Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 250: Too helpless

Coco screamed, and the man collapsed beside her chair.

I immediately stood up and walked over, the two waiters mm also hurried over, one of them had gone out, probably to find the person responsible.

Lying on the ground was a pretty young man, his hair was wet and seemed to bring a little red liquid. My first feeling was that his head seemed to be injured.

When I reached out to poke away his messy hair, I was even more sure. There was a piece of glass in the middle of my hair, and there was a beer label on the glass, everything was easy to explain. The sound of the beer bottle burst just now, I want to come Someone hit his head with a wine bottle.

"Ah, it's him?" Xin Yu suddenly exclaimed, pointing at the young man and saying, "Look, isn't this man the one who is next to the younger man-the desperate one? It's the one who will use the laser sword. warrior!"

I took a closer look, and sure enough, this person looked more and more like that warrior player, but why was he in this place, and his head was beaten.

Xu Lin pursed her lips and said, "Let him up first and see if he is not seriously injured. If not, call 120 directly to the hospital."

I just reached out to help him, but heard the cold voice from the door: "Who dares to do anything?"


Xin Yu, Lu Xuehan and Xu Lin made several screams at the same time. When I looked up, my heart sank and I could not help but sink!

Standing at the door of our room, it is like the suit and shoes are more fashionable, and there are several other men. One can vaguely confirm that one is a mad sword. The player who hides his profession, in reality, he is even more fierce. There was also a shocking scar, which was particularly conspicuous under the light, like a caterpillar on his face.

What surprised everyone the most was not these, but one person behind the young and old, one who made us all hurt-Liu Yun!

I haven't seen it in just a few days. Now Liu Yun seems to be completely personal. She is wearing a black evening dress, she can almost see black underwear under her thin clothes, and two straps are hanging on her chest, saving. Under the cloth, a large piece of skin was exposed outside, but I do n’t know if she would feel cold in this weather. Lu Xuehan beside me was still wearing a spring down jacket.

"Ayun ..." Xu Lin shouted a low voice, the emotion mixed with the trembling voice could not be described with words.

There was a flash of panic on Liu Yun's face, and it was clear that she was not in a good position near Xu Fei. There was a shallow smudge between her pair, and a red piece was also on the arm. Could it be, Xu Fei? Trash like sm?

At this time, the desperate man who had fallen to the ground slowly climbed up, and a blood stain flowed down from the top of his head, still dry, glowing in the light.

Xu Fei was also surprised, but soon, he showed a disgusting smile, glanced at us one by one, and said after a few minutes: "Is it really that the enemies are not together? Lin Fan, Xu Lin ... Oh, Murong Shanshan is here too, haha, I have really seen it today. Hey! Murong Shanshan is so beautiful ... "

When Murong Shanshan heard this, she couldn't help bursting out. I quickly held her down and whispered, "Don't be impulsive ..."

Xu Fei laughed and said to a few people behind him: "I'm so happy today, I thought there were more beauties I've seen. I didn't expect there were as many in this room. Well, the quality of the female star who played last night is better than These are also far behind. That beautiful one, are you the priest of the paradise who loses vegetables, cocoa? Let's set a price, how much money are I willing to spend a night! "

"Out of your mother b!" I stood in front of Lu Xuehan, and made a swear word.

Xu Fei looked cold: "Fuck, why are you always? Lin Fan, right? Do you think you are arrogant in the game, can you still be arrogant in reality? What is this? You probably haven't figured it out yet, mb, I tell you, This street is the place of Lao Tzu, what are you *?

Several people around him immediately followed the coax, one by one, waiting for Meng Shanshan to wait for mm to whistle, just like the rogue rogue, in fact, they were just a bunch of rogue rogue, just rich.

Xu Fei looked at this and said to Kuang Jian: "It's a pity that the medicine I bought yesterday made that actress drink. Otherwise, it would be good to feed Murong Shanshan a cup."

The sword was obscene, rubbing his hands and not speaking.


"Master, it's enough!"

A little childish voice came, and I was surprised to find that the desperate was still talking hard, his expression was calm, and slowly said: "The boss said, you can mess around outside, But some people still don't want to be fooled, Murong Shanshan, we can't touch it, the boss has long ordered ... "

Xu Fei raised an eyebrow: "You really take the word of that old man, hum, if it wasn't for his timidity, we would have taken over East China's business, and now come to talk to me! And you, do n’t forget who sent it You pay for your half-dead sister, I'll beat your own woman, and you * dare to take care, hum! The courage is getting bigger and bigger, now you actually help Murong Shanshan speak, do you think your sister's body really can't used?"

The desperate man's complexion turned blue, and his teeth bit out a sound, but he dared not have another rebuttal.

