Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 371: Dog man and woman

A bright smile appeared on Xu Fei's face. Finally, tonight ’s major event will be staged. The axe gang and the wild battle are so amazing that they can gather up to 20,000 players in the middle of the night. This number is definitely not small. The three major guilds of Sword and Rose and Paradise Lost already had pre-planned notices. Powerful players came online at night, but it only made the total number of people more than 20,000. After all, most players are office workers, and they ca n’t possibly play games. And lost his job.

Seeing the overwhelming hostile players, Murong Shanshan didn't seem to be afraid. She smiled and said, "Lin Fan, let's go back to Yinyue City to avoid the limelight first, wait for Sister Lin and never give in to them. All the guys are looted, shall we come again? "

"No, if that's the case, I might as well go back to sleep. Instead, let ’s go into the woods next to me and level up by the way, while still being able to detect the current line, for a while, if this wave organized by Xu Fei is defeated again, I And went to sleep. "

Murong Shanshan nodded: "Well, hide it first."

Having said that, we turned around and walked towards Silvermoon City, giving them the illusion that we were going to return to Silvermoon City, and then left the sight of the members of Fengliu Tianxia immediately turned to the woods next to it, and soon, among the forested The forest can clearly observe every move of Xu Fei and others.

It is disappointing that there are very few monsters in this forest. We only took half of them * and saw only a monkey hanging from the tree, and it was a neutral monster. It was inexperienced to kill, I thought Take it as a sacrifice sword, don't want Murong Shanshan to show love, he just won't let me kill this toothy grinning monkey.

In the distance, Kuang Zhan and Xu Fei have already met and are discussing something, while the Cavaliers "release the girl" stood proudly, looking at the original Fengliuxia Station where the war in the distance was burning.

"Lin Fan, what are you talking about Xu Fei and Kuang Zhan?" Murong asked with a smile.

I said, "Furious battles must be discussing the chips with Xu Fei. Once the city is attacked, they will jointly kill the lost paradise and sword and rose, and then catch you as a little wife to the fierce cousin ..."

"Well, how do you know about me and my mad cousin?" Murong Shanshan looked up at me and opened her mouth in surprise.

I smiled slightly: "When I watched the free large-screen TV on Limin Square, I heard mad war and one of his younger brothers talk about you and his cousin. I only know that his cousin seems to want to pursue you. , As a result you were abolished. Is there such a thing? "

Murong Shanshan chuckled: "I don't remember clearly, it seems that there is such a person. Well, yes, when I had a big class in the ladder classroom, a boy in the specialist class was sitting next to me and Cocoa. He asked What's my name? I also asked if I had a boyfriend. In short, I was annoying. I just pulled Coco out of class. Who knows that he was still dead and followed me, so the one on the south floor lawn is more hidden. corner of……"

I was a little surprised. In the university, the corner of the lawn is a place where the four seasons are like spring. No matter what season, you can always see a pair of men and women who can't help but play on the lawn. The exaggerated one sucked directly on the tongue, making the grass full of saliva, and even some people were more industrious and frugal, playing field battles on the grass in the middle of the night, and saving the money to open a house.

I still remember that when I was in the freshman year with Ye Qiu, I was a bachelor. Whenever I passed the grass, the two people glared at the pair in the grass, tacitly yelled: "Dogs!"

I don't know, Murong Shanshan took her cousin to the hidden grassland, what will happen ...

So I asked nervously, "In the hidden corner of the lawn in the South Building, what happened to you?"

Murong Shanshan blinked and laughed, "It's okay, at the time, Coco was aside, I was too embarrassed to do it, just broke the **** who tried to pull my hand ... "

"Broken ..."

I couldn't help but be frightened. I remember that I also pulled Murong Shanshan's little hand many times. Fortunately, the RP value is high enough, but I can still live safely now ...

Seeing that I did not respond, Murong Shanshan immediately said carefully, "I didn't let him handle it, really ..."

I suddenly realized that she was very cute. In this society, even virginity is not important, let alone holding hands. Shitshell is carrying shit. Men are carrying a house. It's not easy for people in this life. As long as it is obedient and easy to use, isn't virgin actually so important, mutual understanding will be harmonious.

However, Murong Shanshan emphasized this, but it made me feel relieved. I remember the last time, when I held her hand, Murong Shanshan was absolutely unpretentious, and the pure feeling was not Lee at all. What Qing Xiao XiaoMM can have.

Generally, if I accidentally touched Li Qing, she would say, "Don't be sorry, just work harder." I remember when I first drank with Li Qing at the bar, she was grinning with a middle-aged The man said, "Boss, of course they are female college students or virgins. How about that, right?"

