Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 329: Picking mushrooms

A few days of competition dazzled the past. Until the end of the sixth day, I still greeted the last day and the most important day with the seventh place in the overall rankings. According to official news, the map of the final day will be greatly reduced. It is estimated that 400 people will soon meet all of them to complete the final ranking.

There are also more than 30 people left in China. Most of them have been eliminated and returned home a few days ago. Even dinner and Murong Shanshan did not participate because we were waiting for Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan. arrival.

In the morning, they already got on the train. They arrived at the train station just at 7 pm. Murong Shanshan and I pulled up the red leaves to pick them up. Hongye had a car and knew the road. What is Murongshan and I here? No place can be found.

Sitting in the car, Hongye smiled and said, "The green vegetables cocoa and green vegetables are tempted. This time you can finally see the real people!"

After 8 days of separation, I said it was fake to miss the two MMs. I looked out the window and laughed.

Murong Shanshan glanced at me, pounded me with her arm, and asked with a smile: "What are you thinking about, so ridiculous?"

"Haha, I was thinking, Xinyu brought money for a while, where should we go for dinner ~"

As Hongye drove, she said with a smile, "It's a rare event for Lin Fan to treat you, so I'll take you to a restaurant in a while, and the dishes there will ensure that you are satisfied. It's just fine, it can also be regarded as a clean up for the two beautiful women who just arrived ~"

I smiled slightly and asked, "Hongye, a group of people left yesterday. They are considered to be among the top 500 players. Are there any rewards before leaving?"

"Of course there is ~" Hongye hee hee smiled: "Two days later, when all accounts are thawed and online, they will get at least two consecutive rewards. As for more generous rewards, you must enter the top 200 before I listen. Say, the top 200 will be upgraded by three levels and equipment rewards, the top 100 can be upgraded by four levels, the top ten, I think it will also be upgraded by five levels, as for the reward, you must also know the equipment level . "

"Of course, we came here for those equipment. Isn't it, Shanshan?"

Murong Shanshan didn't answer me, but said through her finger window: "Lin Fan, the station is here!"

Get off the car, Hongye parked the car and came over shortly after, I also called Lu Xuehan's phone: "Xue Han, where are you now?"

"Already in the waiting hall, next to the reception desk, have you come over?"

"Of course, you guys, wait here!"


Entering the hall, I saw two beautiful figures standing there in the distance, and the men around them cast a stunning look.

"Lin Fan!"

Lu Xuehan found me for the first time, not even the luggage, and separated the crowd and ran over lightly. Regardless of Murong Shanshan's presence, he reached out and hugged my arm, and the beautiful face was gently pressed against my chest.

"Xue Han ... everyone is watching ..."

I pushed her, and the eyes of the people around her changed completely. Xinyu came over quickly with her luggage and smiled slightly at me: "Yesterday's performance is good, even Sister Lin said you can definitely get a good ranking ~"

Xin Yu's gaze fell on Hongye, and he stunned, "Where did this beautiful woman appear?"

Hongye smiled and reached out and said kindly, "Red leaves!"

Xin Yu surprised and reached out and shook her, turning back and whispering to me, "Lin Fan, did you pull it into reality?"

"MB, grow up a hair, just scan her soldier's appearance, she is an internal employee of Yueheng ~"

"Oh ~"

I glanced at Lu Xuehan, who was still flushed just after leaving my arms, and said, "Did you not eat at noon? Hurry up, Hongye took us to the restaurant!"

Help Xinyu carry both luggage bags. They are not very heavy. They should be clothes or something.

In the car, I sat in the front passenger seat and asked, "Xin Yu, hasn't any major incident happened in the company recently?"

"There are no other departments, but there are many problems in the technology department. Just two days ago, the technical errors caused the data to be biased, and nearly a million dollars were lost. Sister Lin is letting the glasses thoroughly investigate this matter. Carelessness without a test is estimated to be fired. "

"That's it, forget it. A group of rookies in the technical department, except for the glasses brother, I can't think of anyone else who can really provoke the girders. By the way, has Liu Hua gone back and forth to the company, have they got soared?"

Xin Yu pouted and smiled: "I just came back a few days ago, and lay in the hospital for almost a week. You were too heavy that day."

I glanced at Lu Xuehan and said with a smile, "Is it heavy? If no one stopped, I might have demolished the hallway and beat him with a slab! Don't talk about this. In the game, you and Xue Han Not leveling together. Where have you been? "

"We went a few times on Yinyue Mountain, mainly to open the way for the guild's leveling team. It did n’t take too much time to go to the heights of Yinyue Mountain, so I did n’t go there. Several leveling points next to the guild station have been touched. Generally speaking, I have some understanding of the surrounding monster attributes. "

Xin Yu also said, "Yes, the fruit also came to the north two days ago. I went to Liaoning to see never give in, and said that it would take about half a month to return."

