After three days of dazzling eyes, Murong Shanshan's second task was not able to be achieved. The abnormal three-turn task had to allow her to collect 1,200 teeth of various animals in 12 corners of Yinyue Mountain. As a result, Murong Shanshan I had to endure the patience and ran into the teeth, even the time to see me was greatly reduced.

On my side, under the care of doctors and nurses, the injuries healed very quickly. The doctors said that they could be discharged in two days, and Xinyu and Lu Xuehan helped me clean up the company's staff dormitory rooms. Just waited for me to go home.

Li Qing said that the reason why I was so good and so fast was because the nurse in the caregiver had a water spirit. Every time I came to help me change the medicine, it took a long time to get it done. Moreover, the nurse often uniformed the buttons on the shirt. The buckle exposed two white flowers to seduce the man.

I scolded Li Qing on the spot, *, the nurse's chest was not bigger than Wang Zi's little bun, and Li Qing was so ridiculous that it was a bit unreasonable.

In these three days, although I went online every day, but I did n’t go out to level up. At first, my body could n’t bear the long game of more than 5 hours. Secondly, now the level 81 is too much more than everyone, there is no need to remain so It's terrible, and it takes more than an hour to walk the road for 5 hours. When the location is reached, there are a few strange nurses who will come to change the medicine.

Since you do n’t go to leveling, there are naturally other important things to do. The first thing is to prepare for the sneak attack on the romantic station in a few days. On the one hand, you contact Ye Qiu to select senior players to participate in the sneak attack. On the other hand, I also sneaked into the station to record all the levels and positions. I am afraid that this is the only thing I do. The current highest level thieves in Silvermoon City are level 76 night killers and sky stealers of the same level. , Their two levels are easily recognized by stealth in front of level 80 platinum. I am not the same. Not only is the level higher than level 80, but also three turns. The most important thing is that my stealth has been strengthened and detected. The odds are much lower than ordinary thieves.

This is so. I sneaked into the resident's premises under the broad daylight to steal secret information. It still scared me into a cold sweat, especially a MM player in the world. She was probably shy. She was hiding in the corner of the resident and finishing her chest. A. At that time, I was lurking in that corner to draw a map, and watched MM rubbing his chest in the breastplate, and the white snowy chest seemed to still dangle in front of me.

In addition to researching the map of the world, I also did another very meaningful thing, that is, I went to the city of life and surveyed the topography of the country. Although it was said that she must meet with Murong Shanshan, she must I had to **** her to the main Japanese city after 2500 for destruction, but if she could n’t reach that defense, I still had to accompany her the same. There was no way. She would just dispose of something and I would have to disarm immediately. surrender.

I sent Li Qing and the nurse, and I immediately entered the game. Today is the day when Murong Shanshan completed her task. When she was here last night, she had already announced it.

On the line, Murong Shanshan quickly asked me to wait for her at Dongmen Square. When I arrived, she immediately led me to the professional trainer.

I asked, "So urgent, what are you going to do?"

Murong Shanshan ran and said, "I have gathered all the raw materials needed for the task. Now go three turns and let you witness what equipment I can get on the spot!"

I suddenly lost my temper, and saw her in such a hurry that I thought I was eloping.

In the vocational training institute, the long and powerful warrior trainer of Confucius was full of smiles when he saw Murong coming over.

"Brave soldier, did you get anything to prove yourself?"

Murong Shanshan immediately handed everything over. Soon, a golden light shed from Murong Shanshan's head. At the same time, her name also changed, just like me, became so The name of the streamer is so beautiful.

The cyan light flashed in front of her eyes. Soon, Murong Shanshan's orange armor was replaced and replaced by a silver armor with a smooth surface and some faint rune patterns on it. Slowly moving, the breastplate design is still hot and sexy. After wearing Murong Shanshan, she immediately exposed a white skin on her chest, and an attractive cleavage that can make people's eyes fall.

"I rely, this one looks much better than that ..." I stared at Murong Shanshan and said with a saliva.

Murong Shanshan also knows that this new equipment is somewhat exposed, can't help but slightly red face, and yelled: "Don't watch it! What's so nice in the game, if you want to see it, I will go to your side at noon and let you see ! "


"Of course it is impossible!" The little beauty gave me a sideways look, and said categorically.

I knew it was the result, and I was not discouraged. Then I asked, "Shan Shan, this breastplate should look like a magic weapon to me. Hurry up and let me see the attributes!"

Murong Shanshan pouted a smile, said mysteriously: "No, the attributes of this piece of equipment are not shown to you, but the attributes of the characters can show you!"