When I was thinking about it, Murong Shanshan suddenly struck me with a hilt and said, "Lin Fan, look at them, they are moving! It seems that the three guilds are concentrating on attacking the same gate! "

At a glance, it turned out that under the high city walls, the players of the three guilds, such as Merry World, moved closer to the city gates like ants. The number of people was startling, and the sword and rose players in the city began to organize their strength. On defense, the two sides had a crossfire as soon as they came into contact. In the flash of skills, a row of romantic players fell to the ground. Their defense and resistance simply couldn't resist the concentrated blast of sword and rose players.

"The reaction speed between sword and rose is pretty good ~" I said playfully.

Murong Shanshan immediately said angrily: "Yes? Huh, if it wasn't for my aunt and grandmother who just sent a text message to inform the young and frivolous, now they should still be joking female players in the guild!"

I was slightly surprised: "Why, you don't have the problem of rectification in your guild? In Paradise Lost, if a male player harassed a female player, the situation will be kicked out directly, and it will be blacklisted."

Murong Shanshan smiled and said, "It's not necessary. The character of young and frivolous and the sun doesn't fall. The players are at least one degree, and the female players in swords and roses are generally I joined the club with my boyfriend or husband. Basically, the type of famous people will not play too much. "

"Yeah, Coco also has a prospective boyfriend like Wu Dong. Of the sword and the rose, only you are not the master of flowers ..."

"You don't have to worry about this, I already have a master ~~"

After Murong Shanshan finished talking, she stared back at me, and I was a little cramped, and asked awkwardly, "Have you got a master? How can I never know."

Murong Shan smiled with a smile, and she fluttered brightly: "Want to know not? Call Sister Shan Shan, I will tell you!"

I couldn't help laughing, "Come on! Who would dare want you except me?"

"Huh ~"

Murong Shanshan snorted and said, "You contact Sister Lin, I contact Ye Qiu, and let them immediately organize people to come out from the two southeast gates to encircle and block the world. This time, we will let them all bury themselves under the city! Once Sex beats the romantic world down. In this case, the mad battle and the axe gang will not dare to jump in front of us! "

I nodded approvingly. This strategy is indeed the most effective and the method that can reduce the harm to our side. Even if Murong does not say it, I will propose it.

So, immediately contact Xu Lin, let her and Xinyu immediately organize guild members in the city, and agree to time together to make a strong impact on the romantic world alliance camp.

About ten minutes later, Xu Lin and Ye Qiu contacted each other to make an appointment, and Murong Shanshan and I went straight out of the woods. It can be predicted that this shock will be the last fierce collision tonight.

Under the city gate, the sword and rose players countered fiercely, and there were even signs of repulsing the offensive forces in the world, and at the corners on both sides of the city wall, paradise lost and people also appeared there, the more savings, Groups soon.

It is still attacked by members of the romantic world, followed by mad men, and the axe people wait for the breakthrough in the front, but soon they find that the paradise lost and the people appear on both sides of the city wall, suddenly, The camp that the axe helped to rely on began to be scattered, and their boss did not make adjustments and orders in the first place.

Xu Lin and Ye Qiu seized this opportunity very tacitly, not too far away in a blink of an eye, shortened in the paradise lost and the fast running of the player. By the time the rear lane had disappeared, it was replaced by a fierce attack on Paradise Lost.

In the middle of the formation, the commander was furious, and he asked Xu Fei aloud, "What should I do, continue to rush in, or break through the surrounding encirclement ?!"

Xu Fei looked stunned: "Continue to rush, rushing to the inside is our world, do n’t care about the back, focus all the firepower on the front, I really do n’t believe it, are the sword and the rose people iron, so just want Will it block the attack of 20,000 people? "

The mad strategy hesitated for a moment, or said something like: "If we can't rush down, we will have nothing. All the people will drop the level one level, and about everyone will lose the equipment. Who will be responsible for this cost?"

Xu Fei looked scornfully at the battle and sneered: "At the time, when I received 50 million yuan, why didn't I see you mentioning the price? You wouldn't think that after our romantic world fell, Lin Fan and Murong Shanshan Will I let you go? Do n’t forget, when you first lost the paradise, you also have a copy, and your cousin's affairs, intended to be rude, Murong Shan, Murong Shan is a natural lover of Lin Fan, you think Lin Fan Will I let you go? "

Although I didn't hear it very well, I understood the last sentence, and immediately said to Murong Shanshan: "Shanshan, Xu Fei said you are my lover ... This kid's gossip is very informative!"

Murong Shanshan blushed slightly and whispered, "Lover? It's so ugly ..."

I said, "SWEETBABY is nice ..."

Murong Shanshan blushed even more. She glanced at Xu Fei and the wild battles not far away, and said, "This time, Xu Fei and the wild battles are given to me. Don't grab them. Let's cooperate, how about it?"

"Cooperation? What cooperation?" I asked.

