The two sides drew, followed by the third round of competition-

Gregory of Loyalty LV-227 VS Beautiful and Touching LV-232


This time it ’s hard to fight. The glamorous is a storm knight. It has a lot of unique wind skills. Besides, the equipment is good. It seems to be a half-length ice bone suit, but the breastplate and helmet are sky suits. A dazzling cyan sword, without a smile.

Although Gregory has a very good dagger, after all, the assassin's attack power is limited. Once he encounters the iron plate type player, he will have the worry of being unable to break the defense. Even if the defense is broken, the assassin's constitution is so weak. I can't stand being beaten a few times.

It is not that the soul return shirt is not good, but the soul return shirt does not have many masters. If you change the shadow to follow the wind to deal with this storm female knight, the winning rate is at least 50%. Unfortunately, the shadow follows The wind is the person of Xueyue, and there is no longer any relationship with the soul returning shirt.

However, it does not mean that Gregory has no chance. The opportunity does exist. That is to be able to control the rhythm of the battle and stun the Storm Knight to death! This test the operation and skills of the assassin player very much, I believe it is not difficult to achieve the ability to clear the wind, but Gregory, this is a bit difficult to say.

"Wow ..."

With a soft whistle, Gregory was invisible, and the glamorous man was standing on the side and on the grass, without taking any action, with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth, apparently not putting the thief opponent in his eyes.

This is also giving Gregory a chance!

"Little thief, don't you come out yet?" Mei Yan smiled slightly.

The voice didn't fall, and suddenly there was a bang!



ambush! 70% of the stun effect appeared, beautiful and stunning for three seconds!

Seizing the opportunity, Gregory turned sharply, waving his dagger in succession, and glowing red light all over his body. Apparently what skills were activated, the instant attack speed was scary, and brushing was five consecutive attacks. At one time, only less than 20,000 qi and blood can be beaten, but the beautiful qi and blood has dropped to about half.

Just after the three-second stun time, Gregory re-emerged, a green light appeared on the dagger, blinding!


Hitting again accurately, Mei Yan was losing her sight and was rolling around.

Gregory took a deep breath and waited!

In three seconds, the assassin is full of energy!


Among the flashes of light, the assassin's dagger pierced into the waist and eye of the Storm Knight, bringing out a **** light, and a scary number of injuries-


Fatal blow!

The light flew, and the beautiful face was shocked. She didn't even have a chance to do it, but she was really stunned by a thief!

Endless, the beauty is burning in anger.

The second game is finally serious!

Gregory still sneaked into the scene for the first time, while the glamorous people were walking around and secretly stepping on the wind energy one by one into the ground. All this was naturally invisible to Gregory.

When Gregory walked over and attempted a sneak attack, he stepped on the opponent's storm trap, and as soon as the wind fluttered, Gregory was half-blooded before he could touch his opponent.

"The thief died!"

In the gale, the storm knight rushed, the sword was raised, Gregory was sent out of the field, and Feng Shui took turns. In this round, Gregory did not touch his opponent.

The third game, the final game!

Gregory was cautious, but unfortunately, the storm traps of the Storm Horsewoman were everywhere, and with the shield of the storm, he simply withstood an ambush without fainting, and then resolved the opponent in the raging wind.

With a big score of 1: 2, Soul Return is one point behind!

Gregory was extremely frustrated after losing, and Qi Xingdian slapped something on his shoulder, saying it seemed to be comforting, but that didn't change much.

In the fourth game, the match is over. As long as they score this point, they can smoothly advance to the quarterfinals and become the first quarterfinals team!

War Soul Proudness LV-231 VS Titanic LV-232

The first lord of the soul returning battle robe encountered the only player in the game who was not heavy armor, but it was a hidden profession, Mage of Flame!

In this scene, he killed for a full ten minutes. The battle spirit Aotian chased his opponents across the mountain. They also endured fireballs. Two people drank countless potions, and finally fell into the stone gap by mistake in Titanic. At that time, War Spirit Aotian jumped down and solved the opponent.

It was the same in the second game. In short, Zhanhun Aotian helped the team get one point back.

Off the stage, the War Soul Iron Wing smiled and smiled at the people in the Temple of the Moon: "How about, Wang Junjie, the war trash Aotian garbage can win a game, you? You are not even qualified to play, you are what?"

Wang Junjie gritted his teeth and said, "N-M-B!"

"A crazy dog!"


