Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 1221 Little Red Riding Hood


Ye Qiang and Linson drank wine and talked about the fragments. Ye Qiang also told him the story of a matchmaker and a sleeping beauty twice. Linson's explanation laughed, "Do you know why it's called mayhem? Because it's the source of chaos, and it causes people to destroy themselves negatively. It's just the tip of the iceberg. Don't you see that the two stories you encounter are very desperate? The match girl died of cold starvation outside the restaurant door, the sleeping beauty was raped by her own biological father, and the child was chopped into meat sauce by her mother to make her eat, completely becoming the King's father's lust tool. Though the mayhem can provoke the negative, whether or not Tai Lai, for some people, negative feelings can not influence, but become his reference and motivation, but few such people. ”

“Go to Lin's house, there are two pieces left in the forest that are not used... Since it works for you, you can refine it, so here you go.” Linson's words make Ye Cang nod slowly. "Need a copy for Senior Lin Lan?”.

“Give it to him, and his tree awakens, and the power of the debris will inspire the tree to grow and grow, even more so if it has not been purified.” Linson's lying in bed. "I'm resting too. ”

Ye Cao is different from the past, there is a desire for power again, although not so extreme anymore, but now... He needed more strength to find Lin Liang to say a few words about Lin Sen and himself. Lin Liang opened the Front of Law to convey Ye Qiang to the Sect, and he himself followed the past, which would save a lot of trouble.

Meanwhile, Zhou Yu, another person in the estate who makes good use of Falun Front, at this time and XV et al. In a new game, X mess college city, all four are college city freshmen. This game, only one condition of failure is death. You can open the rear palace at will. As long as you have the ability not to be discovered, Zhou Yu became the first person to attack a girl. It took less than half an hour, even Jia Zhu stood still, so fast!? The three of them hurried to see Zhou Yu, only he and a height of one meter eight, but his weight was about 300, the key two also said laughing, XV felt that this‘ sister paper 'punch can kill Zhou Yu, this death is a real meaning of killing...

The three of them stunned, pulled Zhou Yu over, and Zhou Yu smiled at her sister's paper. “This is my friend, I'll go over there for a moment. ”

“Mmm...” Sister paper trembled gently with fat.

“Wow, it's Zhou Gongzhen, this kind of thing goes down...” Jia Zhihan Yan.

“Huh, you know, she understands Zhou Yi, turns away, four books and five scriptures are not just read, has a deep insight, and more importantly, her ancient qin is not low.” Zhou Yu's lips clashed against each other.

“As long as you're happy.” XV feels like a game, as long as it's fun, so don't really feel like it, maybe he just likes this kind of man who has nothing outside, who's inside the sky.

“Really?” Jia Zheng also came interested. His dangerous eyes flashed for a moment. Zhou Yu knew that he was also starting to come up with ideas and was ready to grab his sister's paper. "Wen He, I advise you not to mess around. ”

“Are you scared?” Jia Zheng grinned with gray hair.

“I'll be afraid of you!? Just seeing that everyone is a home of adventure, I don't want to see you look like a wolf.” Zhou Yu also smiled coldly.

The smell of gunpowder spread between the two of them, XV held Huang Zhong's whisper, "Let's go after the flowers, now that they are leveraged, don't get involved with them. ”

Huang Zhong felt XV's trust in himself hurriedly nodded “Go, Lord. ”

XV looked back at the upcoming triangle love, and the chill shook his body.

Heaven Sword Sect.

Lin Lan knew that Ye Heaven had come and removed the pieces directly to him. Although he could not use them himself, it was not because they were pieces, but because this was what his father Lin Lin left behind. Although he refused, Uncle Liang persuaded himself.

Ye Qiang looked at the two pieces, one dark red, one slightly white, Mando's reagent for himself, and then poured the two pieces into the two tubes of reagent and began to melt, igniting himself to freeze, first penetrating the dark red colour into the heart, cooling down to the unconscious dark attack, and when she regained consciousness, she saw a slightly darker room, a resembling basement, surrounded by white bones and moldy or dry guts, and the stench made Ye Qiang slightly frown, opening the door slab up the cellar stairs, above it was a medieval old house, a 15-16-year-old girl with a deep red hood with a hunting bow crossbow, and seeing a sudden Ye Qiang, "Who are you? How to get out of that filthy basement. ”

“A traveler.” Ye Qiang only briefly replied, "The Red Hat girl must have traveled here yesterday to see the room come in for the night." Be careful, there is a very evil big gray wolf here, he ate my grandmother and killed my mother!! After I left home so long, I learned the art of hunting this wolf with the hunters in the capital. This time, it can no longer fool me, and I will never walk out of the forest alive again!! ”

Red Hood, isn't it... Little Red Hood!?

