Ferocious wolf

Level: 11

attack:? ? ?

defense:? ? ?


Without detailed information, I only know that these wolves live in groups, and they also blocked the only way for me to go forward. Behind them, probably the mysterious wolf leader!

The sword in hand, a little trembling ...

This group of wolves consists of at least four small groups. Based on my current attack, killing a 11-level wolf will definitely attack 15-20 times, taking 30 seconds. In this case, the four wolves will be average Each of them attacked me 20 times, four of them totaled 80, each attacked me at about 15 points of blood, which cost me about 1200 drops of blood. Do I have 1200 drops of blood?

No! The answer is very negative ...

Even if I add ketchup for 30 seconds and 90 points of blood, I only have 500 blood to be attacked. If I kill it hard, it is estimated that there is only a dead end. Is this a task that novices can complete? Could it be that after taking office, bring a large group of helpers to get it?

I suddenly remembered the trick when killing the 9th level monster just now, would it be effective to use obstacles to avoid the bite of the wolf?

I did it when I thought about it. I immediately walked over and attracted four wolves, but to my surprise, this group of wolves turned out to attack in a spiritual way. As a result, instead of four, I attracted them. A flood of swarms, and even a steady stream rushed out from behind.

No more! In this case, it is definitely going to be downgraded. Even if I run away now, I will still be bitten alive. There are too many wolves, and it is a coincidence that I even brushed out two on the way back!

Which perverted programmer has designed such a layout, which is driving people to death!

I had forgotten all the plans I had planned in an instant. While bearing the attack of the wolf in the back, I ran to the surrounding rocks in a panic way. Can I climb up?

No! It seemed as if it had just rained and the stone was sliding so hard that there was no place to hold it!

How to do? How to do?

Yep? There is a stone crack over there.

It seems to be a bug. When I got into the stone gap, only one group of wolves could approach me, which gave me a hint of hope. If this is really a bug, then I ca n’t single out 4 wolves. Some prank designer must have done it on purpose.

After using a bottle of ketchup, I started to slash the wolf close to me, only to find that he can only attack my 5 points of blood, and under the constraints of the environment, it bites me frequently. It was greatly lowered, but instead I put down my hands and feet, slammed a sword with a strong sideways side and then a sword.

In this way, although I did not bring medicine, I was able to continue to slay these high-experienced wolves, and I didn't even have to find the strange time.

Unconsciously, another four hours have passed. I looked at the time is six o'clock, and another hour is the time for cooking. In fact, my stomach has already been called for a long time, but now In this case, I really can't imagine what will happen when I go offline. Lu Xuehan told me in the middle that she has reached the 8th level, and has magically entered the top 100,000 nationwide ...

Xin Yu went to sleep off the line, Xu Lin and a few others were still online. Seeing that her level was 7th, although not as high as Lu Xuehan, it was pretty good, after all, it was a girl playing a game.

The wolves outside the stone have disappeared, and only a few are hovering. I roughly calculated. I cut at least 300 wolves in these four hours, but only one green gear burst. With three pieces of white equipment, and a few bottles of red potion, it is no wonder that the explosion rate made people cry and shouted that they would spend RMB to buy equipment, and the level of experience required is too much. The experience of 300 wolves did not let I went from level 9 to level 10. It seems that the legend is true. Every level up to 9 will be particularly difficult to upgrade. Experience requires more than ordinary. Level 99 can be upgraded, but level 100 is basically a myth. Now ...

After finishing the last few wolves hastily, I finally sighed and walked out of the stone gap. The sky outside was really clear!

The 300 wolves didn't give me much equipment, but they gave me a lot of money. I roughly calculated that the two coins were less than two gold coins.

I took out the green equipment and looked at it, but it was a bow:

[Wolf Tail Long Bow] (Green Equipment)

Attack: 18-32

Stamina: +6

Dexterity: +4

Required Level: 10


After carefully reading it, I thought my sword of the beast was the best, but comparing it with this bow was just garbage, not only did it have a lot less attack, but even the additional attributes were far worse.

By the way, who of us are archers?

I flipped through the list of friends, it turned out to be "green vegetables temptation"-Xin Yu!

I should think about whether I want to give her this superb bow. I can imagine that if I send this bow to her, she will sigh and say that I am really good to her and worse As a result, maybe you want to make your own appearance ...

A drop of cold sweat slipped from the tip of the nose, and the soldier who was facing the wolves just now was finally afraid!

"Oh ~"

A wolf roar came, and then I thought of the purpose of my trip-the leader of the wolf!

As I expected, when turning over a rock, the majestic wolf leader was sitting right on top of a cyan rock, and it was ridiculous that all his subordinates were quietly lying under the rock and changed Become experience.

Wolf leader

Level: 13 ()

attack:? ? ?

defense:? ? ?


Time does not wait for others, the mobs will not be seconds again!

I quickly approached ~ www.readwn.com ~ and chopped it against the neck of the wolf leader.


This damage number didn't disappoint me. I can hit that high level of damage at level 13 is pretty good, but unfortunately this damage seems to be tickling to the wolf leader, even its blood strips are not moving. move!

"Slap ~!"

The fierce claw fell on me, and 25 points of blood went with it. With 43 defenses, I still lost so much blood. This quasi-destiny is not a stigma ...

Several swords finally made the wolf leader feel pain. When it opened his **** mouth with anger, I also took the opportunity to throw a packet of "Ahua's Tomato" into it.

The system prompts: "The leader of the wolf" has consumed "Ahua's Tomato" and cannot recover Qi and blood within 10 minutes.

Isn't it 30 minutes, why is it ten minutes? Could it be just because it is?

No matter, keep cutting!

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