The scolding is Wang Junjie's weakness. He can't even scold me. How can he be the opponent of the War Soul Ironwing? If he encounters such a master of iced tea, I am afraid that everyone will kill Wang Junjie in a word. .

On the stage, 2V2 has become the decisive game. Whether the soul returns to the top 8 directly depends on this battle!

2V2: Seven Star Lights LV-224 & Fire Soul LV-229 VS Iron Bird LV-234 & Dark Roar LV-230


On the level, the soul returns to the battle robes, but with the Qixing Lantern, it is unpredictable. After all, the Qixing Lantern holds the middle-order Chinese weapon chaos breaking the sky, which is not acceptable to ordinary people.

The map, boulder valley, spring breeze, and cymbals. The boulder in the middle is shaped like a "high sky pillar". Below the situation, the Qixing lamp is blocked with a large knife in front, and the spirit of fire is standing behind the Qixing lamp with a staff. Typical FT combination, The words of a pastor are even more perfect.

On the opposite side, the fateful knight iron bird, the dark knight roaring darkly, the two heavy armored players holding long swords, laughing and looking at the opponent with a win, apparently, the combination of the two knights is better, after all, the fire They have seen it before, and their attack power can only be considered as ordinary. If they can't kill the opponent, they can only be killed by the opponent.

The two sides clashed and the system began the countdown in a timely manner—




The battle begins!

The iron bird first screamed "Master of Life", the blood and blood increased by more than N, the Dark Roar released the bone shield, and then the sword was copied from the side, and the iron bird attacked from the front.

Qixing lantern glanced and yelled, "Kill the Dark Knight!"

The words did not fall, the fireball of the fire spirit led the time, and instantly changed the attack target-Dark Roar!


The fireball swallowed up the opponent, countless Mars emerged from the dark roaring iron armor, the seven-star lights flew, and a roar, the curse of fate had fallen on the opponent, just about to hit the fire, did not want to fly out of countless green vines, actually Bound to him, the curse of destiny is only three seconds, and the attack time has been missed.

The Qixing lanterns were so angry that they screamed and lost Jingzhou!


The fire spirit was approached, iron bird and dark roar were swordd, and then turned around, and the two of them hit one. The seven-star light had no chance at all. Although holding the chaotic sky-sharp blade, other people's weapons may not be inferior. How much, not to mention the two hidden professional players on the opposite side, can not even compete.

A white light flew out, and the soul return shirt lost the first game in the final match.

The second game.

Qixing Deng tried to calm himself down, then said, "The spirit of fire, cooperate, what is the chance of your fire burn?"

"Probably a 13% chance! Too low ..." Huozhimo said in a deep voice.

Qixing Deng said decisively: "Burst with flames, about half of the three attacks will stun the opponent for two seconds, and attack the destiny knight. In this game, shoot him!"

"it is good!"

After the battle started, the iron birds and the dark knights were still extremely arrogant. They never thought that the fire spirit had a fire bomb attack. This was very low-level magic. Half of the fire mage used either a fireball or a flame explosion because the fire bomb The boot time is longer, and there is not much attack power, but the attacks are more frequent.


The third fireball finally burned the opponent, and the flame stunned for two seconds!

This should be the specialty of the spirit of fire, this is actually relying on!

The Seven Star Lanterns rushed forward, not afraid of the vines of the opponent's fate, the blade flashed, and the curse of fate-swept across the army!

In a frenzy, the knight of destiny knelt.

The Dark Knight growled dumbfounded, and stood there overwhelmed. The spirit of fire continued to use the flame skills, but no more flames were burned. It took too much luck, like a blow from my sky. With this trigger skill, it's over.

As a result, the Qixing Lantern easily killed the Dark Roar, and the Soul Return Tabard pulled back a small point.

"Hey, good job!" Qixing Deng laughed.

The spirit of fire laughed: "You kill too fast!"

The Soul Return Tabard shows unity like never before, which is quite surprising.

The third game, the final decision!

Business as usual, unfortunately, this time the flames of the Fire Spirit did not show up, and the result was a fiasco, together with the Seven Star Lights, they were combined by the two knights!

With a big score of 2: 3, the soul returning to the battle robe was finally regretted. Although it was lost, it showed a strong combat effectiveness. Next, the soul returning to the battle robe still had a great chance.

As a result, he was short-listed in the top 8. Group A then decided to use the double-elimination system to determine the second team to qualify for the top 8.

