Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 322: Fenghuaxueyue that night

I was suddenly anxious, the boss looked up at me in surprise, he had packed a bag of steaming buns.

Touching left and right, finally, found two hundred dollar bills in the clothes mezzanine. Remember, this is the change that Xin Yu sold and stuffed to me. Her so-called change is such a big denomination, thankfully!

I was grateful to Xin Yu in my heart, and then I paid and left. I wasn't worried. There was Murong Shanshan, the rich man in the waiting room, so I didn't have to worry about the cost of accommodation and other issues.

The facts made me cry and laugh. When I returned to the waiting hall and asked Murong Shanshan, she actually blinked innocently and looked at me and said, "I thought you would bring money, so I did n’t bring it, even the card. It's ... "

I was immediately confused: "What to do, I still have to find somewhere to stay tonight. I do n’t know what the consumption level in Tianjin is, but the 120 yuan left in my body is definitely not enough. It ’s too late to say anything now. Now, you can't let Xinyu take the money and take it by plane? "

Murong Shanshan smiled and said, "Don't worry, there are still 120 yuan. It's enough to buy some water and tomorrow's breakfast? Anyway, there is no need to pay the fare anymore. I will go to Beijing tomorrow morning and let Hongye invite us to eat The big meal is all! "

"What about those nights?"

Murong Shanshan pouted and smiled: "Where can't I make a night? It's okay in the car, the same in the waiting room. Look, aren't many people planning to spend the night here? Get the buns you bought, hurry up. I'm starving ... "

When I opened the bag, the bun was very hot. Murong Shanshan took a cute one and ate it carefully. Even so, my heart was full of apologies, because of my carelessness, it would make Murong Shanshan such a spoiled child. The little beauty accompanies herself to this kind of suffering.

I spent 5 yuan to buy a bottle of drink, yes, there is only one bottle, Murong laughed at me: "Are you too saving?"

I told her: "Every time, everything is simple. If you don't save a little money, what if something happens on the road tomorrow, we don't have money, can we sell you for money?"

Murong Shanshan smiled and said, "Can you bear it?"

I said, "It depends on how high you can sell!"

It didn't take long for the seats around us to be filled with people. Among the crowd, Murong Shanshan, a girl as pure and beautiful as a little white flower, was particularly noticeable. Many young people frequently cast stunning eyes, more exaggerated. It was a **** who caught a glimpse of the little beauty while drinking water, and then drank the water on his thigh.

Murong Shanshan opened the suitcase and took out two fashion magazines in one corner. In addition, there were still many snacks. I was shocked and inexplicable: "Shan Shan, you are so prescient, why would you think of some dry food?"

Murong took a look at me and said angrily, "This is dry food. I'm just afraid that I can't buy so many delicious things in Beijing. I didn't expect it to come in handy here. If you're hungry, just take it as supper! "

It's so talented to take potato chips for supper!

Most of the magazines are fashion, and only a monthly hardcover hardcover book made me a little interested. I just flipped around and found that there was nothing useful, so I just had to set the magazine aside.

At this time, my cell phone rang. At first glance, it was Hongye's phone number, so I immediately answered it.

"Are you in Tianjin now?" Said the prophet Hongye Weibu.

"Well, you all know?"

"Of course, when you read the news, you already knew that your train was stranded in Tianjin. You and Shanshan should find a place to rest over there. Remember to call me when you come over tomorrow morning. I will pick you up at the station earlier. . Also, be careful in Tianjin at night, it is better not to go out, the weather is not good, and the public order on the street may not be good. "

"Oh, I see."

Hang up and talk to Murong Shanshan briefly, she doesn't care. If it's not that we didn't bring any money, it would be nice to go alone.

Within a few minutes, the phone rang again, and Murong Shanshan pouted and laughed: "This time either Xinyu or Lu Xuehan!"

I glanced at the beating name on the phone, she guessed it right, it was Lu Xuehan's phone.

"Lin Fan, have you and Shanshan arrived in Beijing?"

Lu Xuehan's voice became so kind.

"Yeah, yeah, we've arrived, and we're having dinner now, authentic Beijing cuisine, staying in a star hotel for a while ..."

Lu Xuehan smiled and smiled: "Well, then I'm relieved, since you are eating, then I won't disturb you, when the day after tomorrow, play well ~"


Hanging up the phone, Murong Shan looked at me quite meaningfully, and smiled: "Some people just said that they have never lied to Xue Han?"

I was a little embarrassed and had to say, "That's a good faith deception ..."

Murong Shanshan smiled and didn't hold him.

The snow outside was getting louder, the cold wind blew, and the station staff raised the air-conditioning temperature again in a timely manner.