I couldn't help but laugh: "Do fruit go and never yield to harm him? Where does a student live in a student apartment? Where did fruit live in the past? Well ... depending on the character of fruit, maybe he will insist on sleeping with never yielding. Be together, then tell them a little yellow story to the boys in a dormitory after the lights go out at night! "

"Is that so?" Xin Yu looked at me shyly.

"Yeah, but it is estimated that the unyielding roommate will be miserable. If the fruit and never yield in the night, you also know that the girl of the fruit screams like killing a pig. How many others are alive? "

Lu Xuehan and Hongye flushed together, Xinyu listened with great interest, and Murong Shanshan smiled and said, "No, I really told you this. The aunt downstairs came up long ago and asked the fruit to go out. I I can assure you that all universities have been severely hit recently. "

I smiled, and the words turned around, and said to the little beauty, "Shanshan, I heard that there was something absurd in your school half a month ago!"

Murong Shanshan blinked and asked, "What ridiculous thing, how could I not know?"

I hesitated and laughed: "Well, it seems to be a story in a dormitory! And it's a coincidence that there are four boys in a dormitory, and one of them has no girlfriend, so the girlfriends of the other three people came over the same night to play I was very happy. I bought a lot of wine and food outside and it was a mess. As a result, 3 couples and a bachelor were drunk. Unfortunately, the dormitory turned off just after drinking, so the women could not go out, so they had to squeeze in a dormitory. It will be overnight. It was originally nothing, many see it, but one of the girls' boyfriend slept on the bed like a dead pig long ago. As a result, the girl was foolishly put on the bed of that single guy. You also You know, after drinking, this girl ca n’t stand it as soon as she goes to bed. She rubs it on the bachelor's body and burns it out. The bachelor is unconscious. She goes off to two or two to undress. Hey, it ’s on. The next day, the two of them hugged naked and woke up at the same time. The woman was a little panicked. She did what she wanted to do. Anyway, she was happy, so she decided not to investigate. However, the bachelor was scared to cry by the scene. When he cried, the uncle who looked downstairs came up. The following things can be imagined, everyone was fired! "

"That bachelor is really useless ..." Xin Yu sighed.

Murong Shanshan listened, and spit out her tongue, saying, "I didn't expect that there was such a thing in our school. I really couldn't see it before. However, the group of women next to us in the dormitory is likely to do this. That kind of thing. "

"Shanshan, do you have any opinions on the junior girl?"

"It's okay, but I think they sometimes do things a little too much, Lin Fan, do you know? That snow, didn't I tell me to climb the wall to my dormitory to pick me up, that night, a girl actually took her My boyfriend sneaked into his dormitory, and that's it. It's too much. The dead guys from that guy actually followed in, and we were next door and we had a night of quarrel. Everyone was worried about death that night, who knows that A few boys are not good, Coco slept on the bed next to the door, scared not to sleep well all night. "

Murong Shanshan stroked her upright chest and looked a little bit nervous.

My gaze swept across her seductive chest and laughed: "Shan Shan, you will be afraid of such things, I thought you were invincible to all men!"

Murong Shanshan murmured and said nothing after crossing my eyes.

At this time Hongye said, "Would you like me to order the tickets for the day after tomorrow?"

I nodded and said, "Of course, now I want to finish the last day of the game early tomorrow, collect the rewards, and then go back to Suzhou to brush up all the layers of the Lost Temple!"

"Okay, I told someone to do it when I went back at night!"

Xin Yu suddenly reached out and patted my shoulder, saying, "Lin Fan, I almost forgot. A new girl from the technical department is called Lin Xin. Do you know her?"

"Yes, is there anything wrong with Lin Xin?"

"Yes, the problem is not small. Just yesterday, Liu Hua and Xiao Chen had a contradiction because of Lin Xin!"

I was slightly surprised: "What happened to Lin Xin?"

Xin Yu thought about it and asked, "Do you want to listen to the adult version or the fairy tale version?"

I glanced at Hongye and Lu Xuehan. Both of the MMs were present. I was really embarrassed to ask for the adult version, so I said, "Fairy tale version, a person as pure as me. The fairy tale version is perfect, haha ​​~"

Xin Yu nodded gently and said, "Yeah," he said, "Yesterday morning was Sunday. You also know that there weren't many people in the technical department. Only Liu Hua and Lin Xin were on duty on Sunday. A young Chen who asked to work overtime. At about 10 o'clock, Liu Hua, a strange uncle, had a psychological abnormality. He had to let the little girl Lin Xin go in to help him pick mushrooms. Unfortunately, Lin Xin did not like to pick mushrooms, so he called out. Now, when Xiao Chen outside enters, he fights with the strange uncle Liu Hua for a few minutes. Lin Xin scares me and Sister Lin over ... "

MB, it sounded awkward. Hongye and Lu Xuehan were also confused, so I said, "Xin Yu, let's talk about the adult version. Xuehan and Hongye are both adults. It is also good to listen to this!"

