Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 226: Bloody **** sky

Murong Shanshan seemed to think carefully for a while, and said, "Then we have set off, the blood red has already passed the **** sky. If you don't need it, don't do anything with them!"

"Got it!"

Turning off the channel, I found that the members of the Scarlet Sky appeared on the far side of the mountain to our right. It was even more surprising that not far from them, the members also came out in a long line. The situation is like the scene when the two teams entered the field, quite friendly and non-aggressive.

"The **** sky won't do anything to us, right?" Xu Lin gave me a worried look, after the dissolution of the guild, she was not so confident.

I looked at her and said, "What are you afraid of? If he dares, I can guarantee that Ye Qiu will attack us in the first place!"

"Then why don't we take the initiative?" Xin Yu said suddenly.

I was suddenly stunned, why did I never think of this?

Speaking of which, this is also a good way!

I immediately connected with Ye Qiu's intercom, and immediately heard him say, "I'm looking for you?"

"Ah, what's the matter with me?" I was slightly surprised.

Ye Qiu smiled mysteriously, God said mysteriously: "You saw it, too, the blood-red blood-colored sky has come, and it's sandwiched between us, or should we kill him together?"

I was shocked: "*! I was about to say that too!"

Ye Qiu was also shocked: "Too tmd's tacit understanding, when should we start?"

I thought for a moment: "I'm not in a hurry. I'll discuss with Murong Shanshan and see what she thinks. If possible, let her split some people to help us protect the law. After all, the axe helpers have not appeared yet. With one kick, our situation may be awkward. "

"Well, it makes sense, then we will wait for your news. As long as you give an order, we will definitely take your lead!"

Ye Qiu's words made me very satisfied. Could this siege battle be commanded by me?

Immediately opened the guild channel and said, "Shanshan, I contacted the boss and felt that we should first clear the suspicious forces below the city, so that we would have no worries about siege!"

Murong Shanshan smiled and asked, "What do you mean by worries?"

Knowing that she was pretending to be stupid, I still said seriously: "The Scarlet Sky and the Axe Gang, I think we need to kill them all into the city, and then set up obstacles at the gate of the city. Anyone who is Scarlet Sky and the Axe Gang is not allowed. Out of town!"

"Too overbearing, right?" Murong Shanshan exaggerated.

"Don't you often do it?"

When I said this, the men in the guild would smile heartily.

Murong Shanshan is not angry: "Well then, just talk about what you want us to do, don't tell me you just knew it."

nnd, this girl is really too smart to cope with it!

"I'm just talking about a proposal, you can see if it's feasible." I coughed softly, and then said, "You can leave the romantic and wild battles aside, I believe they are afraid to go out during this period, As for the **** sky and the axe gangs below the city, our three guilds should be able to easily handle it. Well, although there are only 5,000 people on my side, the outbreak is quite scary. "

Murong Shanshan smiled: "So how to arrange the combat policy?"

"The paradise lost and the front and back attacked the Scarlet Sky. The sword and rose resisted the eastern axe gang in the middle. At the same time, they also deployed some power to fight the Scarlet Sky in the west. Once we have dispersed our camp, we will chase them back all the way to the city. Blocked in it, now the siege battle has begun to count time. As long as we can suppress them for eight hours, I believe that the grasp of the city will be even greater. "

Murong Shanshan asked in surprise: "Our sword and roses are too strenuous. We have to hit the axe and attack the Scarlet Sky. You guys don't think we are God of War King Kong?"

"Crap, there are 40,000 elite players in Sword and Rose. To put it bluntly, even if we have a guild to fight the **** sky and axe, the winning rate is at least 70!"

Murong Shanshan snickered: "You despise us too, right?"

"Not to look down, but to have confidence in you, everyone! Brothers, are you right?"

The young and frivolous immediately expressed support: "Brother Bai is right! The **** sky and the axe are counted as birds. We only need to send a squad of thousands to destroy them. The sword and the rose are invincible!"

mb, this bullfight is a bit overdone. Even so, the effect of this statement was good, and the other small team captains really started to despise everything, and one after another demanded to be the vanguard to go straight to the two guilds of the Axe Gang and Scarlet Sky.

Murong Shanshan was quite speechless and had to order: "Then follow Lin Fan's instructions. Young and frivolous will lead the first team of 10,000 as the vanguard. Others will defend with me under the city, ready to assist the paradise lost! "

She added: "The young and frivolous can directly follow Yu Linfan and believe that his instructions can still be trusted."

"No problem, let's get on first!" The young and light man took the lead happily.

So it didn't take long for the 10,000 elites led by the young and frivolous to cross the river, because the sword and the rose were assigned red in the siege battle, so they all showed a preference for red, like a red ocean. .

