Virtual World: Conquering the World

Chapter 768: True warrior

(Second more today.)

"The Dragon Soul is really a black hand. The next time I come to the end, both died in your hands, but not even a God of God equipment burst out!"

"Ice tea, stingy, don't blame me!"

Dragon soul licked his lips, but smiled again: "Finally, we have killed the third floor of the cemeteries of the gods !!! Topple the last one, we are the first team to pass the cemeteries of the gods!"


Overcast winds, the third floor of the cemeteries of the gods, is really a huge cemetery, where powerful god-like characters are buried, a small deworming insect creeps on the black corroded ground, and it is a sickening to suffocating The stench permeated the air.

Ling Yue and Qin Yun purred and covered their noses.

I turned back, "Turn off the olfactory system."


With a bang, I pulled out the moonlight ice blade, rode the flame war horse, and walked with Linger at the forefront. Iced tea and Bingzhiyi followed behind.

"Be careful, the monster here is a monster called" Bone Bone Archer ". It has a very high attack power, has a certain penetrating power, and is a long-range attack. I almost was killed by a volley last time." Bingzhi Yi looked cautious.

I nodded, took out the fire dragon bow, and laughed, "Let me blame you, just kill it."

"Got it."

A blue aurora was sprinkled on the ground, and then the light was visible, a pile of pale bones scattered in the corroded ground, and the sound of "click" made people creepy.


Suddenly, a pile of white bones stood up under the shroud of red light, and screamed, his bones suddenly trembled, and a blue brilliance appeared in his hands, and a condensed piece appeared. Zhang Qianggu is actually the same element archer as me, but the element of this bone archer is only the element of death.


The arrow light passed by and landed on the soul of Dragon Soul!


The blood of Dragon Soul dropped by a third instantly, and he screamed in shock: "Fuck! Too fierce ..."

Speaking, the other piles of skeletons also stood up and quickly formed a siege to us.


Dragon Soul has gone too far, but attracted monsters because its level is too low. For this level 245 Warsong monster, Dragon Soul is equivalent to a rookie.

Running back with dragging blood, Dragon Soul screamed, "Add blood!"

Qin Yun was speechless, waved his staff repeatedly, and all the holy rays fell, and the spirit and blood of the dragon soul rushed up.

I charged Sword with a skeleton archer, let Linger fall asleep, and Bingzhiyi and Liunian Fireworks also entangled one each. The shadow turned away as the weather turned into a phantom, and Sword swept across, "铿铿One person stunned two bone-bone archers. This monster belongs to a long-range attack. It cannot attack the opponent within 3 yards and has to move backward. As a result, the shadow follows the wind fast, chasing a mess, and killing it with zero loss opponent.

After the dragon soul filled up with blood, he turned back and killed him. The place where the ghost blade passed was a mess.


Two swords swept away a bone-bow archer, bursting out a small pile of gold coins, and a glittering dagger, feel it, feel good!

Bone Blade, Skycraft quality, adds 31% of attack power, plus a 25% tear effect, can make the target continue to lose blood, agility also added more than 200 points, quite good.

I threw the dagger into the package quickly, and the shadow grinned in the wind, revealing a row of white teeth, and at the same time wiped my hand, and put a shield from the ground into my arms.

Iced tea looked around and sighed: "I've entered the thief group, you guys don't have a good bird!"

With that said, iced tea picked up the armor boots that had just burst out, and threw them into the parcel, smiling. "It's not bad. The boots also have special effects, so go back and sell one hundred and eighty yuan!"

Bing Zhiyi and Liu Nian Hua Huo, you look at me, I look at you, and said together: "Change the distribution rules, the quality of the earthenware is above, otherwise, the remote Lingyue and Qin Yun are both too big. "

Qin Yun chuckled: "That is, you guys are too greedy. I have to make money with Ling Yue and Cube of Destiny to get back potion money! Hum, a potion full of potions cost tens of thousands of gold coins without subsidies How can it be done? "

Ice tea grinned and changed the distribution rules.


Soon after, Ding Dong said, Ling Xue's head lighted up, it was already online.

"Scholar, did you have dinner?"

"No, it's in the graveyard of the gods!"

"Oh, I went to the class, and just came back. It seems that the graveyard of the gods cannot keep up this time."

"It's okay, the ice bone suit is more advanced than the 弑 神 suit, you don't need to come, I can't accompany you now, you can play it by yourself!"