“That basement is full of evil big gray wolves eating human bones and non-eating organs, and you can't believe you stayed there all night.” Little Red Hat is a little speechless.

The closed door heard a knock and the voice was in a hurry.

“Who is it?" Little Red Hat pulled the crossbow open and mounted the crossbow arrow. "Be careful. ”

“Lost village girl.” The strange noise of pinching your nose came from outside the door.

Little Red Riding Hood giggles "The door is unlocked. ”

The door slowly opened and a huge body appeared. The clothes covering the inactive wolf head and the village aunt were very funny, but it saw the bow, and a sprint came in front of Little Red Hat and pushed it, Little Red Hat didn't even react.

“I didn't expect you back.” The eyes of the Great Grey Wolf are filled with joy.

Little Red Hat feels like he grabbed the crossbow and pointed it at the big gray wolf, but the big gray wolf's claw has reached his throat, Ye Gang Dark Road, it's too late, Little Red Hat is dead, but the claw stopped, the crossbow penetrated the big gray wolf's chest, which makes Ye Gang strange, it can kill Little Red Hat, Little Red Hat pushed the big gray wolf in fear “I finally avenged Grandma and Mom!! I finally don't have to live in your shadow anymore... ”

The Great Grey Wolf slowly closed his eyes “Kyou... Hi... you... Little Red Hat. ”

“It's over, the wolf, the traveler, whatever.” Little Red Hat watched the Great Grey Wolf twitch his body in blood and left the house with a bow and crossbow.

Ye Tian looked at the Great Grey Wolf. "Why didn't you kill her? ”

'Cause... I love you so much. She... ”The Great Grey Wolf flipped over in the blood to look at the ceiling.

“Then why did you eat her grandmother and kill her mother?” Ye frowned.

“She can't remember me, but I always remember her. When the hunter's clip clamped me, I lied to her. I was a fox. I didn't think she believed me and saved me. And wrapped my wound, and this love, I've never forgotten since that moment, never... ”

“Cough...” The Great Grey Wolf coughs up blood constantly. "I watched carefully around her, knowing that I had found out that her mother might not be her mother, and that she was only raising food for the so-called grandmother. I didn't create it in the cellar. His so-called grandmother was just a witch-eating shemale, and her mother was just a demon servant who was constantly feeding her abandoned babies. I saw her so-called sister, how she went to the city to lose contact with her sister, how the demon had removed her guts and revealed that horrible gesture. Humanity was really horrible, like her mother, always laughing, always tender, but turning around to raise her own ‘daughter' for more than a decade, without any memories... ”

“So you... ”

“I found the witch on the other side of the forest, and at the cost of my soul after death, I got this pointy tooth claw, and I was able to speak fluent human language, and I lowered that grandmother's guard with the naive personality of Little Red Hat that day, and I surprised her, and I ate her grandmother in front of her, and I thought it was over, and her ‘mother' was going to replace the witch and finish the Easter, and I had to tear her to death, and she saw this scene, and I didn't intend to let her know about it, but rather, let her hate me and then kill me, after all. Man and wolf can never be together... My, uh, intelligence, my love for her... And... Newspaper... From... this... Later... she... Free...” The weaker the voice of the Great Grey Wolf, the less intake the exhalation, and finally no movement at all in the bloodstream.

Ye Tiang walked out of the house and watched as she took firm steps far away, the blood of the Great Grey Wolf had spread under her feet and muttered, "Perhaps for her, the evil Great Grey Wolf and the good grandmother and mother were the ends that kept moving forward in faith."

Looking back slowly at this cabin, I couldn't help but sing, "I walked alone on the suburban path, I gave the pastry to my grandmother to try. Her family lived in a remote and remote place, I had to be careful if there was a big gray wolf nearby, when the sun went down, I had to rush home to enter sweet dreamland with my mother. ”

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