Murong Shanshan chatted with the sky, and time passed quickly. At 10 o'clock in the blink of an eye, many people put their luggage on the ground or on the seat, and then slept on it.

Probably because of the influence of others, Murong Shanshan also yawned in a coquettish manner. I was concerned and asked, "Sleepy, or else, sleep on me?"

"Aren't you sleeping?" Murong Shanshan looked up at me.

I said, "Can't sleep, in case I fall asleep and lose you, I will regret it forever."

"Really?" Murong Shanshan showed a charming smile, and then said, "Then I would sleep for a while, and get tired by car. These ten hours would be more tired than the monster who played ten hours in the game."

"Well, put on thicker clothes, or you'll catch cold."

Murong Shanshan obediently found a coat and put it on her body.

Leaning on my shoulder, the little girl closed her eyes, and her long eyelashes trembled gently. After a long time, she finally fell asleep and made a slight breathing sound.

After the midnight bell, the waiting hall gradually quieted down. Most of the people have entered the dreamland, and the snoring kept on, and there are some people who want to guard things, just like me. , Quickly opened his eyes again, confused, to see if the people and things he was protecting were still there.

At this time, the pickpocket must be working soon. I dare not slack off. If the virtual game equipment in the luggage is stolen, then we will run away for nothing. Our identity verification is in the helmet. Without the helmet, We are equivalent to losing two top-level accounts.

The light gradually went dark, Murong Shanshan's pretty face became more seductive in the weak light, her white neck, tall raised breasts, long and soft legs, and the pair of backrests that made her proud. shoe.

At two o'clock in the morning, my shoulders had almost lost consciousness, Murong Shanshan was obviously uncomfortable with sleep, her eyelashes refused to stop, and she kept beating slightly. With each beating, my heart seemed to tremble together At this moment, I suddenly felt that I was very happy. Such a charming girl would rely so much on me, and I did not know that it was a blessing to be repaired in my life.


Murong Shanshan in her sleep frowned lightly and gave a seductive moan.

I was awake during the snoring and moved a bit, but Murong Shanshan was also awakened.

"Shanshan, don't you sleep well?" I asked softly.

Murong Shanshan rubbed her eyes and nodded, "Well, I'm tired of sleeping, I now look like the big bed at home ..."

I glanced at the seat next to it. It was empty. The middle-aged woman didn't know when to leave, so I said, "Well, lie down and sleep. My legs are pillows for you?"

Murong Shanshan chuckled: "You don't have much meat on your legs, and you certainly don't feel comfortable sleeping."

"Then do you want it ?!"

"of course yes!"

I took off my shoes and bent my legs, while Murong Shanshan lay down on my shoulders, put her head on my lap, and her upper body was completely lying in her arms. Murong Shanshan faced me, almost hugging her, she blinked and said, "Someone looks at me and I can't sleep."

"MD, I don't see you."

I turned my head and saw that a sloppy guy not far away was secretly kissing his girlfriend who was sleeping beside him.

Murong Shanshan soon fell asleep again. In the light, she was like a beautiful Persian cat, a snowy face, a tall chest, and a plump waist. My hands were at a loss and I didn't know where to put it. After a long time, she finally decided to reach out and hug Murong Shanshan. After all, she was not honest enough to sleep, and the possibility of falling to the ground when she turned over was still relatively high.

At 4 o'clock, I finally couldn't stand it, and unknowingly lay on Murong Shanshan's small shoulder and fell asleep.

At this time, to outsiders, Murong and I are like a couple, but in fact, we don't even know what the relationship is with each other. Perhaps it is more appropriate to describe it as a dissatisfied lover.


I do n’t know how long, the sound of the whistle awakened me. When I opened my eyes, I found that Murong Shanshan had woke up, lying in my arms, a pair of beautiful eyes flickering at me, the corner of my mouth, With a charming smile.

"Shanshan, are you awake?"


"Why don't you call me when you wake up?" I was awkward.

Murong Shanshan smiled and said, "I saw that you slept so well, so I didn't feel like waking you up. Besides, you pressed on me and I couldn't move."

I looked outside, and someone was already checking the ticket, so I said, "Go ahead, what do you want for breakfast?"

Murong Shanshan shook her head: "I'm not feeling well now. I don't want to eat much. Buy me a bag of hot milk."

I answered, and let go of Murong Shanshan very reluctantly. I found that I had lost consciousness as soon as my feet touched the ground.

Murong Shanshan laughed: "I'll take a break before I go, I'm so sorry, this time made you suffer so much."

"Say what to do ..." I glanced at her, and said, "All of this seems to be what I should do ... Didn't Sister Lin let me take good care of you, and let you spend the night like this, I'm already guilty Now. "

"Don't say that, this kind of memory isn't available anytime ~ I'm very happy!"