Xu Fei took a step forward, but his figure shook slightly. He was drunk.

Liu Yunfei walked over to help him, but was pushed away by Xu Fei. Not only that, he also rushed to the mad sword and others and said, "Don't you say that no woman is a little bit distressed these days? So, Don't say that I treat you badly, just tonight this woman will use it, I won't mind ... "

Then, he pushed Liu Yun forward fiercely. Under the push of huge force, Liu Yun's thin body immediately put into the arms of the mad sword in the scream.

Although the mad sword is not a good thing, he still understands some truths. The first time Liu Yun embraced him, he pushed the woman away in fear, like holding a bomb that would explode at any time: "Xu Shao What did you say, how dare you, our gang of young women, touch your courage. Besides, there are many women in nightclubs, and we are not short of them! "

Xu Fei grinned: "What are you afraid of? This woman should be shared by everyone, I really don't mind, and I won't tell you, since she followed me, I've done her a few times!"

Liu Yun's face was pale, she looked at Xu Fei incredulously, and did not seem to believe that he would say these words.

Xu Lin had a sore nose and was about to cry.


"It's so shameless!" Murong Shanshan blushed, pulling up the sleeves of her clothes before she started.

Xu Fei saw it really, and Haha laughed, "Why, Murong Shanshan can't wait? Mad sword, help the young master to solve irrelevant people!"

Kuang Jianying responded with a smile, then stepped forward.

The figure is shaking--

"Hey ~!"

After the dull voice, the keen sword's broad body slowly fell down. In front of him, I slowly retracted my fist, hit with anger, and the power was extraordinary. Although I did not like Liu Yun, but Xu Fei and others treated her like this, it still made me angry.

Xu Fei was slightly surprised, and the unknown came over.

I was about to shoot, but found that the pale blue figure around me had rushed out ...

Speed ​​is even faster than me!

Xu Fei fell slowly, he was killed by a trick ...

It was a beautiful high-footed lore, in the middle of Xu Fei's chin. In the crisp voice, Xu Fei's chin should have been husked ...

Standing in front of him was Murong Shanshan, who was still by my side a second ago. The little girl's face was flushed with red blood, and her look was trembling. Xu Fei's other people shuddered.

I couldn't help but startled, "Shan Shan, when have you been so good at martial arts?"

Murong Shanshan looked back at me and said, "Isn't anyone told you that I have studied free fighting for four years?"

Hmm ... I am grateful to God for another good fight. We are the winner tonight!

Everyone was stunned on the spot.


"Everyone values ​​peace as a face for us in heaven!"

From a distance, the lobby manager ran over and shouted early, but when he saw that two people had fallen on the ground, he was dumbfounded and muttered quietly: "Fuck, the action is really fast ..."

The desperate man looked back at me and said calmly, "Give me face, this is the end of the matter, okay?"

I nodded, and stretched out a finger to Liu Yun: "Let's just let you go, but she has to stay!"

Liu Yun panicked, standing there helpless.

The desperate shook his head: "No, she is my boss's woman. I can't do that, and I have no capital to gamble at all."

He has a handle in Xu Fei's hand, which should be his sister.

Murong Shanshan sneered, looked at Liu Yun, and said, "Have your boss ever been her own woman?"

The desperate smiled bitterly: "This is not important. What is important is that she is the owner's personal belongings. Even if he does not want it, it will not be our turn to distribute it."

Xu Lin stared straight at Liu Yun, and after a while, she said, "Ayun ..."

However, Liu Yun couldn't face these old companions. She didn't even dare to look at Xu Lin, she just walked over and helped Xu Fei to get Xu Fei out with the help of desperate people.

Several other people also saw the opportunity to come and grab the "corpse" of the mad sword. I didn't speak, which was tantamount to acquiescing in their departure. Murong Shanshan gritted his teeth and looked at the group of people. Finally, he kicked his legs to vent his anger. I watched secretly. If I were a mad sword, my feet must hurt. This girl is really not light.

The desperate one stepped out before he went back and said, "Be assured, Xu Fei won't take revenge on you, and his father won't allow him to do so."

He glanced at Murong Shanshan with a look of awe in his eyes.


A meal was so stirred that everyone lost their appetite. Although they were still sitting at the table, everyone was thinking about their own thoughts.

After a long time, Xu Lin said quietly, "Ayun, she has a hard time ..."

"That's the road she chose, we don't need to sympathize with her!" Xin Yu said coldly, at the same time, her eyes were red and she no longer drew her nose.

"How can Xu Fei treat her like this? She helped him so much ..." Lu Xuehan said softly.

I laughed bitterly: "Xue Han, don't you know what a cunning rabbit dies and a dog is cooking? Liu Yun has no use value for Xu Fei, and even her ecstasy tools can't turn her ..."

