Virtual World: Conquering the World

Chapter 731: Lunar eclipse

"Artifact ..."

Ling Yue murmured, rubbing her eyes hard: "Is it correct?"

"That's right, it's an artifact," I said calmly.

Ling Xue said: "It's a powerful hammer. It should be the number one weapon list, right?"

"not necessarily!"


I smiled: "Just judging from the attack power, indeed, this Titan's Hammer is a well-deserved number one, but the secondary attributes are still open to question. I think that my moonlight ice blade, the blue sea of ​​iced tea, yours The blade of the snowy area is not under this low-level artifact in terms of comprehensive combat power! "

Ling Xue could not help but smile slightly: "Are you comforting us or comforting yourself?"

"I don't think scholars are comforting anyone ~"

Bingcha smiled and said, "Titan's Hammer has no more than a few hundred attack power than Bihai, which is basically negligible. Bihai has a high-efficiency trigger water dragon attack, which basically kills any player in one shot. Titan The Hammer is only effective for dark creatures such as the Seven Star Lantern. Once the pk is up, the side that beats the Titan's Hammer will definitely lose out! "

Qin Yun said, "That's right, iced tea makes sense!"

Ling Xue asked: "What about the artifact hammer? Sell it, or just drop it on the spot?"

I was hesitated, hesitated. If I dropped it, it would be a waste. It is equivalent to selling it, but if I want to own it, it seems that I can't bear the players who are hung up. \\

Seeing me hesitant, Ling Xue smiled softly, took the Titan's Hammer from me, and smiled, "No need to choose, this hammer is placed in the warehouse of the King's Capital, temporarily stored, until the appropriate Opportunity will come again, I think you guys have no opinion? "

It is best not to come forward.

"Everything is subject to Ling Yue's arrangement." I said.

Everyone did not object, so Titan's Hammer was handed over to Ling Yue. \\


Next, it's time to deal with the fourth item of this 255-level epic. It is a skill book with rippling waves. Pinjieguang can't judge from the appearance. He stretches his hand and the skill book's attributes appear in the team channel— —

[Wrath of Sword and Shield] (Ghost-God-level skills): Use the power of the field to gather a sword and a shield. While protecting yourself, you can also hit and kill enemies. The strength of the attack is related to the power of the field. Continue 30 seconds, 10 minutes cooldown, player level 235, sword weapons and shields.


"Wow, ghost-level skills, envy, a few soldiers are blessed!" Ling Yue hehe laughed.

Ice tea and Ling Xue are also very excited. They originally had few skills. They really lacked a skill that can both defend and attack. I have defensive skills such as iron wall, dragon armor, field shield, and attack. Skills are endless. In fact, this book is not necessary. \\

So I said, "Ice tea, you and Ling Xue, I abstained."

Ling Xue turned to look at me, wondering: "Why, this skill is obviously very powerful, almost invincible within 30 seconds, and can attack the target, why not?"

I waved my hand and laughed: "My skills are almost 50, and the player's skill limit is 50. I have to leave a few skill slots and use them to learn super tricks!"


"For example, some big moves such as mountains and seas, the wrath of the Emperor Yan, Xuanyuan's guardianship, and Athena's elegy, issued a move, people, animals, shrimp, birds, fleas and grasshoppers all turned into fly ash ...

"Halo, are you talking?"

Ling Xue glanced at me and ordered: "Together, don't talk to this girl!"

Hum failed, and I took the dice. \\

Come on, who is afraid of who! ?

So a group of people held their breath and threw the dice!

My palm was loose, and the black dice flew around, finally settled, pointing-87!

"Hey, I'm the rp king ..."

"Come here ..."

Ling Xue couldn't help but smile and threw the dice lightly, pointing at -100!

"I depend, don't I?"

I was stunned, and iced tea prayed: "God gods, bless me to throw a 100 points, so that I can have a chance to continue to compete with Snow Beauty ..."

The iced tea shot, the dice rolled around in the team's sharing, and finally settled, pointing-97!


Ice tea spurted blood: "Wow, I'm too desolate, is it three o'clock, gods, I despise you, I wish you always buy instant noodles without seasoning, eat ramen without chopsticks!"

I said, "Actually, when eating noodles, a fork can also ..."

"Despise you!"

"I'm not gods, why do you despise me ..."

I threw the skill book to Ling Xue and said, "Learn it, let's see the effect of the skills?"


A ray of light scattered in the palm of Ling Xue, the skill book disappeared. \\

"Come on, come here ~"

Ling Xue grinned, and Xue Xue's face suddenly looked stunned, a moan, and the power of the field gathered together. A snow-colored shield appeared in front of her, and a sharp frost sword and sword were faintly visible in front of the shield The front fluttered gently in Ling Xue's body, and the shield also flowed. Obviously, it was indeed a full-body defense skill.

"Drop ~!"

Combat Tips: The player uses the skill [Sword and Shield Fury] in Blizzard, enters an invincible state within 30 seconds, and can use a sword to hit and kill opponents!


Sure enough, it is invincible for 30 seconds!

Ling Xue was overjoyed and said, "Why is the fury of my sword and shield the color of snow and ice?"

