Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 993: Black Mizusawa

   Chapter 993

   Chen Xuan fisted and fell on the head of the head of the household, Qiu Liang, and immediately exploded! The power of this fist was so fierce that it would destroy his entire body abruptly all the way down!

  I have to say that this amazing lethality is terrifying! A sparkling storage ring appeared in the sun. Chen Xuanqu grabbed it with a finger, and the object fell into his hand.

   squinted at Li Zhan who was dumbfounded at this time. An extremely icy expression emerged to see that he was really terrified at this time.

  "Since Qiu Liang has been destroyed, you don't want to live anymore." Chen Xuan became extremely indifferent, and killing the son of Shangshu of the Ministry of War is not a trivial matter, and it will afflict many people!

  And the kid in front of him has been searching for him for several days, and what he wants to do is self-evident! Chen Xuan wouldn't have the slightest politeness and means to deal with this kind of vital person.

   Surging fists of amazing strength blasted away swiftly and violently, and the sparkling intent of killing in that fist was contained in it.

   whizzed towards Li Zhan in front of him. Li Zhan was so scared that he was trembling and didn't dare to move easily. At this time, he was hit by this powerful punch without making a decent counterattack.

  咚! The terrifying fist blasted into his body and instantly shattered his body.

   Qu Zhi grabbed Li Zhan's storage ring and fell into Chen Xuan's hands. He shot and wiped out the two opponents in the mid-foundation period and took their treasures into his hands.

  But Chen Xuan did not relax at this time. He was vaguely found by his side during the previous battle, and there seemed to be a dangerous and mysterious atmosphere.

  This breath has not disappeared even now. Chen Xuan squinted and sneered. At this time, the battle was over, and he didn't care if he took another life...


  Lightning-like brilliance emerged on the battlefield in front of you. The chain that exploded and shot away showed amazing strength and brightness, and the distance of hundreds of meters was almost pierced in front of the eyes.

  The light of the great sun surged. Suddenly, the space of tens of meters was shrouded, but Chen Xuan's gaze suddenly shrank in a moment, and the trick he used to move forward was quickly retracted.

  He suddenly accepted the move. Under the huge inertial surging, his body rotated nine times on the spot before disappearing the powerful combat power. With a slightly confused attitude, Chen Xuan looked at the old man who was also a little panicked in front of him and said, "Mogai sir, why are you here?"

  Obviously, the old figure in front of him is naturally the core elder of the ancient medicine sect. This time, the Wangu Huangzun Tower Adventure Field does not restrict anyone to participate, because the Ancient Medicine Sect also has many powerful players.

  It’s just that the space inside the eternal emperor building is huge, even if the people who enter it together are scattered, it will be difficult to encounter it again.

  Because of this, Chen Xuan, the elder of the Ancient Medicine Sect, was naturally a little surprised.

The panic disappeared quietly, and he said in embarrassment: "The old man turned around and didn't expect to get lost. Hearing that there are fighting sounds in this place, I came to see him. I really didn't expect to meet you boy here. Why are you just now? Who are you fighting with?"

  The old eyes were filled with perplexed light, and I couldn't lose sight of Chen Xuan in front of him, revealing a questioning look.

   "Oh, nothing is just the younger generation." Chen Xuan stared at the eyes of the old figure, but at this time the old man seemed quite indifferent, without any special emotions.

Mo Hui nodded and said, "That's good! There are too many Xiaoxiao in this place. If you don't pay attention, you might be hurt." Mo Hui's eyes turned and he looked at the distance and said: "The old man recently got a piece of news that it is said that black fire lotus seeds appeared in the black water inside this imperial building. Now this news has not spread out because only I know. I originally wanted to go alone, but now it seems that it should be. I have a partner."

   "Black Fire Lotus Seed!" Chen Xuan's eyes flashed brightly, and his skin beat a few times involuntarily.

Chen Xuan knows very well that this thing is the necessary medicinal material for refining the "Three Yuan Qi Condensing Pill". As long as this powerful pill can be refined, let alone a Gu Yunyan, even two he can use it. Deal!

  It’s just that medicinal materials of this level have always been very rare. Although the Eternal Gods Building is not weak, can there be medicinal materials of this level? He looked at the old figure beside him to see if he didn't lie, and then he nodded in relief.

   "If this is the case, it shouldn't be later to act now." Chen Xuan smiled faintly. After all, after he and Gu Yunyan's agreement were provocatively shouting within the scope of his full emperor building, everyone knew that there was a disciple named Chen Xuan in the ancient medicine sect who was going to fight with him.

  If the appointment is missed, it will not only be a blow to Chen Xuan, but also have a huge impact on the ancient medicine sect behind him. When discussing this matter, people would talk about the disciples of the Ancient Medicine Sect, which Chen Xuan could not accept anyway.

  Since there are such amazing treasures now, he naturally cannot give up...

  Black Mizusawa.

  In this area in front of you, you can clearly see that the thick and black aura is surging with mist-like material fluctuations. These things faintly produced a barrier-like aura. If the mental power is not strong enough, I believe it is impossible to find the slightest in this place.

  Chen Xuan found that the environment here is very harsh. This place is located in a very marginalized place in the entire Huangzun Building. If he hadn't spoken for instructions, he might not be able to find it even if he looked for it carefully.

  And there are often some monsters slamming out of it abruptly. Although the overall strength and stamina were not very strong, Chen Xuan was still faintly worried, afraid that there would be any powerful creatures in this place.

If this is the case, these guys suddenly violently injure people, then I am afraid it is not easy to deal with. After all, only those truly powerful monsters will look for opportunities to start, and the destruction and damage of this level of monsters are often amazing. of.

  In a dense reed. Chen Xuan closed his eyes at this moment, and the light of the faint spiritual energy was drawn from the surrounding air. Then he could clearly see that his whole body began to gradually show a kind of warm light.

  After a short while, Chen Xuan opened his eyes and exhaled foul air.

   "Hehe, it doesn't take long to break through the level, I am really looking forward to it!" Chen Xuan pursed his mouth with a smile. You must know that although the condensing air realm is still strong, it is fundamentally different from the foundation building realm.

  Even the most common and trash warriors in the realm of foundation construction, their martial arts ability and confidence are probably a bit stronger than the most genius and most powerful warriors of Qi Condensation!

  (End of this chapter)

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