Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

: Piracy Myth (Best Look)

Hello everyone, I'm the host of "Myth of Piracy of Online Games" ... Oh no, it's the author, lost leaves. This pseudonym came by accident. Remember that day, sitting on the toilet and admiring the Jiangnan smoke and rain outside the window, the yellow leaves fell outside. On the open-air chair, it seemed that I was waiting for someone. After groaning, I felt that I did n’t bring any toilet paper in my pants pocket. Although I was in a hurry, I could only wait for someone to come to the toilet. I did n’t want to wait for half an hour. The lost leaves outside the window, the author's name is like this ...

Uh ... it seems like a digression, well, let me tell you about the origin and concept of "Myth of Piracy of Online Games"!

In fact, I have always wanted to write a novel about online games. As everyone knows, driven by some literary websites, online games have gradually changed to other types of novels. This is also the general trend. After all, too many rigid settings have been set. Let everyone have aesthetic fatigue.

However, going up against the tide and committing crimes is exactly my strength and advantage, so I decided to write a pure data stream novel to commemorate my college life in bed all day watching YY novels, which is also considered to be my youth Have an explanation!

"Myth of Piracy of Online Games" came into being in this situation. I didn't rush to write. After a long period of investigation and communication, I found that the Stallion novel from the beginning of 0 can capture the hearts of most readers, but But it makes people feel completely unreadable, even a few heroines can not remember, too superficial! I can't tolerate this situation in my book. Anyway, we are also poor scholars who have read N-year books, and writing should still be a little deep.

If you want to be different, the character settings and game settings must not follow the wave.

The first is character setting. If you set the protagonist to be a noble family member and pick up a rotten deceased person like the previous online game novels, it would be too vulgar and easy to attract saliva.

To be honest, the origin of the main characters in this book is actually an unspeakable legend--

I remember that day, it was a rainy night, it was raining heavily, and I was late because I worked overtime at night, and I remembered that I did n’t bring an umbrella when I got off the bus. The hate is that the bus station has no roof. There is such a place in heaven on earth?

A few colleagues who got off the bus with me were scattered to find a place to shelter from the rain. I had to flee behind one. I didn't want the kid to hide in a footbath. In front of me, he pulled a The lady entered the room inside, *, I was embarrassed, and when I was about to go out, a MM called me, she said, you can avoid the rain there, and you can also chat with them by the way.

I really didn't expect Miss to be so hospitable ...

I have seen the lady in the supermarket once. They are indifferent, and there is no emotion in the eyes of people. But this one is not the same as me because of her excessive enthusiasm. Miss smiled.

After returning, I swear to the toilet at home that I have n’t brushed my hands, not even pulling her hands, I just talked with her for a long time, but I found that the lady's heart actually has pain and love, and there will be a touch of compassion Often, you see a fashionable girl sitting calmly in the seat on the bus, while the other MM who gave up the seat is a lady, does anyone understand?

I think this is life.

No one is destined to be guilty, no one is destined to be pure, and not degenerate, just because stress and harm are not enough.

I do n’t know why the MM has such a move. I may look like her former boyfriend, but I have to admit that this MM is very beautiful, she has all the capital to become a lady, including a slutty personality.

That day, I had only twenty dollars in my pocket ...

When I returned, I found my sky was clear, okay! The character setting of "Piracy Myth of Online Games" starts with this profession that everyone can't accept!

This lady is the prototype of Xinyu MM. Although slutty, her deep sorrow can touch her soul ~ ~ Ye Zi knows that such a setting may make this book even the mother I know, so in addition to Xin Yu, Lu Xuehan and Xu Lin have also been added as the main female characters of non-Miss, and the real heroine Murong Shan appearing in the later chapters may be pure, but it must be hooligan!

So the protagonist's positioning quickly emerged, yes, Lin Fan mixed in the Miss's studio. Maybe someone would say that I copied a certain book at a certain point, but in fact, I didn't read that book ...

Next is the setting of the game. Ye Zi has played a lot of online games, so the main settings of the game in "Myth of Piracy of Online Games" are similar. As for the skills, there are a lot of skills that use the classic game "Magic Baby". Stunts that will appear in the future are similar to Fantasy Westward Journey.

In short, the names in the game may be familiar to you, but what happened to you in the game is worth your while.

Well, finally advertise--

Want to read an online game novel that is not mentally handicapped or stallion?

"Myth of Piracy of Online Games" may be your wisest choice at present!

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