What is the hermit? Could it be a hidden career task?

I was wondering, Murong Shanshan could talk to the hermit, and soon the name on her head disappeared.

"Shanshan, what's your name?" I couldn't help but be surprised.

Murong Shanshan chuckled: "Well, as the name implies, it is a person who can hide names. You talk to him, and there is a dialog box to choose to hide his name."

Damn, there's such a thing, why didn't I know it before?

Curious, I immediately opened the dialogue system with the hermit, and soon, I found the required option in the third item: "Hide names!"

Select OK and you hear the ringtone of the system-

"Ding ~!"

Prompt: Are you sure you want to hide your name? Hidden for 24 hours, it costs 2000 gold coins and 500 reputations!

I can't help but be shocked, it's just that it takes so much to hide the name all day! This is 2,000 gold coins. Even at the current black market exchange rate, which is equivalent to about 1500 RMB, Murong Shanshan is really willing to spend money, especially reputation, this is much more precious than gold coins.

"Shanshan, aren't you prestige enough to lead the soldiers? It's too wasteful to waste in this place!"

Murong Shanshan smiled sweetly and said, "It's okay. It's not important that the soldiers don't receive it. Moreover, the soldier's equipment is so difficult to get out. I don't want to take one but let people streak. Besides, your red leaves are not the same. If I add blood, I won't waste that reputation, and the monsters summoned by the psychic sword have good attack and resilience, which is more than enough for P or leveling. "

Since she said that, it doesn't matter. In fact, Murong Shanshan is not the kind of MM who is very strong in pursuit of strength. At some times, she is more greedy for fun than to be able to play dead.

After spending 2,000 coins and 500 reputation, I also concealed my name. There was only a blank space above the heads of the two. Murong Shan smiled softly: "Let's go, no one can recognize us now! "

Walking on the street, sure enough, few people know us, but Murong Shanshan's beautiful face is a sign. I quickly pulled her behind, so that few people would pay attention. After all, the streets are full of People are busy buying and selling or repairing equipment, and some people say that replenishing medicines and going out to level up and fight monsters are their favorite things.

Of course, some P fanatics will also provoke in the safe area at the gate of the city. Once the enemy comes out, maybe a few thieves will come out to solve the opponent quickly, and then divide the fallen equipment. The game world is another one in the real world. Parallel space, just like the poisonous fish on the bottom of the sea that lures prey with luminous meat **** on the body. There are also such poisonous fish in the game. Some people even throw a green gear not far outside the city to lure greedy players. Someone will be besieged by hunters hidden in the dark, and then become their prey.

Crossing several city streets without being dug out, Murong Shanshan could not help but pat her upright breasts, thankfully: "It's really low-key, Lin Fan, where do you want to go? The two of us now look a lot like Novice rookie who just entered Silvermoon City ~ "

I smiled and emphasized: "And it's a novice couple ~"

Murong Shanshan blushed slightly and yelled, "I want to be beautiful, I want to be a novice couple, go to Xinyu, I don't want to be a novice anymore!"

I smiled. At this time, we also went to the South Gate. This is the default place in the romantic world. Most players in this leveling are also members of the romantic guild. Of course, the restrictions on newcomers are also very harsh. .

Murong Shanshan gave me a funny look and said, "It's better, let's go to leveling. There is a night highland not far from here. It is said that there is a 35-level wolf on it. The experience is very good ~"

I choked, what did this sing?

Looking back, a group of members of the romantic world are coming over. I suddenly understood that Murong Shanshan wanted to play pigs and eat tigers!

He grabbed Murong Shanshan's little hand and dragged her forward. I said, "Hurry up, a newcomer like us should avoid leveling!"

Maybe our "escape" was too ostentatious. The group of players immediately noticed something wrong and sang the lead: "The two rookies in front, stand still!"

Murong Shanshan ran and asked me, "Shall we stand still?"

I said, "Not in a hurry. Let ’s take them forward and try again. Remember, we must put on high-defense equipment as soon as possible. When they all attack and get punished with evil motives, let ’s do it. So that it won't be a hit. "

Murong Shanshan nodded: "Well, you'll be on top."

I didn't speak until I ran a distance from the city gate and stopped. The next group of players also looked at each other. The speed of the two novice players was really not covered.

Looking back, the sky was dark, so they could not see our faces clearly. This also made Murong and I be fearless. The two looked at each other in panic pretending, and then looked at the menacing romantic members of the world. Asked at the same time: "What do you want to do ..."