Murong Shan smiled slightly and said, "You're driving ahead, I'll be there later. Is there any problem if you want to reduce the distance from Xu Fei to within 50 yards? If you can do it, um ... I can promise you A request, but the request must not be excessive! "

Looking at Murong Shanshan's pretty appearance, I couldn't help shaking my heart and asked, "You can't ask too much ... then, is it too much to kiss one?"

Murong Shanshan smiled: "Not too much, as long as you have the courage to raise it in the face of Xin Yu, I will definitely satisfy you!"

I calmed down the turbulent mood and said, "Let's settle Xu Fei and the fierce battle first. After killing them, I will go off to sleep. Today, I have done a lot of work for the guild, which can also make up for the injury Lost days of absence. "

Murong Shanshan nodded and said, "Well, you're on your way!"

At this point, we were already around the axe to help players. Many players were not far away from us, but they did n’t dare to do it. When I pulled out the sword of warsong, they exclaimed: "Lin Fanhe Murong is here! They all have group-second skills. Let's spread out a bit! "

But everything was a bit late. I killed it immediately, and the sword of warsong suddenly penetrated a thief's chest, and Murong Shanshan quickly approached the crowd under my cover, feeling the familiar air flow behind me, I immediately I flashed a few steps to the side. Just half a second before I avoided it, Murong Shanshan's sword qi broke out in the crowd. The eye-catching Guanghua had endless lethality. In a blink of an eye, the front was already hanging. After a player, equipment and potions are scattered around.

Murong Shanshan hurriedly said, "Lin Fan, take advantage of this opportunity to hurry to the front!"

I didn't think about it. I directly charged the end of the blank zone with a mage player who survived the sword, and a figure floated over to him, but he was still surprised that the sword of warsong flashed and resolved quickly. Got this mage.

Xu Fei saw me at the top. He had a complex expression, hated and incompetent, and had to shout loudly: "All mages use green magic to fight green vegetables and white jade soup. Defensive, at least able to control his skills! "

I laughed secretly. As we all know, most of the warrior's skills are instantaneous. Only large skills such as sword gas need 2 to 3 seconds of cast time. Just now Murong Shanshan was very smart to use up sword gas. Using combos now is no help.

However, Xu Fei still has some advantages. From the last confrontation, he actually found out that my fire magic resistance is relatively weak. It seems that this time it will not be too easy. Every magician will learn a certain amount of Fire-based magic, fire-based magic has great attack power, it is best to use for leveling.

The fireball whistled in the air. I was ready to be cooked early. I held the blood bottle in my left hand and swept out of the crowd with the sword of warsong in my right hand. Although the one-handed attack power was reduced, it also let the opposite side. Several soldiers lost nearly half their blood.

"Whooting", the fireballs burst on the armor one after another, but the pain caused by these attacks was not obvious. When I saw the blood strips, only a small part of it was dropped. It seems that it is OK even without drinking blood. Hold it for about 5 minutes.

Packing up the blood bottle, I was in a state of mind to start killing. At this moment, Murong Shanshan's voice came from behind: "Lin Fan, ready to flash away, I want to develop the strongest skills!"

I was a little surprised, and at the same time, the cloak of the Awesome Cloak was screamed by the strong wind that also emerged suddenly.

Behind him, Murong Shanshan worked hard to clench the Psychic Sword. The greasy face revealed never before seriousness. At this time, the Psychic Sword was purple, and Murong Shanshan's surroundings began to rise golden. The halo, the whole picture is like the little princess of fairyland.

It's also the prelude to using the battle dragon strike, and I look so different from her ...

There is constantly a golden yellow dew-like brilliance like water pouring down around Murong Shanshan, and the light of the psychic sword has soared to an unbearable level. The image of the golden dragon formed around Murong Shan, fierce. Get ready!

I used to know how to use this trick ~ ~ including when is the best time to release it. With Murong's cleverness, I will surely grasp it. This is the best opportunity. A lot of players in the world are already stunned. Many people muttered, "Isn't this Lin Fan's nirvana? Why does Murong Shanshan also make people not live? ... "

Unfortunately, Murong Shanshan did not want to give them a chance to survive. When the dragon-strike dragon swept the earth, countless souls ascended to heaven, and a large number of equipment and potions fell to the ground. The power of dragon power spread far, almost wearing Through the camp of three guild players who have been through the world, raging battles and axe gangs, they are overturned, and the number of casualties is no longer countable.

And Xu Fei and Berserk were also on the death list. They were desperate when they saw the prelude to the battle dragon, and basically did not make much resistance. Xu Fei was even more exaggerated and yelled before hanging up. "Sheng Shengyu, He Shengliang?"

I can't help laughing, if Murong Shanshan's level is Zhuge Liang, then Xu Fei is at best even Jiang Qian, with insufficient success and more than defeat!

Once Xu Fei and the mad battle were hung up, the entire precarious alliance formation that had been at stake collapsed almost instantly. The axe in the rear tried to maintain it, but it could not change the situation.

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