Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 628: The last bite

Xin Yu blatantly equipped the newly-hit equipment in front of the crowd. Originally, everyone should be dissatisfied, but now it is different. Xin Yu has always been a beautiful and **** presence in the minds of paradise-lost players. No one didn't like it, and it was indeed her great credit to be able to kill the Demon Dragon just now, not to mention just one piece of equipment, even if all the equipment was taken away by her, I am afraid no one could say nothing.

The other dragon was immediately attracted by the fire on our side. The power of the Lost Paradise Guild was finally brought down by the city again. This time, all the equipment fell into the monster's heap. In a blink of an eye, he was drowned by the ghoul and the sea of ​​hatred. Over the sky, Xiaolong has already killed the second Frost Demon Dragon, and a pile of equipment and gold coins have fallen under the city.

The second wave of powerful attacks after the Frost Dragon was finally repelled, and everyone was relieved. Several swordsmen even sat under the arrowheads of the city walls holding their big swords.

Li Qing stretched his head and looked at the equipment under his eyes, and said, "It's a pity, a pity, there might be artifacts in that pile of equipment!"

I smiled: "Would you like to go down, Qinger, there are a lot of equipment below, and there are many cute puppies to accompany you to hide and seek ~~~"

Li Qing tilted her head and smiled, "What is a puppy?"


"I fuck!"


At this time, my mount Golden Dragon finally fell down, and the huge body almost occupied half of the width of the wall platform, and everyone immediately looked at the legendary strongest creature in amazement!

I have to say that the scene where I pulled the sorrow of frost from the three golden dragons in Dragon Realm may have cast a shadow on Xiaolong. It was always reluctant to ignore me, which was the so-called insinuation ...

However, when Xinyu and Lu Xuehan walked in, Xiaolong lowered his proud head, and was very happy to let two MMs reach out and touch his head!

"Really TMD cheap!"

I said with a grudge, Li Qing laughed, "I'm so sorry to say it, aren't you the same?"

"NND, you can say a few words ..." I can't wait to kick Li Qing out of town.

Xu Lin looked at the army of the undead army from afar, and said, "The first time was nearly a hundred frost dragons. This time it was some strong and terrifying frost demon dragons. So what will it be next time?"

Xin Yu shook her head and smiled: "I don't know what it is, but with our current strength, we can't stop the third wave of attack!"

I stepped forward and patted Xin Yu's shoulder, comforting: "Don't worry, I found a bunch of helpers in Long Yu. About half an hour later, there will be more than 100 dragon knights and 100 dragons. Come and help us! "

Xin Yu was surprised and asked, "Is it true?"

I laughed and said, "When did I lie to you? I hope the third wave comes early. After the fight, I must go offline to accompany Shanshan ..."

Xin Yu smiled and nodded: "Well, the day after tomorrow will go abroad, I did not expect you to fight such a big battle before leaving!"

I laughed: "This is the life. Now Shanshan's retina cannot be scanned into the game. Silvermoon City lacks Murong Shanshan, the beauty bonus of the halo is reduced, and the sword and the rose are both TMD. I can only use it. Do a little more, who let Shan Shan's halo make me alone ... "

Xu Lin pouted and chuckled. Lu Xuehan looked at me and Xin Yu, and asked, "What do you want to eat at night?"

Xin Yu said, "Whatever you want, just ask Shanshan after you go offline. She just says anything."

Xin Yu was quite accommodating to Murong Shanshan, but I ca n’t say anything. I can only compensate more in the future. As Li Qing said, when it comes to Da Yue, the 31st will be given to Xin Yu, but her From a viewpoint point of view, I'm afraid I can't live for years.

It didn't take long for the Dragon Knights to arrive, but the undead army finally launched the most powerful offensive!

A large amount of aversion arose from the bottom of the valley. This time, the undead did not even dispatch low-level ghouls. The gargoyles that covered the sky made a scream, and the frost dragons came in groups, roughly. There are already thousands of them!

MD, thousands of frost dragons, it's just not alive!

"Look at that, Frost Demon Dragon!" Li Qing exclaimed.

Following her direction, I was shocked. There were at least 20 Frost Dragons there!

The four heads of Frost Demon Dragons have stirred up the Silver Moon City. If these 20 heads come together, I really don't know if we have any hope!

However, what is most surprising is that under the armies of the Undead Army, nearly ten Liches and nearly ten Death Knights were divided into two rows, and the rotten Crypt Lord made an unpleasant sound and squeezed into the forefront of the team. , The Dreadlord opened his claws and stood side by side respectfully. Who would these undead leaders be?