"What do you want? Haha, do you know who this place is? Do you think anyone can level up at Night Heights? Haven't asked us, no one wants to go to Night Heights!" The leading player stood out, imposing Ling looks.

I can't help laughing, * Silver Moon City has so many leveling points. Can you really cover 20,000 people in the world?

So I turned around and said to Murong Shanshan in a panic, "Wife, people don't let us practice here, what should we do?"

Murong Shanshan gave me a charming glance, and said, "Why, have they written their names here? Why are they only able to level here? No, I just want to level in the night heights today. I want to see who can treat me? "

The opposite player immediately touched his chin and smiled wretchedly: "Well, this girl's voice is so sweet. If you call me" husband ", mother, I must not be able to walk."

The next player asked: "Why can't I move?"

"The bones are crisp, and you're taking a fart!"

I glanced at Murong Shanshan and smiled a little. People were right, if Murong Shanshan would really call that, no matter who it is, it will inevitably collapse.

The leader on the opposite side had completed discussions with his associates, and walked over and said, "Look at you as novices, even if you do n’t understand the rules, but I now tell you that this leveling area and the guild station in front are all our names Next, you can level up here, but you must promise me a condition. "

"What conditions?" Murong Shanshan suppressed her anger and asked with a smile on her face.

"Haha, the conditions are very simple, that is, you have to call me a husband. In the future, you can level up whatever you want, and if you want to join our romantic world, I can also recommend."

I fell down the stone and said, "That's good. I heard that the world is treated well. Wife, it's just a scream, and we can eat delicious and spicy."

Murong Shan glared at me with a grudge, gritted her teeth and said, "You look good at noon!"

After speaking, she smiled again and said to the leader: "Okay, I can call, you stand up a little, otherwise the voice of others is afraid you can't hear ~~"

Murong Shanshan's words with a stingy tone, I feel uncomfortable, *, is this also jealous?

The man really ran over and ran over, lowering his head to Murong Shanshan's mouth, waiting for the little beauty to call her husband.

Murong Shanshan suddenly sneered and asked, "You show me your side, what kind of sincerity is this?"

"That's what it is ~~" The lead man replied, nodding his head.

MD, people are right, it takes thousands of years to change from a monkey to a man, but it only takes a beautiful MM to change from a man to a monkey.

The leader was face to face with Murong Shanshan. He glanced at the little beauty in front of him. Suddenly, his face changed a lot. Then, he was quickly replaced by panic. Come in words.

"Mu ... Mu ... Murong ..."

He said a few words intermittently, and Murong Shanshan still had a sweet smile on his face, and asked, "Do you want me to say those two words?"

"No ... no more ..." The sentence seemed to be squeezed out.

Suddenly, Murong Shanshan's beautiful face was cold, and she also squeezed a few words out of her teeth: "Then this girl sent you two other words: Go to death!"

A glamorous purple flashed suddenly in Murong Shanshan's hands, and the psychic sword had been quickly equipped by her.

"Hey ~!"

The purple blade broke through the chest of this romantic head, and the breastplate immediately broke apart, apparently permanently damaged.

Looking at the sharp edge of his blade protruding from his chest, the little boss was frightened. He turned around and wanted to notify his companion, but Murong Shanshan did not give him a chance. The psychic sword slammed and hit the little head. The target burst into his chest, tearing his body into pieces instantly.

Killed in seconds!

Although only equipped with a sword, Murong Shanshan's attack is enough to kill the average player with a single strike.

The magical light of the psychic sword is still flashing in the night, and Murong Shanshan still does not wear defensive equipment, but just holds the psychic sword. I can't help but ask, "Wife, why not equip armor? Maybe it's going to be bombarded by magic at home! "

Murong Shanshan turned back and whispered, "Wife is still called! Come on, hurry up, these people just warm up for you!"

I said, "No, I'm in a dazed body and can't be overworked. You should go. *, I just said it earlier, you still started, and it's all right. Once these guys get on, we all have to be red. Famous! "

"But you also saw that that person actually made me call his husband, can you bear it?"

I gritted my teeth: "MD, I can't stand it, I'm ready to fight!"

We are talking, and the dozen or so players left opposite are also indecisive after the leader hangs up.

A mage shouted and asked, "*, where is such a powerful novice, and two attacks attacked a level 64 warrior in seconds. What kind of attack is it! Hey, why is the weapon in that woman's hand so familiar? Look, you seem to have seen it somewhere! "

"The sword is a good sword, alas, how that woman looks so familiar, wow, it's so beautiful, the boss is so happy to die in her hands ~~"

I could n’t help laughing, “It ’s happiness, you have a chance! Have n’t Xu Fei taught you, do n’t you pick flowers on the side of the road, especially the prickly type around me, although beautiful and hurt People are also heavy! "

Murong took a strange look at me, and whispered, "Who is thorny !?"