This topic is so heavy, it is so heavy that we have no appetite.

"Just now, Shanshan's skills are really good ..." In order to adjust the atmosphere, I thought hard and finally said something.

I looked at Xu Lin and she understood what I meant, so she cooperated and said, "Sure, when is Shanshan so powerful?"

Murong Shanshan smiled slightly: "It has always been so powerful, but I have no chance to show it."

"No wonder Shanshan's operation in the game will be so good. It turns out that she is also very good in reality ~"

Xu Lin smiled softly.

The atmosphere finally eased a little, at this time Coco said with a laugh: "Lin Fan did a good job just now, the mad sword is so tall, I didn't expect you to be tough!"

I looked at her awkwardly, and touched my nose, saying, "No way, if I do n’t, who else will be on, then I did n’t know that Shanshan would be superior in martial arts. Who would protect me if I did n’t dare? How many of you? "

Xu Lin and Xin Yu both laughed and smiled very comfortably, but one person was extremely upset, that is, Wu Dong who had been hiding behind just now.

Don't look at him like he is highly educated. When it comes to fighting, I guess I can beat him two more than one.

Cocoa, of course, a little girl who does n’t know anything about her has just touched the dead spot of the man. For a man, you can be a rookie in a fight and you can be killed by the other party in the first time, but you must not lose Courage to fight hard, because then, no one will look down on you.

But just now, facing the aggression of the other party, Wu Dong completely kept himself out of it, as if we had invited him for this meal. I was a little upset at the thought of his performance.

Of all the friends I know, the group of people naturally need not say that they heard that there will be fights and the eyes will be flooded, and they will never yield and young and frivolous. I believe that they will not hesitate to face this situation. The child is called a friend. As for Wu Dong, I really have no interest in making friends with him. I only know that the guy who pleases girls is not worth it.

Even so, I still had to give him a step down, so I smiled and said, "I just saw Wu Dong and shot it soon. If I don't do it again, all the credit will be snatched by him, and I'm still a p!" "

Wu Dong cast a grateful gaze, and Murong Shanshan also smiled at me. Bingxue was clever with her. Such a trick could not escape her eyes.

After a while, the dinner was officially declared over. Xu Lin followed the waiter mm to pay the bill, and a few of us got up and returned to the city.

Walking outside, Murong Shanshan asked Coco: "Where do you live at night? The school dormitory should not be open yet ..."

Coco nodded and turned his eyes to Wu Dong, which seemed to be waiting for his choice.

Wu Donggang just wanted to talk, but Murong Shanshan said, "If this is the case, then Coco, you live with me for the time being these days, Wu Dong, isn't your home nearby? Rest assured, during the day, I I will return Cocoa to you, haha, I am not the kind of person who has always dominated someone else's girlfriend ~ "

Wu Dong grinned, embarrassed and disappointed.

"Lin Fan, you sent me and Coco home." Murong Shanshan turned back again and said to me without a doubt.

I nodded slightly, and turned to Lu Xuehan and said, "Xue Han, you and Sister Xin Yulin fight back by yourself. I'll be back soon after I've sent Shanshan."

"Um." Lu Xuehan responded nicely, and Xin Yu beside her did not object.

Seeing no objection from everyone, I went to the side of the road and stopped a taxi. When Lu Xuehan, Xin Yu and Xu Lin all got on the bus and left, I was assured. As for the few people, I ca n’t control it. It may be possible to go out for a pastime by Jiuxing.

Murong Shanshan saw that I had sent a few mm, and she smiled and said, "Lin Fan, thank you again ~"

"Don't be so polite, I'm a bit uncomfortable ..." I answered with a smile.

Murong Shanshan gave me a glance and said to Wu Dong, "Coco will be deposited with me for the time being ~ ~ It's getting late, Wu Dong, you can go home and rest early ~"

Her voice was sweet, but Wu Dong couldn't refute her words, so she nodded, and said goodbye to Coco, then turned home.

Wu Dong's slightly lonely back was pulled very long under the street light, the evening wind blew through, and the dead leaves hanging from the branches drifted with the wind, feeling very sad.

Coco looked at Wu Dong's back and asked, "Shanshan, what's wrong?"

"Coco, you are my best friend. I don't want you to suffer."

Coco laughed aloud: "Shan Shan, where do you want to go, what can I lose?"

Murong Shanshan was a little hesitant. After looking at me, she said to Coco, "What do you think is the difference between Wu Dong and Lin Fan?"

"The difference ..." Coco glanced at me confusedly, and looked at Murong Shanshan: "There is no way to compare, everyone's eyes are different from each other. Maybe you think Lin Fan is better than Wu Dong, but In my eyes, Wu Dong also has something that Lin Fan does not have. "

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