Almost all the players in Yinyue City held their breath, and everyone stared at the fuchsia monster space until the blue light pierced through everything, and the super hidden in the darkest part showed its true colors!

A blue long sword appeared there first. Frost air roared and groaned around the body of the sword, and the runes in the middle of the sword were looming. This is indeed-Frostmourne!

Xin Yu was stunned, looked back at the frost sorrow in my hand, and wondered: "What the **** is going on, why do you have this weapon, Lin Fan?"

I was also very puzzled and said, "Maybe ... Sorrow of Frost has been divided into two swords, one good and one evil. My sword is the good frost of sadness ..."

Xin Yu laughed and said, "You might as well say that this sword is divided into a male and a female, you are a female sword?"

I said, "Mine must be a male sword, a sword, whoever wants to put a female ..."

Full text version of novel reading, updating, faster, all on ㄧ б Literature Network, computer station: ωωω ㄧ б mobile station: ①①⑥Support literature, support①⑥! A true vision skill is lost, and the Lich King is not seen at all You ca n’t see any of the attributes, not even the level, and those of the Lich, Death Knight, Crypt Lord, and Dread Lord are all around 145, but you can only see the level and you ca n’t see any attributes. It is also very powerful.

And the Lich King, if nothing else, his level should be full or even higher. After all, the soldiers do not have to obey the laws of the game, let alone a top class like the Lich King!

Xu Lin pressed her chest and said worriedly, "It's finished, so many super, we can't stop it!"

I looked at the time, and there were still twenty minutes before the reinforcements from Binglan and others came, so I said, "Don't worry, we will block this wave for more than ten minutes, and basically the reinforcements will be here!"

The pig with a sword on the side suddenly said, "They are attacking! This wave is so urgent!"

Looking down, it is clear that the Undead Legion has swarmed from all directions to Silvermoon City. It seems that they are already determined to win this first human main city!

I immediately ordered: "Let's organize the cavalry to rush out of the city, and delay their siege as much as possible. If the undead army attacks the city wall early, I am afraid that Silvermoon City will not be guaranteed!"

The sword sword pig nodded immediately and said yes, while I let the sword sword pig organize the knight player to prepare, at the same time, I contacted several other guilds, so that several guilds such as lilac, sword and rose were immediately ready. The cavalry does not need to be reserved at the last moment. On the shoulders, use the flesh and blood of the knight and the swordsman to fight for the chance of survival for Silvermoon!

Five minutes later, the knight camp, which was about to stop, blasted out of the city, followed by a group of sharp swordsmen players. Fruit and Never Succumb would have wanted to follow, but I disagree. The equipment on these two men It is mainly orange and magical tools. It will be a pity if it hangs out. It is a pity. Anyway, there are more of them, not more of them, and less of them. This kind of management is better to stay on the wall and watch the command.

I summoned the Golden Dragon and let it fly in the air. I rode the Pegasus and summoned the little wolf. One person and three pets rushed to the forefront of the queue. The Silver Moon Alliance's four trump legions and hurricanes that had already been drawn in the city. The Golden Knights of the Kingdom of the City and the Guards led by Nana also realized the seriousness of the situation and killed the city!

For a time, the four gates of Yinyue City opened, and all the ground combat troops that have been reserved have been out of the city!

The army of the undead came to cover up with **** rain and rain ~ ~ The abomination and the scream of the crypt cave demons are very uncomfortable, and the deep roar of the Frost Dragon and Frost Dragon is even more frightening!

The moment the human legion collided with the undead army, the screams were heard one after another. Many knight players did not even reach four turns. They could not stand the attack of gargoyles and undead dragons. Some took their mounts back to the city with the dragon's breath!

The knights couldn't impact the air force at all. They could only slash the abominations and crypt anvils on the ground with one shot and one sword, and I could only use the long-range advantage of the venom ball to continuously shoot down. Gargoyle, but the speed is still too slow. Although the golden dragon's breath in the air is powerful, its advantage over the air is not obvious, and it is restrained by flexible gargoyles everywhere!

The little wolf has turned into a fire group and rushed into the group of abominations and crypt demons. Unfortunately, the fire in the air is too fierce. In a blink of an eye, the blood of the little wolf has been halfway by the frost dragon. It seems that the day of death is not far off.

Although the Golden Knights are powerful, they also seem to be inadequate here. When Duck rushed forward to fly the Crypt Demon, he also saw his soldiers one after another being frozen into ice by the frost dragon, and then suddenly Shattered into pieces of blood ice, Duck was heartbroken, but was powerless.

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