I smiled and didn't speak. I immediately changed into the original high-level equipment, and suddenly, my body was shining.

The opposite group immediately cast a startled look, and some of them drooled and said, "Wow, a superb piece of equipment, how could a newcomer equip with such NB equipment? Brothers, go up, blast him, let's You're rich! "

Immediately, I laughed and laughed: "Come over here, it's yours when you burst out, seeing that the sword is not there, the magic weapon, it must be worth more than one billion if sold!"

The sword of Warsong was flowing in my hand, and the sharp and sharp blade looked brilliant.

My name and Murong Shanshan have always been blank, and our level is really too high, far beyond the players in front of them, so it is impossible for them to see me and Murong Shanshan ’s level, maybe, now In their hearts, we are just a little bit mysterious, not necessarily a peerless master, but the temptation of the best weapons surpasses everything, even the peerless masters must let go in front of them.

Murong Shanshan watched me stand in front of her, and immediately smiled and said, "Lin Fan, didn't you say you didn't do it?"

I glanced at her and said angrily: "You said that these people warmed me up, and there are still many things that you need to do in the past two days, of course, you can't be famous now, Shanshan, you see Let's see the horror of 3000 defenses! "

After that, I rushed up with a sword, but did not use any skills. My goal is to get these people to start.

Suddenly, the magic light group began to fly in the sky, and bows and arrows came from the sky. Several soldiers gathered on the ground, and the skills of combos and heavy blows were lost.

Before, I would definitely have some small panic, but now it is different. My defense is strong enough that these people have no chance to break my defense at all, let alone kill me.

After the magic raged for a while, my blood loss was only about 200 points, and the attacks of those melee professions were even more insignificant. Even their weakened combo skills could only kill me 1 point of blood each time.

I looked up and laughed. The names of these people are no longer pure, and my chance to shoot is here!

The sword of Warsong waved out without reservation. The few soldiers in front of them were all one-sword spikes. At the same time as I killed all melee pro players, the long-range attackers at the back had begun to retreat, but they were wearing cloth Murong Shanshan had no idea when they were on their way to escape. The psychic sword in their hands was accumulating huge light quality energy, and the sword's edge was shaking slightly.

"Hoo ~!"

The lightsaber quickly fell down, bursting into the crowd, and at the same time, nearly a dozen players were soaring, and the only remaining thief quickly used force to sneak away, but after developing a dust, his shape Nowhere, still beheaded by the psychic sword.

Looking at the medicine and a few low-level equipment in one place, Murong Shanshan chuckled softly: "Xu Fei's direct staff are of this quality. If we can successfully force their outsiders to leave the guild, the world may be Without being attacked by others, you will fall apart. "

Nothing, no endless, I immediately pulled out of the guild control panel, cleanly pulled the name of the romantic world into the list of hostile guilds, and at the same time, the system bell rang--

"Ding ~!"

System Announcement: The "Paradise Lost" guild officially declares war on the "Merry World" guild. Guild members can obtain certain guild points by killing rival guild players. There is no penalty for good and evil. Reduced kill level by one level!


Murong Shanshan also felt very interesting when she saw this. Soon, the news of the sword and the rose and the romantic world against the enemy was also announced by the system.

I think the effect is not enough ~ www.readwn.com ~ So I immediately edited a system announcement message and spent 5,000 oceans to send it out. The provocation was eloquent: "All members of the romantic world listen, since today, all Yinyue The city will block the romantic world, including: Lost Paradise, Swords and Roses, Scarlet Sky, Invincible Brave, Hall of Fame and other guilds unanimously decided to attack all romantic players in Silvermoon City! Your boss Merry and young are insidious, I hope you will not continue to work for him, after you exit the world, you will have nothing to do with Merry and Young, and we will not embarrass you, go and keep your own measure! "

Murong Shanshan smiled angrily: "You are absolutely terrific. So many guild names are listed. I am afraid that even a lot of people can be scared away."

I smiled, and suddenly felt a little pain in my chest, so I said, "Shanshan, I'm offline, I need to rest for a while, so tired."

"Well, I'm offline too, and I'll take lunch directly."

"Okay, see you later!"


Off the line, took off the game helmet, just lay down, but at this time, heard a female voice from the door: "Excuse me, Lin Fan lives in this ward?

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