The two first round losers competed, Rainforest lost to the Vampires 1: 4!

Then, the vampire and the soul returning to the battle robe encountered again. As a result, the soul returning to the battle robe was swept by 5: 0, so the soul returning to the robe became A's second team to enter the top 8!

Enthusiastically, finally, the first eight teams in China appeared.


Feier came to the stage with a smile and announced: "Congratulations to the soul returning to the robe and becoming the top two teams to advance to the top 8. The next group B game!"

Snow Moon's match with Pink Cherry Blossoms has been played as the opener, so the special forces and the blue sky are played, one from the United States and the other from Croatia.

The result of the battle was very speechless. The special forces lost 0: 5 to their opponents, and they were completely domineering. Moreover, the blue sky team was really strong.

Ling Yue gazed at the confrontation on the big screen and whispered softly: "A level 233 totem mage, a level 235 swordsman, a level 230 mad warrior, a level 235 bard, our opponent is really powerful!"

Qin Yun nodded and smiled: "Yes, in fact, the American team just now is already very strong, but unfortunately it was hung up like chopping vegetables, which only shows that this team from Croatia is too powerful."

"In my memory, Croatia is a small country?" Bingcha blinked and asked, "Why are there so many super-class masters?"

Ling Xue explained with a smile: "Ice tea, you must not pay attention to the recent state of war. Just half a month ago, five guilds in the main city of the United States District jointly attacked a county-level second-level main city. It lasted for 5 days and was lost. It is the main city of Croatia. Players in this country have never lacked masters. After a big loss in the United States, they will never dare to beat this county. "

"It seems that our road to the quarterfinals is not very smooth ..." Ice tea stuck out its tongue.

Ling Yue said: "Being in line, the strongest lineups are all mentally motivated. It is necessary to give play to Xue Yue's glorious tradition when he is strong."

Soon after, the confrontation between the two sides appeared on the big screen, and Xueyue's second battle after the opener, if he could win, he entered the quarterfinals, otherwise he would have to kill another to get the chance to advance.

1V1: Iced Tea LV-237 VS Fanatic LV-230

1V1: Confident Scholar LV-245 VS Jungle Evening Wind LV-233

1V1: Qingfeng Feixue LV-240 VS Xiaohe Qingqing LV-235

1V1: Breeze on the Moon LV-243 VS 笑笑 LV-235

2V2: Confident Scholar LV-245 & Qingfeng Feixue LV-240 VS Laugh and Smile LV-235 & Xiaohe Qingqing LV-235


Everyone's expressions are dignified. Compared with Xueyue, the strength of Blue Sky does not lose too much. There is no significant inferiority in the level. Several of their professions are very powerful. They just fought with the special forces just now. With Blue Sky winning five wins, it seems that there is no chance to show real strength at all.

Then in this battle, Xueyue encountered this powerful opponent, and it seemed that there was no way back.

There are only two ways: either kill the opponent or be killed by the opponent!

Several people in the battle robes haha, Qixing Deng laughed and said, "Scholars, you walk slowly. This opponent is really powerful. Don't hang on the top 16. The cape in the gutter is not Xueyue's style. Hahaha! "

War Soul proudly Shen Shen said: "Beware of the Totem Wizard and Swordsman, they are too powerful. If you lose these two points, it is really dangerous."

I smiled: "Thank you for your reminder!"

War Spirit took a glance at Lingyue ~ ~ said: "The breeze captures the moon and sees how you kill that bard. This is very important. Of course, maybe you haven't had a chance to play yet, maybe Xueyue has already Ended by 3: 0. "

"I borrow your good words!"

Ling Yue smiled slightly. We have always had no good feelings about this romantic spirit. Everyone has been fighting with each other since the beginning. The romantic spirit seems to be very interesting to Ling Yue. Unfortunately, the falling flowers intentionally follow the flowing water. Don't give any face.

Iced tea snorted coldly, and laughed: "It is estimated that the soul returned to the blue sky is a life of nine deaths. Xueyue, I can send a kind heart to tell you that the spirit of war is romantic, and no one can block our way!"

A hum of war spirits.

The four of us entered the game room with game equipment. The audience was full and Xueyue appeared again. Before that, several beautiful women not only showed first-class beauty, but also showed peak PK standards. Xueyue's popularity is obviously far away now. Overtaken the remaining teams.

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