"Well, then some of my group went to the bones!"


Originally, Ling Xue did not have the strength to bring a few ordinary masters to bury the bones, but after the WSL battle, Ling Xue soared to level 247, and the gap with the final fire dragon was very small, and Ling Xue was already a body of ice. The bones are set, the damage is reduced by half, and the fury of the sword and shield can completely rely on the priest's blood to single out the fire dragon.

Turn off the communicator and continue to kill monsters.

A group of people lined up and killed each other in turn. Ice tea and I served as the main force to carry the stranger. There was no pressure at all. The war song-level monsters on the third floor of the Tombs of the Gods had a high explosion rate, basically reaching about 20%. Explosion rate, and equipped with the same gold or more, so advanced FB has bid farewell to the tragedy of silver and black iron.

Chat while killing-

"Dragon Soul, what's going on in China during our absence?"

"Nothing big!" Dragon Soul swept across Qianjun and screamed a bone-bow archer, but said, "I have to say something ... Soul returning to the battle robe has organized many leveling teams to hunt around. However, it is very compliant, there is no more killing and arson, and Shuguang City has suffered another fierce siege. The Moon Temple has organized tens of thousands of counterattacks and defeated those little crickets. Therefore, now the Moon Temple has been hidden. Become the master of Dawn City. In that main city, the prestige of the Luna Temple is particularly high. Because the monster levels around Dawn City are not too high, many new-born novice players in China have moved to Dawn City. Slow Slowly, the power of the Moon Temple will grow stronger, which is something we never expected. "

"Let them go!" I smiled: "This is a game. It's impossible to kill as fast as possible. Even if you kill level 0, people will not be able to submit to it. Just re-apply for an account and start training at level 0."

Dragon Soul smiled: "Yes, I mean the same thing. If the Moon Goddess really wants Dongshan to rise again, it's amazing that we will defeat it again."

The shadow followed the wind: "Dragon Soul forgot to say one thing, and Baiyun City refreshed another territory, which was taken down by us and given to Qianshan Xue as the guild station."

Destiny Rubik's cube smiled slightly and nodded and said, "Well, thanks to everyone's help, otherwise Qianshan Xue won't be able to win a guild."

I was a little surprised: "No, right? Guild wars, why is there no movement at all? I have watched the Internet when I was in Beijing. No wars have happened?"

Dragon Soul grinned: "Well, did we use some coercion when we attacked the city?"

"Oh? What means?"

Dragon Soul was embarrassed to say, and the shadow laughed with the wind: "The Dragon Soul alone shook a ghost blade and blocked it at the entrance of the territory and shouted: 'This site is going to be snowy and snowy, who dare not accept it and come to attack it! , The window glass of your house will break! 'Then, Xueyue, a soldier who did not fight, won the territory without any loss. "

"Rely on! Dragon Soul mighty!" I couldn't help laughing.

The shadow also laughed with the wind: "Yeah, mighty, it was almost a 200-level monster in the territory who was stepped into the mud."

Long Hun's old face blushed and smiled: "With the wind, the last sentence of your kid can be omitted, and people should have some reservations when they are honest!"

Shadows were modestly taught in the wind.

At this time, Bing Zhiyi cleared his throat and said, "One more thing, there are two second-level main cities in the United States in the west of Dawn City. It seems that in the past few days, many senior players in the United States have teleported to the past. To take action against Dawn City, or against Scarlet Fortress, we need prevention. "

Dragon Soul nodded: "Okay, I will arrange someone to investigate. Once they do, we will make the corresponding deployment immediately. In short, Dawn City is now our territory, and no one wants to move it!"

Dragon Soul was very overbearing, and was successfully shot into a hedgehog by several bone archers.


At more than 7 pm, after we wiped out all the bone archers, finally, we came to the last tomb of the gods cemetery.

In the distance, a golden sword stands in the cemetery, glowing brilliantly, looks holy, but permeates the evil realm.

"Good guy, this sword is so big, should it be an artifact?" Bingcha laughed.

"God please! Is that a tombstone?" I sneered.

Bingcha blinked, and sure enough, this is a monumental and unique tombstone with a large line carved on it: the tomb of the Imperial Valkyrie Minks.

"Valkyrie?" Bingzhiyi MM opened his mouth and said dumbly, "There is a Valkyrie buried underneath?"

I nodded: "It should be, what's wrong?"

