watched him destroy even the top base-building junior realm fighters like Wu Renjie, how capable the kid in front of him could be.

  But also when he was about to take a shot, there was a powerful martial arts warfare in the distance, and the swift treasure exploded. Chen Xuan suddenly felt that he was in danger, and he immediately shook the Evil Sacred Spirit Cracking Bell to explode.

  The astonishing black aura gathered swiftly and intensely. He smashed out a series of black aura surging out, and Li Zhan was drowned in a state of astonishment.

   Chen Xuan had disappeared when he walked out of this wave of breath. With his fists clenched, Li Zhan was furious. At this time, the super powerful warrior behind him finally walked out.

   "What's going on? Where is the mysterious soul beast?" A young man with amazing martial arts power and horror power in the mid-foundation stage was surging throughout his body. There was a surging scrutiny and icy current in the eyes of the tiger.

   Li Zhan's face flushed and embarrassed: "A little beast forcibly took the seriously injured beast away. It is said that this kid is Chen Xuan of the Ancient Medicine Sect."

"Damn little beast. Last time I heard Brother Li from the torture department tell me to pay attention to someone. Haha, I didn't expect this little beast to have some abilities, but in this eternal emperor's building, he can't do anything for a small and weak one. , And let him wait to kill him no matter he escapes to the ends of the world."

  "Okay, we will chase now!"...

  There are many mysterious and deep caves in this Wangu Huangzun Building. This is because this ancient battlefield has suffered too many martial arts blows in history, causing faults in the land of this place.

  It has been covered for a long time, and it can be seen that these substances are extremely thick. If you enter the depths of a cave to hide your breath, trying to find a specific person or something is undoubtedly tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

  The strong smell of medicine in the cave is filled with its richness and it really makes you feel coveted. If you look carefully, you will be able to find that in the deepest part of this cave, Chen Xuan is now with a faint smile, and the complex medicinal materials in his palm are turning.

  The amazing aura flowing slowly in the medicinal materials, it can be seen that in this flow, many medicinal materials in this hand have been refined.

  After half an hour.

   Along with the emergence of a strong aroma of pill, the warm and moist pill filled with powerful aura emerged.

  Look at that pill itself is surging with hot, thick blood. Such astonishing fluctuations of light can be described as terrifying. If you look carefully at the pill, it is not difficult to imagine that if you swallow this thing, you will get huge benefits!

   "Blood Spirit Pill."

   "If the pill is swallowed, even people like Li Zhan are not the enemy of One He."

   "It's just not enough."

  Chen Xuan squinted his eyes during this battle, although he did not force a blow with the guy who appeared later. However, the horrible waves of killing and cutting that person surging all over, and the cruel suppression effect brought by the mid-stage foundation construction are still very powerful and terrifying. If this kind of attack falls, I am afraid that Chen Xuan can easily resist it.

  To deal with opponents in the mid-term foundation construction, these methods alone are not enough. He stretched out his sword and took out an extremely black storage ring. Seeing that its sparkling value was not weak, it was obvious that people who could afford this thing were definitely not ordinary people.

   Aura surging out slowly and sent it into the storage ring in his hand, and soon Chen Xuan basically figured out the contents of the storage ring. After recovering in confusion, Chen Xuan was really excited: "I didn't expect Li Zhan to have some hidden goods!"

  The color of joy was surging on his face. Qu Zhi grabbed the faint light of spiritual energy in his hands, and he could see the depths of the light of spiritual energy. At this time, a sparkling medicine emerged.

  This amazing medicinal material looks very precious.

   "Eat the grass!"

  Chen Xuan pursed his mouth and a smile appeared. This is a powerful medicinal material in the second stage of the second stage, even if you have money, you may not be able to easily obtain it.

  This thing is an essential medicinal material for refining the second-grade mid-stage pill. The value of this thing is very high, and the role and meaning that it can play in the martial arts battle are excellent, because at this time Chen Xuan is really excited about this medicinal material.

  Immediately, he didn't mean to wait at all. There is no difficulty in refining medicine for him, as long as the materials can be gathered, then the refining is naturally very handy.

  The quiet past of two days was accompanied by bursts of pill fragrance. At this time, the whole body was surging with the warm, moist, flame-light pill, but it slowly and clearly emerged.

   "Fire Soul Devouring Cracking Pill." Chen Xuan pursed his mouth and a smile appeared. This thing is a qualitative change pill produced by the cooperation of the Fire Soul beast core and Devouring Grass. As long as it can be swallowed, even the powerful opponents in the middle of the foundation construction period are expected to suffer a big loss in an instant!

   Chen Xuan's eyes are like swords at this time, believing that even if he encounters the powerful warrior of that day again now, he can use the pill in his hand to make a powerful shot to defeat the opponent!

"It's just that this pill is hard to come by. Whether it is the Fire Soul Beast or the Devouring Grass, it is a very precious thing. The former is not easy to kill and the scarcity of the latter is even more terrifying. If this pill is not a last resort, don't It's easy to use..." Chen Xuan hissed.

  (End of this chapter)

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