"Well, look at other people's situation, there are 10,000 people in a squad, really tmd is powerful enough!" Said Ye admired.

Xu Lin nodded: "We must be able to do the same, I believe it won't take long ..."

I immediately contacted Qiu Ye: "Ready to go to war, brother!"

"Are you good at contacting Murong? What did she say?" Ye Qiu's words revealed excitement.

I laughed: "Of course I'm connected. She dispatched 10,000 senior players to direct me. You must keep in touch with me!"

"Okay! When do you start?"

I looked at the distance. More than 10,000 people in the Scarlet Sky have been entangled in the open space in the south of the station. The people are far away from them, and the entire team of players has emerged on the grassland in the back. It should be an axe. Already.

"After 10 minutes, I will let the sword and rose people go first to protect your ass, so that you will not be backed by an axe for a while!"

"Okay, then you hurry up!"

I turned off the communicator and said to the approaching youngsters, "Lead the members of this guild to the side immediately. Be sure to protect the rear troops. Do not let them be attacked by the axe. If you can, you can also counterattack and kill the axe directly, and in case we are in a tight situation, you also need to send someone to reinforce. "

The young man smiled lightly: "No problem, there is nothing else to explain."

I thought about it and said, "Pay attention to the performances, and don't show hostility to them early. We can be considered a sneak attack this time. If the sneak attack succeeds, then we can make a difference. If the sneak attack is unsuccessful, we can only kill it. Anyway, you do n’t have to be polite with Blood Red. That guy is not a good guy. If it was n’t for the sword and the rose were too powerful, I believe he would have done it for you already. "

"Know, rest assured, I won't let you down!" The young and light man showed a bright smile, and then led 10,000 people to the front. The majestic look was not spectacular.


Our side also started to act. Everyone divided into five teams and walked casually, one by one pretending to be very cheerful. Some even took the opportunity to talk to mm's small hand and talked about *, and some were talking about winning or losing. Something more powerful is that some people are discussing the topic of graduation design, and they are arguing to the point that they are about to fight hard for a program. The people in the **** sky are waiting for God with interest, but they ca n’t see it, and they ca n’t bear it. The temperament can't help but rush over to urge.

The scene was quite harmonious. He didn't even see the taste of war, and the blood red was not far away. He was a middle-aged uncle, and his beard showed his maturity. At this time, he was looking at us with bright eyes. A large group of people changed their faces slightly, but could not stop the curiosity of their guild members.

"Blood red seems to have found our motivation!" Xu Lin whispered to me.

I immediately comforted and said, "Afraid of something, have you not seen Ye Qiu and started to act? Blood red is afraid to preempt him at all now. In case of tearing his face early, he has no hope at all. Now he should We are praying that we are just * talking! '

Xu Lin chuckled softly: "Isn't he so stupid?"

"He's not stupid, but he chose the wrong position!"

On the other side, members also talked and laughed toward the blood-red square array *. Ye Qiu is Ye Qiu, and he is smart. He does n’t need to say anything. We still maintain that amazing tacit understanding. Just like the 2v2 we cooperated with when we first played in the league, for a while, our battlefield in the league 2v2 was invincible!

Blood red has obviously felt that something is wrong, and he has always been low-key even he will be spotted. He must now feel that there are no good people in the world.

Ye Qiu and I are not good people, and Murong Shanshan is not a good one. We understand the principle of weak meat and strong food. We understand the principle of preemptive and passive, so we understand this time. Finally decided to be strong once, no matter what axe gang or **** sky.

We have to go all the way! !!

"Blood red shot first!" Lu Xuehan exclaimed.

I looked up, and sure enough, the blood red had already fired with the other side, and the direction facing away from us had been exposed. It seems that he did not take our guild that no longer exists. .

Xu Lin hesitated: "Shall we attack the troops behind the Scarlet Sky?"

I observed that although the Scarlet Sky is very powerful, it is actually equal to the strength. When playing for a few minutes, we can even see that the Scarlet Sky is weaker, especially in the profession of mage. Take the absolute advantage.

I pulled the bleeding red sword, pointed forward in the air, and shouted, "Kill!"

At the same time when I rushed out first, the Paradise Lost players behind also rushed out. In a distant place, the 10,000 members of the "Sword and Rose" led by the young and crazy also turned to the axe, and the battle was extremely fierce. !!

The moment the Paradise Lost rushed out, the blood red was dumbfounded, and he was angry when he vomited blood. He immediately condemned the defense behind the personnel organization. Unfortunately, everything was futile. The soldiers on our side have completely killed them with high-speed impact. In the rear, kill players with the opponent's mage, priest, and archer professions.