I just finished talking, Murong Shanshan has unfolded her own attribute data in front of me-

Murong Shanshan (Platinum Swordsman)

Level: 80

Life: 11420

Attack: 1490-2055 (× 120 Nature Blessing Effect)

Defense: 1824 (× 125 natural blessing effect)

Reputation: 87600

Emerging camp friendship: 407100


I was very surprised and asked, "Is this natural blessing effect an additional attribute of this newly acquired armor?"

Murong Shanshan smiled cheerfully: "Yeah, double plus, great! Well, although my current defense is not 2,500, it is not far behind. When should we go to the city of blast?"

"Let the romantic world out of Silvermoon City say it again! Ah, no good, then wait until after the attack of the romantic world station, this is always possible, if this matter is not done, we can't go away! "

Murong Shanshan finally compromised and nodded and said, "Well then, maybe three or four days, just right, you have come home from your injury, and we are so close that we can take care of it."

"Yes, have you been living with Xue Han recently?"

"Of course, Xue Han's bed sleeps so comfortably. How can I be willing to leave?" Murong Shanshan smiled badly and asked me in a low voice: "Lin Fan, have you ever been to death, lying on Xue Han? The thought of not going to bed? "

My brain moved quickly, and I quickly answered, "Of course, when you were on the bed of Xuehan, I really didn't want to leave. Hey, it is better to have a personal MM in the evening than to hold a quilt? "

Murong Shanshan smiled and continued to ask, "Who the **** do you want to hold?"

"You and Xue Han, both, one left and one ..." I blurted out, the thought was no longer in my mind for a day or two.

I thought Murong Shanshan would get angry, but she didn't expect her to just twitch her lips a little, and she was done with a slight smile.

I asked again, "Shanshan, we just don't have anything in the morning, should we go to level together? We haven't been together for a long time."

"Um." Murong Shanshan smiled and agreed.

The point is, where do you go to level up?

Murong Shanshan thought for a while and proposed: "It's better to go to the undead forest in the west of Lost Paradise Station. The monster levels and attacks in that area are relatively high, so there are not many players, just because our defense is not low. You can try it out. I also want to see how effective my 2300 defense is. "

I didn't have a good place to go myself either, so I agreed: "Okay, teleport to the Paradise Lost Station first, there is a lot closer there."

Soon, I went to the West Gate to find the teleportation array and went directly to the Lost Paradise station. In the early morning, there were not many players. In front, several rows of guards were there to guard the security of the city.

Murong Shanshan glanced a few times and said, "This station's defense is weaker. Why not buy more? The 80-level platinum only needs 100W."

I can't help laughing: "A 100W one? We lost a few days at the Paradise Lost Station and only bought a few million, did we buy a few? Oh, the defense of Paradise Lost mainly depends on the players, human flesh! Dare to ask the entire Silvermoon In addition to the sword and the rose, which other line will have the strength to win Paradise Lost? "

Murong smiled and smiled, "Okay, you're right, hurry up! I have to go to you in three hours."

So they went out of the city and went west.

Along the way, there are so many scars. This place has been completely occupied by the undead. There are pale human bones everywhere in the green grass. In the wilderness, there are some low-level skeleton warriors with bone shields. Some are fully equipped and can also have broken blades. Son, some do n’t even have weapons, they can only wave Senbai's hand bones to beat the opponent.

These scattered monsters did not attract our attention. Murong Shanshan and I have both passed Level 80. It is obviously impossible to gain any experience by killing such a Level 65 monster.

Going forward, the scenery became more and more desolate, and almost even the green was no longer visible. The original lush forest left only a sudden trunk, with poisonous snakes and spiders creeping on the branches, and on the ground, Then they are all covered with dark cyan corrosive moss, walking on it and making a sound of "唧 唧 ~ 吧唧 ~", but also some sticky people.

Murong Shanshan spit out her tongue and said, "I didn't expect it to be like this. I wouldn't have come if I had known it. Wow ~ I don't even have a piece of grass, and I don't know what Yueheng designer thinks."

I smiled and comforted: "There is no way. In fact, the land occupied by the undead was originally a desolate place. It's not bad here. I heard that the Moonlight Dragon City was exaggerated. A female player was killed. After the mission of the undead, I went to the mission site and saw that the body was full of human corpses, and many of them were rotten. Flies and poisonous insects flew over the corpses, and a group of ghouls lay on the corpses that had just died. Going to grab food, pulling your stomach apart, it's disgusting to see flesh and blood! "

Murong Shanshan couldn't help covering her mouth, and glared at me with a strange look: "Don't say it, don't eat at noon! The designer of Yueheng is really perverted, what he has done is so real, his mental capacity is not good People ca n’t play at all! "

I said, "Of course, Yue Heng ’s promotional slogan suggested that this game is really exciting, and those with poor heart tolerance should not try it! The previous days did not explode. There is a middle-aged player in Xuzhou whose heart is not very good. When he was attacked by a thief for the first time, he was shocked and admitted to the hospital when he couldn't stand it. Fortunately, he could be rescued in time, otherwise he might ascend to heaven. "

Murong Shanshan smiled slightly and said, "It was scared like this by being attacked by a thief. If you, like you, are besieged by thousands of people around the world, then he is not 100% dead!"