I groaned and explained, "That's because your realm power is snow and ice."

"Oh, that's how it is!"

Ling Yue said: "Don't show it off, go, and go back to the city with us, we should go to the task. For tasks with more than 10,000 difficulties, there will definitely be a good reward!"

"Uh-huh, back to town!"

A few white lights scattered, and we appeared in Baiyun City. Ice tea and other mm had long gone to the task submission office. It was a high-level mage teacher who seemed to be the nb of Baiyun City ’s palace.

Ling Yue was holding three ice crystals in her hand, and she walked up to the instructor, and the magician shivered, and her old tears burst into tears--

"The great Goddess of Ice and Snow, your soul will finally rest. When the godhead reappears, please give us a stronger power of snow and ice! Only the power of faith will resurrect your godhead!"

With that said, the teacher shook the staff, a groaning chant, the ice and snow drifted around, and the three ice crystals in Ling Yue's hands gradually became phosphorized and soared, turning into a flood of bright snowflakes and flying to the gods!

The sky suddenly became dark, and the players in Baiyun City were frightened, and for a while they were stunned, I don't know what happened. \\

In the sky, a glorious light appeared, and a faint came from the faint. The palace master shivered, and the whole person fell to the ground, and said loudly: "Ice God, please give us strength ..."

I glanced at Lingyue and said, "Hey, aren't you also a saint of the Snow Goddess? Not yet kneeling down, no sincerity, and you Lingxue, you too ..."

Two mm shots were full of murderous eyes: "Kneel you kneel!"


Soon after, a ring of bells echoed over Baiyun City—

"Ding ~!"

System announcement: Player Qingfeng Lanyue became the first player to complete the six-turn mission. The Goddess of Ice and Snow recovered, and the attacks and effects of all Frost skills increased by 25%. Players breeze Lanyue received a reward: Level 3, Increase ice attack by 15% and get the item [Eclipse Staff]!


The entire Baiyun City was a sensation, the first six-turn player appeared, but it was not the first person of my level, it was too speechless!

"The staff of the lunar eclipse?" I asked, "what grade is it?"

Ling Yue was surprised and smiled mysteriously: "Guess?"

"King of the World?"

"Guess again!"


I hurriedly opened the weapon list, and it was obvious that the weapon in the first place had become a staff of lunar eclipse, and the points were nearly double that of Bihai!

"Fuck, what kind of property, share it quickly, month after month ..."

When I called "Yueyue", Lingyue was immediately confused, and the squares were disorderly. The attributes of the staff of the lunar eclipse were randomly clicked, only to scare everyone. \\\\

[Lunar Eclipse Staff] (Earth Artifact)

Magic Attack: 12500-17200

Intelligence: +3700

Stamina: +3550

Dexterity: +3400

Strength: +3200

Bonus: Increases the magical attack power of the user by 195%, with 80% ice damage

Bonus: 50% penetration damage, 50% lucky strike rate

Bonus: Ignore 50% of target's magic defense

Stunt: [Lunar Eclipse]

Number of grooves: 15

Introduction: An artifact condensed by the icy moonlight. It was a weapon of the ice goddess. When the ice goddess fell, this scepter fell into the realm of humanity.

Additional conditions: Blood cannot be dropped or traded after recognizing the Lord

Number of grooves: 12

Required Level: 240

Title required: Doomsday

Need Reputation: 1800000


Ling Yue was awarded three levels, enough to equip the staff of the eclipse, the magic attack of this staff is simply too overbearing, and it surpassed many of the physical attacks of Bihai, no wonder it will be evaluated so high!

"See? It's a powerful rod ~" Ling Yue couldn't stop smiling. \\

Ice tea was startled, saying: "Ling Yue, your magical attack power should be very, very powerful right now?"

"Will you try it?" Ling Yue chuckled.

Ice tea nodded, and opened the consultation system on the spot, then drank aloud, the golden light on the armor of destiny, which is the Holy Shield skill of the defense system!

"Remember to use the skills of small power, not allowed to use the snow and ice vortex!" Ice Tea urged.

"I know, I'll use ice arrows ~"


Ling Yue waved the staff of lunar eclipse, the blue light flashed, the ice and snow power condensed on the tip of the staff, and quickly flew to the ice tea!


Ice tea trembled all over the body ~ ~ A layer of frost condensed on the shield, and a hurt figure jumped from the head—


Halo, a fatal blow!

Ice tea was shocked: "Oh my God, an ice arrow would hit me so much blood. If I used the ice and snow swirl, wouldn't I be dead ..."

I smiled: "Do you think the earth artifact in your hand, and that tide suit is fake?"

Iced tea stuck out his tongue: "It's a real weapon ..."

Ling Yue smiled: "Where is it ..."

Just then, another system bell came—

"Ding ~!"

System announcement (player shouts from the pride of the sky): Brothers of the Temple of the Moon, the warriors of Baiyun City, set off, southwest, swinging in Pingding County, now set off, arrived in the border of Anding County 12 hours later, and started the siege on time on Saturday morning The Temple of Luna vowed to seize Anding County, otherwise Ma Ge's body would be returned!

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