Seeing the beautiful smile of the little beauty, I suddenly felt the same. At every moment of the night, I am afraid I will never forget it.

There was another half an hour to check in the ticket. I went out and bought it earlier. After returning to the waiting room to eat with Murong Shanshan, I dragged my luggage out of the waiting room.

The snow outside is still very heavy. It is said that the front rails have been opened to traffic after a night of repairs. The previous train was almost the same as the trial run.

The car was much warmer. When sitting on the seat, Murong Shanshan also took off her jacket and placed it directly on my lap, and went to admire the snow outside alone.

The distance between Tianjin and Beijing is very short, and it will be an hour and a half, so I called Hongye's phone and told her that we would be there soon. When she asked me if I wanted to explain, I said that I would prepare the hotel because I And Murong Shanshan very urgently asked to sleep.

Hongye was dumbfounded, and finally had nodded in agreement, saying that the hotel had already been prepared.

The train was moving very fast, and the farther to the north, the snow fell down. When it arrived in Beijing, it was amazingly clear.

As soon as I saw the station, I asked, "Shanshan, do you also know Hongye?"

"Well, it's quite familiar. When I went to Yueheng Company to participate in the brand endorsement exhibition, I saw her and talked for half an hour."

"So, what exactly does Hongye look like?"

"You'll see her in a while, just see for yourself."

The speed gradually slowed down, and finally stopped after a few minutes, we finally reached the goal of this trip: Beijing!

According to Hongye's agreement, we came to the exit, far away, and surely saw a uniformed MM standing there. Soon, the MM recognized us and immediately ran up and asked with a smile: "Lin Where? Hehe, it looks exactly like the one in the photo, Shanshan, has it been more beautiful recently? "

Murong smiled and smiled, "You are so kind, sister Ye ~"

"Well, Lin Fan, why don't you speak?"

When I saw Hongye at the first glance, I was stunned. At this moment, I was surprised: "Hongye, what do you have to do with Hongye in the game? Why, your appearance will be so similar to that soldier in the game?"

Murong Shanshan also suddenly awakened: "Yeah, Ye Ye, you look so similar to that pastor soldier of Lin Fan! I just noticed ..."

Hongye looked at me and Murong Shanshan's surprised expression and smiled and said, "I forgot to tell you that the time when the first soldier in China was received, I happened to be managing some data of Silvermoon City and saw After this prompt, I immediately went into the game and replaced the first soldier received. Didn't you notice, Lin Fan? When your soldier Hongye was just picked up, his looks were blurred, but then It took a few seconds for my face to be clear. In fact, the system was scanning my appearance during that time. Sorry, I was so ugly that I could n’t take your red leaves out ... ”

I suddenly realized that I was kind and quick to say: "How could you make the red leaves so beautiful? I am too grateful, but it is really easy for you to bring out such beautiful red leaves. This is indeed your fault ..."

Hongye pouted and chuckled: "Okay, I'm so embarrassed at this exaggeration, let's go, I will take you to the hotel and start the game tomorrow. In the afternoon, all participating players will go to the front hall for a meeting. This time To organize you to play together is not only to provide you with the best gaming environment, but more importantly, to allow the participating players from all over China to be organized together and win the first prize of group points! "

This is not my concern for the time being, because I am concerned about my own food and housing.

"That ... Hongye, are Shanhan and I both free of charge? Also, the top 100 players in the game have RMB rewards, and Shanshan and I should have no problem. Can you overpay?

Hongye smiled: "Why, when you were on the road, your wallet was stolen?"

Murong Shanshan answered angrily: "It was not stolen, but she simply forgot to bring money!"

Hongye covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Let's go. I guess you didn't sleep well last night. Let's go to the hotel to rest first. I will call you up for lunch at noon. Besides, all the food and accommodation in Beijing are free, but the premise is You must not leave the hotel at will until your game is over. "

"Wow, is this under house arrest?"

"It's to protect your safety ~"

Following Hongye ~ ~ Walking all the way to the parking lot, Hongye drove out a milky BMW, which saw Murong Shanyan's jealousy. When he noisily returned to Suzhou, he had to buy one.

After moving in the luggage, I sat in the back. Murong Shanshan sat with Hongye and chatted along the way. She slept a lot of time last night, and now she's back.

Half an hour later, the car was parked in front of the hotel. We took our luggage and Hongye introduced: "We have one room per person. We have reserved this hotel for a week. Please call the front desk if you have any requirements."

"Well." I nodded and said, "Where is Shanshan, where does she live?"

Hongye laughed: "There is only one girl in this game, so it is more convenient to live with me."

That's fine, so I don't need to be distracted to take care of Murong Shanshan.

I came to the room I assigned to, put down everything, drank some water, lay down on the bed, and slept heavily.

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