Xin Yu smiled and nodded and said, "Okay! What it means is that yesterday was Sunday. Liu Hua's ghost thought the company didn't have a lot of people, so he called Lin Xin's young MM into his office and locked the door. Take off the pants to reveal what he is, and then force Lin Xin to use his mouth to help him. Who knows that Lin Xin has never seen this battle at all, so he screamed in fright. The Xiao Chen on duty outside heard it. When I hit the door, I couldn't open it. I took the axe in the fire hydrant and split the door of Liu Hua's director's office. The young man was so angry that he almost chopped Liu Hua together! "

"Fuck, it's best to hack him off, this scum!" I said resentfully.

Xin Yu glanced at me and laughed: "So what is so angry, Lin Xin is Liu Hua's little secret, not yours!"

"I did not expect Liu Hua would be so bold, and dare to be so arrogant on my site. * Fortunately, I told Xiao Chen, otherwise, Lin Xin would definitely suffer a lot!"

Xin Yu suddenly realized, and laughed aloud: "No wonder Xiao Chen would suddenly bring such a seed. It turned out to have your acquiescence, but did you know that this would be equivalent to harming him. Although he saved Lin Xin, he did not charge Liu. Lin ’s evidence was not really violated. Later, what happened was very infuriating. Liu Hua killed and refused to admit it. Instead, he scammed, saying that Xiao Chen and Lin Xin had behaved improperly in the company. ”

"How can anyone be so shameless?" Murong opened her mouth wide, very surprised.

I immediately suggested: "Shan Shan, when we go back, we will force Liu Gong with Sister Lin, and we will directly abandon Liu Hua. What about this person, I will be uncomfortable all day in the company."

Murong Shanshan waved her hand and said cheerfully: "No, after returning to Suzhou, I will take the initiative and directly fire Liu Hua. If it offends me, it is better. Lin Fan, you have such a good relationship with Sister Lin, do n’t do it for Liu Hua This **** is not happy. "

"Is it appropriate for you to offend Sister Lin? *, Sister Lin must have died in contradiction now, by the way, Xin Yu, how did Sister Lin express her attitude towards Liu Hua, Lin Xin and Xiao Chen?"

Xin Yu reluctantly said, "What can Sister Lin say, Lin Xin and Xiao Chen can't speak Liu Hua at all, but he can't say anything. But fortunately, Sister Lin knows what virtue Liu Hua is, so she just said I'll figure it out myself. "

"Check? How does she want to check? Liu Hua's office does not have monitoring equipment installed. As long as Liu Hua does not admit it, there is no proof."

"Who knows, but then Sister Lin told me that she would wait for you to go back and let you solve the matter. She felt tired and didn't want to ask any more questions."


I probably knew Xu Lin's thoughts in my heart, yes, how could she offend her if she came straight, and it was more appropriate for me to take Liu Hualai.

"Lin Fan ..." Xin Yu called me softly.

I looked back at her: "What's wrong, Xin Yu?"

Xin Yu pursed her lips and stopped talking.

"Say anything, Xue Han and Shan Shan are your own people." I glanced at Hongye, and she was concentrating on driving.

Xin Yu thought for a while and finally said, "In the days you were away, Sister Lin behaved abnormally. Even though she seemed to have a lot of embarrassment in her career, our guild had several conflicts with the romantic world. Sister Lin also took For negative defense ... "

"Those seem to have nothing to do with me?" I laughed aloud.

"How could it have nothing to do with you!" Xinyu countered: "Sister Lin needn't have any worries when you are here, because no matter what decision she makes, you can help her recover, but now you are not with her, Lin My sister can only become more cautious, and Shanshan is not there. We are not very familiar with the young and frivolous side of the sword and the rose, and the cooperation between the two guilds is a bit jerky. "

Looking at Murong Shanshan, she was also looking at me.

I couldn't help laughing: "Shanshan, it seems that we really can't leave for a long time, both guilds are about to become scattered sand, what a matter!"

Xin Yu laughed: "Now you finally know what a soul person is?"

I nodded: "Shan Shan is the soul of the sword and the rose, what kind of soul figure am I ..."

"Don't underestimate yourself ~" Xin Yu comforted.

At this time, the car was parked in a parking space in front of a hotel.

Hongye smiled back: "Deyue Restaurant, although there is no star rating ~ ~, but it is well-known far and near, there are such branches in many cities, Nanjing, Suzhou area, there are such restaurants . "

I glanced at the hotel's decoration, swallowed and asked, "Willn't it be expensive?"

"No, I'll treat you ~"

Hongye was very generous, but I was a little embarrassed, and turned to Xinyu and said, "Did my card bring me?"

Xin Yu shook her head and smiled: "No, I only brought my own, but you can rest assured that even if you live and eat for a year at this time, my money can afford it ~!"

MB, are rich women now! I don't know if these MMs will remember the days when I took them to eat food stalls.


After dinner, we went back to the hotel where we were staying, and Hongye went to the front desk to open rooms for Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan. What I expected was no vacancy and it did not happen. Otherwise, Xueliang and Xin Yu were brought to sleep together. This feeling must be cool!

All three beautiful MMs were taken away by Hongye, and I returned to my room, washed and slept, and greeted the last day of the game!

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