I smiled: "This is different. The deep fear in the human heart is unknown. If you have seen it, then it will not be so terrible. In other words, we have walked for more than half an hour. Why are monsters still at level 75 and no challenge at all? Wouldn't we all spend our time on this boring drive today? "

Murong Shanshan looked around for a while and said, "Go ahead, it seems a little different in front. Have you seen that there are sporadic greens far away? What is going on?"

Looking very far, sure enough, there was really a small piece of green on the side where Murong Shanshan was pointing, and it didn't look very large, which showed that it was far away.

Moving forward, monsters other than skeletons have appeared on the side of the road. It is a werewolf who can walk upright. The body is almost the size of an adult human, but it has a lot of hair on it. As for the head, it is a The real wolf's head had red eyes and tusks were white, and red liquid was flowing on it, splashing on the cyan ground.

"This kind of werewolves have become the puppets of the undead. Have you seen that their bodies are slowly decaying?"

After I reminded, Murong Shanshan took a closer look and replied, "Well, it's true, but the level of this werewolf is a bit low, which is not suitable for us to practice!"

I smiled: "The level is a bit low, but it is suitable for assisting us in leveling, you know, their maximum attack limit has reached 2400!"

Murong Shanshan was slightly surprised and asked, "Really? Level 85 monsters have such high attack?"

I do n’t say much, just identify the attributes of the werewolf and make a book to show her—

[Thebes Werewolf] (Enhanced Monster)

Level: 85

Attack: 1940-2450

Defense: 00

Qi and blood: 50000

Attack type: Corrosive attack, which can weaken the target's defense to a certain extent and can cause a fatal blow to it

Defense Type: Light Armor

Attack speed: very fast


Both defense and blood are low, but the attack speed is very fast, which shows that this monster is a typical type of desperate Saburo, only attacking undefense, can not be better as a summoning pet.

Murong Shanshan blinked and asked, "This monster is light armor. Are you sure?"

I looked towards the werewolf and said, "Look at yourself, isn't there still a layer of linen clothes around him? That's not what light armor is, light armor is equivalent to cloth, although the defense is very low, But not streaking. "

Murong Shanshan pouted and chuckled: "Well then, wait for me here, I used to seduce a few to come over to be subordinates!"

Speaking, the little beauty has gone by, but I think of the "temptation" she said. In the legendary series of games a long time ago, the seductive light of the mage can also turn ordinary monsters into their own summons, but that There is no basis, but what Murong Shanshan said now is different. I believe that let alone a monster, even if it is a living person, as long as the little beauty shows some style, it will inevitably seduce success.

When I was thinking about it, Murong Shanshan had already started. When the Psychic Sword was waved for the second time, a red light burst from the blade and fell into the head of the werewolf. Then, originally, The already violent werewolf suddenly quieted, obediently following Murong Shanshan and obeying the deployment.

It seems that the chance of this psychic effect is very good. Otherwise, it is difficult to control the opponent within two attacks. Besides, Murong Shanshan's attack is so high now. It is estimated that if you cut more swords, the werewolf will also It became experience.

Within a few minutes ~ ~ The head werewolf has been docile to become Murong Shanshan ’s assistant, and during the summoning period, Murong Shanshan also killed a dozen werewolves. Dozens of werewolves were killed in one slice, and I shared my experience aside. It felt really good.

It can be seen that once the werewolves were seduced by Murong Shanshan successfully, the whole body suddenly expanded a lot, and the muscles seemed to burst out. The attack also increased a lot. I identified it and was surprised to find that these werewolves had increased attack. After 25, now has reached 3000, no wonder Murong Shanshan leveling will be so fast, *, her subordinates are much fiercer than herself.

Murong Shanshan came over, pulled my cape, and said, "Let ’s go, look at the green dot over there, have you noticed that the closer we get closer, the more obvious the green dot, It's like a manor. Rarely, plants can grow vigorously in this place. "

I froze and said, "This is only possible in two ways. One is that one of the commanders who lives with the undead in it will be spared. This is a small chance. The leader of the undead is unlikely to live in this place. It may be that the things there, even these undead creatures can feel fear! "

Murong Shanshan was slightly surprised, and then smiled: "Don't say so much, naturally you knew everything!"

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