Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 62: Holy baptism

After equipping the new blue gloves, my attributes have been greatly improved. Qi and blood have reached an amazing 1720 points, defense 333, and attacks 234-302. Unfortunately, compared to Murong Shanshan 265 -345's attack is still quite a bit short.

The princess was in the palace on the left. I found her without much hindrance. She seemed to know me. When she learned that I had been entrusted by Duck, she had a rare smile.

Princess Misha took out a piece of delicate and jadeite jade: "This is the jade that Duck once gave me. Can you help me bring it to Duck, I would love to see him!"

I took the jade and felt that I had nothing to say to the princess, so I immediately used it to go back to the city. In front of me, I was at the exchange. I was preparing to leave the city for a task, but I found a player behind the gate. 8. Eight skill books are put there, and the price is already marked.

Players who sell things keep talking to players who pass by on the road: "Brothers come and take a look. The 8 skill books just released are still hot ~! By the way, I will accept a wife and look dignified. Do n’t equip ! "

Good guy, looking for his wife while selling things, this kid must have a future!

"Hey, brother, why do you hit so many books?" I came up to inquire and read that there were many types of books, and all of them required trading with gold coins, and it was strange now: "Why only sell gold coins?"

"Don't mention that, our boss took a job transfer job with a hidden career, which cost 100 gold coins. Who would have so many gold coins this year, we can only sell all the skill books we hit!"

I listened to the music, now "Yueheng" only opened RMB online banking trading equipment, but did not open the exchange function of gold coins and RMB, and the number of gold coins currently hit by players is not enough to learn skills, God knows a low level Skills need 1 gold coin to learn from the trainer, especially the mage profession. As the level increases, the skills that can be learned from the trainer become more and more. A 20-learned skill requires 5 fees. And if a player does not do the task, it is very difficult to blame for more than 10 gold coins. Most of the player ’s money is borrowed by his mage friend, and the players who have extra gold coins are also Even less.

I took a look. Three of the eight skill books I have n’t seen before, and two of them are the priest 20 skill books, and they are also attack types. This should be regarded as a charcoal in the snow for Lu Xuehan who can only make up blood now. There is also a book with 24 levels of mage and frost armor, which should be very much needed by Xu Lin. The three books add up to a total of 80 gold coins.

I looked at my package and it happened to be 84 gold coins. It may not be possible for ordinary players to have so much money, but the tasks I received were not small, and the gold knights I played also burst a lot of money, so Can barely afford it, no wonder this kid has not sold for so long, the average player has a few gold coins even if he is a rich man!

I bought all the books one by one. Although no one buys them now, there will be people who will come together to buy them after a long time. If I start late, I will regret it too late!

Three skill books, all very good-

Punishment (Requirement: Priest 22): Sacred power strikes the target, doubling the damage to demonic monsters, the cooldown is 3 seconds, and the damage value increases with the level.

Magic Bounce (Requirement: Priest Level 25): Enables the releaser to bounce back magic damage to the opponent within 30 seconds, causing the same amount of magic damage to the enemy. The spell duration is extended as the skill level increases!

Frost Armor (Requires: Mage 24): Increases the releaser's defense by 120 points for 30 minutes. When attacked, the enemy is frozen, and the movement speed and attack speed are reduced by 50%. The skill effect increases as the skill level increases.


I was a little overwhelmed when I looked at the skill introduction, and punishment was all right. That ’s the attacking skill that the priest should have, but the magic rebound is a bit abnormal. Imagine a full intelligence plus mage attacking a low resistance priest. , The magic damage of the rebound is likely to hang that low-blooded mage directly! The frost armor is even more outrageous. Level 1 skills increase the mage's own 120 defense. This may completely cut off the possibility of the mage being spiked. After attacking the mage with frost armor, the attacker's movement speed will be increased. Reduced by 50%. In this way, it will be difficult for melee classes such as thieves and soldiers to attack the mage all the time.

There is also a power of God of War in the bag for the archer. This time, it's all right. Xu Lin, Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan have things. Everyone will not laugh at me, and with these powerful skills, Our group of 5 people ’s hope of hitting the first place in the town has greatly increased, and the team ’s rewards do n’t know how rich it will be ...

Looking at the time, it was already 4:30, and there was still half an hour before the agreement with Murong Shanshan, so I went to give the task first.

Bypassing the logging plant, the Mustang Plain is still a deputy scene, but the camp of the old part of the Flying Knights has been cleared. Probably when I went to the palace to hand over the task, Roger returned with the remnants ~ .com ~ At present, the logging plant has been trained, so there is not much danger for Roger's group to go back.

Directly into the coach camp of the Golden Knights, Duck immediately smiled when he saw me. When I gave him the princess's jade, a five big and three thick man cried with a nose and a tear. When it came out, I almost didn't give me dying.

Dak began to summarize the results of my mission over the past two days: "Brave fighters, thanks to your help, our Golden Knights can finally return to the Empire, and we no longer have to fight aimlessly. Thank you, I have decided to subject you to a divine baptism and make you stronger! "

System prompt: Duck wants to baptize you holy, is he willing to accept it?

Immediately, should n’t all things like priesthood be done by holy baptism? Could the bright golden knight, Mofida?

After thinking about it, it should not be a bad thing to accept it.

"Ding ~!"

System prompt: You receive baptism and gain passive skill-Holy Blessing.

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