Bing Zhiyi pouted: "Let's surrender, it is said that Valkyrie is very fierce, maybe we can kill us without leaving a piece of armor ..."

I laughed and laughed: "Excuse me, it can't beat ten of us, don't be afraid! Go, everything has me!"

Everyone, look at me. I look at you. In the end, I decided to let the pets step on it, but whose pets to use? There were only a few people with pets present, my phantom warrior, Lingyue's dark dragon, and iced tea tortoise.

"Order it!" Iced tea suggested.




Iced tea lost, Dragon Turtle go to lead!

So, iced tea carefully placed the dragon turtle in her arms on the ground and patted the turtle-head: "Go, baby, if you hang up, my sister will miss you ..."

The dragon and torto returned without hesitation, spent more than ten minutes and walked a few hundred yards, and finally reached the bottom of the golden sword.


Suddenly, an arm wrapped in armor broke through the ground, and the dragon's turtle's neck was pinched suddenly!


With terrible laughter, a gold armored warrior crawled out of the soil, held the dragon tortoise in the air, and punched it suddenly. With a bang, the dragon tortoise was killed by more than 400,000 points of blood and it was spiked!


The tortoise shell rolled back, and the iced tea held it up, crying.

I couldn't see it, I pushed her with my hand: "Don't pretend, go, you have the magic shield of the plague of demons, who are you going to resist?"

Iced tea struck me, and the sword came up!

Ling Yuefei quickly issued a combat command: "Student Dragon Binding, if it fails, Xiang Xiang uses the seal, and this must be destroyed!"


A group of people rushed over, headed by iced tea!

As I ran, I did not forget to throw the stars to look at the attributes-

[Bone of Valkyrie? Minks] (epic)

Level: 260

Attack: 142000-185000

Defense: 140000

Qi and blood: 35000000

Skills: [Sword Blade Slash], [Blood Fighting], [Wrath of the War God]

Introduction: Minks, one of the rare powerhouses on the road thousands of years ago, is a swordsman who has reached the peak of his strength. Although he failed to enter the sanctuary, he was recognized as the first powerhouse by humans For the Valkyrie, after death, the bones were stolen by Karen the Windseeker and became the masters of the cemeteries of the gods.


"Fuck! Epic 260!" I hurriedly sent the attribute to the team, and yelled, "Be careful, the attack power is too high. Unless you have absolute confidence, don't resist it."

"Know, know!"

A group of people shouted to know, but they all looked back, for fear of running slow!

I rushed forward, the fire dragon's bow flashed, and the stun arrow!


Hundred percent hits are extremely sharp, no matter if you are epic or god, you will be stunned!

Later, the Corrosion Arrow and the Thunder Arrow were added together, and half of the defense was lost. Otherwise, the Dragon Soul and Shadow's attack power may not be able to break the defense.

"Go on, do him!"

The dragon soul rushed to the sword, the sword swept, and yelled, "Cut it up!"

Valkyrie was furious, one-handed to the sky, thunder and lightning, countless energy gathered together, and turned into a golden giant sword, volleying into the dragon soul!


Dragon Soul's arms were short and he couldn't reach them, but he groaned, blood and rain flew, and he was instantly killed on the spot!


"Fuck! Dragon Soul's defense power ..."

I flew forward, the shield flickered in front of the Dragon Soul, and shouted loudly: "Everyone cover, wait for the Dragon Soul to resurrect, don't let him be seconds!"

Speaking, one hand lifted, Dragon Binding!

Unfortunately, a big one flew up.

Inflorescence of rice comes forward, seals, and gets damned again!

"Dragon's Imprisonment!"

"Dragon's Imprisonment!"

The two Dragon Knights MM have lost their skills one after another, but unfortunately they have been beaten.

Suddenly, a figure flew behind him, and the sword edge turned into a sharp cut!

"Sunder armor sword!"

A "slap" ~ ~ A sword that ignores the defense will be shocked!


NB, the shadow is the best defense against the wind.

However, it was also powerful, the sword swept, a golden light shone on the sword!

The shadow wanted to move away with the wind, but unfortunately, the feet couldn't move, it was locked in the realm!

In desperation, the "shield" placed the shield in front of him, and the shadow followed the wind, and the kid did it. The light and flint changed to the stick position mode!


The stone screamed, and the shadow was smashed out by a sword with the wind, and the blood strip was almost empty, but fortunately it did not hang up.


This undead warrior roared and laughed, and his blood-red eyes cast on me.

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