Although there is no guild mode, the mages in the squad are still using the team attack mode to release the powerful magic to the opponent. The sharp wind blade clips the opponent's defense with huge energy. The huge meteorite magic falls from the sky and falls. Caused screams in the opponent's camp, fireballs bombarded the opponent's defensive wall like a cannonball, and the smell of barbecue could be smelled for a long time, so the magician on our side began to release the freezing cold Magic, a large area of ​​ice cones interspersed upward from the ground, caught off guard, the **** sky players suffered heavy losses again, and many half-blooded soldiers were thrown into the sky by the ice cones pierced by the ground, and then struggled on the ice tip. To the death, the emptied blood flowed down the ice cone, which was a bit uncomfortable for children.

"I x, Manager Wang, where are the hundreds of people in your marketing department? Give me back to resist the Paradise Lost attack! Damn, if you can't resist it, your reward for this month will be deducted!"

Blood Red growled loudly not far away, and Xu Lin couldn't help but laugh: "Blood Red is really a boss. He even pulled his subordinates into the game and threatened them with deductions!"

I wielded a sword to solve an unlucky ghost who ran into my arms and said, "Don't talk about bonus deduction now, even if the salary and pension are deducted together, our attack is definitely not that they can resist. living!"

Xu Lin pouted, smiled, and started to put on the fire. Her skill was a bit abnormal. She could clear the enemy in that area by just setting off a piece of fire. It is indeed an orange-level skill burst from a lizard!

The squad commanded by Xinyu is rushing to the far right. Under the command of the beauties, this group of animals rushed particularly fiercely. If it is not for the Scarlet Sky player in front, I really have a little doubt whether the front of them is stripped. Nude girl lying on the bed with her legs spread out.

The thief army led by the night kill did not sneak at all, but rushed straight up and cut it with a dagger. Anyway, the **** sky now most of the players are mages, priests and other professions. A group of soldiers just transferred over were in Xinyu's place. Dao's attack wave was disintegrated and disintegrated. Manager Wang of the marketing department did not know whether it was life or death, but his bonus this month was definitely gone.

After Lu Xuehan ordered her 500 members to launch an onslaught, she also joined the rear priest camp, and the healing wave flashed between the front-line soldiers, which greatly guaranteed the survival of our members. Our goal is to siege the city instead of just destroying the Scarlet Sky and the Axe Gang, so it is very important to save your strength now. Otherwise, if you let the members hang about after finishing the Scarlet Sky, there will be a lot of love. May have to take someone out of the city.

Looking from a distance, the city under the romantic world is still very quiet. A large group of people are watching the situation below the city tower. The head of the person is the current, and there is a large red force under the city watching the situation below while watching. It ’s true that Murong has more than 20,000 mainstays in the city.

20 minutes in the blink of an eye, the battle situation under the city can be described by the blood flowing into the river. Since everyone has applied for the relationship to attack the city, the mutual killing will not increase the crime value, and the people who lost our paradise are no longer there The guild, but since Paradise Lost had already applied for a siege, the system also defaulted that we did not commit murder.

The green **** sky assigned by the system was very bad. There was a violent block in the front, and there was an attack from the Paradise Lost 5000 elite boxer to the flesh. The number fell sharply in half in just 20 minutes. In contrast, the loss of Paradise Lost But it ’s quite small, losing a thousand people in total, and paradox loss is even more exaggerated. In a good formation, our loss is only a few hundred people, and many of these hundreds are too rushed He was trampled to the center of the army.

The battle is still going on ~ ~ Xu Lin ’s Mighty Fire and Xin Yu ’s multiple arrows are well-deserved kings of attack output, but I ’ve had a sudden drop in rp due to a sneak attack on someone, and it only took me about half an hour. However, only three Xuanbing Swords were issued, which made me wonder whether Yueheng's system was wrong. My skill details clearly wrote that Xuan Bingjian's probability of launching was 37, but it was a percent sign. Is it a thousand sign? The thousand sign is also very unlikely, it should be the ten thousand sign!

mb's tenth sign!

I can't help complaining. The sword style of Murong Shanshan is called a handsome one. Use it if you want, but my Xuanbing Sword is like Duan Yu ’s six-pulse magic sword. It wo n’t come out, and now, just like Duan Gongzi wants to protect Wang Yuyan, I ca n’t poke the six-pulse magic sword.

However, it does not matter if I come to the conclusion that the Six-pulse Excalibur is coming, because the Scarlet Sky has now begun to collapse across the board. Nearly 15,000 members have been killed by us and turned over. Some of you have begun picking equipment on the ground. I can't help but feel sorry for the blood red, thinking about it for more than half a month, but ended up now, just because of the poor standing at the beginning, where is not good, but have to appear in the middle of the Paradise Lost, but he asked for it!

"Wow, a blue knight brace ~!" Fruit mm cheered for a piece of equipment.

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